life struggle

Chapter 263

"You're right to think so. Your cousin is really interesting. She really thinks of us as a couple. She even came out as a husband and wife. I'm very embarrassed. You have to explain it to her in the future so that she won't misunderstand her again. .”

"She has a carefree personality, and she likes to mess with everyone she sees. Speaking of this, it suddenly reminded me that her studies will end at the end of this month, and I haven't been with her for a long time, so we need to get together Send her off. You and she are also acquaintances, why don't you join in?"

"It's inappropriate and uncomfortable for me, a grown man, to participate in the matter of your two sisters. Her misunderstanding will be deeper."

"As long as you're doing the right thing, don't worry about her doing so much! That's it, I'll call you when the time comes. But let me remind you first, don't let a big tail pop out like last time Spoiler."

The story about Wu Xiaojun's treatment of patients quickly spread in the department. The happiest one was Jiang Yuxia, the teacher who taught her. The patient's defecation has been perplexing her for three days. Tried every method I could think of, but to no avail.I was about to organize a staff consultation, but it was solved by a small intern student, which was really an accident.

At the department handover meeting the next day, Director Ruan specially praised Wu Xiaojun and said very seriously, "Student Xiaojun reminded us. Old ideas, old experience, and old ways of working, not serious enough to work, not meticulous enough to observe patients' conditions, not deep enough to think about problems, I hope that everyone will work hard to get rid of old habits and problems in the future, and treat every patient with a rigorous and scientific attitude. One case, one patient."

Wu Xiaojun didn't expect that things would become so complicated. Director Ruan used this as an excuse to criticize people in the department in disguise, including Director Jiang.He glanced at Director Jiang quietly, lowered his head with no expression on his face, and thought that this was a slap in the face of her, and he would definitely not let him off lightly, and he would not have a good life.

After the meeting, Director Jiang called Wu Xiaojun to the office and said angrily, "Xiaojun, as your teacher, I must be responsible to you, and I must tell you some things. How dare you not ask for instructions or report such a big matter? It’s more courageous than a professor to make decisions without authorization. For such a heavy patient, the stool has accumulated for such a long time. You know how much pressure will be in the intestinal cavity. You can completely empty the intestinal cavity at once and decompress the patient suddenly. Can you bear it? If you close your eyes on the spot, can you take responsibility? I hope you can accurately position yourself, learn from your lessons, study the relevant operating procedures carefully, abide by Corey’s rules and regulations, and stop blindly engaging in it. Otherwise, I won’t be able to take your student with you, so let’s go with someone else!” After speaking, he picked up the medical records and went out excitedly.

Wu Xiaojun was severely reprimanded by the teacher, he was very unconvinced, and secretly said, "You can't solve the problem by yourself, and you have lost face by the director of the department. You vented your anger on me, and you have no cultivation and quality."If it is approved, it will be approved, and it will not be good to justify it, so let's swallow it.After being stunned for a moment, he followed Director Jiang to the ward.

Walking into the patient's room yesterday, Director Jiang hadn't opened his mouth yet. The patient pointed at Wu Xiaojun with trembling hands and said excitedly, "Director, you student is really not easy. You helped solve a big problem. Now you are very relaxed and comfortable. Thank you very much." He!" With tears streaming down his face.

Director Jiang said in a gentle voice, "Master, this is the first time we have encountered a case like yours. There is no experience to follow, and you have suffered a lot. On behalf of the department, I would like to apologize to you. Now the problem has been solved. Not only you are grateful to your classmate Xiaojun, but we all thank him for broadening our horizons and thinking, which is very helpful for better treatment of patients in the future."

He turned around and said to the students beside him, "I hope you all can learn from Xiaojun, who is good at focusing on small things, carefully observing the subtle changes in patients' conditions, discovering problems, researching problems, and solving problems."

He also said to the patient, "Master, please rest assured to recuperate and actively cooperate with the treatment. Your condition will improve soon."

Wu Xiaojun didn't dare to look Director Jiang squarely, and hid aside and listened quietly. He criticized me just now, but now he praised me so much that he felt ashamed. Which one is real and which one is fake? What is she singing? Which play is unpredictable.

After checking the room, Director Jiang signed several discharge medical records, and said to Wu Xiaojun, "Student Xiaojun, follow me to the outpatient clinic."

Wu Xiaojun agreed, "OK."

Director Jiang usually takes good care of herself. She looks like she is in her 30s, but she is actually over [-], a typical intellectual woman.Ten years ago, she graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a master's degree. She has published many papers in national journals and four monographs, which caused a great sensation in the industry. Special Expert Allowance.

In the past few months, I have indeed learned a lot from her. Although I went to the outpatient clinic with her a few times before, I mostly did some errands such as sending a checklist and transferring patients, and I didn’t even write a prescription. , not to mention some technical things.Gradually, I felt bored, so I didn't take the initiative to follow her to the outpatient clinic.Although she was a bit reluctant this time, but her destiny was inevitable, and she didn't know how she would get rid of herself, so she followed closely anxiously.

