life struggle

Chapter 241 Excessive Behavior

Lu Jianmin woke up completely, feeling that there was no place to relax all over his body, and he felt pain, soreness and sleepiness.With his hands on the ground, he dragged his heavy body to get up from the ground little by little, thinking to himself that these people are really vicious and vicious, they have no humanity at all, and today they have completely fallen into their hands.People have to bow their heads under the low eaves, and reasoning with them is undoubtedly playing the piano with cows.Even if you have your last breath left, you have to climb out from here.

Seeing that Lu Jianmin woke up, Ke Yufeng dared to breathe a sigh of relief. He really didn't kill anyone. He felt a sense of relief and recited a few words of Amitabha silently, thanking God.Thinking about it again, the relationship between Lu Jianmin and Lu Jianmin is now a big knot, and he has suffered a big loss. If he doesn't wind up his feet enough, he will definitely not let it go once he goes out.Thinking of this, he said angrily to Zhou Ri and Ma Yuanzhao, "That's enough, you bastards, Mr. Lu is our good monitor, without him working so hard to lead everyone, our class would be able to have the whole grade or even Is the whole school the best? All the students in our class have such a good learning environment. Leader Lu is indispensable. Everyone admires and praises him. It’s too late to celebrate. Is there a way to joke with leader Lu in this way? Help leader Lu get up , Yifan, hurry up and pour a glass of water to calm the team leader."

When Zhou Yue and the others heard Ke Yufeng's tone of voice, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. Ke Yufeng's nerve was out of order, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, and his attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees.He even sang praises for his thorn in the flesh. What does the grades in the class have to do with us?Although his face was displeased, seeing Ke Yufeng's serious and serious expression, he didn't dare to contradict and argue with him, so he could only help Lu Jianmin up from the ground with displeasure, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Chen Yifan poured the boiling water, and put both hands in front of Lu Jianmin, "Boss, I'm really sorry, the joke was too much, I hope you have a lot, don't have the same common sense as me, drink the water quickly, and suppress the panic !"

Lu Jianmin endured the pain all over his body, and looked at the group of cold demons in amazement. He didn't know how they would treat him next.What Ke Yufeng and others said were all due to the constraints of the situation at the time, and they had to do it as a last resort, not to mention it was not something they could decide and influence, and there was no real grievance at all.For a trivial matter, they will not kill themselves, and they don't have the guts, so they calm down quickly and want to see how they end up.

After all, Ke Yufeng had a guilty conscience and lacked confidence. He just wanted to vent his personal anger for a while, and he didn't want to let the matter get out of hand.Apologizing with a smile on his face, he said, "Jianmin, brothers just wanted to make a joke with you, but I didn't expect it to go too far. I offended you. Now I regret it. On behalf of my brothers, I want to say sorry to you." I know that you are honest and honest, you are a person who cares about face, and cares about the overall situation. Once this matter is widely spread today, it will not be a glorious thing for you, me, or the reputation of our class. I don't want to make things big and be talked about by others. Do you think so?"

Lu Jianmin gave him a suspicious look, but didn't answer.

Ke Yufeng continued, "I've said so much, don't you really understand what I mean? It seems that your road team leader is not a small-hearted person like others admire."

Lu Jianmin said angrily, "If you were the one who was beaten tonight, can you still be generous and complacent?"

"Hey, please don't be impulsive, stay safe and don't be impatient. The matter has come to this point, beatings and scolding, it is irreparable. If you want everyone to live in peace in the future, in my opinion, there is nothing tonight Happened. Otherwise, if you feel wronged, you can sue wherever you should when you leave the house. You have no evidence and no evidence, and none of us will admit it. Brothers, are you the leader of the road team?"

Ma Yuanzhao shook his head like a rattle drum, "No, no, Bantou Lu is a well-known good man in the whole school, it's too late to take care of him, who dares to touch his finger, isn't Tai Sui's head breaking ground, just asking for trouble. The brothers are all responsible, and no one can do such a thing."

"Jianmin, did you hear me, why did you walk carelessly like Wu Xiaojun, and you were knocked down by the steps and rubbed your face? If you talk nonsense and forcefully plant blame on the brothers, you will also have the temper and character of the brothers. I know, if you really do something out of line, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance, I think you should do it yourself."

Lu Jianmin listened to Ke Yufeng's soft and hard words, threatening words that were neither yin nor yang, and his heart seemed to have overturned a five-flavored bottle, with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty thoughts rushing into his heart, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him, he was stupefied Said, "Ke Yufeng, you are so cruel, I fell into your hands, and I am completely convinced."

