Autumn is here, and the breeze is blowing, revealing a hint of coolness. 【 】The land of Pingdong is full of vitality, full of joy of harvest everywhere.The rooster crows three times, and the rural people have already started to get up, cut hay to feed the animals, arrange the plow palladium, chemical fertilizers, grappling hooks, hammers and other agricultural tools and go to the fields to plow the land.When the east is bright white, the rooster crows down the tree, the cattle and sheep shout for joy, and the mist in the distance rises slowly, turning into clouds and smoke, submerged in the morning light, leaving a strong rural atmosphere, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, The sound of cattle driving, the shuttle from south to north, the busyness, the sound of greetings, the joy of talking about the harvest, the joy of high-quality wheat varieties, rippling around, the fields are full of vitality, and it is very lively.

On this day, Wu Pingshun and his youngest son Wu Xiaojun came to the corn field early as usual, and at dawn, they had already broken a cart full of corn.The father and son were loading the corn into a cart and pulling it home, when the fat boy in the village pushed the cart to the edge of the field.The fields of their two families are adjacent to each other. At this time, every household in the village has finished harvesting corn, except for some late-harvested cotton. As far as the eye can see, the fields and crops have been harvested and many people are driving animals to plow the land. Or sprinkle fertilizer, only the corn of the two of them is still standing upright.

The fat boy came up to say hello first: "Pingshun and Xiaojun, why did your father and father go to work in the field so early? It seems that we are the only two left in the whole village and have confiscated them. My family has a lot of land, many children, and is small. I really can't help it. You are too busy. Pingshun, although you have a lot of children and grandchildren planting ten acres of land, they are all too selfish, and no one will help you with your work.

Seeing someone talking, Wu Pingshun took a break, so he sat on the ground, took out a cigarette and handed it to the fat boy, and the two chatted while smoking.Wu Xiaojun put corn cobs into the woven bags and tidied up the car. There were quite a lot of them, and the car was full.

"Oh! There is no way. The two sons in my family are thinking about my few acres of land all day long. They just want to get it one day sooner. This is their intention to push me. Xiaojun has not yet married, and my business has not been completed yet. , is another rural person, who is almost sixty, has no capital to do business, and can't go out to work, so he can only rely on these few acres of land and leave it all to them. What about serving in the army? They have sons and daughters. You can’t see this, don’t think about it for me and Xiaojun. You just want me to lag behind and watch my jokes. You know my temper, the more they are like this, the more I won’t pay, I would rather leave it unused and give it to others to grow than give it to people like them."His words were full of anger and helplessness.After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and took a puff of the Butterfly Cigarette.

"Ping Shun, although your eldest and second child are constantly angry with you, and the family feud has indeed caused you a lot of trouble. But you are blessed, the two daughters have good families, and you don't have to worry about food and drink. The third of the four sons went to Yuanzhen County Hospital directly after graduating from university. If anyone had a serious or minor illness, they all went to him. This is all thanks to you."

"I don't deserve any credit. I'm a farmer with nothing to offer. My child has a good temper. I haven't had any hardship since I was a child. I don't care about anything. I'm in this line of work, so I should do it."

"That's not the same. Seeing that the fourth child of your family is going to college again, there are two college students in one family. There are eight villages ten miles west of our urban area, but there is only your family. This is the blessing you have cultivated for a long time."

"Uncle Fat Boy, you can't say that. Now it's different from before. There are more people going to college."

The fat boy turned to Xiaojun, "I heard that I still want to study medicine, right, Xiaojun?".

"Yes, the same school as my third brother is Pingxi Medical College."

"Okay, Pingxi is a good place. It's also an ancient capital. It's famous both at home and abroad. It's a big place. When will school start?"

"I'm going to report the day after tomorrow."

"Since your second sister went out four years ago, you were in high school, and at the same time planted about ten acres of land with your father and your mother. Your two elder brothers looked jealous and made your parents angry everywhere. You ran on both sides. , It's really not easy to be admitted to university, and you must study hard in the future, just like your third brother, to be a good doctor and bring honor to your parents."

"Fat boy, everyone in the village knows about my family's situation, and there's nothing I can do about it. I go to school, and it's far away from home. It's not like being here. I can come back at any time. My parents swallow their anger and work day and night. , it’s all for me, and I will definitely not let them down.”

At this time, Xiaojun had already packed the car, and Wu Pingshun didn't dare to waste any more time, so he stood up, Xiaojun put the climbing rope on his shoulders, and with both hands on the handlebars, he pulled the car towards the road.There were too many loads on the car, and Xiaojun boasted a few times, but the car didn't move.Wu Pingshun and Fat Boy hurried over, pushed forward from behind, pulled and pushed five times in a row, and finally got the car from the empty ground to the road.It is much easier to walk on the road. Although the country road is narrow, because there are many people and cars passing by, the road surface is smooth and hard, and the car is not so strenuous to walk, but the two of them also took a lot of effort. After less than 50 meters, I was already sweating profusely.

The village is small, with more than 300 people. The whole village has always expressed sympathy for the three members of Wu Pingshun's family. With more than ten acres of land, the old couple has suffered a lot. The two sons in the family are full of children and grandchildren, and they are in their prime. , There are few acres of land, and the two families combined are not as many as they are.Slowly, on the road, pulling crops, delivering manure, fertilizers, and anti-farming tools to the fields, talking and laughing, many people came and went.When they walked in front of them, everyone lowered their heads in unison, out of sympathy, but also did not want to be seen and heard by their eldest son, second son and their family members, causing unnecessary trouble, unwilling or dare not Pick up a conversation with them and pass by quietly.Xiaojun and his father only cared about pulling the cart with their heads down, and couldn't care less.

