life struggle

Chapter 60

Teacher Qiao followed the grade director Jia Mingsheng and two policemen in uniforms with expressionless faces and full of murderousness. They pushed the door and walked directly into the room. Lu Jianmin hurriedly got up from the bed and stood on the ground. After a few mouthfuls, no sound came out. 【 】Mr. Qiao said bluntly, "Jianmin, it happens that Xiaojun is also here. The police want to ask you some information, and you must answer truthfully."

The two bowed their heads and stood side by side, nodding their heads in obedience, "Okay, okay, okay."

The two policemen sat on the side of the bed, put their feet together, slowly opened the folder in their hands, picked up a pen, and said, "Don't be nervous, you two sit down too, we're just asking a few brief questions and answering them truthfully. The two raised their heads slightly to look at Mr. Qiao and Director Jia. Mr. Qiao gave a positive look, and the two sat opposite the policeman, looking at the floor.

Director Jia said, "Two police officers, let's get started."

A square-faced policeman in his twenties wearing glasses first asked some basic information about the two of them, and then turned to the main topic, "Have you ever contracted a special movie at the Pingping Machinery Manufacturing Club before? Do you know a person called Chairman Yan?" Students? How did you know each other? Have you contracted a special movie recently? Did you receive a friendship fee of 20 yuan from President Yan for each show? You will be legally responsible for every word you say, please step by step Answer carefully and truthfully.”

Wu Xiaojun said incoherently, "Shortly after the start of this semester, about less than a month, the two of us contracted a few games. The senior man who called himself President Yan brought four or five people to us, not only intimidating, but also asking us to treat him. , and asked us for 1000 yuan. We did it, but he still refused to give up. He insisted on taking away all the contracting rights every Friday and Saturday. We had no choice but to adopt a hard-to-hard strategy, but he was weak. After we discussed it, the club raised a lot of booking fees, but the audience did not increase significantly, so we gave him the time for booking on Friday. Later When Mr. Qiao heard about this, he patiently analyzed and explained the stakes in it to us, and advised us to let go early. We were right when we thought about it, so we quit. He was very happy when he told President Yan, and promised to give us A friendship fee of 200 yuan." Wu Xiaojun paused as he spoke.

Lu Jianmin answered, "Chairman Yan didn't keep his promise, and later he didn't give us a penny, and he didn't come to see us once. We felt that since we didn't do it, it didn't matter if he gave it or not, so we didn't look for him. Yes, that's the way it is, nothing else."

The two policemen whispered, "Two students, please sign on it." After Wu Xiaojun and Lu Jianmin finished signing in a proper manner, they closed the folder, looked at Director Jia and Teacher Qiao and said, "Let's stop here today. Thank you for your support and cooperation. If necessary, we will ask these two students again to understand the situation." He stood up and walked out.

The two policemen and Director Jia walked out together. Teacher Qiao's expression was slightly relieved, and he sincerely comforted him, "Thanks for letting go early, otherwise it would be really troublesome, don't worry too much, you should be fine, rest assured Learn."

"Thank you, Mr. Qiao. When Director Jia, you and the policemen came, our hearts clenched together, thinking that they were arresting us. We couldn't even speak. I was afraid that I might say something wrong and set myself on fire. Finally, the court was over. .”

For more than ten days since then, Wu Xiaojun has been depressed, uneasy, fearful, and has nightmares. He is always worried that the police will come. handcuffs.The situation is fine, my worries are superfluous, everything is calm and safe.

On this day, after class in the morning, the school posted a decision on the bulletin board about giving Jiang Shangshui and others to participate in the handling of the fight in the quelling machinery manufacturing club. Ren Yan Zhun (President Yan) was stabbed to death on the spot and will not be held accountable. Jiang Shangshui and other 4 people who participated in the fight were given 3 expulsions, 4 serious warnings, and [-] criticisms.All students in the school are required to take this as a warning, earnestly absorb the profound lessons exchanged for the price of blood, strengthen the concept of organizational discipline, correct school discipline, and strictly prohibit students in the school from engaging in various business activities, and it is strictly forbidden to ask for leave or leave without approval Leaving the school without authorization is strictly prohibited to organize and participate in off-campus commercial entertainment activities, etc., to ensure their own safety and establish a good image of the school.

The release of this decision means the end of President Yan's murder case.After Wu Xiaojun watched it, he had been in a state of fear for many days, and his uneasy heart was finally relieved, and he felt very relaxed and comfortable.Looking back at Lu Jianmin, he frowned and looked intently again, and greeted, "Jianmin, the smog has cleared, the sky has cleared up, and the sun is shining brightly. Everything is over, and I am finally relieved. I can really feel at ease."

Lu Jianmin said in a low voice, "After watching it, I felt very uncomfortable. These students who were punished, especially those who were expelled, are really regrettable. I burnt the lights and fought at night. Parents, relatives and friends look forward to it. It took a few years to snatch the single-plank bridge from the thousands of troops and get admitted to the university. It was just ruined in vain and ruined my life. The price I paid was heavy enough. Is the school's treatment of these students too strict? Too harsh, not even a chance to reform."

Wu Xiaojun said angrily, "For those students who were expelled, they didn't cherish the hard-won college life and developed bad habits. They were all brought down by Chairman Yan. It is inevitable that something like them will happen. No accident is accidental. Several other people were forced to participate in the incident out of the consideration of helping each other, and they certainly did not expect to be punished so severely. The school gave such a severe punishment, perhaps to set discipline and make an example To serve as a warning to others. It seems that we should act cautiously in the future and follow the rules. If you are not careful, you may capsize the ship."

