Director's growth history

4246 - Chapter [-]

The comrades in the county are very enthusiastic.Every time people come from the city, they basically come in a car in the county and go back lying in the car.Basically, few people can stand up to the wheel tactics in the county.

The arrangement in Yanping County today is very ingenious. Ye Jicheng and the city's department heads and above, together with the members of the major team members of Yanping County, are arranged on the third floor of the guest house; while the accompanying ordinary staff and reporters are arranged on the first floor.Of course, the friends on the first floor were not left out. The director of the county government office, the deputy director of the county party committee office, and the director of the county office affairs bureau accompanied the ordinary staff of the municipal party committee office to feel their dignity.In the middle, Cen Baiqiang and Lan Yongsheng also went downstairs in person and toasted everyone with a few glasses of wine.

At table one, there were 9 people sitting, namely Ye Jicheng, Zhou Pengyou and Sheng Jiantao, plus the leaders of the four major teams in the county, Sun Jilu, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, and Wu Zhen, the executive deputy county magistrate.

At the second table, Yu Zonghang, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hua Xinshu, director of economics, Zhang Ping, director of the Bureau of Commerce, Wang Wenhao, director of the Economic Cooperation Office, and Fang Yuan, deputy director of the Education Bureau.Those who accompanied him were the remaining 9 members of the 5 Standing Committee members of Yanping County, including Lan Yongsheng, director of the county party committee office.

Tables No. [-] and No. [-] are for Yanping County to eat by itself.Not the deputy county magistrates of the Standing Committee, the deputy directors of the county people's congress, the vice chairmen of the county CPPCC, plus the director of the government office, the secretary general of the people's congress, and the secretary general of the CPPCC.

After Cen Baiqiang warmly blessed the wine, the banquet began.Although Fang Yuan is not the protagonist, he gradually feels the enthusiasm of the "people" in Yanping.After Cen Baiqiang and Sun Yanyan accompanied Cen Baiqiang, Zhou Pengyou, and Sheng Jiantao to go around the tables one by one, the "people" of Yanping began to "bombard" the city-level leaders.At this time, Ye Jicheng seemed to have forgotten the requirement to only eat work meals. Facing the enthusiastic grassroots comrades, Ye Jicheng smiled on his face, and returned the same enthusiasm with a smile. It's like a spring breeze, and my heart is doubly warm.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan felt that life is like a play, and a play as exciting as Ye Jicheng's is quite remarkable.

Looking at Zhou Pengyou and Sheng Jiantao, they also have a pleasant smile and an image of being close to the people.Especially Zhou Pengyou, who once worked as the secretary-general of the municipal government and is now the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, may not be the most outstanding and suitable talent for the position of deputy mayor, but for the position of secretary-general, Zhou Peng has long sleeves and is good at dancing, and he fights fiercely with the "people" of Yanping County.Compared with Zhou Pengyou, Sheng Jiantao was slightly inferior.Perhaps Sheng Jiantao has been the leader of the county for many years, and the "dominant spirit" on his face is not angry. Compared with Zhou Peng's long-distance communication, the "people" of Yanping County are more or less more in front of Sheng Jiantao. very restrained.

Articles are everywhere in life!It is said that there is no place to learn, and there are my teachers everywhere. Fangyuan has a lot of feelings.

Soon, the "people" of Yanping County shifted the battlefield and launched frequent and violent "attacks" towards Fangyuan's table!Yu Zonghang, Hua Xinshu, Zhang Ping, and Wang Wenhao seem to be familiar with many cadres in Yanping County. After all, they have been in their respective positions for many years. Yu Zonghang is in charge of the city's economy and is responsible for the approval of large projects. It is very big; Hua Xinshu is responsible for the industrial production of the whole city, and Hua Xinshu has the final say on everything related to industry; The co-organizer is in charge of attracting domestic investment.These few are "veteran comrades" in Dongzhou's economic management positions. Facing the grassroots comrades, although they can barely drink a little less, they are a bit overwhelmed.

But Fangyuan is different.Facing the "big brother" and "uncle" level "people" of Yanping County, how can they dare to hold their own as a junior?What's more, he is a deputy county level, and he is also a deputy county level. It is impossible for regular county levels like Yu Zonghang, Hua Xinshu, Zhang Ping, and Wang Wenhao to be half a level higher.Fang Yuan only raised his neck to drink.Although each cup is only symbolically poured a third or a quarter of a cup, the hero can't hold back the pack of wolves, and more than [-] deputy county-level and county-level officials took turns to fight, and Fangyuan was finally "drained." "Are.

Comrade Fang Yuan was quietly helped out by two male waiters from the Yanping County Party Committee Guest House halfway through the banquet, and arranged a room to rest.Cen Baiqiang personally told Lan Yongsheng and the director of the County Government Affairs Bureau that they must take good care of Director Fangyuan and let Director Fangyuan take a good rest.Many people didn't notice that Fang Yuan had left the room.

On the other side, Hua Xinshu said maliciously: "Old Yu, Secretary Ye is not drunk, Fang Yuan is drunk, this time is quite interesting."

Yu Zonghang said calmly, "Director Hua, Comrade Fang Yuan is a real person!"

Zhang Ping was quite protective of Fang Yuan: "Xiao Fang has little seniority, and Yanping's big brother and uncle toast, Xiao Fang is also very helpless!"

Wang Wenhao said: "Xiao Fang is indeed too young."

Hua Xinshu was a little unwilling: "It depends on what Secretary Ye thinks. Let's go, let's toast to Secretary Ye."

The four of them came to Ye Jicheng hand in hand.Hua Xinshu said: "Secretary Ye, let us toast you!"

Ye Jicheng looked at the four people, as if he was still looking for someone.

