life struggle

Chapter 248

Wu Maiduo easily escaped the catastrophe, and even more confident, he first went to Zhang Laosi and Zhang Xinzhe's house and made a big fuss, saying that they made a false accusation, which frightened adults and children to hide at home and dare not go out.Then he continued to scold Wu Xiaozhao for three days in the village. He knew that Wu Xiaozhao was not easy to mess with. He couldn't move him in this matter. He did his job. , it won't be so easy to escape, so he didn't dare to go to Wu Xiaozhao's house to make trouble, and then deal with him at will.

Wu Pingming, Wu Xiaoliang and Ma Wencheng were worried that they would cause trouble if they met, so they repeatedly advised Wu Xiaozhao to work with Wu Xiaoliang's business partner in Zhenjiang for a while, and come back after the limelight passes.

Wu Xiaozhao thought about it, the autumn harvest and autumn planting were over, and there was nothing to do at home throughout the winter, so it was good to go out to earn some money, so she left home with her wife and children, and went to work at a construction site in Zhenjiang.Because he has a good mind, loves to make friends and is loyal, he will respond to anyone who has a big or small situation. The key is that there is nothing wrong with him. In less than half a year, he has made a group of black and white friends.The boss thinks highly of him, and rewarded him with the title of project director. Many fellow villagers working in the local area came here after hearing the news.Especially Wu Wanqiang, the son of Wu Yongkui, and Wu Xinqiao, the daughter of Wu Jinlin.Seeing that Xinqiao's pregnancy reaction became more and more severe day by day, the money in her pocket was almost exhausted, and she couldn't even afford to stay in a hotel and eat for a few days.Wu Wanqiang was so anxious that he looked for work everywhere but couldn't find a suitable one. When the two were at a loss, they met Sanwa from a neighboring village. Sanwa asked him to go to Wu Xiaozhao, maybe he would help.

Wu Wanqiang's father, Wu Yongjie, used to stumbling Wu Pingming a lot. Wu Pingming has always had a heart for his father. It's hard to say whether Wu Xiaozhao will help, but he has to bow his head under the low eaves, so he has to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Bite the bullet and go to Wu Xiaozhao.When Wu Xiaozhao saw Wu Wanqiang and Wu Xinqiao, she joked, "Wan Qiang, I don't know if I should call you uncle or uncle? Xinqiao, I don't know if I should call you aunt or Aunt Wanqiang. When the juniors have a problem, they feel very awkward!"

Wu Xinqiao blushed and said, "Xiao Zhao, we are already like this, please stop making fun of us, please do me a favor, take us in for a while, give us a meal, let us do whatever we want!"

Wu Xiaozhao said, "I have also heard about your affairs. Although the cooking is disgraceful, the uncooked rice has been cooked into mature rice. The matter has reached this point, and no one can change it. I don't know what will happen at home now. If you go back now, There must be no good fruit to eat. In order to let the family calm down for a few days and dilute the impact of your incident on the hearts of the villagers, I will leave you here for the time being. I am thinking of you. If you remember the past, you will be killed. I won't keep you either."

Wu Wanqiang and Wu Xinqiao were very happy to see that Wu Xiaozhao agreed to take him in and had a formal place to stay.Working very hard on the construction site, it didn't take long before he became Wu Xiaozhao's right-hand man, and the two were like brothers.Wu Xiaozhao gradually freed herself from the construction site, and went outside to collect materials every three days to coordinate and handle construction-related matters.As the days went by, the salary got better, the income increased, and the problem of eating, drinking, and gambling recurred.The people under his command asked him to be obedient and behave himself, and no one dared to cheat or be lazy.The progress of the project is fast and the quality is very high. The boss has a high regard for him. He is asked to do many difficult things. He is too busy to go home.His father was seriously ill and he couldn't watch over the bed. After receiving an urgent telegram, he explained the matter to his boss and Wu Wanqiang, and hurried home. His father had passed away, and he felt infinite regret in his heart.

Wu Xiaozhao was very guilty, depressed, and uncomfortable at first, but seeing her father away in a beautiful way, it was just a wish.Unexpectedly, Wu Xiaoyun, Wu Xiaomei and Wu Xiaofu quarreled in the cemetery in the end, causing relatives and friends to talk about it, which was quite ugly.This incident has not yet passed, and my uncle gloated and uttered nonsense during his father's funeral. He was extremely angry. Resentment, anger, hatred, and fire immediately erupted like a volcano, and he went straight to Wu Pingchun's house with a coal cone like crazy. No matter how hard Wu Xiaoliang and elder sister Wu Xiaocui could stop them, they could only follow closely behind.

Wu Xiaozhao shouted hoarsely all the way, "Wu Pingchun, you are happy that my father is dead, you have no humanity and no family affection, today we have to preach in front of everyone." Walking to the door, the door was closed Then, he stabbed a few times with a coal awl, "Wu Pingchun, you heartless guy, don't hide in the doghouse, crawl out for me quickly." , the gatekeeper still didn't move, he lifted a stone from the side and smashed it violently, only heard a "bang", smashed the door to pieces.He broke into the door and was stopped by his little aunt He Niu, "Xiao Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Call that bastard Wu Pingchun out, why is he disgustingly insulting my father in the whole village!"

