Fang Yuan didn't want Cen Baiqiang to continue to mention Fang Yuan's name, but Cen Baiqiang mentioned Fang Yuan for the second time.Fang Yuan had forgotten the agreement he had made with Cen Baiqiang.Cen Baiqiang kept Fang Yuan's words in mind, and today he specially arranged a session to inspect vocational education.This not only consolidates the friendship with Fangyuan, but also contains multiple meanings: Ye Jicheng appreciates Fangyuan, values ​​Fangyuan, and mentions Fangyuan more, which reflects his close relationship with Fangyuan, and is more conducive to Ye Jicheng's acceptance of himself.This is obviously a win-win strategy, but Fang Yuan's mood has changed. At this time, she doesn't want to show off too much among the department heads.Fang Yuan just wants to keep a low profile now that she's shot at the head.

However, it is obviously impossible to keep a low profile.Ye Jicheng is very interested in vocational education, because Governor Feng Feng mentioned that the focus of the inspection is not only the investment promotion and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Dongzhou, but also the connection between vocational education and industrial development.Now, the practice of Yanping County has aroused Ye Jicheng's strong interest, and Ye Jicheng also wants to know the situation of the whole Dongzhou.

Ye Jicheng said: "Director Fang, one leaf knows the autumn, and one corner knows the overall situation. Vocational education in Yanping County is closely connected with industrial development, and has trained a large number of laborers needed for industrial development. In this regard, how is the situation in the city?"

Originally, Fang Yuan didn't know much about the vocational education in the city.After all, I entered the leadership position of the Education Bureau from a general education position, and I don't have a deep understanding of vocational education.But in the latest stage, Fang Yuan, Wang Xingbang, and comrades from the Vocational Education Department checked the situation and collected materials every day, which gave Fang Yuan a new understanding of the situation of Dongzhou vocational education and many good ideas.

Therefore, when Ye Jicheng asked about Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan was not stage frightened.Fang Yuan said: "Reporting to Secretary Ye, the overall situation of vocational education in Dongzhou is good. There are many bright spots and some problems that need to be solved urgently. Now, I will briefly report to Secretary Ye."

Fang Yuan had read the draft of the Vocational Education Department several times. Although he could not say that he had memorized the whole text, Fang Yuan still remembered the general framework, title and main content of the materials.Fangyuan didn't have a manuscript, so he talked eloquently. In the shortest time, he reported to Ye Jicheng the highlights of Dongzhou's vocational education, and outlined the development blueprint for the next step in the development of vocational education.Presented in front of all the officials are: a director who is very familiar with his job, and a director who is well-versed in education and development.Even those department chiefs who were jealous of Fang Yuan had to admit that Fang Yuan was indeed proficient in his business and was a competent bureau chief.Jealous of Fang Yuan's ability, jealous of Fang Yuan being appreciated by Ye Jicheng, there is no way to do this.Where there are crowds, there will be jealousy, just like the concubines in the ancient palace, everyone wants to be favored by the emperor, and everyone will be jealous of a certain concubine getting the emperor's favor.And Ye Jicheng is like the emperor of Dongzhou; the department heads are like concubines eager to be favored.

Ye Jicheng nodded appreciatively: "Okay, well said. I have now found the answer to why the vocational education in Yanping County has developed so well. Tomorrow, there will be an annual educational work meeting. After I attend, I will go directly to your vocational education site Go up and take a look."

Oh my god, this is Ye Jicheng's second visit to Dongzhou Education in a month's time. His love for Dongzhou Education and his preference for Fang Yuan are truly overshadowed.

Some senior department heads and county heads overturned so many bottles of vinegar in their hearts, their stomachs are full of sour water!

Cen Baiqiang said: "Thank you Secretary Ye for your full affirmation of Yanping vocational education. In the future, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of Secretary Ye's instructions, earnestly study and understand Director Fang's guidance on vocational education, and develop Yanping vocational education better. Yanping County, for the industrial development of Dongzhou City, cultivate more laborers with professional expertise. The magistrate of Ma County and the comrades of the County Education and Sports Bureau must study and deploy on special topics."

Ma Zhicong, the deputy county magistrate, said: "I, together with comrades from the Education and Sports Bureau, are studying the issue of how to further develop vocational education in the next step."

The on-site investigation of the research activity has been successfully concluded.In the VIP meeting room of the county party committee, Ye Jicheng was surrounded by stars and sat at the top. The leaders of the four major teams in Yanping County, members of the county party committee team, and members of the county government team attended the meeting.Cen Baiqiang did his part, and reported to Ye Jicheng the economic and social development of Yanping County in the past year, and reported the work plan of Yanping County in 2009.

