Director's growth history

4186 Chapter 2873 wishful thinking

The person who called Fangyuan was the mayor Song Yunsheng. He said that he was going to attend the education work meeting, which made Fangyuan stunned on the spot, and even forgot to answer.

Song Yunsheng's voice was still soft: "Why, don't you welcome me to attend the education work meeting?"

Fang Yuan immediately sobered up: "The mayor is welcome to participate. The mayor's coming is the glory of the education system."

Song Yunsheng said: "Okay. I also plan to say a few words at the meeting. You guys prepare a first draft first, and you can show it to me. If you have any suggestions for revision, I will tell you."

Fangyuan was suddenly top-heavy and dizzy for a while.

Fang Yuan barely suppressed the turmoil in his heart, collected himself, and said, "Okay, Mayor. When will I send you the speech?"

Song Yunsheng said: "The fifth day of the first lunar month."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Song Yunsheng said: "Secretary Guo of the Provincial Party Committee has a good opinion of you. I have learned a lot about you from me, and I will report them truthfully. Xiao Fang, please do your own thing. Don't disappoint Secretary Guo's respect for your father-in-law and you." trust."

Report truthfully?I really don't know what Song Yunsheng can tell Secretary Guo Feng?Would he report all the grievances and grievances between himself and Song Yunsheng to Secretary Guo?Also, this "good for yourself" is a very important sentence. Is this a warning or a reminder?

Song Yunsheng hung up the phone, but Fangyuan's heart was still pounding, and he didn't calm down for half a while.

But someone called again, it was Ren Xiaoai's call.Although Fang Yuan hadn't digested Song Yunsheng's message, Ren Xiaoai had to answer the call.Fang Yuan adjusted his mood and entered the state of actor: "Xiao Ai, everything is going well."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Yeah! Yesterday, that Coaster was really powerful, and how many old goods and things can be moved home. Fangyuan, I returned to the city on the seventh day of the lunar new year, can you let that Coaster come again? I think, bring some local products from home, some for you, some for the director, and some other good journalists and colleagues, too. You can’t take a passenger car.”

Fang Yuan said: "I will try my best to satisfy Xiao Ai's request. Let me explain this matter and let them pick you up on that day."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Okay! It would be even better if you could come in person."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "If I can find time on that day, I will go there; if I can't make time, I won't be able to go. Xiao Ai, it is not so convenient for me to go anywhere now. The last time I brought my parents Going to the countryside, I want to buy or rent a house for my parents in the countryside, but soon, the secretary of the town party committee and the mayor came, and after a while, the director of the county education and sports bureau and the deputy county head in charge came, and after a while , the secretary of the county party committee and the county magistrate also came. Many times, I have a certain amount of power, but I am becoming less and less free. It was obviously a private matter, but in the end it became a public matter. Moreover, I didn’t even know that I was How did you get stalked?"

Ren Xiaoai said: "I understand you, Fangyuan. Being an official, people seem to be superficially beautiful, but in fact, it is true that you are getting less and less free. How about this, you don't have to come on the seventh day, you can send a car to come That’s fine. However, as compensation, you must call or send me at least one text message every day.”

Fangyuan thought of Song Sisi.Song Sisi has to talk on the phone every day these days. How much time will it take for several women to make calls?Will Kong Shuanghua feel bored or angry?

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I will try my best."

Ren Xiaoai said: "I know you must be very busy during the Spring Festival. However, if I can't wait for your call by 8 o'clock in the evening, I will call you."

Fang Yuan's head was as big as a drum, and if he called at night, it would bring him even more unpredictable troubles.Fang Yuan said: "My aunt, you are the most understanding. Call me during the day!"

Ren Xiaoai burst out laughing: "I knew it, you are a cowardly hero!"

Fang Yuan said, "You can just call me a bear."

Ren Xiaoai said: "That's what you said. I'm worried that I don't have a suitable nickname. I'll call you Bear from now on."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, let's make a joke and get a nickname."

A little joke to make Fang Yuan feel more relaxed.Fang Yuan called Zhang Yuanqing: "Have an impromptu meeting, you call it, the comrades of the bureau team are in the office, all go to the small conference room. Then, let Shen Jun from the Policy and Regulations Division attend."

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

A few minutes later, Sun Hongjun came to Fangyuan's office again: "Director Fang, is there another office meeting for the director?"

Fang Yuan said, "It's not the bureau chief's office meeting, but I have something to inform everyone."

Sun Hongjun said, "What's the matter?"

Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Song Yunsheng just called me and said that he will attend the education work meeting on the tenth day of the first lunar month and also want to speak."

Sun Hongjun frowned suddenly: "Mayor Song also wants to speak?"