Ma Yuanzhao said with a flattering smile, "Lu Bantou is different from others. He has a broad mind, knows current affairs, and is very self-aware. Yufeng is very polite and open to you today. If it were someone else, he would have lost his patience and let go of his arms." Get off your leg and run away."

"Yuan Zhao, shut up, how can you talk like this, you don't respect the class leader at all. It's already past three o'clock in the morning, and the class leader is tired, and he has to do a good job for the whole class tomorrow, let him go back to the dormitory to rest." After Ke Yufeng finished speaking, he jumped onto the bed, pulled the blanket over his body and fell asleep.

Lu Jianmin looked at Ke Yufeng's complacent and arrogant look, hated the itching of his teeth, resentment to the marrow of his bones, and clenched his fists tightly, but he had to bow his head under the low eaves, and leave early to be free.With a depressed face and a heavy body, he staggered out in a trance, only feeling nausea in his throat, went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth for ten minutes, and then quietly returned to the dormitory and lay down on the bed. Such as having a nightmare.He was lying on the bed, there was no easy place in his body, the pain was unbearable, and he couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning.In the past three years, I have been worrying about the things in my class, I have broken my legs, I have suffered a lot of grievances, and I have achieved grades recognized by the whole school. Although teachers and classmates are watching, they have never given positive feedback. Evaluation and recognition, on the contrary, many people have opinions on themselves, and there are even people like Ke Yufeng who fight hard.There is no self for joining the party, no self for outstanding class cadres, no self for outstanding three-good students, no self for scholarships.

What should I do about Ke Yufeng?Swallow this breath or Tianliang report them to the school and let them get the punishment they deserve?Thinking of this, Ke Yufeng, Ma Yuanzhao, Zhou Yue and others' terrified faces appeared in front of their eyes, pointing at themselves with blue faces and fangs.At this moment, he hesitated, feeling really scared, he didn't dare to think about it any more, and fell asleep in a daze with his head covered in exhaustion and pain all over his body.

After a day's rest, Wu Xiaojun's redness and swelling on his face and legs subsided significantly, and the pain was not as painful as when he first woke up. He tried to walk around the room a few times. Although there was still some pain in his knee joints, his legs and feet were not flexible.Seeing that Zhao Xiaozhou, Liu Youcai and the others had finished packing and moved to the new dormitory, he lightly packed the books and bedding, and waited for them to come back to help carry them over.At this time, Shao Yingying and Zhang Yanchun came over, "Xiaojun, how are you doing, is it better?"

"It's much better, no big deal! Have you finished adjusting your dormitories?"

Shao Yingying said with an aggrieved face, "The move is over, and the wall is separated from the toilet. The water in the toilet has completely clouded the wall. Not only is it damp, but it is also so noisy that it is almost impossible to live. When I saw Wang Xin angry I cried. We told the dormitory management staff that we would transfer one room, but they were so angry that we were just looking for trouble, and you have to report it to them. If it’s not possible, it’s better to have a layer of protection than now!”

Zhang Yanchun said, "There are no adults living there, so we have to take advantage of the opportunity to negotiate with them, otherwise it will be too late."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Let's do this. It's not convenient for me to move now. Call Jianmin and let's discuss it."

After Zhang Yanchun left, Wu Xiaojun said guiltily, "Yingzi, I'm sorry. At that time, the dormitory management office just asked me if I should adjust the personnel in the dormitory. I didn't think too much about it. I just combined the usual relationship between classmates And the number of interns who went out, I made a rough list, and listed you and Wang Xin in the dormitory with the least number of people. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and I really feel wronged."

"This is just your personal opinion. You should seriously seek everyone's opinions beforehand. If you take things for granted, there will inevitably be unsatisfactory things. This time, the students in the dormitory have great opinions, saying that you are fooling around and don't consider everyone at all. Some dormitory members have a long-term tense relationship, and they should have made major adjustments but still force them to live together. There are also dormitory members who have always had a very harmonious relationship, but you broke them up. I wanted to live in the same dormitory with Miao Sangju, but I was very annoyed at being separated this time, and forced to throw out the belongings of the students in Class [-] and occupy the beds. What do you think you are doing?"

"There are opinions that can be reflected and discussed, how can they take such drastic actions?"

"I don't know what you guys are like. At this time, who cares so much about you, whoever wants to do what they want, and they don't care. Now the girls are blowing up. It's not sure whether to solve this matter as soon as possible. What else will appear!"

Just as he was talking, Zhang Yanchun came in nervously, "Xiaojun, Jianmin was not found. He went out early in the morning. No one knows where he went. What do you think?"

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