life struggle

Chapter 10

Although it was late, the three spotlights outside the school cafeteria were extremely bright. [ ] Xiaojun and his son got out of the car, followed Li Mingli's prompt, and went straight to the bulletin board 50 meters away from the cafeteria to find the dormitory.The bulletin board is inlaid on the west facade wall of a dormitory building. It is about five or six meters long and three meters high. The white fluorescent tubes are attached to the wall with a white plastic-sprayed board bottom, and the list of freshmen for each department and class of the college is posted, which is very clear under the illumination of the fluorescent lamps.Xiaojun quickly found his name, Class [-], Grade [-], Linchuan Medical Department, Department of Medicine, and Room No. [-], Apartment No. [-].Xiaojun had never heard of an apartment, so he asked Wu Pingshun, "Father, what does this apartment mean? Where is room [-] in the student apartment No. [-], do you know?"

"Apartment is actually the name of the dormitory. It is a place where everyone lives and sleeps together. It sounds more elegant. I also saw your class and dormitory number just now. What a coincidence, you have the same class name and the same room as Xiaosen , You don’t need to ask, just follow me, and go directly to the dormitory management office to register to the dormitory.”

The two walked along the main road in the school, bypassed the central garden, went north, crossed an arched bridge, and came to the student living area.It is surrounded by iron fences, and inside the fence are pruned Chinese pine trees in the shape of battlements. There are more than ten seven-storey buildings lined up in the east-west direction in the courtyard.Wu Pingshun led Xiaojun directly to a building on the innermost row at the southernmost end, and went to the dormitory management office on the third floor. The person on duty was a short, fat woman in her 40s with a full moon face and a loud voice, "Comrade, may I ask?" Wu Xiaojun, who is in Class [-], Class [-], majoring in clinical medicine, lives on this floor, right?"

"Wait a minute, I'll check it out for you." The fat woman opened the roster of freshmen and found Xiaojun's name, "Pay 50 yuan for daily necessities, and I will issue you a receipt, and go to the next room to collect the items and the room key. Going down the corridor to the room on the far left, a student just came and is packing up, go straight and sign behind here."

After completing the accommodation procedures, the two came to the room.This is a single room that can accommodate eight people. There is a red double-bucket wooden table facing the door and near the window. It is old and looks very dilapidated. Four steel-framed double-layer wooden beds are placed against the walls on both sides. Two fixed cabinets, from top to bottom, are divided into four compartments, with no other furnishings.Out of the eight beds in the room, bedding and luggage have been placed on four of the top bunks. Everyone else has gone out. Two people are tidying up the beds and closets, saying hello to each other. Xiaojun and his son arrived about half an hour early and had basically finished packing.Xiaojun chose a lower berth by the window on the left side, tidied up briefly, had dinner off-campus, and slept soundly all night until dawn.

At eight o'clock the next day, Xiaojun and his son came to the No. 30 student cafeteria.This is an old-fashioned building with a northern Russian style, with ridged red tiles and rusty red walls. It sits east to west and has four glass doors. There are more than 50 connected green seats inside. The east side faces south. There are more than [-] dining windows in the north, and at the north end is a stage of more than [-] square meters. The school has important activities or holds conferences, and most of them are held here.Walking into the cafeteria, above the stage is a large red horizontal sign, "Pingxi Medical College, Grade [-] Enrollment Office", a row of staff under the stage has all been in place, and a signboard is placed on the table in front of it, from verification to the end of the ring. Interlocking, one-stop.At this time, in addition to some senior students having meals in the hall, there are already many parents and freshmen waiting in line to go through the formalities.

It was the first time for Xiaojun to see this scene, and he was very unfamiliar, a little overwhelmed, and didn't know what to do.Wu Pingshun is relatively familiar with this place. The third son Xiaosen also registered here. The general process is similar to before. There is not much difference. ".Xiaojun is like a child, wherever Wu Pingshun goes, he follows closely, never leaving.It went well. Around 09:30, various procedures have been completed.