Fang Yuan said: "Yes! Both the secretary and the mayor speak, and the speeches must be different and cannot be completely consistent. The secretary's side should highlight the characteristics of the secretary, and the mayor's side should highlight the characteristics of the mayor. After all, we educate The bureau is a government department, not a party committee department. Speaking of it, these two speeches are really difficult to write."

Sun Hongjun said in his heart: Song Yunsheng came to the Education Bureau at this time, he is here to make trouble!But such a thing must never be said.Sun Hongjun said: "Our work is not easy!"

Fang Yuan said: "If it's not easy to do it, you have to do it. You can't let the leader come."

Sun Hongjun said, "Yes!"

The two of them entered the conference room together. Except for Zhai Xinwen who was on sick leave, and Han Suzhen, all other comrades arrived.Fang Yuan sat on Sun Hongjun's left side, which was the second in command position.Fang Yuan looked at everyone: "I called everyone here temporarily for a short meeting. It's not the bureau chief's office meeting, it's just a briefing."

Everyone else picked up their pens and prepared to take notes.

Fang Yuan said: "Just now, I received a call from Mayor Song Yunsheng. Mayor Song said that he will attend the 2009 Education Work Conference held on the tenth day of the first lunar month."

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Fang Yuan added: "Mayor Song said that he also wants to speak."

Shen Jun's face almost turned green.In the past few days, Shen Jun has received many criticisms, including Fang Yuan, Sun Hongjun, and Wang Xingbang, which put Shen Jun under great pressure, with sores on his nose and swollen gums.In the past, Teng Feiyue was the chief of the policy and regulation department, so the pressure was naturally borne by Teng Feiyue; but now Shen Jun is the chief of the policy and regulation department. It is inferior to Teng Feiyue, the level of writing manuscripts is a bit worse, and the experience in grasping the scale of manuscripts is not enough.Writing Fangyuan's speech and Ye Jicheng's speech, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has made the Policy and Regulations Department have a bad life for a few days, and adding Song Yunsheng's speech, how will they live this year?The key is that Shen Jun has no confidence in whether he can grasp the scale and measure well, satisfy every leader, and clearly convey the guiding ideology, goals and tasks of Dongzhou education reform and development in 2009 to everyone who participated in the meeting. Comrade.

The deputy bureau chiefs present here have different calculations in their hearts, but they all realize that this education work meeting is not very easy to hold.It is clear that the secretary of the municipal party committee, the dragon crossing the river, and the mayor, the local snake, regard Dongzhou education as their field of competition.Now, the most difficult thing to do should be Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Song's participation in the annual work meeting of the Municipal Education Bureau fully reflects the importance and support of the municipal government for education. With the strong support of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, I have more confidence in the work of Dongzhou Education in 2009. Confidence. At the same time, due to the further improvement of the specifications of our education work conference, we must also intensify our work in preparation and do a good job in all preparations. If you have any ideas and suggestions, you can provide them. Mention."

Wang Xingbang said: "Director, I would like to make a few suggestions. First, I suggest setting up a writing team for the educational work conference, and recruiting capable comrades from government departments and grass-roots schools to come to this team. Everyone thinks and conceives together. Keep revising to make sure every manuscript can stand the test.”

Shen Jun's face became even uglier.This clearly means that Wang Xingbang does not trust him and thinks that he is not up to the task of writing for this meeting.But Wang Xingbang said it very tactfully, he didn't call Shen Jun by name, it was to save some face for Shen Jun.In fact, everyone here is not a fool, so why can't they hear Wang Xingbang's intentions.Needless to say, the person Wang Xingbang is optimistic about is Teng Feiyue.

Fangyuan also thought of Teng Feiyue.Teng Feiyue is now the chief of the political engineering section and a soldier of Sun Hongjun.Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Sun, what do you think of Director Wang's suggestion?"

Sun Hongjun also hopes to run this meeting well.As the person who is most afraid of going wrong, Sun Hongjun certainly hopes to be safe.How could Sun Hongjun disagree with any suggestion that can be guaranteed to be foolproof?

Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, set up a writing team and make sure all the writing materials are done well."

Fang Yuan said: "Then Comrade Xingbang will take the lead and take charge of this team, okay?"

Wang Xingbang said: "Okay, I will be in charge of this matter. However, I have to apply to the director for temporary transfer of candidates, and I will start working from the third year of junior high school."

Fang Yuan said: "The third day of junior high school is a bit early. Can the fifth day of junior high school do it?"

Wang Xingbang said: "The director said that the fifth day is the fifth day. But today is the best day. I will divide the tasks and everyone will go home with the tasks and prepare."

Fang Yuan said, "Let me tell you which comrades you plan to transfer."

