life struggle

Chapter 9 Impressions of Pingxi

When Mei Xiang's father reminded them, the two immediately took their hands back, turned around to see the displeasure on the faces of the two elders, and immediately restrained their smiles, "Xiaojun, we are going to get off at Xiangzhou Station soon, in order to facilitate future contact, I see In this way, let's exchange our respective schools and majors, and report the detailed address and contact information after everything is stable, what do you think?"

As expected of a person who has seen the world, Mei Xiang seems to have matured in an instant and her mind has opened up. 【 】Leaving home, no need to go before, the outside world is big and boundless, you will meet new friends from all over the world, from all corners of the country, when you are young, you start from scratch, you are in the vast sea of ​​people, you don’t have the protection of your parents and open the way, and you don’t have good sisters Relying on yourself, relying on yourself to develop, adapt, and take responsibility, it is inevitable that you will encounter ups and downs and happy grievances. When you are depressed and helpless, you need someone to listen to, and you need comfort and advice from people you know. .Colleges and universities are the earliest period for a person to enter the society. During this period, he needs to accumulate energy, form good relationships, and recruit friends to lay the foundation for the future in society, lay the groundwork, store resources, and let go of any opportunity. It may take multiple efforts to make up for it in the future, and ignoring any friend may lose more valuable and meaningful people.So she boldly put forward a well-intentioned and practical suggestion to Xiaojun.

"Very good, I will invite you to be my off-campus aerial teacher in the future. I will learn from you and ask you for advice in many places. Don't hold back, let alone forget me. If that is the case, it will not be enough Interesting." Xiaojun didn't think too much, and readily agreed.The two took out the paper and pen at the same time, wrote down their school address and full professional name fluently, presented them to each other with both hands, and put them away carefully.

"Everyone, Xiangzhou Station is coming. Passengers getting off the train, please take your luggage and items and prepare to get off the train. Thank you for taking this train and wish you a pleasant journey." The train announcer reminded passengers repeatedly.

Qin Xiangmei and her father stood up, Xiaojun helped to take the luggage from the luggage rack, "Xiaojun, goodbye, I wish you a smooth journey", "Thank you, goodbye." After saying goodbye to each other, they followed the passengers who got off the bus and moved to the door , Xiangmei turned her head and smiled to greet her from time to time, and Xiaojun silently watched Xiangmei get off the train until she disappeared into the crowd.

The train left Xiangzhou Station, like a wild horse running wild, crossing the city, crossing Pingchuan, crossing the long river, going through tunnels, crossing mountains and ridges, and running all the way to Pingxi Station.

Xiaojun and his son got out of the car and walked out of the station through the underground passage. They saw people coming and going in the corridor and square in front of the station. Hanging banners welcoming new students from various schools, "Warmly welcome freshmen from all over the country to study in Pingxi University of Technology", "Welcome to Pingxi University of Science and Technology", "Don't forget the great trust of parents and elders, cherish university life, Pingxi Medical College congratulates new students from all corners of the country New students of the college", "Welcome the new owner of Pingxi Normal University" and so on. There are more than 40 buses behind the banners, lined up from east to west, which are more eye-catching and spectacular.Walking closer, I saw more than [-] long tables, on which were placed the "xxx Freshmen Reception Office". In front of each school table were many parents and students with luggage, and the students sitting behind the table faced each other. With a smile, he warmly received the students registered in the school, and some old students helped the new students with their luggage, and guided them to board the school's special car, busy back and forth.When Xiaojun came, he heard his father talk about the process and scene of sending his third brother Xiaosen to report at that time. Although he was not surprised, the reality was much more spectacular than imagined, and his heart was full of pride, glory and pleasure.The two came to the table of Pingxi Medical College. One student read the admission notice and handed it over to the other student to guide them to board the bus. Everything went smoothly.When Xiaojun and his son arrived at the destination, they felt as if they had met their relatives and had a sense of belonging. They were filled with freshness, excitement and joy. The anxiety, tension and exhaustion along the way suddenly disappeared, and they felt relaxed and peaceful.