Lu Jianmin said, "Okay, the past is over, and no one can bring it back. It can be regarded as finally getting rid of a heart-wrenching useless matter. It happens that there is no class in the afternoon, so let's find a small shop to have a good drink at noon, and relax completely. Take a look, how are you?"

Wu Xiaojun said, "I'm so depressed that I can't bear it anymore, and I'm going crazy soon. I really need to relax and let go of my bad luck. Let's go to the newly opened Yipin Fresh Restaurant near the school for a meal."

After Wu Xiaojun and Lu Jianmin cooperated with each other for the first time with a calm, tacit understanding and frankness in contracting a special film, and faced the horror of a life case together, they further deepened their mutual understanding and enhanced their spiritual communication. In addition, they share a common rural background and a difficult life. background, the emotional and friendship distance between the two quickly shortened, thus laying the foundation for long-term cooperation and work together in the future.

People are refreshed when they meet happy events, but few people drink a thousand cups when they meet confidants.The two found a private seat at Yipin Fresh Restaurant, ordered four special cold dishes and three bottles of beer, toasted and drank, chatted while eating and drinking, quite speculative.

After drinking two cups, Lu Jianmin said, "The school will hold a spring sports meeting soon, which will give the class and individuals a lot of points. It can be said that the points earned by the class that won the No. 1 total score in the sports meeting are worth as much as The sum of the scores of cleaning the classroom and going out for morning exercises in two months is even more. Therefore, the competition among the various classes is very fierce, and they all want to get better rankings in the sports meeting, win more medals, and earn more money. It is not only a good opportunity for our class to earn class points, but also a great challenge. It is really not easy to successfully organize this event.”

Wu Xiaojun took a sip of wine and said dismissively, "As a deputy squad leader, there is nothing wrong with you thinking about these things, but you are too worried. The key depends on what the squad leader Jiang Zhentao thinks, whether he has mature plans and opinions, your opinions No matter how good it is, no matter how hard it is, if he doesn’t accept it or support it, it won’t be of much use.”

Lu Jianmin sighed, "You probably don't know yet, but he has already gone through the formalities of transferring his major. He is no longer a student of our class and has become a student of the Department of Forensic Medicine. It is no longer important for him to consider it personally. It doesn't matter much. Anyway, the class leader is definitely not going to be there anymore, so I don't have the mind to think about these things. Last week, Teacher Qiao had already talked to me and asked me to take charge of the overall work of the class on my behalf. You said I don't want to, don't want to Can you do it if you don’t do it? You also know that I am a very serious person who wants to be strong and competitive. When things happen, I always want to be neat and complete. If our class messes up this time, I’m sorry for the students in the class. I can't get over my face."

Wu Xiaojun said, "It turns out that this is the case. It seems that you don't think about it seriously. If you don't arrange your troops carefully, you really don't have a job. The burden is not small, and the pressure is not light. You have to calm down and think about it. I see you You might as well hold a class committee first and listen to everyone’s opinions.”

The two clinked glasses three times in a row, feeling drunk, Lu Jianmin blushed, and said helplessly, "The meeting is open, and those class committee members each have their own ideas, and each has their own little calculations. The plan is still wrong, feasible or not feasible, there are a few people who don't say anything else, they just do it well, don't express their opinions to you at all, and I was so angry that I withdrew from the meeting before the end of the meeting."

Wu Xiaojun held the wine glass, ate a few mouthfuls of food, and said, "A unanimous voice in the class committee is unity, differences of opinion are normal, and gangs are taboo. To be frank, those people you mentioned follow Jiang Zhentao. If Jiang Zhentao doesn't play, they will be disheartened and don't want to play with you, so they have to deal with it passively. At present, there is a hidden crisis in the class, and the situation is serious. You have to make another plan and Arrangements. At the same time, you must fight beautifully in the tough battle of the sports meeting anyway, and show others a real appearance to convince others, so that things will be easier in the future. work, give up and get some free time."

Lu Jianmin was a little drunk and excited, took a full cup and drank it down, and said in a stiff voice, "Xiaojun, they won't play with me, and I don't want them to play, he Jiang Zhentao just because he is a local , a few more crooked friends, superficial writing is fancy, but in fact he is nothing, and I, Lu Jianmin, are not a coward, I don't believe that I can't play him, I have to play to make their eyes widen, good See who I am, Lu Jianmin." He picked up his glass and wanted to drink again, Wu Xiaojun also picked up his glass, "Jianmin, drink, I'll accompany you, but after drinking this glass, you can't drink anymore, the three bottles are gone .”

The two of them clinked their cups and finished at the same time. Lu Jianmin blushed and said drunkenly, "Xiaojun, I'm not wrong. I know you are not a person who is willing to be lonely. People who care, let alone people who lack knowledge and have no ideas and opinions. Some time ago, the two of us cooperated very harmoniously and happily. If you think highly of me, let's play together and see if we can impress them."

Wu Xiaojun smiled mysteriously, "Jianmin, you really drank too much and started talking nonsense. You can't heal and forget the pain. You didn't think carefully in the early stage, and you risked a catastrophe. You escaped catastrophe by chance. Take this as a warning, don’t take any more risks. This matter is not trivial, let me carefully consider it and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision, whether to continue to cooperate with you, so as not to steal the chicken and lose the rice. It’s a disastrous end.”

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