The corn field is not too far from home, about 400 meters away. Go east 40 meters from the field, turn north and go straight.As I was walking, I suddenly heard the sound of arguing in the ground.

Wu Pingshun slowed down, raised his head slightly, and glanced to the left following his voice. His eldest son, Xiaofu, and his third younger brother, Pingchun, were at the border of Zhaodi. Hook, one of them holds a hammer in his hand, and each of them has his own son to help him, and some working villagers stopped to watch the excitement.

Wu Pingshun knew in his heart that this was the elder son who came after him, looking for trouble on purpose.Although Wu Pingshun was angry in his heart and knew what was going on, he was inconvenient to step forward to stop him, suppressing his anger and urging Xiaojun to pull the cart quickly.In fact, Xiaojun is also used to seeing the boss's tricks. He neither looks up to see what's going on, nor speaks, and keeps walking forward with his head down. After all, time is very limited, and he is about to leave this right and wrong place, so he can help his parents a lot Do a little, just do a little more, and reduce the burden on parents.But things backfired, you didn't look for trouble, things did hit you directly.

As they were walking forward, Qiao Na, the daughter-in-law of the old family, came towards us in a hurry and angrily leading the cow, yelling incessantly: "I can't live through this day, the old and the young are bullying me, you damn it!" Things bully me too, if I tell you to leave quickly, you will be slow, and if you are later, the whole family will be beaten to death."

"Can you speak human words? Who are you scolding? People in their 40s don't know how to speak human words and do some human affairs." Wu Pingshun couldn't listen anymore. Unable to get angry, he continued with the next sentence.

"It's none of your business. I'm scolding my own animals, but I'm not scolding you." As he said that, he whipped the cow with the bullwhip in his hand, and the painful cow screamed "moo moo", and ran around.

The elder daughter-in-law was from a poor family, her parents died when she was young, she grew up with her grandparents, she never went to school, she often went out to beg for food since she was a child, and her experience in her youth made her very petty, uneducated, mean, and often Doing some unreasonable things, saying some beating and unacceptable words, caused Xiaofu brothers and sisters to quarrel with them from time to time, which became the biggest source and direct driver of family disharmony, and relatives and neighbors also respected him at a distance.Wu Pingshun and Xiaojun's wife never had a good impression of this daughter-in-law, and Xiaojun never paid attention to this sister-in-law, and hated her even more.

Seeing that his sister-in-law was getting more and more outrageous, Xiaojun couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. He stopped and let go of the handlebar, "What do you want to do? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

"What's the matter, who are you? I raise the cows. I quarrel whenever I want, and fight whenever I want. I really meddle in my own business."

"What do you like to do in your own house, that's Niu's own business. If you point and swear here, you won't hit it."

"I'm just scolding, what can you do if you don't hit it."

"What's the matter, today I will let you know what I can do." As he spoke, Xiaojun took a step forward, grabbed the hand of the sister-in-law's leading cow, and raised his foot to kick his rear hip.

Xiaojun is a ten-year-old boy. Although he has been going to school, he is not a frail scholar. people.Qiao Na couldn't take it anymore, she loosened her hand, and the ox's rein fell off, and the big yellow ox, as if relieved from a heavy load, threw off its four hooves and ran back to the village.Qiao Na slipped on the sole of her foot and fell on all sides.Xiaojun kicked his buttocks several times, then grabbed his right hand, bowed left and right, and fanned his mouth like popping beans.The movement was so fast that it was difficult for Qiao Na to react.Wu Pingshun saw Xiaojun's anger rising, and hurriedly pulled Xiaojun away.Seeing that the army was stopped by the child master, Qiao Na was afraid of losing money again, so she got up and ran to her home, looking for Xiaofu and her son.

In fact, when there was a fight here, others didn't know what was going on, because they were relatively close, they could see everything here, so Fu Pingchun and the others could see clearly, so naturally, they didn't care about the quarrel.Xiaofu's son, World Xiaojun, saw that his mother had been beaten by the world, and he quit. Holding a grappling hook, he wanted to find Xiaojun to avenge his mother, but was stopped by Xiaofu and his uncle Xiaoliang. "What do you want to do?" Xiao Liang roared, his eyes shone sharply, staring straight at the world.

"He beat my mother, and I gave him my life."

"Nonsense, adults' affairs, children's family, how can you get in the way, you are in charge of things, get out of the way, do what you should do."

"Xiaofu, your family's affairs are also complicated and difficult to manage. I didn't want to take care of your affairs at first. You have gone too far. You are not afraid of your relatives and friends. The old and young in the village are all tens of years old when they see jokes. If you don’t help uncle, you won’t help, you shouldn’t make trouble at this time, no matter who caused it, you shouldn’t.”

After being reprimanded by Xiaoliang, Xiaofu squatted on the ground and smoked without saying a word.The world is not as arrogant as before.Qiao Na was the only one sitting on the ground crying for her father and mother. Xiao Liang gave her a wide-eyed look, then turned and went to drive animals to plow the fields.

On Wu Pingshun's side, under the persuasion of several villagers, the atmosphere eased, and the father and son pulled the corn home full of anger.Xiaojun's mother saw that the faces of the father and son were not right, and she didn't know what happened, "Xiaojun, why did you two come back so late, and only pulled one car back in the morning, hurry up, your father will send you to report to Longbai the day after tomorrow, Time is tight."

"Mother, I'm getting so angry that my eldest brother's family is deliberately looking for trouble again." Xiaojun told the story back and forth.After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao Jun was so angry that she almost fainted.

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