life struggle

Chapter 249

After Wu Xiaozhao bombarded the house, it was already a mess, it was too horrible to look at, and the anger in his chest disappeared a lot.

Wu Pingshun and Wu Xue looked at the beaten Wu Pingchun who was lying on the ground unable to get up and kept moaning, feeling very sad and distressed, and kept moaning and angrily saying, "Xiao Liang, Xiao Zhao, your two brothers also It's too cruel, even if Pingchun is absolutely wrong, you can't do this kind of murder." He said while helping Wu Pingchun who was suffering from unbearable pain on the ground.

Enduring the pain, Wu Pingchun slowly got up from the ground, raised his eyes and saw Xiao Liang and Xiao Zhao who were standing aside glaring at the cold, and instinctively cursed, "Bastard, I will fight with you today!" The guy was grabbed by Wu Pingshun, "Pingchun, what do you want to do, who wants to act wild here today. Get rid of me first." Turning around and staring at Wu Xiaozhao, he said viciously, "You, hurry up!" Wu Xiaoliang was worried The matter got further and further out of control, so Wu Xiaozhao went out.

He Niu in the yard broke her face, and Wu Xiaocui hurriedly helped her up, but she refused to let her go, bumping and scratching Xiaocui desperately like howling ghosts and wolves.Wu Xiaocui didn't want to get entangled with her, so she turned around and wanted to leave, but she grabbed hold of her clothes, struggled a few times and couldn't break free, feeling anxious, turned around and slapped her left and right and slapped her a few times.The corner of He Niu's mouth was bleeding immediately after being beaten, so she had to let go of her hand, covered her mouth with both hands and sat down on the ground.Wu Xiaocui spat heavily on him, and left resentfully.

Wu Xue kept scolding Wu Pingchun, "It's dead, it's dead, you're a big man, big brother is dead, why do you still care about him, pass this day in peace, don't worry about anything Isn’t it so difficult for you to burn a piece of paper?”

Wu Pingshun lowered his head to think about something, and suddenly said, "Xue, don't talk about these things. Brother Xiaoliang won't be so angry at this moment. Chun, just now Xiaoliang said that you were gloating under the big elm tree and singing high-profile, Disgusting his father, is there such a thing?"

Wu Pingchun nodded, but said nothing.

Wu Pingshun said, "It's your fault. No wonder they got so angry with you! From the outsiders' point of view, it's our own housework to say one thousand and ten thousand. If you say it from your mouth, it will definitely be yours." It's not suitable. It's strange, how did it spread to their ears so quickly."

Wu Pingchun said angrily, "Aunt Zhao, Erguai, and Han Xin were the only three people at that time. It must have been Aunt Zhao who said it quickly! I'll go find him now."

Wu Ping stomped his feet angrily, "Don't you know who she is? You, you, I don't know what to say about you. Xiao Liang and their anger are also out, and you have suffered a lot. That's it, this matter is over, don't let the villagers see jokes anymore. Xue, you stay here with Chun for a while, and I have to appease those two boys."

Wu Xiaozhao came out of Wu Pingchun's house, still angry. When he walked to the front of the house, he looked up and saw Wu Xiaoqi's daughter-in-law Qiuping was squatting in front of the door chatting with some women, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Wu Xiaoqi all day. From the time his father passed away to the funeral, the whole village was in motion. They never saw this guy show up, so they didn’t get angry. Seeing Wu Xiaoqi piled up a lot of corn stalks and bricks on his homestead outside the south wall, he walked quickly to the front , grabbed a bundle of corn stalks, took out the lighter and was about to light it.Qiuping was so frightened that her face turned pale, she hurriedly got up and ran to him, grabbed the lighter from Wu Xiaozhao's hand, and asked tremblingly, "Why do you want to burn my family's firewood?"

"If you want to smash and burn things on my site, it's none of your mother's business, get the hell out!" Wu Xiaozhao sternly shouted.

"This is something from my house, you can't burn it."

"The fever is mild, it made me anxious and wanted to hit someone!"

"Is it okay if I don't let you go on the ground?"

"It's okay if you don't let go, you must disappear before dark, otherwise the firewood will be lit for you, and all the bricks will be thrown into the pit." Wu Xiaozhao said angrily, pointing at her nose.

Seeing his domineering posture, Qiuping trembled with fear, and didn't dare to say anything more, so she hurried over to move things.The people on the side didn't know what was going on, and they all hid from a distance to watch the excitement.Wu Xiaozhao was like a supervisor, pointing at the side with a coal cone, and swearing a few words from time to time.

Wu Pingshun saw Wu Xiaozhao standing in the middle of the road from a distance, and didn't know what he was doing, but when he saw Qiuping moving things, he immediately understood.Cursing inwardly, acting up, acting up, you really don't understand shit, Xiaozhao reported it now.He hurried forward and said, "Xiao Zhao, why don't you come in, what are you doing standing here?"

"Uncle, I'm sorry for you. Since the effect is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. You can't put his family's things in my field for a moment."

"Xiao Zhao, Xiao Qi, that kind of person has no brains, a fool, two hundred and five, don't talk so much about him. Go back quickly!"

