What happened this morning made Wu Pingshun's heart feel like a knife, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. It has not been announced, but everyone in the village knows it. It is impossible not to know about Xiaofu and Xiaoqi. This is a happy thing, let alone something like today. , This is not only embarrassing for themselves, but also embarrassing for Xiaojun. It seems that the hard knots in the children's hearts are getting deeper and deeper, and the more they are tied, the more dead they are, and it is difficult to untie them. 【 】

There are five Wu Pingshun brothers and sisters, one elder brother Ping Ming, two younger sisters Xi Ni and Xi Ying, the youngest is the third brother Ping Chun, 20 years younger than him, his father died in 300, Ping Chun was younger , Live with my mother.The eldest brother Pingming is a typical person who is not busy and steals music. Because he is the boss of the Wu family, his father regards him as a jewel in his palm. He will try his best to train someone who can support the Wu family in the future. Studying will be promising in the future. In such an environment, Ping Ming went to private school and then to high school. It should be said that he is a local cultural person.But the situation was not as his father expected and imagined. Ping Ming didn't concentrate on his studies and was full of arrogance. Every time he went home, he was like a guest.Later, he dropped out of school and became an accountant in the village. He embezzled 7 yuan and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

Because of Pingming's imprisonment, in that special era, it was a scandal that affected relatives and descendants. The family members were called "rebels". Parents, brothers and sisters were too humble in the village. They were dwarfs when they saw everyone, and they often walked with their heads down. Speak softly.He was not allowed to participate in village meetings (except for criticism), his second sister was not allowed to join the party, and his third brother was not allowed to be a popular soldier. His father was always unable to hold his head up in the village. He suffered all cynicism, humiliation, and rape. .After Pingming was released from prison, he did not learn his lesson, repented, and behaved in a down-to-earth manner. He was still the same as before, sowing discord between the master and the west, even his own brothers.

The death of his father gave him the opportunity to support the store on his own. He first proposed to divide up the family property and monopolize the bulk, leaving only a little for his mother and third brother. He couldn't even guarantee a normal livelihood, so he refused on the spot. Pingming's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his head was bleeding, but he failed. After that, not only did he not ask about his mother and third brother's affairs, but he also spread rumors in advance, and many things were done in the rough.Especially the marriage of the third brother, as a family with more influence in the local area for generations, the third brother is fair and handsome. No woman refused. Later, after a lot of trouble, they found a family in a neighboring village. The woman was small, ordinary-looking, and of ordinary family background.Pingming gloated over this, and said to everyone he met, "What is Pingshun capable of? All day long, he feels that he is capable. What did he do, and what kind of wife did he find for the third child? He is really a loser to the Wu family."

When I was in the agricultural team, due to the large number of children and high expenses, although I often worked overtime to earn work points, I still had to withdraw money at the end of the year, and my life was very tight.In his spare time, in order to supplement his family, Wu Pingshun also led Pingchun to do some "speculative" business in a cautious, trembling and sneaky manner.Although some cadres and villagers in the village knew something about it, because of Pingshun's honesty, honesty, integrity, and extraordinary relationship, they turned a blind eye and closed one eye, and no one pursued it.

In the early days of the reform and opening up, the two brothers did businesses such as selling timber, livestock, straw hats, etc., and their days became better day by day, which aroused Pingming’s jealousy and dissatisfaction. processing.In addition to Pingchun's long-term hatred and anger towards Pingming, he is also grateful and dependent on himself. The relationship between the two has always been very good, and there has never been any dispute or friction.These also aroused the suspicion and dissatisfaction of the eldest son Xiaofu and the second son Xiaotai. They believed that Pingchun had played a bad role in the relationship between father and children, and he listened to Pingchun in everything, so he tried every means to separate the two. In order to achieve the purpose that others have opinions on themselves, isolate themselves, and have to act according to their opinions.When there are no other excuses that can cause conflicts and conflicts and cause bad influence, the annual Spring Festival, summer harvest, summer planting, autumn harvest, and autumn planting are the best times to find trouble.They knew in their hearts that if they had a direct dispute with themselves, they would never give in to them, not to mention they would be ridiculed by the whole village, so they went through the periphery to make themselves angry, unable to eat, unable to work, delaying some time, bad The purpose of handing over the cultivated land to them in powerless and desperation.

Five years ago during the autumn harvest, the eldest daughter Xiaoyun came to work and met Xiaofu at the entrance of the village. When the two got married because of Xiaoyun, Xiaofu and his daughter-in-law were extremely dissatisfied with the dowry that their father gave them, and they blocked them in every possible way. After ten days of quarreling in the village, my father became more and more aggressive about it. The more you refused to let me do something, the more I wanted to do something. In the end, nothing worked. Instead, my father added another 500 yuan for dowry in a fit of anger. Since then, the two had a deep quarrel, and Xiao Yun ignored Xiao Fu.

After the two passed by, Xiaofu spoke angrily: "Hmph, who are they? The two young girls, Xiaomei (the second daughter) is the more sensible one. The girl who is going out is a busy season, so she is not at home and works hard. I don’t know what to do, I don’t do my job properly, I’m planting other people’s fields and worrying about my own land, I really don’t know what to do.”

Xiao Yun looked around and saw that there was no one in front of him. He said this for himself, and he also said loudly to himself: "The longer a person grows, the less human he looks. He is not human, but he wants to make others not human." , I don’t even recognize my parents, I don’t feel pity, I don’t know what to take care of, I don’t know the old and the young, I don’t know the distance, I don’t know the shame, I don’t know that I’m afraid of being laughed at by others, I’m really worse than a child.”

When Xiaofu heard it, he felt that Xiaoyun's words were thorny, and he came directly at himself, and replied: "You can't, sooner or later you will feel better, just wait and see." Xiaoyun's anger also came up, "What's the big deal? , see what you can do to me, I am determined to work for my parents today, not only today, tomorrow, next year, but also the year after, I am mad at you."

Xiaofu was already blushing at this moment, his neck was thick, and he became angry from embarrassment, "You little girl, you dare to talk back to me, do everything right for me, and watch me break your leg today!" Xiao Yun hit with his left leg, Xiao Yun saw that something was wrong, so he dodged sideways, and the hammer hit the ground with a click.Due to the excessive force, the handle of the hammer was broken, and Xiaofu fell to the ground with a thud.

It just so happened that the place where the two quarreled was relatively close to where Wu Pingshun worked. When the two were arguing, they basically stayed where they were. As the noise got worse, he hurried over with a grappling hook. Just in time for Xiao Fu to hit someone with a hammer, he used the grappling hook to hit Xiao Fu's buttocks behind him, causing Xiao Fu to fall to the ground.Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaofu got up quickly and ran to the side of the road.

Panting, Wu Pingshun chased after him, "You old and young thing, you have fed you for decades for nothing, even a cat and dog. I will beat you to death today, at worst, I will kill you."

"You know what to call today and what to call tomorrow. You don't know the distance. You listen to this person today and that person tomorrow. You don't have any opinions on your own. It depends on how you lead your family," Xiaofu said while running.

"The whole house is in a mess, not all caused by you, no one in the whole village knows it, and they don't show any shame, what use is there for you?" Wu Pingshun became more and more angry.

Xiao Yun stepped forward quickly and grabbed Wu Pingshun, "Father, forget it, forget it, don't chase him, calm down, he is like this, it's useless if you get angry."

"Such a person would have been buried alive long ago."Wu Pingshun saw that Xiaofu was far away, so he stopped chasing him, stopped, took a breath, calmed down, smoked a cigarette, and went home with his belongings.

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