Afterwards, the two went to the library to pick up the books. There were too many people here, and eight windows were opened, each of which was lined up to a length of 200 meters, talking and laughing while waiting under the hot sun.Wu Pingshun went to look at each window, and Xiaojun lined up in front of the clinical medicine window.The clinical medicine major is the largest major in the college, and there are the most people waiting in line at the front, with a total of [-] people. "With so many people, when can we line up to the front? It's really not easy in high school. Each class sends a few people to the classroom, calls a name, and distributes a set of books. It's fast and not messy." Xiaojun anxiously Said.

"This is the difference between university and middle school. In middle school, there is one head teacher in one class, and one fixed classroom, so students can concentrate. University is different. Often there is only one counselor (head teacher) in three or four classes. I can't see each other in half a month, and it all depends on the students' self-study. There are many departments in the university, and the division of labor is fine. It’s not too late to come. I caught up with the centralized registration. If I’m late, once the stall is dismantled, the more than 20 departments may not be able to finish running in two days. Everyone is waiting, let’s wait a long time, it seems They won't get off work at noon, so just be patient." Wu Pingshun explained to Xiaojun based on his past understanding and memory.

At noon in September, although there is no scorching sun in summer, it is not as cool as the cool breeze in spring. Many people are already tired under the sun's rays. Beads of sweat are constantly popping out from their foreheads like pearls, and some simply hold up their coats Block out the sun.Waiting is the most anxious and unbearable thing, and it is also a very painful thing.After many days of fatigue, fatigue from driving, lack of water and food, lack of sleep, the sun was shining, and he was in a hurry. When it was nearly twelve o'clock, Wu Pingshun couldn't bear it anymore. Suddenly he felt dizzy in his eyes, his heart beat faster, and his whole body was weak. His eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground, his complexion turned pale immediately, dripping with sweat, and the corners of his mouth trembled. Xiaojun was stunned and dazed for a moment, "Young man, your father is exhausted. Some people come here, help carry him to a cool place under the tree." , someone next to him said.

Several male students came over and carried Wu Pingshun to the stone slab under the plane tree not far away. Someone took out a water cup and fed some water into his mouth. Wu Pingshun slowly opened his eyes. "Father, you've fainted. Drink some water and calm yourself down. Later, I'll go buy a pack of instant noodles and eat some first." Xiaojun's face was full of pain, he was burning with anxiety, and his words trembled.

"It's nothing serious. I'll just rest here for a while. Hurry up and queue up to get the books. Don't delay." Wu Pingshun said weakly.At this moment, all he thinks is that it is one thing to finish one thing as soon as possible, and he doesn't want to delay for a moment. There are still many things to do at home, so he can't stay here for too long.

"Father, we haven't eaten our morning meal yet. I'll buy some bread and put it on for you to cool down. Then drink some water, and then I'll queue up to pick up the books." After Xiaojun finished speaking, he bought two pieces of bread at a nearby store With two bottles of mineral water, Wu Pingshun also felt much better, sitting on the slate with a sad face.With the collapse, and the sympathy and understanding of all the students and parents, everyone gave the green light to Xiaojun. Xiaojun didn't have to wait in line, and within 10 minutes, he took the book back at the window.There are quite a lot of books, which are all the textbooks during school. There are fifty or sixty books, both big and thick, and they are brought to Wu Pingshun in two bundles, which are heavy.The two rested for a while, Wu Pingshun tried to stand up, his head was no longer dizzy, and he became more energetic. He tried to walk a few steps, felt that he could do it, and went back to the dormitory.