Ye Jicheng fully affirmed the work of Yanping County, and forced the comrades in the Yanping County team to unite as one, concentrate on construction, strive to develop the economy, do a good job in people's livelihood, and strive to maintain social stability good.Ye Jicheng said that economic development is a firm guarantee for doing other work well. Without money, nothing can be done well; if economic development is not good, ordinary people will not be able to get rich.Stability is the prerequisite for doing other work well. Only by creating a stable environment can we carry out our work better and develop our economy.The people's livelihood is the implementation and implementation of our purpose of governing for the people. At all times, we must put the interests of the people first, think about what the people think, and worry about what the people are anxious about. Get benefits and let the people live a good life!

After the meeting, Ye Jicheng said: "Don't arrange a banquet at noon, I'll go to the office cafeteria and have a working meal."

A word from the secretary of the municipal party committee can make Lan Yongsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Yanping County Committee and director of the county party committee office, very anxious.In order to entertain the party secretary and his party, Lan Yongsheng has been preparing for the past few days, and even personally asked about the procurement matters, and studied the recipes with the general manager of the officially appointed big hotel. , and not make the leaders feel too shabby, but also let the leaders feel that they have eaten the characteristics of Yanping and tasted delicious food.Last night, Lan Yongsheng was still with the general manager of the hotel, finalizing the menu.Now, it will be noon soon, the hotel has already prepared all the ingredients that should be prepared, and the pre-treatment that should be cooked in advance has also been cooked.Just because of Ye Jicheng's words, the hundreds of thousands were for naught.The most important thing is that the designated hotel is the Yanping Hotel, which is a self-financed institution of the County Party Committee Organ Affairs Bureau, which is where Lan Yongsheng has the final say.I'm afraid only Lan Yongsheng can tell how much oil and water there is in it.Whether it's the general manager of the hotel or the director of the agency affairs bureau, they all have to listen to Lan Yongsheng.To a certain extent, the general manager of this hotel is Lan Yongsheng's spokesperson.How much loss there is, Lan Yongsheng is in pain!It doesn't matter how much the public's pocket is lost, what is important is that one's own pocket is damaged.Whoever cuts other people's flesh can't feel the pain; whoever cuts his own flesh, if it doesn't hurt, it's because the person has already died and went to see Marx.

At this time, Lan Yongsheng couldn't care about the etiquette in the officialdom, so he came up behind Cen Baiqiang a few steps, and whispered a few words in Cen Baiqiang's ear.Cen Baiqiang nodded: "Secretary Ye, I would like to report this situation to you. The food in the office canteen is fixed every day. In our line of work, the city leaders, staff, and friends from the news media, If you go to the cafeteria of our office to eat, our attitude is welcome. However, if the staff of various departments in Yanping County have no food because of all of us eating, I am afraid that it will violate Secretary Ye’s original intention of advocating thrift.”

Zhou Pengyou was sitting next to Ye Jicheng, and he also whispered something to Ye Jicheng: "Secretary Ye, letting the reporters eat in the cafeteria may cause us some trouble. Our activities are very successful, and the finishing touch is missing." .”

Lan Yongsheng looked at Zhou Pengyou gratefully.Lan Yongsheng knew Zhou Pengyou before. When Zhou Pengyou was the secretary-general of the municipal government, Lan Yongsheng was the director of the county party committee office, so he had many business contacts with Zhou Pengyou.Because the city's agency affairs bureau is under the management of the secretary general of the city government.Secretary-General Zhou, you are really a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering!

Ye Jicheng asked: "Well, the comrades in the city must not let the comrades in the county have nothing to eat, right? Comrade Baiqiang means?"

Cen Baiqiang said: "The county has arranged working meals at the Yanping County Party Committee Guest House, which has the same feeling and the same standard as eating at the government canteen. This Yanping Hotel is directly under the County Government Affairs Bureau. To have a meal is actually to help the county and the staff of the guest house, because they are self-supporting, and they can only get paid if we eat more at the guest house."

Ye Jicheng said: "Okay, let's go to the county party committee guest house."

Lan Yongsheng let out a sigh of relief, followed by another burst of pain: Originally, it was enough for me and Cen Baiqiang to share a share, but now, Cen Baiqiang's share cannot be less; then Zhou Peng has to thank you With one click, you can only cut flesh from yourself.It hurts!

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