Director's growth history

Chapter 4217 Feeling Good About Yourself

Fang Yuan's 1-year-old and 4-month-old son Fang Rui, with ignorant and fearless courage, squeezed his father Fang Yuan's nosebleeds.Faced with Fangyuan's gushing nosebleeds, his wife, Kong Shuanghua, suddenly panicked.Originally, Fang Yuan was full of resentment in his heart, thinking that Fang Yuan's stay at Ding Chuke's house last night was a betrayal of the family and disloyalty to love.He was thinking about how to express his dissatisfaction with Fang Yuan in a clever way, but at this moment, he was so shocked by the nosebleed that he had already put his resentment behind his head, and distress and concern became the main theme.

Kong Shuanghua, who had never slapped his son since his son was born, couldn't help but slapped his son hard on the buttocks. Suddenly, Fang Rui's singing was loud and clear, resounding through the faculty and staff community of Dongzhou University.As for how far it can be transmitted, this has not been specifically measured. All in all, Fang Rui burst into tears.

Grandma Kong Shufang was cooking hangover soup, and when she heard her grandson crying, she felt very distressed.Whether the husband is important or the grandson is important has become a serious issue before Kong Shufang.In the end, the grandson was more important than her husband. Kong Shufang turned off the gas valve and hurried out: "What's going on? Who hit Ruirui?"

Looking around, his grandson Fang Rui was sitting on the ground crying loudly, no one asked.The daughter, Kong Shuanghua, now wipes Fangyuan's nose with a facial tissue.Fang Yuan knew that the nosebleed this time had absolutely nothing to do with seeing little Luo Li and Xiao Meimei. In fact, it was a physical injury, an unexpected accident.Fang Yuan said, "My son's strength is not small."

Kong Shuanghua said: "It's this time, you still have the heart to make this joke. Or, I'll take you to the hospital."

Fang Yuan said: "Forget it, family ugliness should not be publicized. If the doctor asks, who broke my nose, I will tell the doctor that it is my 1-year-old and 4-month-old son. Where can I put it?"

Kong Shuanghua said: "Fuck you. I'm not joking with you. Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fang Yuan said: "Wipe it, then plug it again, I think it's almost the same. With one nostril left, you can still breathe, and you won't be suffocated. Besides, the nose is blocked, and there is still a mouth underneath!" "

Kong Shufang hugged Fang Rui, hugged her in her arms, and looked at Fang Yuan bitterly: "Xiao Fang, I didn't blame you, even if Rui Rui accidentally broke your nose, how could you beat it with your hands?" Ruirui?"

Fang Yuan's eyes widened: "Mom, this time I'm really more wronged than that Dou E!"

Kong Shufang said, "Didn't you hit it?"

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, I was so angry just now that I slapped Ruirui!"

Kong Shufang shook her head: "I'm really going to make your father and you piss me off."

Kong Shuanghua said: "I didn't do it on purpose. Ruirui, mom loves daddy so much, so she couldn't help but touch you when she saw you getting into trouble. Ruirui, can you forgive mom? Mommy is not of high quality and has a bad temper. , how about you call back?"

Well, when will this grievance be repaid!

Fangyuan's nosebleed accident made the possible quarrels in the family disappear without a trace.Only at this time did Fang Yuan deeply realize how wise, correct, great, and glorious his father-in-law is.The father-in-law set an example for Fangyuan to learn from and a model of success by demonstrating in person.

Throughout the afternoon, Kong Shuanghua kept paying attention to Fangyuan's nose.At this time, Fang Rui is no longer the center of Kong Shuanghua's attention, the nose is the most important!Fortunately, Comrade Fang Yuan's nose is a strong nose, and it stopped bleeding very quickly. A piece of facial tissue stuffed into the nostril made the wound on the nose coagulate quickly.After washing with Nass brand soap, Comrade Fang Yuan's nose was as clean as new again, and it continued to stand upright in the center of the face, like an upside-down two-hole chimney.

After an afternoon of rest, and with the help of hangover soup provided by his wife, Confucius Tian regained his vigor and vitality before dinner.He sat down at the dining table with great interest, and raised his glass again: "Today is a very good day, the day when my daughter and son-in-law come to visit. We are a big family, and we are reunited again. Come, have a drink for the reunion!"