Wu Xiaoliang was very aggrieved, and his heart was full of anger. Seeing Wu Pingshun come over, he knelt down in front of him with a "plop", "Uncle, it's all my fault, I didn't think carefully about things, my father left, I didn't expect there would be another There are so many things, this time I am completely ashamed, and I feel very sad and sad when I think about it. Whether my brother-in-law hates me and Xiaozhao or not, I can’t care about so much!" He said with tears streaming down his face full face.

Wu Pingshun hurriedly helped him up, and said with tears, "Xiaoliang, everyone can see that what you did is indeed right, and you are more worthy of your father. No one will blame you for your relatives and friends. Besides, Xiaochun did it today. It's really wrong, your aunt and I have already told him harshly, the matter is over, and we can do whatever we want in the future, there are no masters who don't stumble."

Wu Xiaojun watched as his father and eldest aunt heard the news that Xiaozhao went to his uncle's house to find something to do, and comforted his elder sister with his mother for a while, then sent her away.Then he and his mother came to Xiaoliang's house to help pack things, and sent the borrowed tables, chairs, pots and pans home one by one, and kept busy until it was getting late.When I got home, I found that the ropes of the two calves had been loosened and disappeared. I searched for a hiding place at home but couldn't find it.So I went outside with my mother to look for it separately, asked people when I saw them, and searched in the fields by the side of the village. When I met Aunt Chang who was picking corn seedlings and was about to go home, she asked eagerly, "Aunt Chang, have you seen my calf?" ?”

Aunt Chang said, "Is it water-white, half-sized?"

"Yes, yes, where are they?"

"At around six o'clock this afternoon, I saw that they were heading in that direction. You can look for them over there."

Wu Xiaojun walked forward for more than half a mile, and saw two black shadows lying on the ground in front of him from a distance. He was startled, and when he went closer, he saw two calves lying on the ground upright, their bellies rolled like they were blown. It was round and round, foaming at the mouth, not breathing at all.After seeing that a large piece of sorghum seedlings had been eaten by two calves, I immediately understood that they died of poisoning.Then go home and ask someone to take the calf carcass home.

When Wu Pingshun heard that the two calves had died, he squatted on the ground and remained silent like a deflated ball.This was his year's hard work, and it could be sold for more than 2000 yuan, which is enough to cover half a year's living expenses for the army.Thinking back on what happened in the past few days, how come no one in the whole family can save worry and effort, and the heart is like a knife.It’s true that the house is leaking, and it’s raining continuously. There are problems in one link, and problems in every step. Everything has to be rushed together.

Seeing Wu Pingshun's sad face, Xiaojun said, "At the end of the day, you beat me and quarreled, and you just got busy with their messy affairs. Who would think that two calves ran out to eat sorghum seedlings? Now that they are dead, there is no need to be sad. Use it. Let’s forget about it this year.” Wu Pingshun gave her a white look, “What you said is easy, what about the living expenses of serving the army, you can’t let him stay in Pingxi hungry!”

"Borrow some from the Grappling Hooks first, and after a while, sell the wheat and return it to him. Besides, after the first harvest in March, when I see the corn, I will recover. Don't worry about it .”

Wu Xiaojun felt very uneasy when he heard his parents worry about raising living expenses for him.Looking back on the past three years, my parents endured hunger and starvation, worked day and night for myself, and had to bear the mental torture brought about by my two older brothers. I couldn't bear it.He choked up and said, "Father, mother, you two don't have to worry about me, I have grown up, I have never been idle in the past two years, I have brought a few students in my spare time, I can maintain a normal life, and I will not be affected at school. Wronged. What worries me the most is that managing ten acres of land has tired you both, and the elder brother and the second elder brother have made you angry from time to time."

Wu Pingshun sighed, "They want me to die now so that they can divide up the land. You know the situation at home. There is no fuel-efficient lamp. I gradually got used to it."

Mrs. Wu Xiaojun said, "Xiaojun, you must give us two a fight, so that they won't make jokes in the future. To be honest, if you can find a suitable place outside in the future, don't come back and fight with these bastards." Dealing with it can drive you to death."

In a word, when it comes to the pain points of serving the army, he has long been tired of the right and wrong at home. Every time he comes back, there will always be disputes and noises between you and me, and he has never been happy.If he really walks with these people in the future, there will really be no peace. The third brother Xiaosen is a proof, it often happens that he complains instead of thanking him for his efforts.It seems that I really want to consider leaving this native land completely.

Wu Xiaojun didn't feel relaxed at all when he went home to attend his uncle's funeral, and felt even heavier and more exhausted physically and mentally.It's been a long time since I saw Luo Xiao, I don't know how she is doing now, why not take a turn to visit her in Xiangzhou, thinking of meeting her long-lost lover soon, Wu Xiaojun immediately regained his spirits and finished his work Early the next morning, I came to the guest house of Xiangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory impatiently.After waiting in front of Luo Xiao's room for a long time, a waiter came over to see him dangling around, and stepped forward and said, "Sir, are you waiting for someone? This room has been empty for a week. You can't wait." of."

Wu Xiaojun asked in surprise, "Comrade, isn't there two intern students from Xiangzhou University living here? How can there be no one there!"

"Ten days ago, something happened in the factory. Several interns didn't dare to live here and moved out!"

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