life struggle

Chapter 16

At noon of the next day, Zhao Xiaozhou, Liu Youcai, and Wu Xiaojun came to the student cafeteria to prepare meals ahead of time. They took a look around the dining hall with their bowls in hand. There were not many people, and many tables were empty. See Liu Xiaoxia, Wang Xin and Wang Xin were chatting and laughing while eating, they walked up directly, and sat down on the opposite side of the table. 【 】

Zhao Xiaozhou said with a smile, "You guys came very early, you've already started eating."

Wang Xin raised her head, with rice in her mouth, she hesitated and replied, "get out of class is over early this morning, and I have nothing to do. Eat early and rest early, so I can rest up and go shopping in the afternoon."

Liu Xiaoxia joked to Liu Youcai with a smile on her face, "Liu Youcai, you have been in good spirits during this time, and the time with your sister Shuli is quite hot, it is very pleasant, you have a long time of activities every day, and the other girls in the dormitory The sisters have not been able to rest early for a while. You have to find a suitable time and treat the sisters in the room to a big meal to make up for this loss, otherwise, everyone will not agree. "

Zhao Xiaozhou put down the chopsticks in his hand, turned sideways to give Liu Youcai a chuckle, turned to look at Liu Xiaoxia and said triumphantly, "Youcai, everyone sees the same thing, and everyone expects it. You put a beautiful, dignified, lively and lovely girl in his dormitory I don't express my gratitude that a talented woman who is as beautiful as a flower and full of stars is captured. A friendly relationship does not create a good environment for two people. This expression is necessary, and we can't make everyone wait too long. If you don't If it is fulfilled as soon as possible, not only the brothers in [-] will have objections, but the lady in [-] may also use special tricks to seduce you, and then you will really have good fruit to eat and walk around.”

Liu Youcai, who was mentioned by the others, was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile, "Brothers, sisters, you can kill the younger brother, express it, it is really unnecessary, it is not what you imagined, just ordinary friends, normal contacts. "

Seeing that everyone was about to finish their meal, and talked for a long time without getting to the topic, Wu Xiaojun became a little anxious, pretending to be calm, lowered his head and interjected, "That's right, you are talented, everyone understands in your heart, it is already an open matter, if you want to Dare to be brave, don't be embarrassed, since Liu Xiaoxia and Wang Xin have said it, you should also play the role of the two of you as a matchmaker, just simply, find a day, and call the compatriots in the two dormitories together to have fun together. Ha ha ha."

Zhao Xiaozhou understood Wu Xiaojun's intentions as soon as he heard it, "Liu Xiaoxia, after hearing Xiaojun's words, I suddenly had an idea. How about getting all the information, enlivening the atmosphere of life, and leaving an indelible memory when you leave school in the future."

After Wang Xin listened, she narrowed her eyes and giggled, "It's very creative, I think it will work, Xiaoxia, let's see if it works."

Liu Xiaoxia rolled her eyes twice, smiled happily, and said, "Yes, it makes sense. There is a big difference between university and high school. There are too many things in daily life that need to be learned and understood. In the current situation where our social circle is relatively small Next, this is a good platform for communication. How about this? Let me tell the other people in the dormitory about your idea, ask for their opinions, and understand their thoughts and opinions. I will give you an opinion in two days. reply."

The three of Zhao Xiaozhou were overjoyed and finally took the first step. On the afternoon of the third day, Liu Xiaoxia gave a clear answer, and all roommates unanimously agreed to cooperate. As for the form and content of future activities, they will be discussed and agreed on a case-by-case basis.The establishment of the friendship dormitory was successful, and all the roommates in Trinity were overjoyed. Everyone was talking about how to carry out the first exchange activity, and they were so excited that they didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

Three days later, it was the weekend, and all members of the two dormitories came to the ancient hunting park not far from the college to play.Except for Liu Youcai and Yang Shuli, who frequented the place frequently and were familiar with the roads, almost no one else had been there before, so they naturally acted as guides.

Ancient Hunting Park is located at the foot of the West Mountain in Pingxi City. It was built on the ruins of the ancient Anping State hunting grounds. It has a history of more than 1000 years. It is the largest park in Pingxi and an important city card.The environment is quiet and the scenery is pleasant. During festivals, there are many tourists.There are blooming flowers in spring, cool and pleasant summer, and silver makeup in winter.It is a scenic area with profound cultural connotation, pleasant scenery and beautiful environment, which integrates historical and cultural traditions and modern natural scenery. Many high-level political figures, overseas celebrities, and social elites must visit Pingxi.

