life struggle

Chapter 243

"You're joking again. If two people have been together for a long time, how can we be together day and night! We all have our own lives, hobbies and circles of friends. We have long been accustomed to the lifestyle of the two cities, and we use our own comfortable ways to achieve love. It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s just that you have been here for a long time and the environment is relatively familiar, so you don’t want to go to a strange place again.”

"Actually, love is like a spring. If two people are in close contact, the spring will be crushed; if the distance between two people is too far, the spring will be broken. Love that is too indifferent will affect the relationship between two people, but it is too meticulous. The care of love will also make love lose its proper elasticity. So it is easy to hurt the other party if you are too close, and you will not feel the care of the other party if you are too far away. The so-called distance produces beauty, and intimacy should have space. I hope you will achieve a positive result as soon as possible."

"Talk about me, three years have passed in a flash, you are so calm, and you haven't considered personal issues."

"I was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. After experiencing the ignorant love with Jiang Shoujia, I never dared to trust others easily, and I didn't have the courage to associate with boys I didn't know well. I think love is such a thing. You can meet but not ask for, what belongs to you will come sooner or later, and what does not belong to you will not be obtained no matter how hard you work.”

"You are a bit fatalistic. There is a saying that people who can't make time to sleep will make time to get sick sooner or later; people who can't make time to study will make time to make up exams sooner or later; Those who are in love will find time to go on a blind date sooner or later. Don’t miss the flowering period and look for flowers again, it’s time to think about it.”

"It's not time to think about it yet, just wait."

"Speaking of Jiang Shoujia just now, there is one thing I don't understand. Why did Liang Yuhua fan his mouth in public that day? It was so embarrassing?"

"It's hard to say, Jiang Shoujia is so useless. Three months ago, Liang Yuhua suddenly broke up with her boyfriend for some reason. Falling in love with her. In the pain of losing love, Liang Yuhua, who was empty in her heart, agreed to him in order to divert the entanglement and torture in her heart and find spiritual sustenance. It didn't take long for Jiang Shoujia to turn his face and show everything, and started to attack her They moved their feet and even made unreasonable demands to open a room outside. Liang Yuhua was frightened and dared not see him for many days. That is, about ten days before the internship mobilization meeting, the two had a big fight in Chrysanthemum Square. It's a complete farewell. Liang Yuhua's heart is like a knife, new wounds and old wounds come together, how many people can bear it, always think that Jiang Shoujia stabbed a knife in her heart, playing with her feelings, but she was angry and ignored it on the spur of the moment Everything slapped him in public. At the beginning, I also thought he was a good person. When you introduced him, I still half-believed and couldn’t turn the corner. Now that I think about it, I’m terrified. Fortunately, I realized it early. .”

"He did it on his own. Dogs can't stop eating shit. It's a fundamental problem. I've been tossing and turning for a while, and I won't have time to inform you about our class in the future. Please don't mind! Which department are you in now?"

"Our maternity and child specialty is different from your clinical specialty. The focus is on pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology. The allocation time is relatively long, and other departments are only general knowledge and auxiliary, and the time is much shorter. The first eight months are mainly in other departments. I The first stop is gastroenterology, which is relatively easy, and there is a lot of free time, so I can finally relax for a while."

"Yes, you are in the Department of Gastroenterology, I am in the Department of Hematology, and we are both in the Department of Internal Medicine. If you have time, it will be helpful to communicate and communicate more!"

"Help is out of the question, contact and communication is a must."

Being able to stay in the affiliated hospital for internship is a good thing that most people dream of. Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan are no exception, and they are naturally very happy.The two were calm and natural, talking about everything, very happy, Wu Xiaojun's dull and painful mood for many days finally changed, and he relaxed a lot.It wasn't until the lights came on, the people were indistinct, and the setting sun was like a load walking on the place where the sky and the earth meet, with the last twilight remaining on the city, the two left the dormitory, went to the off-campus pedestrian street to have a barbecue, drink a few glasses of cool draft beer, Enjoy the rare quiet and leisure.

It’s been a long time since I saw Luo Xiao’s figure, heard her voice, walked with her, and thought of her flickering figure, a smile like a spring breeze, a figure like summer rain, eyes like an autumn moon, and winter snow With a similar expression, I feel the romance and warmth that I once had.That unforgettable love affair is like a magnet, tightly attracting him to approach her step by step, approaching, and approaching again, until there is no distance at all, and they are glued together and cannot be separated.When he opened his eyes vigorously, what was in front of him was darkness, so crowded that he couldn't see her no matter how hard he tried.He found that he could not see her every day like three autumns, he couldn't do without her, he was eager to see her, he wanted to have her, and he decided to visit her on weekends and share his joy, anger and sorrow with her face to face.

Things backfired, and the next day Wu Xiaojun received a telegram from his third brother Xiaosen, saying that his uncle had passed away, and asked him to go back to see the old man for the last time.Wu Xiaojun thought to himself if he was in a hurry, it would be a few days, and it would not be too late to see Luo Xiao after returning from the funeral, so he rushed home overnight.