Wang Xingbang said: "My team is going to be headed by me. I will transfer Teng Feiyue from the Political Science and Engineering Department, and Ruan Shaoxiu, the vice principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. I am very familiar with Ruan Shaoxiu, the old office director of the original school. He wrote the materials for several principals. Principal Han Suzhen, Liu Ming, and Director Fang served three principals, and two of them became the heads of our Dongzhou Education Bureau. This fully shows that Ruan Shaoxiu Comrade's ability and level."

Fangyuan immediately realized Wang Xingbang's good intentions.Wang Xingbang did it for work, but he also chose an extremely ingenious angle to flatter him.The Education Bureau is full of carrots and pits. If grassroots comrades want to enter the Education Bureau, they must either have connections, such as Zhou Yujie or Sun Zihao; or they can make room for other school officials, such as Dai Lianghua. It should be after Fangyuan left that she came to take over as the secretary or principal, but in order to make room for her, she promoted Dai Lianghua to one level and became the vice-chairman of the labor union of the education bureau at the regular level.Of course, Fangyuan’s recommendation also has certain reasons; but the most fundamental reason is that Dai Lianghua is not suitable for the position of the principal of the No. 5 Middle School, and it is not suitable for her to continue to be the deputy secretary of the school.Therefore, the opportunity for grassroots comrades to enter the Education Bureau is very difficult because the Education Bureau has no spare positions at all.In other words, there are many talented comrades, but there is no chance for the leaders of the Education Bureau to know his talents.If Ruan Shaoxiu can take this opportunity to showcase in the Education Bureau, and if there is a suitable opportunity to transfer Ruan Shaoxiu to the Education Bureau in the future, it will be a matter of course.

It is said that they carried guns together, went to the countryside together, went to the same window together, and went whoring together. This kind of friendship is very deep.Ruan Shaoxiu and Wang Xingbang accompanied Fang Yuan to the provincial capital once, and after returning, their friendship grew rapidly.I don't know if this is the initial formation of a small circle.

Fang Yuan said, "Are there any other comrades?"

Wang Xingbang said: "Actually, I would also like to invite Director Yuan Qing to be the deputy team leader. Director Yuan Qing is a versatile person. He has served as the chief of the education section, the section chief of sports and health, and the section chief of political engineering. Now he is also an office worker. Director. During his tenure as the chief of the education section and the chief of the political engineering section, he also showed a relatively good level of official document writing. And the biggest advantage of Director Yuan Qing is that he has a particularly good grasp of the scale and scale. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. If Director Qing disagrees, Teng Feiyue and Ruan Shaoxiu can be temporarily transferred to the writing team, plus the comrades from the policy and law department, I think it's okay."

Can Zhang Yuanqing disagree?Zhang Yuanqing looked at Comrade Wang Xingbang, the former director of the office who was also very scheming and now the deputy director in charge of the office, and his teeth itch with hatred.Wang Xingbang is using a conspiracy!On such an occasion, if you say your suggestion, if you agree, it means you have to accept Wang Xingbang's leadership, and it will be more difficult to think about it in the future; if you don't agree, then at such a critical moment, the Education Bureau encountered When it comes to difficulties and troubles, if you run away by yourself, your realm and awareness will obviously be at a disadvantage, and it will leave a bad impression on Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun.Wang Xingbang's move is very poisonous!

Without waiting for Fang Yuan to say anything, Zhang Yuanqing stood up: "Director, Secretary, thank you Director Wang for your praise. I am actually of average ability, but I am needed at work, and I have never been ambiguous. It doesn't matter if I am a deputy team leader or not; I am honored to have such an opportunity to serve the comrades and share the worries of the leaders! The director and the secretary agree, and I will join the writing team."

Fang Yuan smiled and nodded, and asked Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, do you think it's okay?"

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang has no objection, so I agree."

Fang Yuan said: "Okay, then let's set up such a writing team and do our best to prepare the manuscript for the education work conference. Director Xingbang is the team leader, Comrade Yuan Qing is the deputy team leader, and Shen Jun, Teng Feiyue, Ruan Shaoxiu and Lou Gang are the writers. Members of the team, everyone worked together, under the leadership of Director Xingbang, every manuscript was written well."

Wang Xingbang stood up: "Thank you, Director, for your support. With such a team, I am more confident."

Fang Yuan said, "Xingbang, sit down. Do you have any other comments?"

Wang Xingbang said: "My second suggestion is, can this writing team also complete the report materials that the governor needs to write when inspecting Dongzhou vocational education? At least, the comrades of the vocational education department should write the first draft. Please The comrades in the writing team will revise, polish and perfect it.”

Fang Yuan didn't say a word: "Okay, I agree."

Wang Xingbang said: "My third suggestion is, can the director ask Mayor Song for instructions? We generally know what Mayor Song wants to say. The spirit of Secretary Ye's four instructions is very important to us. It gave us a direction to write."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, after the meeting, I'll get in touch with Mayor Song to see what instructions Mayor Song has."

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