"Your uncle is not at home, he has gone to the field, it's useless for you to make noise!"

"Fart, put your mother's shit, my father's bones are not cold, and his relatives and friends have not finished leaving, he still has the face to go to the ground, who are you fooling! Go away."

Seeing Wu Xiaozhao's angry, domineering, domineering appearance, He Niu became anxious, "Xiaozhao, what are you going to do, he is not at home, you can't go in the house." She said in front of him.

Wu Xiaozhao didn't care about this, and stared, "Fuck you, don't be like me." He stretched out his hand and pushed He Niu to the ground forcefully.

He Niu immediately sat on the ground and vented her anger, "Come on, come on, Wu Xiaozhao is beating someone, Wu Xiaozhao is beating someone. Our family is small, there is no one, and the bully has been bullied to the fullest. Everyone, young and old, look at it." Ah, Wu Xiaozhao is not a good person like his father. If someone dies, he still troubles us and refuses to let us live. Oh my god, this life is impossible. Come on, everyone Look, Wu Xiaozhao is going to beat our whole family to death." Weeping and howling, she counted, seeing Wu Xiaoliang and Wu Xiaocui approaching, suddenly got up and ran towards Wu Xiaoliang, Wu Xiaoliang dodged, He Niu scrambled to the ground, Immediately blood flowed from the nostrils.

Wu Xiaoliang didn't even look at her, and went straight into the house. Wu Xiaozhao was picking up coal cones and crackling in the house.

After Wu Pingchun said a few complaining words, he felt that he had made a mistake, so he turned his head and went home, lying on the bed full of depression, and fell asleep with his head covered.Thinking back and forth about what Wu Pingming had done, he was angry, hated and regretful. He suddenly heard a commotion outside, and sat up. He heard that Wu Xiaozhao was looking for trouble. He didn't want to have a confrontation with him, so he let him He Niu went out to stop her.Seeing it was impossible, he got out of bed and walked out from the inside. Wu Xiaozhao had already entered the door and began to smash things. He said angrily, "Xiaozhao, what do you want to do?"

When Wu Xiaozhao saw Wu Pingchun, it didn't matter if you were an uncle or not, he went up and opened his mouth a dozen times in a row, "I will let your unworthy mouth talk nonsense, I will let your unworthy mouth talk nonsense, I Let your insignificant mouth talk nonsense, how dare you make me sick to death, do you still feel sick to death? My father is dead, aren't you happy? I make you happy enough, I make you happy enough. After beating for a while, he started to overturn the table and smash the bench.

Wu Xiaoliang saw that Wu Xiaozhao was too much, just stop in moderation to relieve his anger, and he couldn't go to death. He shouted sharply, "Xiaozhao, go back, you can't mess around here." Then he squatted on the ground with his hands covering his mouth and grinned. Wu Pingchun, "You are also in the tens of years old. Why are you not as good as a child? There is no one like you in the world. You have not thought about what you are doing. The old graves of our ancestors can It's the turn of the dog to run around burning paper, you don't think he's dirty and insulted the ancestors, that's fine, I don't care about it with you, but my father is the brother of your mother's compatriots after all, no matter how bad he is No matter how bad it is, it's not your turn to judge and talk nonsense in front of others. I don't have the same knowledge as you, if it were someone else, I would have thrown you into the South River long ago."

Wu Pingchun also became angry when he heard it, "In this case, I will kill your father, we will not live today." He stood up suddenly, grabbed the wooden stool beside him and threw it at Wu Xiaoliang, Wu Xiaoliang turned sideways and failed Dodged, was hit heavily on the right shoulder.Wu Xiaoliang couldn't help getting angry, turned around and grabbed Wu Pingchun's shoulders, pushed and kicked him down on the floor of the main room, Wu Xiaozhao stepped forward and kicked him fiercely. When I got up, I didn't have the slightest strength to fight back, I just felt weak all over, and there were places to vacate everywhere.Wu Xiaozhao kicked for a while, still not relieved, picked up the coal cone and was about to poke him on the thigh, but fortunately Wu Pingshun and Wu Xue arrived in time to stop him, so he was spared.

Wu Xue said angrily, "Xiao Liang, your father has just been buried, even if your uncle is wrong, you two brothers shouldn't come here to beat people and things, it's too rampant. If someone dies, what to do? "

Wu Xiaozhao said with a loud voice, "What's wrong with someone's life, at worst, I'll take his life, for my father, it's worth it!"

Wu Pingshun said with a serious face, "Xiao Liang, today isn't lively enough, isn't it embarrassing enough? Don't say anything, tell Xiao Zhao to go out quickly."

Wu Xiaozhao said, "Uncle, Auntie, what are you two talking about him doing? Before my father's coffin was sealed, he ran to the big elm tree and sang high-profile songs with a bunch of women. He was gloating and disgusting my father. What the hell is wrong with him?" There are people like him. You also know Xiaozhao’s temper. I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I rushed to stop him, but he hit me with a stool. No one can calm down when this matter is put on anyone. Neither do I. What did I say to you, Xiao Zhao, what are you still doing in a daze, get out quickly!"

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