Zhang Yuanqing quickly sent Zhai Xinwen the "Work Opinions of the Dongzhou Education Bureau in 2009", "Secretary Ye Jicheng's Speech at the 2009 Citywide Education Work Conference", "Mayor Song Yunsheng's Speech at the 2009 Citywide Education Work Conference" and Four documents of "Sun Hongjun's Speech at the 2009 Citywide Education Work Conference".Of course, there was another copy that Zhai Xinwen secretly asked Zhang Yuanqing for, which was the meeting registration book of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, with the names of all the staff members of the Education Bureau on it.Zhang Yuanqing didn't know what Zhai Xinwen wanted this sign-in book for. He thought that Zhai Xinwen had left education for a few months, and some comrades might not even be able to remember their names. You should be familiar with them.

Yes, most people probably think so.After Zhai Xinwen thanked Zhang Yuanqing, he put the sign-in book in a drawer, and looked at the documents quietly.These four documents can be said to be the goals and directions for the education of the whole Eastern State in 2009.As a comrade who has been working in the leadership position of education for a long time, Zhai Xinwen knows the truth of the outline.Once you have grasped the most core thing, you have grasped the vital point, and you will be able to know what to do and what not to do.

Zhang Yuanqing left.Zhai Xinwen opened the drawer, took out this sign-in book, and lightly crossed √ behind the names of Zhang Yuanqing and Fang Yuan. After thinking for a while, he crossed √ in the space behind Si Liguo's name.After crossing √, Zhai Xinwen put the attendance book back in the drawer and continued to read these documents.Today's newspaper is on the side of the desk, and Zhai Xinwen has no time to read it, nor does he want to read it.At noon yesterday, Song Yunsheng called him, which made Zhai Xinwen very excited.Song Yunsheng asked Zhai Xinwen to get familiar with the work as soon as possible and make all preparations.Although he didn't say anything else, Zhai Xinwen seemed to have smelled the leisurely spring breeze.It is not a day or two for Zhai Xinwen to look forward to a comeback.

Therefore, these four documents must be carefully read and thought deeply, and each document must be thoroughly understood.The speeches of Ye Jicheng and Song Yunsheng refer to the general direction and framework; the opinions on the work of the Education Bureau refer to the specific tasks and goals and the direction of efforts.Even if he returns to power, it is impossible to negate the speeches of Ye Jicheng and Song Yunsheng, and it is impossible to re-formulate a work plan for this year.Therefore, the overall goals and tasks should still be formulated according to the current ones, but in some details, the Zhai style can be added again.To put it in very vulgar terms, the body is basically like this, but what kind of clothes to wear can make a big fuss. I can wear flowery skirts and small Vest and red pants, this is what I, Zhai Xinwen, have the final say.

Zhai Xinwen was very absorbed in reading the official document, but he was also a little uneasy.Zhai Xinwen is looking forward to the next person who pushes the door open.Waiting and waiting, looking forward and looking forward, looking forward to the sun rising from the east to the middle, but no one came.Zhai Xinwen thought it was incredible!People who are about to leave Fangyuan naturally don't care about these nosy matters; could it be that Sun Hongjun's prestige has increased to such a high level in just a few months?Why didn't Geng Qing, who was at odds with Fang Yuan, come over?I have promoted so many section chiefs, why don't they come?

Waiting and waiting, looking forward and looking forward, finally, Zhai Xinwen hoped to come—a pee.Holding back urine is not a good habit, it is easy to induce kidney stones and prostatitis.Zhai Xinwen stood up and stretched his slightly tired old waist. Zhai Xinwen sighed heavily: Lian Po is old, can he still eat?I'm still pretty good at eating.

Zhai Xinwen left the office and went to the bathroom.I really hope to meet an official. Unfortunately, Zhai Xinwen walked slower than a tortoise, but he couldn't wait for anyone.Reluctantly, Zhai Xinwen released the body waste, put on his pants, and stood in front of the sink.Looking at myself in the mirror, I am indeed a little older than when I was in high spirits, but it's okay.Especially after shaving in the morning, before going out after washing my face, I also applied a little Dabao sod honey, which reduced the wrinkles on my face a lot.This image, this temperament, can be regarded as an old handsome guy.Such a handsome guy, why is no one paying attention to him?

Finally, a person appeared beside Zhai Xinwen, with a flattering smile on his face: "Hello, Director Zhai."

