Director's growth history

4187 Chapter 2874, good people don't come

Wang Xingbang's three suggestions were all adopted by Fangyuan.This is a very face-saving matter for any deputy director general.More importantly, it has strong political implications.It seems that Wang Xingbang accompanied Fangyuan to Hangjiang, and after returning, the relationship has improved to a higher level.

A few comrades who thought they had a good relationship with Fangyuan could not sit still.Seeing Wang Xingbang's triumphant appearance, Xie Bingguo, Cao Bensong, He Pingping all felt a little bit jealous.As the saying goes, what is gained is bound to be lost, and getting something must mean losing something at the same time.

The meeting was very concise and neat.Fang Yuan returned to the office, and Xie Bingguo followed.

Fang Yuan invited Xie Bingguo into the office, and asked politely, "What can Director Xie want from me?"

Xie Bingguo said: "Director, the preparation of the educational work meeting, the coordination of the office in the middle, and the policy and regulation department is in charge of the manuscript, which is very in line with the practice. But there are two important tasks in education, one is education management, and the other is teaching and research. The basic teaching department and the teaching and research section , shouldn’t we be more involved in the preparation of education work conferences?”

Fangyuan only participated in the summer education work conference held by the Municipal Education Bureau in the summer before, and had not fully deployed the education work conference, so he lacked experience.Fang Yuan thought of Li Guoqiang, if Uncle Li had more chances to show his face, of course it would be good.

Fang Yuan said: "In the education work conference, one is the conference affairs, and the other is the materials. These two tasks now have leading departments. Director Xie wants the basic education department and the teaching and research department to participate more. Any good suggestions?"

Xie Bingguo said: "The various educational work plans, goals and tasks in 2009 still focus on educational management and teaching and research. Therefore, Guoqiang and I also want to propose more innovative ideas and reform measures."

Fangyuan said: "Okay! If you have any good ideas, form materials and report them to the policy research office, so that the writing team can sort them out. I also hope that all these materials can be innovative, bright, and brilliant. Director Xie Being able to take the initiative to support the work of the writing team reflects the consciousness of Director Xie, and I am grateful to Director Xie."

Where is this the result Xie Bingguo wanted?Xie Bingguo felt uncomfortable making wedding clothes for others, especially Wang Xingbang!Providing material is to add credit to Wang Xingbang's face.Xie Bingguo said: "Director Fang, my idea is that the education work plan is mainly about education management and teaching and research. Can the basic education department and the teaching and research section take over and jointly write out the annual education work plan of our bureau?"

Fang Yuan smiled: "Director Xie, you still haven't got rid of the realm of being the director of the teaching and research section or the chief of the basic education department! As a deputy bureau leader, you should look at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation. Yes, the work of the basic education department and the teaching and research section is very important. Important, but don’t forget, we have 21 departments, isn’t the work of the other 19 departments important? The annual plan of the Education Bureau is a very comprehensive plan. While highlighting basic education and teaching and research work, higher education cannot be ignored , preschool education, vocational education, continuing education, community education, safety education, sports, art and health education. Mr. Xie, the more you serve as a bureau leader, you need to have a broader vision, the overall concept, and the more you need to break away from small groups, The restraint of a small frame. In this regard, you are not as good as your apprentice."

Xie Bingguo's face was getting feverish.Xie Bingguo didn't know what to say, he just wanted to get his head into the cracks in the ground and never show it again.

Fangyuan said: "Okay, Director Xie, I still have something to do. You go back and ask the department you are in charge of to come up with some innovative ideas and reform ideas. This is very good. I support you. Organize these ideas and ideas and provide them to The writing team is used as material to make the manuscripts of our education more bright, and I fully support your awareness and ideas. Thank you."

Xie Bingguo left shyly.

Fang Yuan didn't have time to wait, so he immediately called Song Yunsheng: "Mayor Song, I'm sorry to bother you. I don't know if you have time today. I'll report to you about the education work."

