life struggle

Chapter 242

"It was agreed last night. This morning, he will take you and Xiang Meili to the Medical Education Department of the Affiliated Hospital to meet Section Chief Zhao Weili. Jianmin is also the same person. It shouldn't be so early! Even if we go, we need to discuss with you in person. How can we act alone in silence. Wait for Jianmin to come back and talk about the docking with the attached courtyard. The most urgent thing is to solve the problem of accommodation for the students. Yanchun, please inform Xiang Meili and Liu Haiyan that we will go to the girls' dormitory area to see look."

Shao Yingying said with a sad face, "I don't think you should be so brave. Wearing a mask and limping up and down the stairs is inconvenient. Let Yanchun, Liu Haiyan and Xiang Meili go."

Zhang Yanchun knew about the relationship between Shao Yingying and Wu Xiaojun, seeing her displeasure and displeasure, she had no choice but to say, "Xiaojun, don't go, let's get to know the situation in detail."

Wu Xiaojun hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, Yanchun! Xiang Meili has a strange temper, loves to be impulsive, and doesn't speak in a way, which can easily intensify conflicts. She is a person who does not succeed in success but fails in failure. Don't call her that." Yes. You and Liu Haiyan first communicate with the dormitory management office, and then ask for opinions one by one dormitory. If you can make appropriate adjustments, make adjustments. If it doesn’t work, ask the dormitory management office to explain and stabilize the students Emotions, we must not let everyone behave excessively."

Zhang Yanchun said, "Just as you said, we will play by ear. You can heal your injury at ease. There are still many things waiting for you to deal with!"

After seeing Zhang Yanchun leave, Shao Yingying complained, "You are a good person. You were so hung up yesterday. There was so much money in your bag. How could you run away without thinking about it? I was terrified at the time, so I hurriedly put your bag away." Put away the signature slip. Have you ever thought about it, once the money is taken away by others, can you explain it clearly? Can you afford it? How to explain to the other students in the class, I feel very scared when I think about it. Besides, the whole There is a reason why so many people in the class did not stand up to persuade the fight. In the eyes of others, you, Jianmin, and Xiang Meili are the Iron Triangle. No one wants to intervene in your affairs. Maybe you don’t realize it, maybe you feel particularly wronged and puzzled, but people’s hearts are not old, the reality is so cruel and ruthless, you have to think about it if you can’t figure it out, and you have to eat it yourself if you lose your teeth Swallow in the stomach."

"I usually notice what you said and try my best to eliminate it, but the imprint on everyone's hearts is hard to change for a while. No matter what you do, there will always be people who think in the wrong way, which is inevitable. Jianmin and Xiang Everyone knows the relationship between the beautiful and beautiful people. I don't want to say too much. I can only remind you occasionally. I didn't expect the situation to become so serious. It seems that I have too little communication with my classmates and I don't understand their relationship at all. What I feel, what I think, what I think, and what I say, there are indeed many things that need to be reflected and reviewed."

"Actually, if there is no Xiang Meili, the image of the two of you in the hearts of the whole class may be better. Everyone has a mentality of loving their houses and black people. If you mix with people like Xiang Meili, others will naturally have different opinions. This matter needs to be solved. Don't you need to write a letter to tell my sister?"

"It just happened. It hasn't stabilized yet. It's not a big deal. Don't tell her about it for now, lest she worry."

"Okay, don't worry about yourself in the future, don't think that you are a character, and you can't do anything without you. There are too many people in the class, so what should I do without you. I won't talk to you anymore, I I have to go back and pack my things."

In the past few days, Liang Yuhua incited Jiang Shoujia's face, Ma Yuanzhao and Lu Jianmin chased and beat him, himself and Teacher Qiao were injured, and the girls' dormitory occupied beds one after another. All the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart were exposed and released unscrupulously, and now that Lu Jianmin had disappeared for no apparent reason, he couldn't help but worry.The only feeling is endless fatigue and confusion.He wandered around the dormitory a couple of times in a state of uneasiness, feeling really worried, so he decided to go to Jianmin's dormitory to ask for clarification.Just about to go out, Liu Youcai hurried back from the outside, and said mysteriously, "Xiaojun, I just heard the news that Jianmin was cleaned up by Ke Yufeng and Ma Yuanzhao last night."

Wu Xiaojun was taken aback, "What did you say, Ke Yufeng and the others beat Jianmin, no way, who said that?"

"Last night they called Jianmin to the dormitory. They beat and scolded him. The voice was heard outside, and many students heard it. It's not clear exactly what happened."

Wu Xiaojun looked up at the ceiling and said with a heavy heart, "you are talented, you should be very clear about Jianmin's character. He must be feeling very sad and lost after such a big thing happened. I don't know how to hide alone at this time." Where are you sulking? As classmates who have been together for many years, we can’t help you. It’s always okay to clarify things and give some comfort. Can you work hard and ask where Jianmin is? If it’s not possible, why not Go ask Xiang Meili, she should know."