The car was full of people, and it started in less than 5 minutes. At this time, a kind and lovely girl with long hair and shawls in front stood up, speaking fluent Mandarin sweetly and sweetly, "Parents and students, you have worked hard all the way. Well, my name is Li Mingli, and I am the propaganda director of the Pingxi Medical College Student Union. I am very happy to meet you. Welcome to the ancient, beautiful and vibrant Pingxi, and welcome new alumni to join the yearning Pingxi Medical College. Big family, I will take you back to our new home with the driver Master Ma. Now I will give you a brief introduction to Pingxi Pingxi Medical College. I hope you can have a preliminary impression and understanding of this and relieve the fatigue and fatigue of the journey. "

"Pingxi City is located in the west of Pingyuan Province, with a population of more than 300 million. It is a famous historical and cultural city famous both at home and abroad. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, four rivers flow side by side, and the thoroughfare of eight provinces. It has become the ideal capital of the emperors of all dynasties. There have been 110 and [-] three emperors in [-] dynasties. Many major historical events have occurred here, and many important historical figures have been active here. Many famous poets and people with lofty ideals ,Heroes and heroes were born here, or worked here, or achieved brilliant careers here, and wrote a series of ups and downs. At the same time, it is giving the city new vitality with passion and speed, and continues to write the poetic chapter of our city.”

Li Mingli speaks fluently, calm and natural, and introduces Pingxi like a few treasures. Everyone listens with great interest. Following her introduction, the ancient scenery of Pingxi quickly floats in the mind, and the modern, prosperous and magnificent Pingxi is really mesmerized. .After Li paused for a while, he lightly brushed the hair floating on his forehead with his right hand, and continued, "The following is a brief introduction to our new home——Pingxi Medical College. Medical colleges and universities are located on the banks of the beautiful Green River in Pingxi, beside the Chrysanthemum Park, Ancient Hunting Park, and Capital Park. The gurgling, green trees, rockery and rocks are all over the place, the environment is elegant, quiet and natural, and it is an ideal place for studying. The college is mainly composed of the Department of Basic Medicine, the Department of Clinical Medicine, the Department of Maternal and Child Health, the Department of Medical Engineering, the Department of Forensic Medicine, and the Nursing Department. The hospital is composed of the Ministry and affiliated hospitals, with a total of 1954 faculty members. It has formed a school-running pattern with "medical disciplines as the main body, clinical medicine as the focus, maternity and forensic medicine as the characteristics, and multi-disciplinary coordinated development". It is a medical education base that integrates services, and has trained more than 00 medical professionals all over the country for the country in the past 1098 years. The arrival of new alumni can be said to be a kind of luck and glory. Here, you will definitely gain a wealth of theoretical knowledge , excellent and skilled business skills, friendly and unforgettable close friends, the door to the glorious road of life...."

Vehicles sometimes run eastward, sometimes westward, sometimes along the river, sometimes across the bridge, passing through the urban area smoothly.Straight and wide streets, tall and sturdy plane trees, high-rise buildings of various shapes, bustling traffic and crowds...Xiaojun's dream finally came true. Through the car window, he followed the school bus and browsed to his heart's content in the beautiful city he had always longed for.It was getting late, the lights were on, and the neon lights on the storefronts and buildings began to flicker, showing a bright and colorful brilliance. I don’t know how many avenues I passed, how many downtown blocks, and the car finally drove into the campus and stopped at the door of a student cafeteria forward.

"The college is here. Please bring your luggage. After getting off the bus, go to the bulletin board opposite to find your major, class and dormitory. Go to the dormitory first and go to the No. [-] student cafeteria to register tomorrow morning. I wish all parents good health Be healthy, all students will be successful in their studies." Li Mingli reminded her over and over again.

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