life struggle

Chapter 17

Liu Youcai and Yang Shuli only cared about kissing me and me, leaving the others far behind, and suddenly shouted at them with great interest, "Guys, the ancient hunting ground and Anwang Temple are in front of you, and there are quite a lot of people there , it’s very lively, stop moaning, come here quickly.【 】”

Wu Xiaojun responded, "Understood, please wait a moment, we will be there soon."

Zhao Xiaozhou urged, "Go, go, we are already far behind, and I am afraid that everyone else has already arrived."

A few people walked along the winding path, passed through the dense bamboo forest without sunlight, and climbed up a dirt mountain.The top of the mountain is a spacious site, where stones and stones of different shapes are scattered in a mess, and countless large and small stone tablets are erected, which still retains the ancient style.In the center of the site is a pavilion supported by five ancient cypress trees. Under the pavilion stands a four-meter-high stone tablet with three big characters "Ancient Lietai" on it. After the vicissitudes of life, it is still clearly visible, and it can be distinguished that it was written by Zhao Xu, Emperor Shenzong of the Great Song Dynasty, in May of the sixth year of Xining.Standing in front of the pavilion, there is an empty yellowed and withered lawn in front of it, surrounded by large and small, high and low, undulating and scattered forests.Concentrating and meditating, the herd of beasts running away, the mighty and majestic scene of King An galloping and hunting with a full body of armor, a BMW, a bow and a halberd comes to mind, giving people endless reveries.

"You are talented, Wang Xin, I don't know if Hu Lei and Liu Xiaoxia are here, let's stand on the stage and look around." Zhao Xiaozhou said.

"Okay, let's all look forward and see if we can see them." Wu Xiaojun looked forward and looked around, "I saw them, they are there, look quickly, Liu Yunhui is waving at us. Come down quickly."

There are endless streams of tourists on the lawn.Liu Xiaoxia and Hu Lei had just arrived at the ancient hunting ground. They stopped at the edge of a forest in the southwest corner to rest. They all smiled and looked towards the ancient hunting platform. "I see, they are coming down from the platform. Here it is." Yan Gaofeng shouted with his hands covering his mouth.

"Wang Xin, Shao Ying, we are here." Liu Yunhui shouted and jumped up and waved vigorously.

The two groups of people joined together, chatting about what they met, saw, and heard along the way, the strange and interesting things, the characteristics and characteristics of each scenic spot, and the atmosphere naturally became more active and lively.

"Everyone, everyone, you have worked hard, you are tired from walking, and you are thirsty. I have just prepared milk and bread for you from the catering service point, and I would like to thank you." Liu Youcai held a bulging plastic bag in his hand, panting He ran out from behind the woods, and distributed them to everyone in a glib manner while talking.

"You are talented, I'm sorry, today I not only let you accompany everyone to 'revisit the old place and not see the scenery, waste a good night and be cold and beautiful, but also give money and donate to give warmth, lose money and gold, and the heart is not cold'" Wu Xiaojun ate and drank Said.

"Wu Xiaojun's words are good. It's like a couplet with charm. This can be regarded as Liu Youcai's reward for everyone. We need to support him a lot in the future, create a good environment, and strive to make him better." Liu Xiaoxia continued.

"Liu Youcai, may I ask, when people are in good spirits on happy occasions, the spring breeze is in a good mood, and when they travel through the mountains and walk in the forest, where can there be a beautiful woman?" Wang Xin laughed and teased Liu Youcai.

"Talented, speak quickly, speak quickly." Everyone laughed and clapped their hands together to remind them.

"It's a coincidence, the autumn rain stops, and the heart shines. Get up early and feel the night to explore the wonders. There is a magic scoop in the heavens? It makes everyone laugh, and here it is." Liu Youcai pondered for a moment, then replied in a melodious manner, pointing at the king Xin.

"No, no, wrong, wrong, this is the one." Yan Gaofeng pointed at Yang Shuli and said, making everyone laugh.

After a short rest, everyone began to climb to Anwang Temple.The temple is built on a mountainside in the southwest of Gulietai. Looking from bottom to top, it looks like it is inlaid in a nest in the middle of the mountain.Everyone hugged and chatted along the way, passed the "Anwang Temple" archway supported by marble pillars carved with Nine Dragons Opera Pearls, stepped on a mountain road covered with cobblestones for more than 200 meters, and came to the entrance of the steps. There are ten trees on both sides. The tall and dense ancient pines, like soldiers of honor in line, stretch their waists and stand upright, straight and natural, motionless.

There are a total of 99 stone steps on the way up, winding and winding. It is built according to the mountain situation. There are some halls, pavilions and caves along the way to worship Buddha statues.People stopped to watch and take pictures from time to time.In front of the bronze statue of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes, Wu Xiaojun stopped and looked at it carefully. Each of them was clearly layered, and he described the general description of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes vividly, compassionate but serious, more delicate than he imagined and exquisite.Leaving the bronze statue of Guanyin, I went up less than ten steps. Suddenly, someone above said "Alas". When I looked up, I was shocked. Shao Yingying, who was walking in front, was stumbled by the steps under her feet. She couldn't stand steadily, so she lay on her back. down.

Liu Yunhui, who was in front of her, failed to catch her and was terrified, "Wu Xiaojun, catch it quickly, Shao Yingying fell down."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Xiaojun stepped forward, stretched out his hands, used all his strength to catch Shao Yingying's shoulders, and gently pushed forward to stabilize Shao Yingying.Shao Yingying was still in shock, her legs paralyzed, and she sat on the side edge of the steps, holding her right foot tightly with both hands, rubbing it gently constantly, her face was pale, her teeth were clenched, and the pain was indescribable.