Song Yunsheng said: "Okay, from 11:11 noon to 20:20, I will give you [-] minutes, is it enough?"

Fang Yuan said, "Enough. Thank you Mayor!"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan immediately called Wang Xingbang: "Xingbang, give me a first draft of the annual work plan you prepared."

Wang Xingbang said, "Okay, I'll bring it right away."

Wang Xingbang handed the printed draft to Fangyuan.Fang Yuan read it carefully from beginning to end, and felt that this first draft should be a fairly complete one.Even if Fang Yuan were to change it himself, I'm afraid he might not be able to change it to this level.After all, from the draft formed in December last year to now, n drafts have been changed.Especially after Fangyuan lost his temper a few days ago, the quality of this manuscript has improved significantly. The directors in charge have paid more attention to it, and the departments have also become more serious.The re-collected materials are naturally of different quality than before.

Fang Yuan said, "This job opinion is already quite good."

Wang Xingbang said: "Thank you for the director's affirmation. I think that since the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor are both here at the same time, we must be safe here. This manuscript must be read by Teng Feiyue and Ruan Shaoxiu. These two people are experts and said Maybe I will come up with better revisions and make the manuscript even better.”

Fangyuan looked at Wang Xingbang with a smile: "Xingbang, thank you for your hard work. It is you who created the opportunity for Shaoxiu to show his talents."

Seeing that Fangyuan understood his intentions at the meeting, Wang Xingbang said with a smile, "It's Shaoxiu who is already outstanding. Gold always shines. Even if you don't join the writing team this time, you will still shine in the future!"

Fang Yuan said, "Have you informed Ruan Shaoxiu?"

Wang Xingbang said: "I think Principal Ruan will be happier if the director informs."

Fang Yuan said, "It's better for you to inform. I will meet with Ruan Shaoxiu and tell him the cause and effect."

Wang Xingbang said: "Thank you, Director, for your support."

Fang Yuan said: "I just made an appointment with Mayor Song to report to him on the education work from 11:11 to 20:[-]. You should go with me."

Wang Xingbang was in full bloom.Wang Xingbang did not expect that he threw a peach at this moment, and Fang Yuan immediately embraced him with a plum.You must know that there are very few opportunities for the deputy positions of the unit to have direct contact with the principal positions of the municipal party committee and the municipal government.Having the opportunity to meet Song Yunsheng and leave an impression on the city leaders is of great significance to his future career development.

Wang Xingbang stood up and said, "Thank you, Director, for your training."

Fang Yuan said: "You are the leader of the writing team, listen to what Mayor Song has to say, and you will know how to write Mayor Song's speech in the future."

Wang Xingbang said, "Okay, Director."

Wang Xingbang followed Fangyuan and met Song Yunsheng who was busy reviewing official documents in the mayor's office.Reviewing official documents is a daily compulsory homework for an official.The higher the level, the more official documents.Song Yunsheng can only approve a few official documents in his busy schedule every day.A few minutes before meeting Fangyuan and Wang Xingbang, Song Yunsheng hurriedly reviewed several official documents.

Seeing that Fang Yuan did not come alone, Song Yunsheng was taken aback for Wang Xingbang, who was relatively unfamiliar.However, he shook hands with Fang Yuan in a friendly manner: "Welcome Xiao Fang to my office."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Mayor for meeting us in his busy schedule. This is Comrade Wang Xingbang, Deputy Director of the Education Bureau."

Song Yunsheng smiled and shook hands with Wang Xingbang: "Comrade Xingbang, welcome."

Wang Xingbang looked a little groveling: "Mayor, it's an honor to meet you!"

Song Yunsheng looked at Wang Xingbang meaningfully, and said, "Which aspects of work is Comrade Xingbang mainly responsible for now?"

Wang Xingbang said: "Reporting to the mayor, I am now mainly in charge of the office, the policy and regulation department, and the vocational education department."

Song Yunsheng immediately understood Fang Yuan's intention of bringing Wang Xingbang here.Song Yunsheng said, "Please sit down."

