Director's growth history

4074 Chapter 2761, the appointment is a bit hasty

"With the approval of the central government, the provincial party committee decided to:

Comrade Wang Guodong served as a member, standing committee member, and deputy secretary of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, and no longer served as the secretary of the CPC Dongzhou Municipal Committee.

Nominate Comrade Wang Guodong as the mayor candidate of the People's Government of Hangjiang City.

The Provincial Party Committee decided:

Comrade Ye Jicheng served as a member, standing committee member, and secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and no longer served as the secretary of the Quzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Shi Mingxiang no longer served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Huang Jie served as the deputy secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and no longer served as the secretary of the Dongzhou Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Sheng Zhiren served as Secretary of the Communist Party of China Dongzhou Disciplinary Inspection Committee.

Comrade Yan Siqing (female) served as a member of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Standing Committee, and the Minister of Organization, and no longer served as the deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee.

Comrade Ming Yuyun no longer serves as a member, standing committee member, and secretary-general of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Zhou Pengyou served as Secretary-General of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Nominated by the Provincial Party Committee, comrades Sheng Jiantao and Liang Zhaopeng were candidates for the vice mayor of Dongzhou Municipal People's Government. "

Looking at the second municipal committee document, Fang Yuan remained silent for a long time.No wonder the city's party congress has to be postponed. I'm afraid that today or tomorrow, the announcement meeting of the city's cadres above the division level will be held.

Such a large personnel adjustment should have been quite rare in the past.However, Fangyuan has noticed a few changes: Shi Mingxiang has left the center stage of Dongzhou politics; Huang Jie has made progress, and the next step is to be directly promoted to the secretary of the municipal party committee or mayor; Zhou Pengyou took up his old business again and became the butler serving the secretary of the municipal party committee; Sheng Jiantao became the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, probably to take over Zhou Pengyou's position. To relieve Zhou Pengyou's pressure on himself; and Liang Zhaopeng became the deputy mayor as he wished, and took a crucial step from the office to the deputy department.I don't know what position Ming Yuyun is going to do, it's not mentioned in the notice, which is very strange.As for Ye Jicheng and Yan Siqing, Fang Yuan's eyes were darkened, and she didn't understand at all.This time in the provincial and municipal game, the provincial party committee still placed a person in Dongzhou. It seems that the art of balance is indeed a very profound knowledge!

Song Yunsheng was still the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor, but he was not promoted to the secretary of the municipal party committee as he wished. This is enough to show that the provincial party committee has a lot of controversy over Song Yunsheng's job arrangement.However, Song Yunsheng was relatively strong in Dongzhou. With Wang Guodong gone, can the new secretary Ye Jicheng control the situation?You must know that he is currently in the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, but he is really alone in his job, and he is alone!Ye Jicheng may not be able to use the standing committee members of the original royal family. Perhaps after Song Yunsheng wins over, he will continue to expand the standing committee members of the Song family.Ye Jicheng's life in Dongzhou was not so easy.

However, under the current circumstances, I am afraid that the department-level cadres in Dongzhou City will not make any major moves. After all, maintaining basic stability is one of the most important political tasks.I originally thought that I would go to the county to take up the deputy position, but now it seems that I will stay in the Education Bureau for a while.

While still in deep thought, Zhang Yuanqing answered a phone call from a comrade in charge of the office.After Zhang Yuanqing answered the phone, he said to Fang Yuan, "Report to the director, and the municipal party committee has informed that the cadres above the deputy division level of all units should hold an emergency meeting in the central conference hall of the municipal party committee before 15 o'clock."

Fang Yuan said: "Okay, you can notify immediately. Arrange for a minibus from the Education Bureau to pull them there. In particular, Secretary Sun must be notified."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Understood."

Sun Hongjun had already rushed into Fangyuan's office at this time: "Director Fang, have you received the notice to hold an emergency meeting of the Municipal Party Committee?"

Fang Yuan said, "Let's go, let's go right away."

Sun Hongjun said: "I estimate that the deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the education system are rushing to the Education Hotel. By then, you, me, and the secretary will not be there. What should we do?"

Fang Yuan said, "Let's postpone it for a day."

Sun Hongjun said: "Many representatives and committee members came here from counties."

Fang Yuan was somewhat dissatisfied with Sun Hongjun's flurry, but he couldn't speak out.Fangyuan said: "Secretary Sun, arrange for Teng Feiyue to pick up the representatives and committee members of the next county immediately, and arrange for them to stay at the Education Hotel for one night. For the representatives and committee members in the urban area, tell them to arrange a symposium tomorrow."