"Okay, I'll go now!"

Liu Youcai turned around and was about to leave when Xiang Meili walked in excitedly from the outside. Before Wu Xiaojun could speak, he said with a stern look on his face, "Wu Xiaojun, Jianmin trusts you so much, yet you use him as a pawn to play him everywhere. You have done so many things for the class, the good things are all yours, and you let him take the blame for everything. Not only did you get nothing, but you were murdered to the point of being a ghost, and you acted like a good old man by the side, which is too wicked. You don't have a conscience. He is really blind to cooperate with a wolf in human skin like you, a beast that eats people and doesn't spit out bones."

"Beautiful, what's the matter with you, why are you so angry?"

"Jianmin was almost beaten to death last night, but you are like a normal person, relaxing here. You have no sympathy at all."

"Lili, go out, don't talk nonsense here, you're just looking for trouble, making a lot of noise, don't you think the class is not chaotic enough, the troubles are not big enough, I have nothing to do." Lu Jianmin suddenly appeared and sternly berated Xiang Meili not to let her continue go on.

When Wu Xiaojun saw Lu Jianmin, he naturally relaxed a lot, and hurriedly asked, "Jianmin, what's going on?"

Lu Jianmin shook his head, sighed and said, "I thought about it a lot overnight. Now that the matter has passed, I won't mention it any more. Just pretend that nothing happened, so what should I do?"

Xiang Meili said angrily, "They not only put you under house arrest and restricted your personal freedom, but also forcibly raped you. This is a serious illegal and criminal act. They must be sued. They must not be allowed to go unpunished. They must be brought to justice." The law, pay for their crimes and get the punishment they deserve.”

"Okay, let's stop here, I will deal with my own affairs, don't worry about it, if you want to worry about it, I will give you a hurry."

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, you're such a tall, twisted, brainless idiot, you don't even know it's sold, and you even count the money for others. You just let it go, and I won't care about you again. "He said cursing and walked away.

Lu Jianmin said sadly, "Xiaojun, we have been working together for the past two years, and we are very harmonious and happy. This time, you were injured for me again. I am really grateful. The current situation is very complicated, and most students directly point the finger at me. Point to me, I don’t have the face to ask about the class and internship, I’m going to go back to my hometown for a while, take a good rest, and rest in peace, and you will take care of the things here.”

Wu Xiaojun knew Lu Jianmin's current mood, leaving this extraordinary period, this place of right and wrong, it is a good choice to go back to relax, frowning and said with a heavy heart, "I understand your current mood and suffering. The grievances, but the matter has come to this point, it will not help if you take it too seriously, don't be too angry and remorse, everything will be fine, and it will pass."

That afternoon, Lu Jianmin left the campus full of exhaustion, grievances, helplessness and sadness. Ke Yufeng and others ignored the damage to Lu Jianmin's body and mind, and they were full of achievements and pride early the next morning. Quietly set off to Pingnan's internship site, and only returned on the eve of graduation.

Wu Xiaojun dragged his aching and exhausted body back and forth between the school, the affiliated college, and his classmates for several days. After all the hard work, he finally quelled the bed rush caused by the adjustment of the dormitory, and divided 89 students into various departments. After the chaotic and turbulent situation of the past week ended, all the students returned to the calmness of the past, and started the normal study and life track.

After a period of intense busyness, everything was stable and ready, and Wu Xiaojun was able to relax from his tense nerves all the time.This afternoon, she returned to the dormitory after getting off work from the Department of Hematology, and was about to write a letter to Luo Xiao when she picked up a pen, but Bai Lingyan came over with a haha. "Xiaojun, you are a very busy person these days, and seeing you is even more difficult than seeing the principal."

Wu Xiaojun said in surprise, "What are you talking about, rare guest, it was the gust of wind that brought you here, please sit down, please sit down!"

"During this period of time, your class is really lively. All the students in the school know about it. Some rumors are very evil. Someone even said that you and your counselor were injured in public kissing. Is this true?"

Wu Xiaojun blushed, and said embarrassingly, "This group of students will make up stories based on rumors when they are not doing their business. This kind of joke is not for fun."

Bai Lingyan laughed and said, "It must be. You blushed as soon as I mentioned it. I don't want to tease you. I was only busy with other things a few days ago, so I couldn't take the time to come and see you. I feel really sorry."

"It's okay, I just fell and scratched my leg, and it's all healed."

Bai Lingyan said excitedly, "We are all old acquaintances, so we should care about it. This time, our class has only two practice sites, one is an affiliated hospital, and the other is the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital. It's very close, now I can still be by my father's side, I was so excited when I heard the news that I didn't sleep well for several days."

"That's right, that's right. Before the internship location was officially announced, I was still in a daze all day long. Now everything has come true."

"I think you're a drunkard, don't care about drinking, don't worry about her!"

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