life struggle

061 Counterattack

It was Sunday, and according to the requirements of the hospital, everyone had to go to the hospital to work overtime to update the medical records.

Wu Qixin and Shi Bianqiao are two doctors who have been approved by the hospital to be qualified to take care of students. The medical records written by Wang Yuhong, Ai Zhu, and Chao Yougui were naturally taken care of by them.Due to the special status of the teacher, the hospitalized patients were far more than other doctors in the past. Except for the ones that can be thrown out, most of them are still written by myself. If you want to be a shopkeeper, you can't be a shopkeeper, and you are just like everyone else. lattice.

Although it was not approved by the hospital, and Wu Xiaojun fought for it himself, Gong Yue became Wu Xiaojun's teacher in a daze.This made Wu Qixin, Dewey, Guo Lianwen and others feel very uncomfortable.

Wu Qixin directly approached Dean Fu and Liu Xiaoguang, chief of the medical department, and asked bluntly, "Gong Yue's own medical records can be written by others, but others can't. Why is she so special? You leaders can't be so partial."

Dean Fu just listened quietly and didn't answer Wu Qixin's words at all.

Liu Xiaoguang is a person who is good at pondering the leader's thoughts and observing words and demeanor. Seeing that Dean Fu didn't say anything, it was because he was not good at expressing his position on this kind of thing, so he had to explain it by himself, so he said seriously, "Qixin, Yue Gong can't even write a single word." No, let’s not talk about the crookedness, just the typo, even if she is asked to read it ten times, she dare not let outsiders see it, let alone the assessment team. Dean Fu and I have been struggling with this matter for several days. Since Wu Xiaojun is willing to write for her, so let him do it."

"I don't agree with you doing this. Others can write for her, why can't others?"

"Exceptions can be made in special cases, but not in general. Just imagine, if you let someone else write it for you, without yours, without Teacher Shi, the medical records that come out are either Wang Yuhong, Ai Zhu, Chao Yougui, or Wu Xiaojun. The overall strength and level of the hospital?"

"It's really unreasonable to see patients day and night, earn so much money for the hospital, and do these useless efforts. The more you see a doctor, the more troubles you have. This job is simply impossible. Do it." Wu Qixin complained full of dissatisfaction.

The relationship between Liu Xiaoguang and Wu Qixin has always been very good, and he knows his character well. He is straightforward and doesn't pay attention to tactics. He is afraid that he will say some inconspicuous words in front of Dean Fu, and his face will turn red. Shen said very seriously, "Qixin, writing medical records is the basic work that a doctor should do. No matter how much you asked and emphasized before, you just didn't take it seriously. You can write whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want. , not at all according to the regulations. Now the resumption of work is to make up for lessons and repay old debts. It is a kind of negation of your previous work, and it is also a chance for you to re-learn. You should not bother about this, but calm down How to achieve a successful rework without having to do it twice."

Wu Qixin opened his mouth a few times, wanting to say something else.

Dean Fu got up, waved his hands, and said seriously, "Kechang Liu has already said very clearly, don't go any further, this matter is settled." After finishing speaking, they left and the two went out.

Wu Qixin failed to ask for an explanation in front of the leader, so he ate a closed door instead. He was really upset, returned to the department, looked at the thick stack of old medical records in front of him, and was so angry that he didn't hit a single place. He accidentally glanced at it and lowered his head. Wu Xiaojun, who quickly wrote the medical records, was even more furious.

"The Department of Hemorrhoids and Fistulas used to be such a good department. Everyone had nothing to do except to see patients. Since the arrival of Liantouqing, the whole world has changed, and people must not stop for a moment. What does he think he is?" Things, play with a group of people as monkeys, and go around him. Shit, don’t take a pee to see what kind of thing you are, weigh a few catties, how amazing, in my eyes, it’s just a bug and ant One, shit no."

Everyone was writing the medical records with their heads down, when they suddenly heard Wu Qixin inexplicably accusing Sang and Huai of complaining, they all raised their heads and stared at Wu Qixin with wide eyes.Everyone was like a mirror in their hearts, knowing that he was scolding Wu Xiaojun, but everyone was puzzled why Wu Xiaojun offended this brainless god again.

Not only are everyone puzzled, but Wu Xiaojun is also very puzzled, did I f*ck invite you to provoke you, or did I make a mistake, you scolded the young master in public, and made fun of yourself for no reason, which is against common sense, It's not scientific at all!

Wu Xiaojun thought to himself, then frowned, lowered his head slightly depressed, and continued to write his medical records. He didn't want to argue with this simple-minded man with strong limbs in front of everyone.

Shi Bianqiao and Wu Qixin's desks and seats are next to each other, and they also have acquaintances in many aspects, that is, they have a common language. After taking a look at Wu Qixin, he said sharply, "Qixin, you are useless for complaining. They are so rampant, they don’t take us old fellows seriously at all, the main reason is that the pheasant has turned into a phoenix with its tail up. This is a typical feature of a rural nouveau riche. A citizen with urban characteristics is not at the same level as a country nouveau riche. It's even more unreasonable."