Sun Hongjun said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Sun Hongjun left Fangyuan's office.Looking at Sun Hongjun's background, Zhang Yuanqing was full of emotion: If an incompetent person is the secretary, if I, Zhang Yuanqing, were to be the secretary, would I be like Sun Hongjun?

Fang Yuan said, "Yuan Qing is also going to attend the meeting."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Being a deputy researcher is barely at the deputy director level."

Fang Yuan said: "It's not forced, but a real deputy. Speaking of which, in the past two months or so, we have dealt with each other more, and I have a new understanding of your work ability. Yuan Qing, you are older than me , I want to tell you that the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. Anyone who can really do great things must have a broad mind. If you don’t have a big stomach, you can’t do great things.”

Fang Yuan's language has puns, and Zhang Yuanqing knows it well.Zhang Yuanqing said: "I now regret the wrong things I did before. I am also very grateful to Director Fang for giving me the opportunity to be a new person and do things again. The director is right, the stage is as big as the heart. I learned from the director. When it comes to how to deal with people who have offended him in the past. The director of the bureau employs people's strengths and values ​​talents rather than relationships. This is something Yuan Qing must learn by heart."

Fang Yuan smiled: "I am also improving myself through study. A leader must be tolerant of others, especially those with shortcomings who can stand out. Make good use of everyone's talents, concentrate on Only with everyone’s wisdom and strength can Dongzhou’s education be developed well.”

Zhang Yuanqing complimented: "The director is far-sighted, and under the leadership of the director, Dongzhou Education will definitely flourish." In his heart, he could not help but slander: If I hadn't turned around quickly and adjusted my posture according to the opportunity, would I have been swept away like that Hong? Education foundation pension?That Hong is a talent!Looking at Geng Qing's experience, he is now completely marginalized in the Education Bureau. Could this be Fang Yuan's so-called mind?It's just that such a thing is absolutely not dared to say it, and it cannot be said to anyone.

Xie Bingguo rushed in again: "Director, I'm really anxious!"

Fang Yuan said: "Okay. The municipal committee has a major personnel adjustment, and our comrades above the deputy director level will go to the municipal committee meeting soon. How about this, you take my car, we are on the way to the municipal committee, and you report to me."

Xie Bingguo said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan said to Zhang Yuanqing: "You should immediately contact the leaders of the deputy department. They all take a minibus and go there in one car, so that the common people will not discuss it."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Don't worry, Director, I will definitely make arrangements. There is still one thing to ask for instructions."

Fang Yuan said, "Say."

"Has Chief Zhai notified you?"

Fang Yuan said, "Party management cadres, you can ask Secretary Sun."

Fang Yuan and Xie Bingguo went straight to the municipal committee building in the Passat driven by Si Liguo.On the second floor of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel, there is an area that is the central conference hall of the Municipal Party Committee, which can hold meetings for more than 500 people.In this emergency meeting, the municipal government is above the deputy director, while the district and county are members of the standing committee of the district committee and the standing committee of the county committee.That adds up to 500 people.In the area of ​​the Municipal Party Committee Building, the mighty buses converged towards the Municipal Party Committee Building, forming a special landscape.The people around also know that something big is going to happen in Dongzhou City!

The meeting was held promptly at 15:[-].There were not many people sitting on the rostrum.Fangyuan knew Bei Zhenlong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization; Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee; Song Yunsheng, Mayor; Shi Mingxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC;There are three others that Fang Yuan doesn't know. Thinking about it, that lady should be Yan Siqing, the new head of organization; one of the two men should be Ye Jicheng, the new secretary of the municipal party committee.It was hard for Fang Yuan to guess who the remaining one was.

Such an important meeting is no less than the Dongzhou Party Congress.It seems that all the cadres who should come have come, including the county and district standing committee members in the suburbs.The meeting was presided over by Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor.Bei Zhenlong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, announced two appointments, one for Wang Guodong and the other for Ye Jicheng.Then, Bei Zhenlong used a longer space to fully affirm Wang Guodong and Ye Jicheng.This is official language, and it can be seen that there are some differences.In his speech, Bei Zhenlong made it clear that Wang Guodong became a deputy provincial cadre because the central government and the provincial party committee reused Wang Guodong (Fang Yuan slandered in his heart: it would be great to directly promote Wang Guodong to be a deputy governor or a standing member of the provincial party committee!).

Wang Guodong made a farewell speech, full of deep affection for Dongzhou, and couldn't help choking up and being speechless at several emotional places.Waiting for Wang Guodong was long and warm applause.Fang Yuan felt a little disappointed, Wang Guodong left too suddenly.Every bit of Wang Guodong's concern for him surfaced in Fang Yuan's heart.A good official, just go!Fangyuan felt a little bit more reluctant!