When Wu Xiaojun arrived at his uncle's house, his father, younger uncle Pingchun, elder aunt Wuxue, and younger aunt Wulian were squatting beside him. The people in charge of the village were discussing with his elder brother Xiaoliang about his uncle's funeral, and they came forward to say hello and squatted beside his father.

Wu Xue said, "The elder brother was suffering from cancer, so it was expected that he passed away early, but I didn't expect him to be able to last for such a long time, which is very much inseparable from the careful care of his children."

Wu Pingchun has always been angry and tortured by his uncle since he was a child. The death of his eldest brother Wu Pingming seemed to have relieved him of a heartache, and he was not as sad as his second brother and two sisters. , Die early and clean up early, so as not to harm others. I will do what I say, and I will not look at him if I am constantly angry."

Wu Pingshun said, "Pingchun, you can't say things like that, and you can't do things like that. Since he is already like this, what's the point of you holding grudges with him? If you have a big stomach, you should be bigger. I am not two years older than him. , our father treats him like a treasure in his family, and he only wants him to grow up to support our family, and everything goes with him. Because of him, I have been angry and beaten by my father a lot. , not to mention being tormented by him, compared to you, it’s grown up. I don’t care about it, there is nothing you can’t let go of, you’re dead, you’ll have nothing when you die, if you don’t do it for him, you have to do it Those who live, don't say any more angry words at this time."

At this time, Wu Jinxiang, who was inquiring about the matter, came over, squatted down and said, "Pingchun, it's not appropriate for the visitor to burn paper for your elder brother the day after tomorrow. It's not appropriate to leave it to an outsider. I'll leave it all to you. Then I can't mess it up."

Wu Lian said, "Master Jin Xiang, it's okay, you can arrange something else!"

After Wu Jinxiang left, Wu Pingchun stood up angrily, "Who should I look for? I won't order a piece of paper for someone like him." He said and left.

Wu Xue blocked the way, "Pingchun, don't go, it's not like this, if you don't burn our own affairs, you can make others burn." Wu Pingchun didn't listen at all, and walked out angrily without even turning his head .

Wu Pingshun said very worriedly, "Brother keeps getting angry and won't go to see Pingchun, and Pingchun won't come to see brother, both of them hold their breath and compete with each other, if this continues, I really don't know when they will grow up. "

Wu Xue said, "It's the same for Pingchun. At this time, what's the point? I don't even want to burn a piece of paper for my elder brother. Should I tell Jin Xiang in advance, so that he won't embarrass me if something happens to him?" .”

Wu Lian said, "Don't talk about it yet, talk about it with Pingchun when you come down, he won't even care about a little big face."

Wu Pingming did cause a lot of trouble for Wu Pingshun and Wu Pingchun during his lifetime. He had treated them as enemies for a long time, and rarely sat together peacefully to talk about their brotherhood.Wu Lian, who used to come and go normally, had nothing to say when they met because of her mother-in-law's burying the grave and firing cannons, and she didn't have much sympathy and pity for his illness psychologically.Only Wu Xue always thinks that her sister-in-law passed away early, and it is not easy to bring up a group of children, so she usually takes care and respect.As for the younger generation, affected by the grievances between the elders, they have little respect for Wu Pingming except for hatred.Wu Xiaoqi, who was the most harassed and tortured by him, hated him even more. Although the two families lived opposite each other, they never showed up for several days.Even Wu Xiaoyun often complained in front of his father, complaining that his father was soft-hearted and didn't care about people like him.Many people are not sad about Wu Pingming's death, they are full of strength in their hearts, and they are always ready to vent.

On the day of Wu Pingming's funeral, all relatives and friends came to pay homage to the funeral.

Although Wu Xiaoliang and Wu Xiaozhao looked down on Wu Pingming's actions from the bottom of their hearts, they were the fathers who gave birth to and supported themselves. Due to the family tradition and the influence of the ten miles and eight villages, they still buried their father in the earth in a graceful manner.

Wu Xiaoyun always believed that Wu Xiaofu and Wu Pingming belonged to the same type of people. Xiaofu often troubled his parents, irritated them, and made the family restless all day long, all because of Pingming's influence.Regarding Wu Pingming's death, she didn't want to go to the funeral at all. After repeated persuasion by her father, she pinched her nose and forced herself to come here, but she was full of anger in her heart.The one who made her most angry and vent her anger was Wu Xiaofu. Although nearly two years had passed, she still held a grudge against Wu Xiaofu beating her at home because of the burial of her aunt and mother-in-law.She made up her mind that she must take this opportunity to make Wu Xiaofu embarrassing in public, and give herself an explanation and a settlement.

Seeing that the coffin had been buried in the ground, the funeral was about to end, and most of the relatives had dispersed from the cemetery, she couldn't control her emotions, so she suddenly stepped forward and stopped Wu Xiaofu, crying and scolding him not to let him go.

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