The gate of the park is an antique building with green glazed tiles on the roof, yellow glazed tiles on the ridge, and a red copper wheel canopy in the center of the main ridge. The beams, columns, and architraves are all decorated with painted paintings.Under the eaves in the middle is a piece of black paint, surrounded by gold borders, and a gold plaque of the ancient hunting park is engraved in the middle.In the center in front of the door is a tall and mighty bronze statue of the ancient Anping King in full body armor, holding a bow and arrow, straddling the front hooves of a BMW and soaring into the air.Everyone stood under the bronze statue to take pictures alone or together. Liu Youcai held the shutter and kept taking pictures before and after running.

Entering the gate of the park, there is a large lawn. On the left side, the green river meanders like a white ribbon. In the middle of the river, there are islands and pavilions of various sizes. Several red, yellow and green boats look like ducks. Like paddling, the river is rippling leisurely, and the laughter is one after another.The white mountains and rocks on the right are all kinds of strange and different shapes. The thin mist permeates the mountains, covering up the tall and straight fallen leaves and dead branches. Ancient temples are hidden in the mountains and forests.

"Although it's early winter, the scenery is still so beautiful." Someone was amazed and cheered repeatedly.

"The beauty is still ahead. This place is bigger, there are more roads, and there are many scenic spots to see. You can combine freely, try not to be too far apart, so as not to get lost, and everyone will meet at Gulietai in an hour." Liu Youcai As we move forward, we will introduce and remind everyone.

Everywhere, some people appreciate it carefully, and some people take a quick look at the flowers. Gradually, the distance is drawn, and they are naturally divided into two groups.Wu Xiaojun, Zhao Xiaozhou, Liu Youcai are in a group with Yang Shuli, Wang Xin, and Shao Yingying, and Hu Lei, Yan Gaofeng, Zhao Gang are in a group with Liu Xiaoxia, Kong Erni, and Liu Yunhui.

During the walk, naturally Liu Youcai and Yang Shuli cuddled each other, walked slowly, and kept talking quietly.Wu Xiaojun and others followed behind, sometimes stopping to enjoy the scenery, and sometimes taking pictures as souvenirs, having a great time.Wang Xin was bold and pungent, and spoke quickly. She exclaimed when she saw the danger of Qimei, which made everyone laugh from time to time. Wu Xiaojun and Zhao Xiaozhou occasionally shouted towards the river.Shao Yingying's personality is introverted and unpredictable, her temperament is quiet and noble, her face is quiet and steady, her words are not much mellow and simple, her smile is mysterious and treacherous, like a noble, elegant and shy Persia that people can't touch, but there are ripples in her heart, always with others People keep a little distance, not very gregarious, it seems lonely.

"Shao Yingying, I saw you seldom talk along the way, you looked depressed, maybe you are not feeling well, or you are not interested in this place. If you are tired from walking, you can stop and have a rest, or sit under the gazebo in front of you. Sit down." Wu Xiaojun observed for a while, walked forward, and said calmly.

"Are you talking about me? It's okay, just keep watching." Shao Yingying said briefly in surprise and fear.

Wu Xiaojun basically didn't talk to Shao Yingying at ordinary times. He felt a little embarrassed for a while, and his face was a little hot. The girl in front of him was so cold and had no femininity at all. Let alone a classmate, the first event in the Friendship Dormitory, even passers-by should reply politely, no matter how introverted the character is, it shouldn't be like this.Now that we got in touch, and couldn’t just leave, it seemed that I lost my manners and etiquette, so I had nothing to say and said: “Where is your home, are you used to the climate here? I think the climate here is not the same as ours. Almost, it feels like winter has come relatively early this year, and I was still wearing single clothes at this time in previous years, but now I’m wearing sweaters.”

"My home is in Xinning County, not far from Pingxi. It's a bit cold this year, and I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. Just get used to it." Shao Yingying looked into the distance sideways, without turning her head, and said in a low voice.

Wu Xiaojun has an inexplicable feeling for Shao Yingying. In terms of personality and appearance, she is somewhat similar to a female classmate in high school.That female classmate had been in Xiaojun with a hazy heart, lingering for a year, and wanted to express her feelings directly and confessed to her face several times, but she never had the courage to bury it in her heart, leaving infinite regrets.Xiaojun wants to further explore whether Shao Yingying is the kind of person who is ignorant of human fireworks, unpredictable, and unable to make friends and get along with each other. "The school only organizes people to watch the video on Saturday and Sunday nights. When there are no classes, there is nothing to do." Places to play, besides reading, how do you pass the time, do you feel a little boring and bored, have you looked for some more interesting entertainment?"

"In fact, it is much easier than high school. After all, I am a student. Learning professional theory is the first priority, and life adjustment is secondary. Although there is plenty of time and you can control it freely, you still have to grasp and adapt by yourself, chat with your roommates, and have fun. It’s quite fulfilling.” Although Shao Yingying’s expression didn’t change, she was no longer so nervous, her voice was a little louder, and her language was a little too much, Xiaojun began to doubt her initial impression.

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