"It's dangerous. What's the matter? Is your ankle sprained? Does it hurt so much? Do you need us to help you down immediately? Why don't you rest for a while and see what's going on." Wu Xiaojun looked down at Shao Yingying who was rubbing her feet with both hands, eagerly.

"I was scared to death. My heart is still pounding and accelerating. Thanks to Wu Xiaojun who caught you below, otherwise I would have really thrown you badly. How about it? Does it hurt so much?" Liu Yunhui was astonished. After a while, he came to Shao Yingying, squatted down, supported Shao Yingying's back with one hand, and touched Shao Yingying's feet with the other.

"It's much better. It's nothing serious. Don't worry. It's just that when I went up the stone steps, my foot was a little too hard. I suddenly bumped into the stone steps and got stuck. My right toe hurts a little. Bleeding, you two go up, maybe it will be fine if I stop for a while." Shao Yingying said with a face full of pain.

"It's fine if you don't sprain your ankle or bleed, it's fine if you don't sprain your ankle or bleed, I hope there will be no danger." Wu Xiaojun said repeatedly.

"Wu Xiaojun, go up, I'm tired too, I don't want to go up, so stay with Xiaoying." Liu Yunhui looked at Wu Xiaojun and said.

"Okay, you stay here with me. If your feet are better and you can walk, go down the mountain slowly and wait for us at the bottom. Then I won't accompany you and go up. You must wait until the pain is gone before you go. "Maybe it's because the shadow of the classmate who had a crush on him before has not been completely forgotten, maybe it's just Aiwujiwu. Wu Xiaojun has always had an inexplicable feeling for Shao Yingying. The foot was injured, and it was inconvenient due to gender restrictions, so I had to agree to Liu Yunhui and leave.

Looking from the bottom up, some are still walking up slowly. Zhao Xiaozhou, Liu Youcai, and Wang Xin have already climbed the stone steps, standing at the gate of the temple, waving downwards, "Hey, we have already climbed up, how about you?" We are already behind, let’s work hard.”

It was the first time for Wu Xiaojun to climb so many steps, and he really experienced the taste of mountain climbing. The more he went up, the more heaviness he felt all over his body, his breathing became short of breath, his heart beat faster, and his feet felt like lead.Along the way, Wu Xiaojun discovered an interesting phenomenon. All the people who climbed up the stairs kept their heads down and walked up step by step, while most of the returnees raised their heads and walked lightly and calmly.I can't help but think of the saying "It's easy to go up the mountain and it's hard to go down the mountain". The road of life is always a cycle between going up the mountain and going down the mountain. Pass the pass and walk towards your dream; when you go down the mountain, carefully reflect on the thrill of being swallowed by big waves and hidden reefs in your life, you will know the hardships of realizing your dream, and you need to raise your head and always look back at the road you have traveled. Follow the old pattern and destroy the hard-won fruits, that is, not to be happy with things, not to be sad with oneself, to purify all these things with a far-sighted state of mind, and to spur yourself with an inclusive spirit.

Wu Xiaojun was moved by the scene, and between the physical pain and the emotion of the soul, he finally reached the top of the mountain.Standing in front of the temple gate and looking eastward, you will have a wide field of vision, beautiful Pingxi scenery, vast wilderness, mountains and rivers, quiet rivers with waves, and earthy land, which is intoxicating. It is simply a boundless canvas. This may be the result that climbers pursue regardless of physical and mental exhaustion, forgetting themselves, and vowing not to give up until they reach their goals.

Anwang Temple is a thousand-year-old temple. It was built to commemorate the king of ancient An, Zhao Yu, who led hundreds of thousands of elite knights to defeat the king of the Jingwei tribe who burned, killed, looted, and devastated the lives of the people. Unceasingly, it is a Buddhist holy place for faithful men and women to seek children and wealth.The temple is surrounded by the West Mountain on three sides, facing east, reflected in the green trees, the apricot-yellow courtyard wall, the blue-gray hall ridge, the pale green towering ancient trees, and the winding path with deep winding paths, showing the ancient trees of the Song and Tang Dynasties, Han Qinqian, wind and rain reading Look at thousands of years. The meandering river flows down the sea, and the houses are seated in the mulberry fields. The dignified and steady gray walls, the noisy and new money. Only offering incense and praying for words, the six dynasties and five dynasties will never move" has a long history. The vicissitudes of life make People feel the solemn atmosphere of the Buddhist Pure Land.

The King An Hall is located at the end of the Sanjin Hall. It is carved on the stone wall. The hall can accommodate more than a hundred people. In the middle is the statue of King An. There are large and small Buddha statues on the ground, with different heights, short, fat and thin, and different expressions and movements.Some gritted their teeth and stared angrily; The silence, solemnity and solemnity of the land.

Following many tourists and believers, Wu Xiaojun also offered incense to the burner, closed his eyes, put his hands together, forgot all troubles and worldly attitudes, and calmed down like a mirror. Experts enlighten, nobles appear, help each other with all their strength, turn bad luck into good luck, and turn good luck into death, everything goes smoothly, and the road of life becomes wider and wider; "One village" opportunity; when suffering, frustration and sinking, can "be able to meet the sweet rain after a long drought, and meet an old friend in a foreign land".

"Xiaojun, Liu Youcai said that there is something urgent, and we must gather at the gate of the temple." Zhao Xiaozhou gently pulled Wu Xiaojun and said in a low voice.

Wu Xiaojun was mesmerized, and when he was pulled by Zhao Xiaozhou, he shuddered and asked in surprise, "What's wrong."

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