There are already six students in the dormitory.Zhao Xiaozhou from Jiaozhou, Hu Lei from Yang'an County, Zhao Gang from Luanshan City, Wu Xiaojun from Yuanzhen County, Yan Gaofeng from Lianghe District in Pingxi, and Liu Youcai from Da'an City, Dongshang Province.Zhao Xiaozhou was the first one to come, everything was packed, and he went to the Green River Market with his father to go shopping.Zhao Gang and Liu Youcai were packing their things. The most active person in the room was Yan Gaofeng. He was not tall, with a pointed forehead, a wide chin, a pair of mung bean eyes, a small crew cut, and a black jacket. He is quite familiar with Pingxi, and he is also an acquaintance. He talks a lot, and he is very excited. The pistachio of the new collective, everyone's rare relaxation and comfort.Hu Lei's father occasionally babbled, but Xiaojun didn't understand a word.

After lunch, Xiaojun and his son took a nap, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.Since he had completed the admission procedures and had nothing else to do, Wu Pingshun completed his mission and prepared to take the [-]:[-] p.m. train home.The two went to a small shop on Beijing Road outside the dormitory area to have something to eat, and because it was still early, they sat down to rest in the pavilion by the side of the road, "It's not easy to be a student in the army, and it's even more difficult to be alone. The most difficult thing is that you are here. In the first month, you have to rely on yourself for everything. You are not familiar with the place, and everything is very strange. It is not like being at home. If there is any mistake, it is difficult for the family to help you for a while. You have to learn to be self-reliant, gradually familiarize yourself with and adapt to the new environment The students here come from all over the world, with different personalities and great differences in all aspects. We must gradually understand everyone's temperament, don't be too stubborn, don't compete with others, and learn to get along well with others. Walk with your support on the wall and keep a low profile When doing things, don’t be ostentatious, and don’t take dangerous steps. If you suffer a loss, it’s a blessing or a curse. You should be principled in front of big things, pretend to be confused in front of small things, and hold your own bottom line. Don’t worry about family matters. I have everything, and no one can turn the tide. Although the family conditions are not good, you must spend the money that should be spent, don’t spend what you shouldn’t, and don’t be too frugal before eating, and your mother and I will do our best to support you to complete your studies.” Xiaojun is Wu Pingshun’s youngest My son, who is full of the elements of his youth, has a similar temper and personality, and always stays by his side. When he leaves suddenly, he is really sad in his heart. He is worried about dressing and eating in the future, getting cold and sick, and hoping to be safe and successful in his studies. Before leaving, there were endless instructions and endless nostalgia. Wu Pingshun was smoking a cigarette and explained word by word with his head down, lest he miss one thing or forget something.Xiaojun suddenly felt infinitely lonely, with tears in his eyes, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle in his heart. He had all kinds of tastes, which could not be described or expressed in any words. I kept scratching and scratching on the ground, listening carefully, silently remembering every word and every sentence of my father.

"It's getting late, I should go to the station, you go back to the dormitory, have a good rest, go to the front yard of the school tomorrow to have a look, walk around, familiarize yourself with the familiar environment, and wait patiently for the school's class arrangement. Need, after the official class, write a letter to my family, if you are short of money, just say, don’t force yourself, carry it to your death.” After speaking, Wu Pingshun stood up and walked over to the bus stop.

"Father, why don't you go back today? I was scared in the morning. I haven't had a moment of relaxation in the past few days. Now that everything is settled here, rest for another night. Maybe you will feel better on the road. I'm really worried that your body won't be able to handle it. What happened on the road." Xiaojun couldn't help crying, and said while walking reluctantly.

"I know my body. It's fine. Don't worry. It's fine. Go back quickly. Now the students have just arrived and it's messy and messy. Take care of your things and don't lose them." Wu Pingshun's voice was a little Hoarse, nose sour, trying to control his emotions, fearing that Xiaojun would see his soreness, he quickened his pace without turning his head, and waved his hands to stop Xiaojun from sending him off.Seeing his father's exhausted figure submerged in the crowd, Xiaojun was full of melancholy and hesitation. He didn't care to appreciate the constantly flashing neon lights on the street, and didn't care to appreciate the rhythm of being in the endless stream. Arriving at Xinchao, he started a new starting point for his life struggle, "Dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet", Jiang Dawei's sonorous and powerful singing sounded in his ears.

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