Hua Xinshu said: "Director Fang is already drunk and was escorted back to his room by the comrades in the hotel."

Ye Jicheng said: "The comrades in Yanping County are too enthusiastic. We older comrades, they can't force it, are they bullying Xiaofang when he is young?"

Zhang Ping said: "Secretary Ye, I have been by Director Fang's side all the time. In fact, Director Fang also wanted to drink less, but the comrades in Yanping County kept saying, 'Big Brother, I will do it first to respect', and Director Fang really couldn't get in the way. In terms of age, in the face of comrades at the elder brother and uncle level, and Director Fang is also a deputy county level, Director Fang may also have a hard time."

Ye Jicheng said: "Yes. Let him rest. After dinner, I will talk to some comrades. When the conversation is over, call Xiaofang and go back with us."

Cen Baiqiang didn't know when he came over: "Secretary Ye, don't worry. I have arranged staff to take care of Director Fang to rest. When Secretary Ye is going back to the city, I promise to wake Director Fang up and go back with you."

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.Under Ye Jicheng's close-to-the-people style of doing as the Romans do, every cadre in Yanping County seemed to feel the kindness and kindness of the secretary of the municipal party committee, and felt that he had left a good impression in the mind of the secretary of the municipal party committee.After all, it is very difficult for a deputy county cadre to contact the secretary of the municipal party committee.Similarly, it is also hard to find opportunities to interact with powerful city leaders like Zhou Pengyou, Sheng Jiantao, Yu Zonghang, and Hua Xinshu.In such a state of mind, this working meal became a banquet of unity, a banquet of victory, and a banquet of success. s things.

After the banquet, Cen Baiqiang arranged for the leaders to rest.Ye Jicheng met with Cen Baiqiang, Sun Yanyan, Sun Jilu and Wu Zhen respectively in the hotel room.What is being discussed is only clear to a few parties involved.And when Wu Zhen walked out of Ye Jicheng's room, his face was full of joyful smiles, as happy as a kid receiving a red envelope from his uncle and aunt during the Chinese New Year.Even in the corridor, Wu Zhen couldn't help clenching his fists.

Wu Zhen did have reason to be happy.This morning, Wu Zhen's familiarity with the various data and indicators of the Yanping County Economic and Technological Development Zone left Ye Jicheng with a good impression of his ability.In addition, the good development trend of the Yanping County Economic and Technological Development Zone is itself a well-known political achievement. Ye Jicheng has a good impression of Wu Zhen, who is in charge of the Economic and Technological Development Zone and Yanping County's investment promotion work.

Just now, Ye Jicheng continued to test Wu Zhen and asked him to talk about the current economic and social development of Yanping County, the problems existing in Yanping County, and Wu Zhen's countermeasures and suggestions.Wu Zhen also knew that this was an opportunity, so he searched his brains, combined his own experience with his studies at the Provincial Party School and the Municipal Party School, and tried his best to show his beautiful wings to the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, just like a male peacock fighting for a female peacock. Generally happy.

Wu Zhen's efforts were not in vain.Ye Jicheng suddenly asked: "Xiao Wu, do you know the situation in Oujiang District?"

Wu Zhen's heart skipped a beat.Everyone knows that Liang Zhaopeng, secretary of the Oujiang District Party Committee, has been promoted to deputy mayor, and Qun Feng, the mayor of Oujiang District, is very likely to take over as the secretary of the District Party Committee.With regard to the vacant post of mayor of Oujiang District, and the vacant county post in Jiangnan County after Sheng Jiantao was promoted, why would Wu Zhen not want to take it to the next level?It's just that Wu Zhen's biggest backer is Cen Baiqiang, and none of the higher-level leaders have much appreciation for Wu Zhen. This talent can't meet Bo Le, and he is also blindly pulled down. Even the dragon has to be coiled, and the gold is also buried. In the soil no one knows.

And Ye Jicheng's sudden question made Wu Zhen ecstatic.In the most recent stage, Wu Zhen has also conducted an in-depth and detailed understanding of the situation in Oujiang District and Jiangnan County.Wu Zhen reminded himself: Opportunity belongs to those who are prepared.Although the chance is slim, as long as there is a one percent chance, one hundred percent effort must be made.This hard work was not in vain. The moment Ye Jicheng inspected Yanping County, the hard work paid off.

Wu Zhen suppressed the joy in his heart, and talked about his understanding of the situation in Oujiang District. He not only talked about the progress and development in recent years, after all, it involved Liang Zhaopeng. If he denied too much, he would offend Liang Zhaopeng invisibly; It was mentioned that Oujiang District is currently facing some development problems that need to be solved urgently.

Obviously, Ye Jicheng was more interested in Wu Zhen talking about these developmental problems that need to be solved urgently.Ye Jicheng asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, what good ways do you have to solve these problems?"

Wu Zhen was also not polite, and expressed his own opinions on the tray.If you don't say it at this time, when will you say it?If you don't perform at this time, if you miss today, you may never find a suitable opportunity again!

Therefore, Ye Jicheng's meeting with Cen Baiqiang, Sun Yanyan, and Sun Jilu was all within 20 minutes, while the meeting with Wu Zhen took as long as 10 minutes.After Wu Zhen told Ye Jicheng his thoughts on solving the problem one by one, Ye Jicheng nodded frequently. Ye Jicheng already had a suitable candidate for the mayor of Oujiang District.As long as this person is loyal, he might as well push this person to the post of Oujiang district chief to guard the side for himself.If Wu Zhen is determined to give up, this will be Ye Jicheng's strong point.

A few minutes later, Wu Zhen had become Ye Jicheng's most loyal supporter with all his heart.

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