Director's growth history

455.123 Received by the mayor

"Okay, let's listen to Teacher Xiaofang's advice." [ ] The smile on Deng Yuncong's face deepened.

"It's not a high opinion, Mayor Deng. As a principal, I think he should first consider the development direction and goals of the school. This is the fundamental thing. This development direction must be conducive to the formation of a famous brand school, and the development goals must be based on The reality of the school is higher than the reality of the school. After the goal and the circle are established, the system construction will be very important. The purpose of the system construction is that everyone in the school performs their own duties and assumes their own responsibilities, forming a kind of "Everyone has something to do, and everyone has something to do". The headmaster can't take care of everything and grasp everything. Then the headmaster will be busy with daily affairs and have no time to think about school development. The quality of school running will definitely improve. Affected. If I were the principal, I would learn from Liu Bang, let go when it is time to let go, use system construction to clarify the responsibilities of school teachers, middle-level and deputy, and let everyone perform their duties, just like letting Xiao He take care of raising military rations and logistics Let Han Xin lead the troops to fight, let Zhang Liang be the staff officer, and myself, I will focus on three aspects."

"Oh? Which three aspects?" Deng Yuncong listened with gusto.

"One is to think about how to speed up the development of the school. Only when we consider the development of the school with our hearts, will we consciously analyze whether this item is in line with the development direction of the school and whether it can promote the realization of the school's development goals when deciding on each item of the school. The second is to make good use of people and put each talent in the most suitable position to give full play to the subjective initiative and talent of the person; the second is to improve various systems so that everyone, including the vice president, knows that they are responsibilities, and also know what kind of rewards will be obtained after fulfilling the responsibilities.”

"It's really wonderful!" Deng Yuncong praised sincerely, "Lao Ma, Xiao Han, and Principal Yang, the younger generations are awesome, the younger generations are awesome!"

Han Suzhen not only looked at Fang Yuan with admiration: he is really a good and thoughtful young man, such a good young man must be cultivated well, and he must be given more burdens to let him receive training early.

Seeing Deng Yuncong's appreciation of Fangyuan, Ma Shuntian's mind opened up: Mayor Deng attaches so much importance to young talents, if the Party Committee of the Education Bureau can issue a regulation on the promotion and reuse of young talents before September, it may be more conducive to the continuation of his own political life.

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