"Ms. Shi, you said how good our department has been over the years. Everyone knows the rules and respects each other. Now the whole thing has been messed up. There are no rules. I don't know what you think. Anyway, I can't get used to it." Can't figure it out."

"Do you know what it means for a mouse to spoil a pot of soup? Just look at the current situation in our department. Maybe we are really old and we can't keep up with the situation and we should go home early."

Listening to the two singing and insinuating themselves, Wu Xiaojun was so angry, he thought to himself, you're so bad, it's really bad enough, and you compare yourself to a rural nouveau riche, and a mouse, what's wrong with me? It’s okay if you broke out, you’re poor, if you really broke out, and you’re arguing and arguing all day to earn a few commissions, you’re blushing and thick-necked, it’s like this when the young master didn’t come, it’s my fault, You speak against your conscience, not against your will, not immoral.It's a pity that there is no God. If there is a God, you will have grandchildren without shit.

Although Wu Xiaojun was angry in his heart, he knew that they were targeting him, but they never named them by name, so it was difficult to take their words back, so he had to listen quietly and endure his anger.

Guo Lianwen was very clear about what Wu Qixin and Shi Bianqiao meant. After much deliberation, he couldn't find the reason for Wu Qixin's anger. Of course, he didn't know that Wu Qixin had been shut down in front of Dean Fu and Liu Xiaoguang. The more ugly it sounds, stealing a peek at Wu Xiaojun from time to time.Seeing Wu Xiaojun's expression became more and more serious, he was worried that he would contradict him impulsively and make things worse, which would not be a glorious thing for the department or the individual.

He smiled lightly and said, "Qixin, Mr. Shi, it's working time now, and everyone is in a hurry to catch up with the progress. If you are busy writing medical records, please don't say a few words, so as not to delay everyone's work."

Shi Bianqiao said disapprovingly, "Lianwen, I'm not talking about you, you are just a soft bone, you dare not even fart when you are pressed down by the top, and even a little kid on the bottom dares to point fingers at you and not put you in it." In my eyes, I can see how useless you are as a director, if I had already bumped my head against the south wall."

Guo Lianwen chuckled, "Mr. Shi, I don't want to bump into the south wall, and I have my wife and children!"

"Hmph, you're only as good as you are! If any child dares to yell in front of me, I'll slap him and slap him back to his hometown."

"I don't want to spend that much effort to slap people, otherwise I'd spend an extra [-] cents on a steamed bun. Besides, no brat would yell at me!"

Guo Lianwen's few innocuous jokes made everyone burst into laughter, making Shi Bianqiao very embarrassed, his face turned red like a ripe apple, it was inappropriate, like a monkey's butt in heat, and said embarrassingly , "Lianwen, you are just an idiot who can't get up."

Wu Xiaojun said that Guo Lianwen found a way for two effervescent bastards to step down, but was ridiculed and ridiculed instead.It's too crazy, don't give them a little color, he doesn't know that Lord Ma has three eyes and no temper and personality, and it's time to teach them a lesson, including those in the department who suppress and step on him.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaojun stood up angrily, and said sharply, "Everyone, stop laughing. Although Mr. Wu and Mr. Shi didn't name names just now, everyone knows that they are referring to me. I admit it frankly. First of all I say unceremoniously that what they said is pure nonsense and is fabricated out of nothing. I will neither accept nor tolerate anyone's groundless accusations against me. Secondly, I would like to make two special statements today. First, the quality of urban people It is not necessarily higher than that of rural people, and the quality of rural people is not necessarily worse than that of urban people. Although the proportion of rural children admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University is slightly lower than that of urban children, the total number is not less than that of urban children. There are no upstarts from rural areas entering the city, and there are no rats who can ruin a pot of soup. There are even some brats who point fingers at Director Guo. Please don’t deliberately use demeaning and insulting words when you speak in the future. Among the young people in the department Among them, Dr. Chao and I are the only ones from the countryside right now, and there will be more in the future, if I hear insults and belittling the rural people again, I will never tolerate and be polite.” After speaking, he sat down heavily.

Wu Xiaojun's words are obviously a retaliation for Shi Bianqiao's sentence "If any kid dares to yell in front of me, I will slap him and slap him back to his hometown." He wants to challenge her and see what you can do ?It can be said to be sonorous and powerful, with a loud sound, which makes people shudder and stunned.

Gong Yue listened, feeling very proud of herself, secretly laughing, Xiaojun played the ball so well, let's see if your wife Shi can still speak, and she is not afraid of the wind blowing her tongue, she said, "Xiaojun is right , everyone works together, they are all colleagues, there is no distinction between high and low, and there is a difference between the city and the country, I agree."

Wu Qixin looked at Wu Xiaojun's chilly look, it seemed that the gentle and soft boy was really in a hurry this time, if he attacked him again, he would really be unable to deal with him once he got mad, thankfully he had nothing to say, no shit Outspoken, so he bowed his head with a gloomy face and remained silent.

Shi Bianqiao didn't expect that Wu Xiaojun beat her up instead and took her into the army.I have always been able to only blame others, but I have never been blamed before, and I still speak so sharply in front of the general practitioners, my lungs are about to explode, and my face is green and purple, I am ashamed. I can't wait to drill down immediately if there is a seam in the ground.

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