There were already more than a dozen people queuing up at the outpatient clinic. When they saw her coming, they were very excited and excited, and they all gathered around to say hello, "Director Jiang is here. Director Jiang is here. Hello, Director Jiang."

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy with Corey's business, so I kept everyone waiting. Please wait outside first, take the numbers in your hands, and come in one by one."

Director Jiang walked into the expert consultation room, packed everything up, and said with a slight smile, "Xiaojun, from today onwards, you will come here with me for outpatient consultation.

After all, the number of outpatients is relatively large, and any kind of cases can be encountered, which will be very beneficial to you in the future.Fill out the checklist and prescription for me first today,

After going down, carefully write down the drug name and dosage.There are two more lumbar punctures in the morning, please try to operate them. "

Wu Xiaojun thought, her attitude really took a 180-degree turn suddenly, and she felt a little flattered. She was overjoyed and said quickly, "Thank you, Director, I will definitely do what you say."

"Call the patient in!"

Director Jiang saw eleven patients in a row, and he was not tired at all, and he was still full of energy.At this time, a middle-aged man from the countryside came from outside, bringing a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, and said as soon as he entered the door, "Director Jiang, everything is ready, you can see if you can do it in the morning."

Director Jiang looked at the little boy's various checklists, and nodded, "Yes, please wait a moment, I will arrange it for you now. Xiaojun, go to the opposite side and talk to Master Sun Aihong, let her hurry up and prepare, 10 Give this patient a lumbar puncture in minutes."

Director Jiang led the patient into the treatment room, explained the operation essentials to Wu Xiaojun, and asked the patient to lie down on the treatment bed, "This case is for you to find out how you feel."

Wu Xiaojun was startled, and said a little scared, "Director, I have never done it before. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid I can't do it well. You should do it. Let me see!"

"Don't be nervous, it's always like this for the first time, you'll get used to it if you do more, get ready."

For Wu Xiaojun, this is undoubtedly rushing the ducks to the shelves. Since the teacher asked herself to do it, she has her own reasons. Let her go. If something goes wrong, I am not responsible for it. Thinking of this, I put on disposable work clothes and Gloves, pick up the needle tube to inhale the anesthetic, sterilize the patient's puncture site, stick the needle up and push the anesthetic in.The child in pain yelled loudly and cried, Wu Xiaojun's hands trembled in fright, he actually broke the needle, and frowned at Director Jiang.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, take out the needle, and soon he will stop crying." Director Jiang encouraged from the side, without any intention of getting started.

Wu Xiaojun took off the needle, picked up the puncture needle, and fixed the puncture site. After two pricks, he still didn't feel empty, and he was so anxious that he broke out in sweat on his face.

Director Jiang said, "There are two reasons for the failure. One is that the positioning is not accurate, and the other is that the length of the piercing is not enough. This is the hand feeling that you should know and master the most. It doesn't matter. Do it again as I said."

Wu Xiaojun said in his heart, little friend, you are my test product, I'm sorry, please suffer a little more.I searched for the puncture site again, and after confirming that it was correct, I strictly followed Director Jiang's step-by-step instructions, punctured in very smoothly, extracted the spinal cord, and ended the entire operation.

Wu Xiaojun said to Director Jiang with lingering fear, "Director, I didn't grasp the essentials enough, I was too nervous, my hands trembled, and there were many loopholes, which brought unnecessary pain to the patient."

Director Jiang smiled slightly, "It's okay, let's reflect on it and sum it up. Don't worry, you have to have confidence in yourself. Once you are familiar with it, as long as you take the first step, the next step will be smooth."

"Thank you Director for giving me such a good mobile phone opportunity."

Through the incident of digging out manure, Director Jiang had a new view of Wu Xiaojun in his heart. Students with such excellent character and learning are hard to come by. At a glance, more learning opportunities are provided to him.Wu Xiaojun felt her thoughts and actions, and felt that in addition to her stern side at work, she was more considerate and gentle in motherhood, and gradually felt at ease in her heart and was no longer restrained.

When I got off work this morning, Director Jiang suddenly said, "Xiaojun, I'm writing a monograph on first aid in general internal medicine, and the manuscript has already been published. I'm very busy with work, and I don't have time to proofread it word by word. Please spare some time to help review it. Let’s take a look, with your carefulness and love of research, you will definitely be able to do it well.”

Wu Xiaojun said happily, "Thank you, Director, for your trust in me. It is the greatest honor in my life to read your original manuscript in advance. It also provides me with a good opportunity to comprehensively and systematically understand the first aid knowledge of internal medicine. No effort was spared to complete the task.”

"The attitude is very correct. The key is to look at the action and the result. Things are not as simple as you think. You have to check a lot of information during the period. You have to be mentally prepared."

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