Director's growth history

Encounter new embarrassment

Zhai Xinwen paced in all directions and went downstairs steadily.It should be said that on the first morning after returning to work, Zhai Xinwen's mood has changed from joy to depression.For a whole morning, the only people who came to my office were Fang Yuan and Zhang Yuanqing; Su Quanshun, a slick guy, just took advantage of the toilet time to have a face-to-face with him. Although it was intentional, it was also really irritating : A majestic director of the education bureau wants to meet a section chief, but he even hides in a place like the toilet, accompanied by foul smell and nausea!What about the rest?Not even a shadow was seen!Don't you know I'm back?

On the way downstairs, I really happened to meet a few staff members.They all greeted Zhai Xinwen with "Hello Director Zhai" and then hurriedly left, leaving Zhai Xinwen with no chance to communicate further.Could it be that he is the God of Plague?Is there such a handsome Plague God?The atmosphere of the Education Bureau is really abnormal!If I have a chance to make a comeback, hehe... Zhai Xinwen didn't know when, his warm and spring-like face became a little hideous, as if he was suffering from severe periodontitis, and his face was deformed due to the pain.

By the time Zhai Xinwen consciously adjusted his expression again, he had already arrived at the entrance of the restaurant on the first floor.When Zhai Xinwen came in, there were already seven or eight people lined up in front of him.There were many people sitting at the dining table.Zhai Xinwen looked carefully at the middle row of seats where he was sitting alone. Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun, one on the left and one on the right, sat there to eat steadily.Sun Hongjun turned his face away from time to time, whispering something to Fang Yuan, completely ignoring the existence of his former boss.

Zhai Xinwen came to the window and asked for a plate.The chef said: "Please clock in." Zhai Xinwen was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten in the cafeteria for a long time, and he even forgot to bring his meal card, and he didn't know if there was money in the meal card.Zhai Xinwen said: "I'm sorry, I just came back to work today, and I forgot to bring my meal card. After eating, I will come back and make up for it."

The chef said: "If you don't have a meal card, I can't give you a plate. Or you can ask Director Zhang, and Director Zhang agrees, and you can sign it."

Zhai Xinwen looked at the people eating in the cafeteria. Zhang Yuanqing hadn't come down yet.Zhai Xinwen had never encountered this embarrassing situation before.The former chef at least knew Zhai Xinwen.If Zhai Xinwen didn't sign it, he would definitely give Fangyuan a plate.But now, Zhai Xinwen doesn't know this strange young face, so naturally people don't know Zhai Xinwen either.

Zhai Xinwen was a little unhappy: "I am the director of the Education Bureau, can I still run like a monk?"

The young chef shook his head: "Look at the gate. The director of the Education Bureau is Director Fang. I've never heard of you as the director!"

Zhai Xinwen's nose was twisted with anger: Is there a gatekeeper in the reception room who comes to work in a suit, tie and leather shoes?Could it be that the domineering aura in my body is actually the temperament and aura of the gatekeeper?

Several staff members in front of and behind Zhai Xinwen were helplessly watching the situation in front of them.Someone wanted to give Zhai Xinwen a meal card, but he secretly looked at Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun who were sitting there eating, and they lost the courage.

Fang Yuan walked over: "Director Zhai, what's going on?"

Zhai Xinwen felt uncomfortable, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.The tea is cold when people leave, and the tea is not hot when people come back. Is this the working state that I expect?When I come back this time, I am not looking for the feeling of being an official, but purely masturbating myself, embarrassing myself, and making myself unhappy!Even to have a meal, but to be slandered by the new chef, who treats himself as the gatekeeper, is really a shame.

However, Zhai Xinwen's stomach was very disappointing, and at this time he growled twice, which made Zhai Xinwen's original determination to skip lunch in a fit of anger suddenly vanished.Seeing Fang Yuan approaching, Zhai Xinwen felt like a lost child seeing his mother for the first time, and Zhai Xinwen felt like shedding tears: After all, Fang Yuan still has a conscience!

Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Fang, I forgot to bring the meal card, and I can't remember where I put the meal card, and I don't know if there is any money in the meal card. Little comrades won't cook for me!"

Fang Yuan said, "Director Zhai, I'm really sorry. I'll tell the kitchen."

Fang Yuan said: "Give Director Zhai a meal. If Director Zhai forgets to bring the meal card these days, you can ask me or Director Zhang Yuanqing to sign it. Today I will sign first."

The cook said, "Okay, Director Fang. You sign it and it works."

Zhai Xinwen's heart was desolate and miserable: Fang Yuan had to sign even for lunch.As the dignified director of the bureau, I still have to rely on the deputy director to sign a signature to reward me with a bowl of rice!God, earth, have I, Zhai Xinwen, gotten to the point where I can only eat lunch in the cafeteria by signing a reward?