Fangyuan reported the key points of the Education Bureau's work in 2009 to Song Yunsheng: "Mayor, this is the key point of the 2014 education work that we have repeatedly researched and formed. Please review it. We are here today to express our gratitude to you! You can come in person The education work conference reflects your great importance and strong support for education work."

Song Yunsheng chuckled: "Xiao Fang, why I want to participate, you and I are very clear!"

Fang Yuan was a little nervous.

Song Yunsheng said: "Education is becoming more and more important, and it is the first of people's livelihood. As a mayor, of course we should support education. So, this year I plan to speak a few words at the education meeting."

Fang Yuan said: "Please give instructions from the mayor, we will follow your instructions and go back to prepare the speech."

Song Yunsheng said: "Okay, time is precious, so I won't be polite to you. I want to talk about four aspects. First, there must be a breakthrough in the balanced development of education. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School and Longwan District Experimental Primary School, such schools Although it has won glory and added luster to Dongzhou, how many people in Dongzhou can have the opportunity to become students of these two schools? If every school can be as good as Dongzhou Experimental Middle School and Longwan District Experimental Primary School, Every ordinary person can go to a high-quality good school at their doorstep, which is exactly the new task and challenge brought to us by balanced development."

Fangyuan complained in his heart: To make Dongzhou No. 11 Middle School as good as Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, it would be impossible for Monkey King to do it!The balanced development of education is the goal of hard work, but it will never be a dream that can be realized.For future development, it can only be said that it will be relatively balanced, and it will be too difficult to truly achieve a level line.Why is Harvard University in the United States not only the first choice for foreign college students, but also the first choice for American college students?Is it possible that other universities in the United States can achieve the same level as Harvard?The question given by Song Yunsheng was too difficult.

Song Yunsheng said: "Secondly, we must work hard on the quality of education. In an enterprise, the quality of products is the lifeline of the enterprise. What about the quality of education? Can it also be regarded as the lifeline of education? People's requirements for education quality are getting higher and higher. , but some of our schools are far from meeting the expectations of the people. Xiao Fang, it is worth our deep thinking!"

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, Mayor."

Song Yunsheng said: "Thirdly, we must stand up to evaluation in terms of education fairness. Why did the peasant uprisings in ancient times always emphasize the equal distribution of land and the equalization of the rich and the poor? It is because the Chinese people are not afraid of poverty, but are most afraid of injustice. The same is true for the expectations of education. What the people are most worried about and most indignant about is the unfairness of education. What the Education Bureau should do should be thought deeply about.”

Fangyuan felt toothache hurt.

Song Yunsheng said: "Fourth, we must make a difference in reform and innovation. What should we change? Mechanism, system, and policy; what should we create? Innovative ideas, innovative goals, innovative measures, and innovative achievements. Xiaofang, you understand everything. ?"

Fang Yuan didn't even know how he got out of Song Yunsheng's office.Fang Yuan was a little dazed, and was sent out of the mayor's office amidst Song Yunsheng's enthusiasm.

Wang Xingbang was too scared to speak.Although he also squeezed out a smile and shook hands with Song Yunsheng, his calves were trembling.Followed Fangyuan downstairs and sat in Fangyuan's car, Wang Xingbang hadn't recalled it yet.It wasn't until Fang Yuan let out a long breath that Wang Xingbang dared to say: "Director, mayor Song is not coming!"

Fang Yuan looked at Wang Xingbang: "Is Mayor Song's request right?"

Wang Xingbang said: "From a rational point of view, it is very correct. However, many tasks cannot be achieved in a day."

Fang Yuan said: "Without merit for a day, the whole team will be rejected. Xingbang, it shouldn't be difficult to write a speech according to Mayor Song's request. Now my biggest worry is not here."

Wang Xingbang said, "Where is it?"

Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Song sent us out with a smile. I believe Secretary Ye already knows about my visit to Mayor Song. What do you think I should do now?"

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