Confucius Tian smiled and clinked glasses with Kong Shufang, Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua.Confucius Tian said: "I hope that our family will always be happy and healthy!"

Faced with good wishes, Kong Shufang buried many words in her heart in the soil.No one wants to spoil everyone's happiness at such a time.In fact, what Confucius Tian said was exactly what Kong Shufang was thinking.It's just that Confucius Tian speaks better than he does, and sings better than Zhang Ye.

After dinner, Confucius Tian said: "As for me, I'm going to visit the neighbors' homes." After finishing speaking, he left the house openly and aboveboard.The neighbors of Confucius Field are the residents in the president's building of Dongzhou University. These residents are either the vice president or senior professors.No one knows who Confucius Tian went to.However, Fangyuan knew a little bit that Kong Zitian was sober, but he was still afraid of facing Kong Shufang.He used the name of visiting to avoid Kong Shufang, just like the United States attacked Iraq, under the guise of promoting democracy and human rights, the essence was to plunder oil resources.An excuse was given that "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction", but so many years after the end of the war, not even a hair of a weapon of mass destruction was found.But in any case, the Saddam regime in Iraq collapsed; Iraq successfully stationed more than 10 US troops; nominally, Iraq is a sovereign and independent country; in fact, it has become a colony of the United States; oil resources, to a large extent Above all, the United States has the final say.

Fang Yuan thought that he was the only one who saw Kong Zitian's intentions.But the moment Kong Zitian closed the anti-theft door, Kong Shufang said: "He is avoiding me! He no longer wants to be with me!"

After speaking, the tears fell on the dining table like beads with a broken thread. If you smashed it continuously for a year or so, the dining table would definitely be worn out with tears.

Kong Shuanghua comforted Kong Shufang: "Mom, Dad came back after a long time. He must meet and chat with old colleagues and friends. Don't think too much!"

Kong Shufang smiled wryly: "Xiaohua, why do men turn bad when they have power?"

Fang Yuan sighed in his heart: "Mom, don't knock down a lot of people with a whip! You can't just because my father-in-law makes you unhappy, you knock down all the men to the ground, and you will never stand up again."

Fang Yuan couldn't guess whether Kong Shufang meant a pun or not.But Kong Shuanghua looked at Fangyuan and fell silent.Kong Shufang's words made some sense. When Kong Zitian was not an official, but only a professor, how could he be so flirtatious?But Fangyuan seems to be worse than Confucius Tian. As early as 68 when he was no official, he had already stepped on 4 shoes: one for Fang Shujuan, one for Song Sisi, one for Su Ruihan, and another for himself!Now, with the addition of Ding Chuke, there are many backup candidates Zhou Yujie and Wen Ruoxing, when will Fangyuan's love debt be settled!

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, whether you have power or not is actually not the decisive factor. Some people who have power are loyal throughout their lives; some people who don't have power also step on multiple boats."

Fangyuan's face felt hot.Fang Yuan didn't know that what he was doing was unethical, I'm sorry Kong Shuanghua, but it's even more difficult to get off the boat once you're on the boat.It is said that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. In fact, it is the same reason.

Fangyuan said: "Mom, Shuanghua, although I have so many shortcomings, I still love this family seriously, I love Shuanghua, I also love Ruirui, and I still love Mom...ah no... Mom, it's another kind of love."

Kong Shufang said: "Xiao Fang, you are not doing very well, but no matter what, you still love Xiaohua, and you can talk to Xiaohua at any time. Just based on this, you are better than Confucius." Tian Qiang. What did Confucius Tian do, and what women were there outside? I was blind and didn’t know anything! I finally looked forward to returning home, except lying down drunk, or running away after eating Xiao Fang, what does Confucius mean by this? Does he still have this family in his heart? If he doesn’t have this family, then he can just divorce me and settle the matter! At this time, it’s no longer the same as before. It’s the age of dogs. Divorce if you can’t make it through is not a shameful thing! What’s more, I have a high job title and my income is higher than the mayor. What should I be afraid of? Xiao Fang, tell Confucius Tian for me, I want a divorce and let him leave the house. If he doesn't agree, I'll go directly to the court, sue for divorce, and reveal all about his extramarital affairs. Let's see what he will do? "

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