After finishing the meal, Zhai Xinwen held the plate, but found that he didn't know where to sit and eat.The place where I was originally sitting was occupied by Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan; Zhai Xinwen was reluctant to go to other places.Although there are still many vacant seats at the back of the restaurant, the three dining tables in the first row are usually where the deputy director and above sit.But now, although Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun are facing each other, there are still two vacant chairs, but their backs are facing the TV, and they cannot watch the midday news program "News 30 Minutes" of CCTV.What's more, if you sat opposite Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun, it would mean a lot.Zhai Xinwen froze there again, hesitating.

Fang Yuan stood up again: "Director Zhai, I'm done eating. Come and sit down."

Zhai Xinwen hypocritically said: "No hurry, no hurry."

However, people still came over.Don't underestimate Fangyuan giving up her seat this time.In Zhai Xinwen's view, this also contains very important political implications.I, Zhai Xinwen, took the seat vacated by Fang Yuan. You guys, just figure it out.

Sun Hongjun also stood up and said, "Director Zhai, please sit by my side. I'm done eating too."

Zhai Xinwen nodded: "I'll sit on Xiaofang's side, it's fine."

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhai probably dislikes my seat."

Zhai Xinwen smiled.After not seeing him for a few months, Sun Hongjun has improved a bit, but he is still too childish.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Fang gave up first, and I have to have a first-come, first-served one. Secretary of the Red Army, besides, I don't have two buttocks, so I can't sit here. Your seat should be reserved for you."

Confronting Fang Yuan, Zhai Xinwen lacked confidence, so now Zhai Xinwen didn't want to have any conflict with Fang Yuan at all; but confronting Sun Hongjun, Zhai Xinwen was too confident.Sun Hongjun has a few catties and a few taels, and Zhai Xinwen has already made up his mind.When Zhai Xinwen was the party secretary, Sun Hongjun was still the chief of the political engineering section, and later became his deputy deputy secretary of the party committee.This is the result I highly recommend.This Sun Hongjun didn't want to miss the old love, and wanted to wrestle with him.My old Zhai can't beat Fangyuan, can you also beat you Sun Hongjun?You little bastard, when I was working, you still pissed mud in the street!

Sure enough, Sun Hongjun was speechless.Honest people don't have so much scheming and scheming, plus they have always been Zhai Xinwen's subordinates, Sun Hongjun wanted to be hard in front of Zhai Xinwen, but he just couldn't, just like a middle-aged man seeing a disgusting woman , It's hard to think hard!

Fang Yuan didn't want to get involved in Zhai Xinwen's and Sun Hongjun's fight.He packed up the dinner plate, picked up the soup bowl, and said to Zhai Xinwen, "Director Zhai, take your time. If you need anything, you can find me or Yuan Qing."

Zhai Xinwen said politely, "Thank you Director Fang."

Fangyuan carried the dinner plate to the big basin, and dumped the leftovers into the trash can.Inexplicably, Fang Yuan sighed in her heart: I don't know who will be left?Wonder who ended up in the trash?

Sun Hongjun followed Fangyuan to empty the trash on the dinner plate, and then silently followed Fangyuan and left the restaurant.In the first small confrontation with Zhai Xinwen, he returned home without a feather, and Sun Hongjun was a little frustrated.Maybe it's because he seldom takes charge alone, maybe it's because he has always been dependent on Fang Yuan, or maybe it's just that Sun Hongjun's nature is relatively cowardly, and Sun Hongjun can't find the feeling of being tough, or the feeling of being the leader.Before he knew it, he became Fangyuan's follower again, and they came to the sidewalk in front of the Education Bureau together.

The two walked slowly.Dongzhou is located in the south-central part of the subtropical zone, and the climate is quite humid and mild.The coldest winter has passed, and the breath of spring has been felt everywhere.This subtropical zone is divided by the Huai River.On the Jiangsu side, there are relatively few evergreen tree species, and the most common ones are privet and camphor trees; while in Dongzhou, there are more evergreen trees.Of course, there are also dominant tree species, that is the banyan tree.Banyan trees are the most common street trees in Dongzhou. In recent years, there have been more camphor trees.

On both sides of the road in front of the Education Bureau, there is a row of small-leaved banyan trees, which have been around for decades, with dense beards hanging down from the thick branches.These beards are actually the supporting roots of the banyan tree. If they fall to the ground, they will grow stronger and stronger, and they can also absorb nutrients from the soil and transport them upward.However, the thin beards hanging from these street trees have no chance to take root. The road guards will not allow it, and the drivers will not agree.In Guangxi, there is a banyan tree with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers.

Fang Yuan pointed to the beards hanging from the banyan tree, and said: "In fact, if these roots take root, the banyan tree will grow more luxuriantly. A banyan tree is a forest. There is an article in the middle school Chinese textbook. It's a pity that it is subject to various restrictions. , especially for our road needs, our road guards will not let these fibrous roots become supporting roots."

Seeing things and thinking about people, Sun Hongjun was full of emotion: "Oh, whoever, what, it is very difficult to put down roots!" Facing Zhai Xinwen's sudden return, Sun Hongjun has no confidence at all.

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