The person who came to the toilet was none other than Su Quanshun, the head of the financial audit section.Zhai Xinwen also smiled in return: "It's Quanshun!" Su Quanshun said, "It's me! Hearing that the director has returned to work in the Education Bureau, Quanshun is very happy!"

Zhai Xinwen asked with a smile, "Really?"

Su Quanshun said: "Of course it is. Director Zhai's return means that Director Zhai has recovered. I also hope that the sky will become bluer, the earth will become greener, the river will become clearer, and the body will recover healthier!"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Yes, this water pollution, air pollution, and waste pollution have made our water unclear, the sky blue, and the land barren. As educators, we have a heavy responsibility! Cultivate environmental awareness, start from the baby. From now on, education is duty-bound!"

Su Quanshun said: "Yes, Director! If every educator, every educational leader has your understanding and awareness, why worry about the blue sky? Why worry about PM2.5? Reduced to zero? Why don't you have to endure the test of smog every winter."

Zhai Xinwen and Su Quanshun talked about environmental protection in the toilet on the fourth floor of the Education Bureau, and the conversation hit it off and complemented each other well. The place was well chosen, the timing was well chosen, and both of them seemed very happy!

Su Quanshun said: "It's noon, isn't Director Zhai going to the cafeteria to eat?"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Isn't it inappropriate for us to talk about food in the toilet?"

Su Quanshun slapped himself, and said sincerely: "Director, look at my stinky mouth, I don't care about the occasion when I speak, please forgive and bear with me!"

Zhai Xinwen patted Su Quanshun on the shoulder affectionately: "Quan Shun, I think you are very considerate of the occasion. You put your heart into it."

Zhai Xinwen drifted away, just like a fairy in the sky, but unfortunately there is no graceful curve, no graceful figure.

Su Quanshun smacked his lips, watched Zhai Xinwen turn around the stairs, disappeared, and then entered the inner room of the toilet.Su Quanshun stood in front of the urinal, letting go, as if he wanted to pour all the depression and dissatisfaction of the past few months into the sewer.I paid so much, even the house was decorated by me, but I got nothing.Seeing that everyone has changed from a regular department to a deputy department, who the hell can't be envious?Su Quanshun's inner imbalance became more and more intense!

Su Quanshun's heart skipped a beat when he heard the news that Zhai Xinwen was back to work.Later, when he heard that Zhai Xinwen was back, he just read newspapers and documents, Su Quanshun's heart skipped a beat.This morning, Su Quanshun's heart was fluctuating, contradictory and hesitant.He really wanted to rush into Zhai Xinwen's office to show his loyalty like Zhang Yuanqing did, but he was not the office director.The current financial signing right is in Fang Yuan's hands, not Zhai Xinwen's.You must know that if Zhai Xinwen wants to resume exercising "sovereignty", he needs a formal decision from the municipal party committee or the municipal government.Before the Municipal Party Committee decided that Fangyuan would no longer preside over the overall administrative work, Zhai Xinwen was still on the sidelines.

Su Quanshun really wanted to go to Zhai Xinwen's office, but he dared not go.He reminded himself in his heart: besides Zhang Yuanqing, as long as there is a second section chief who dares to go to Zhai Xinwen's office, he will be the third!There is nothing wrong with being a mistress, there will be hope when being a mistress, and once you become a heaven, you will become a concubine in the harem from a mistress.And if I become Yamamoto 56, then the day lily will be so cold.

It's a pity that Su Quanshun saw the scene in the corridor all morning: Zhai Xinwen's office was empty, like the Taklamakan desert, not a single blade of grass grew, not even a mouse hair, let alone a sparrow.At this time, even if Su Quanshun was given a hundred courage, Su Quanshun would not dare to be the first to eat crabs!The crab tastes delicious, but if you are pricked or scratched by the crab's hard thorns, it will also be bloody!

Hard work pays off.Finally, Su Quanshun waited for the best opportunity when Zhai Xinwen urinated and had to go to the bathroom.Su Quanshun took advantage of this once-in-a-thousand-year, fleeting opportunity to rush to the men's toilet at the speed of the [-]-meter king and Jamaican flying man Camberton, and created an opportunity to have intimate contact with Comrade Zhai Xinwen, just like at an international conference In the meeting, the actor's grandfather and Prime Minister Noda met by chance, accidentally shook hands once, and accidentally said a few words, which led to a short-term easing of Sino-Japanese relations at that time.

Su Quanshun finally felt a sense of relief in his body.Thinking about his intelligence just now, Su Quanshun sighed sincerely, and said to himself: "Is it easy for me?"

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