In Ye Jicheng's statement, he thanked the Provincial Party Committee for its trust in him, and thanked the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee with Wang Guodong as the squad leader for laying such a good foundation for him.For Dongzhou, Ye Jicheng gave high praise, thinking that this city has created many firsts in the country, is a city full of vitality, a city with a developed economy, and a city full of hope.He said that he must live up to the expectations of the provincial party committee and the people of Dongzhou. He will do his best, work hard and contribute, unite the municipal party committee and the people of the city, inherit the fine traditions of the previous municipal party committee, and create a better future for Dongzhou.

Fangyuan's heart is still immersed in the reluctance to leave Wang Guodong.Tomorrow's "Dongzhou Daily" will publish Ye Jicheng's official words and clichés, and I am not interested in trying to figure them out.But Fang Yuan's first impression of Ye Jicheng was not very good.What is hopeful?What is dynamic?From Fangyuan's point of view, Dongzhou is facing an unprecedented crisis.The world financial crisis induced by U.S. imperialism has deepened towards the direction of economic crisis. For Dongzhou, an export-oriented, processing and exporting city, it is simply strangled by the neck.Recently, there have been some meetings. The bosses of some small and medium-sized enterprises have abandoned their factories and fled to foreign countries secretly. Workers’ wages are not paid, bank debts are not repaid, and upstream raw material payments are not paid in full. How many series of problems have this brought about?The escape of these small and medium-sized business owners has gradually revealed two other hidden crises: one is private lending, which is known as usury. Many of them lost their money; the other is mutual guarantees between companies. If the companies that run away cannot pay, the banks and loan sharks will find related companies to guarantee, and the companies that operate normally will also fall into crisis.Especially loan sharks, many of them have triad backgrounds, they don't care about other people's lives, they just want to get the money back with interest.Although these two crises are still relatively mild at present, and no events that shocked the world have erupted, but with the accumulation of quantitative changes, it is really hard to say whether there will be a concentrated eruption one day in the future, and then some officials will be blown to pieces.

Song Yunsheng, the deputy squad leader, spoke on behalf of the current team members of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee after the speeches of the two squad leaders. Supporting the decision of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, we will definitely unite closely around the Municipal Party Committee with Ye Ji as the squad leader, unite and cooperate, and jointly develop Dongzhou's various undertakings well.

Fang Yuan didn't believe that what Song Yunsheng said was from his heart.Probably sitting on the rostrum now, the most painful thing is Song Yunsheng.In many cities, the secretary of the municipal party committee is promoted, and the mayor usually succeeds in order.Song Yunsheng has not become the secretary of the municipal party committee, can he unite around Ye Jicheng?Fang Yuan made a question mark.

Song Yunsheng continued to host: "Now, I would like to invite Comrade Mo Yan, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, to announce the appointment of other relevant comrades of the Provincial Party Committee!"

Fang Yuan finally knew that this unknown person was a deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

The appointment announced by Mo Yan was completely consistent with the other appointments that Fang Yuan saw on the notice.After announcing the appointment, Song Yunsheng announced: This is the end of the meeting.

The work of Fang Yuan and other middle-level cadres is over, but the tasks of Bei Zhenlong, Mo Yan, Ye Jicheng and others are far from over.They have to talk to the newly appointed and just dismissed cadres one by one, and to the standing committee members of the municipal party committee collectively or individually to ensure the smooth handover of the new municipal party committee and the stability of the situation.In the eyes of many people, it is enough to be appointed by the provincial party committee. In fact, the real officialdom is far from that simple. Bei Zhenlong is under a lot of pressure today.Especially this time the adjustment of Dongzhou Municipal Committee is still very large, and the number of people is so large that it is not easy to see it normally.To do a smooth handover, there is a lot of work to do.In the evening, I am afraid that there will be a family portrait banquet for the old and new secretaries, and the new and old standing committee members.The reason why this time the adjustment was so hasty, and even the Dongzhou City Party Congress was forced to be postponed, was caused by multiple factors. After the game between the provincial party committee was over, everyone was afraid that there would be more nights and new problems. announced hastily.After all, the National People's Congress in Hangjiang City is in early February, and the National People's Congress in Qingjiang Province is in late February and early March, which is ****.In many cases, personnel arrangements must be made before the city's two sessions are held.

Fang Yuan did not leave the venue immediately, he wanted to see Sheng Jiantao, Liang Zhaopeng, and Zhou Pengyou.At this time, Fang Yuan received a call from Wang Guodong: "Xiao Fang, come here, Minister Bei wants to see you."

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