life struggle

Chapter 133 Deliberately Suppressing

Wu Xiaojun sighed and said, "Don't think about it so much. Soldiers come to block you, and water comes to the soil. Even if there are big things, as long as you face it calmly, we can help each other and overcome difficulties together. Everything will pass." Well, every day is better than anything."

Qin Meixiang gently wiped the tears from Wu Xiaojun's face, "You and I are both young, so we have more choices. In case I have something to do to you, don't be too persistent. If you have to abandon it, you must abandon it. If you should let go, you must let go, don't be troubled by me, disturbed by me, tired by me, can you do it."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Don't say such sad and stupid things, the hypothetical scene will never happen. Well, be happy, why do you suddenly feel sad and sad, and it will be dawn soon, come on, Enjoy it again."

Wu Xiaojun stayed in Xiangzhou for more than a day before he and Qin Meixiang fell in love with each other and separated inseparably. As soon as they returned to the dormitory, Zhao Xiaozhou said, "Xiaojun, you haven't been seen for the past two days. Where did you go?" , Jianmin has come to look for you four or five times, I don't know what's going on, you should go see him quickly."

Wu Xiaojun put down his luggage and hurried to Lu Jianmin's dormitory. He happened to be there. When he saw Wu Xiaojun, he said excitedly, "I couldn't find you. I was missing for two days, but I finally came back."

Wu Xiaojun, "I have something to do when I arrived in Xiangzhou. I left in a hurry and didn't say hello to the others. What's the hurry to find me?"

Lu Jianmin, "The school issued a document the afternoon before yesterday to re-elect the student council, requiring each class to recommend at least three to five students. The registration form and membership application are due tomorrow. The time is very tight, and I'm afraid of delaying things."

Wu Xiaojun, "It's easy to do. Ask the class committee for their opinions. First, see who is interested in joining, and then consider the actual situation in the class. After a comprehensive consideration, you can determine who you want to recommend. Just report it."

Lu Jianmin, "You think the same as I do. The opinions of several other class committee members have been solicited, but none of them have any intentions. Later, I also solicited opinions from Zhang Hengli. He is familiar with the current student union members and is also very motivated. It's very high, and it can be considered as a candidate. Besides, you, if you don't join our class, there will be no one else."

Wu Xiaojun, "You have to participate, otherwise our class will suffer a lot when the time comes."

Lu Jianmin, "It's okay to sign up, but I won't really join the student union. First, I don't have any good impressions of the student union. Second, I just want to focus on handling the affairs of the class. But you must join the student union, preferably the life department. With the right to speak, the two of us should cooperate internally and externally, which is more conducive to the improvement of our work and class performance."

Wu Xiaojun, "This is relatively difficult. It is obviously inappropriate to say that there are no people from our class in the student union. There is no doubt about it. There will definitely be people from us, but the main department is not good enough. At present, the presidents of classes [-] and [-] The grades are relatively close to those of our class, and they are all working hard to move forward. It is said that a big tree attracts the wind, and we have become the targets and targets of every class."

Lu Jianmin, "It's normal for other classes to look at us, but it shouldn't be so serious, right?"

Wu Xiaojun, "There have been signs of it for a long time. I heard that the slogan put forward by the third class is to overtake the sixth class and step down on the third class, and the slogan put forward by the fourth class is to surpass the third class and surpass the sixth class. Half a month ago, several class committee members of the third class wanted to take advantage of it." This opportunity will help us to improve the overall grades of the class, and strive to make a breakthrough. We have already been active in the student office, the school youth league committee, and the student union. Prepare for the best and plan for the worst."

Lu Jianmin, "How should I prepare?"

Wu Xiaojun, "The most important thing is to elect as many people as possible to participate in the election, so that every department can recommend people from us, so as to show our strength and suppress them in momentum. Even if there are no people from us in the student union in the future, let us They don’t dare to underestimate us, let alone blatantly suppress us. If there are too few people, even if the school wants to take care of our emotions, do something to save face, and arrange a few positions, it will be difficult to do so.”

Lu Jianmin, "Well, yes, I didn't expect so much. Well, there are already three people who can be recommended. Zhang Hengli proposed to run for the chairman of the student union, and I will also run for this position. You can run for the head of the life department."

Wu Xiaojun, "This is a big event in the class. It's not about one or two people. It's a team battle. Don't panic about which seat to choose. First, select the people. My opinion is that all class committees must Participate in the election unconditionally. You might as well convene a class committee tonight to report the situation and how to deal with it.”

Lu Jianmin, "Okay, okay, let's do this."

The two reached an agreement, and Lu Jianmin notified the other class committees one by one. At seven o'clock in the evening, the meeting was officially held.After intense discussions, the list of candidates for the next student union was finally decided: the president of the student union, Lu Jianmin, Zhang Hengli; the director of the sports security department, Ke Yufeng; the director of the life department, Liu Haiyan; the director of the organization department, Wu Xiaojun; the director of the learning department, Wei Tingting;Lu Jianmin asked all the candidates to attach great importance to the election, carefully prepare the speech materials, carefully consider every link and detail of the speech, and strive to perform at the best level in the school-wide election conference, fully demonstrate their strength, and establish A good image of the class.

Three weeks later, at [-] o'clock on Friday night, after active preparations, the campaign meeting was held in the school auditorium as scheduled.

The whole venue was crowded with people, and there were no empty seats, and it was as festive and lively as a festival.

The meeting was presided over by Li Mingli, director of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, Li Lei, vice president, Tan Dewen, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the school, Zhu Zonghui, director of the Student Affairs Office, and the heads of various departments attended the meeting in person and acted as judges.A total of 45 students came to the stage to make campaign speeches. According to regulations, each speech should not exceed 5 minutes at most, and Wu Xiaojun was ranked first.

The order of appearance will have a certain impact on every contestant, and anyone who participates in the election competition is very particular and concerned.Generally speaking, the first few contestants, no matter the teacher or the students have not yet entered the state, and there is no reference for their scores, they are often conservative and their scores are relatively low.And the last five, because the teachers and students sat for a long time, were quite exhausted physically and mentally, and their brains were in a chaotic and fuzzy state. They didn't have the mind and mood to score objectively. Randomly fill in the good scores.

Wu Xiaojun felt that the organizers of this meeting had obviously manipulated the order of speeches, deliberately suppressing class six, and the candidates for class six were either placed in the top five or the bottom five.But the matter has come to this point, it is too late, there is no way to correct it, and it can only be left to fate.

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