life struggle

Chapter 272

When Wu Xiaojun heard Director Jiang bring up the topic of his niece whom he had mentioned before, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked. He was afraid that she would say inappropriate words in front of Bai Lingyan, so he didn't dare to look up at her, so he kept his head down and ate in silence. vegetable.

Bai Lingyan didn't know what she meant, but she didn't take it seriously. She gently put down the chopsticks in her hand, and said with a smile, "Sister Jiang, do you want me to say, although falling in love at school has its benefits, but it is affected by the region, Influenced by family and social environment, very few will eventually succeed. Wait until everything is finalized before falling in love. Although it will take a relatively long time, the probability of success is several times higher than that in school. After the relationship is finished, it is hard to come by. Your niece doesn't have to worry at all."

Director Jiang said lightly, "What Lingyan said is very realistic. It is really not easy to find a suitable one in society due to factors such as age and social scope. I think it is better to talk in school, as long as two Individuals can truly love each other, and there are always ways to overcome external factors. Among the students I met, many eventually got together. Now the conditions are much stronger than before, and you will definitely have a good future result!"

Wu Xiaojun raised his head slowly, and said with a chuckle, "Sister Jiang, it's too early to say these things, and we haven't thought too deeply about it. If we want to talk about a real relationship with a partner, it's not enough. Lingyan's family is in the Northwest League of Ping, My family is in Yuanzhen, Pingdong, thousands of miles away. There is still a long time before we graduate, and what will happen during the period is hard to predict. Even if we get along smoothly, getting a job is a very difficult threshold."

Bai Lingyan continued, "Xiao Jun is right, we just think that the two of us can get along emotionally and communicate more with each other. If we really develop to that level in the future, we haven't thought about it at all, and we won't do it on purpose. Pursue, maintain a calm and calm state of mind, and let everything take its course.”

Director Jiang smiled and said, "Lingyan said it very easily now, and then you won't think so, and you can't escape the responsibility of starting a family. It's time to think carefully. According to my intuition, you will definitely be able to do it in the future." Come together. I suggest that you consider developing in Pingxi in the future. This is the second largest city in the province and the ancient capital of civilization in the whole country. The conditions in all aspects are much better, not to mention the rich medical resources and many opportunities. As long as you Be willing to work hard, employment is not a big problem, nor is it an obstacle that prevents you from reaping the fruits of love, the key is whether you can truly love each other."

Wu Xiaojun said, "I also understand that today's society is a society of human relationships. There is no way to do anything without a certain social relationship. For example, we have no relatives or reasons here, and neither the right time nor the right place nor people take advantage of anything. If we want to do things here Landing is harder than climbing to the sky, I dare not even think about it."

Director Jiang said, "Opportunities always favor those who are prepared. From now on, you should set your goals and pay attention to information from various sources for later use. With your perseverance and tenacity, with Lingyan's intelligence , I will definitely be able to achieve what I want, and I wish you all the best in advance!"

Wu Xiaojun said in his heart, bless you!Don't you know that we are a partner to deceive you, and deliberately said with a smile on our face, "Lingyan, come and thank Sister Jiang!"

"Thank you, Miss Jiang!"

Director Jiang Le narrowed his eyes and said excitedly, "Looking at you makes me so envious!"

After lunch, the three of them chatted about some professional issues. Wu Xiaojun felt that it was inconvenient to stay for a long time, so he and Bai Lingyan got up and said goodbye.

Walking out of the gate of the family courtyard, Wu Xiaojun gave Bai Lingyan a knowing smile, "Oh, thank God, but I'm so restrained and uncomfortable, I finally completed a mission and fooled her, now I can be completely relieved."

Bai Lingyan looked at Wu Xiaojun's relieved and triumphant expression, and smiled, "I don't feel anything, it's a very simple and easy thing, you made it so complicated. However, this kind of unexplained pretending to be a couple is the last time , let’s not take this as an example, as for the aftermath, it has nothing to do with me.”

Wu Xiaojun said again and again, "For the last time, for the last time, I will never let you be embarrassed again, and I promise to do what I say." After a short pause, the conversation suddenly changed, and he said with a smile, "Exceptions should be made under special circumstances."

Bai Lingyan kicked his leg lightly with her foot, and said with a smirk, "Go to hell, put your nose on your face, the dog skin plaster will not come off after sticking on it."

During this period, Wu Xiaojun felt that his eyelids were always twitching again and again. At night, he often dreamed about everything at home. He dreamed that he and his parents were working in the field. The traditional storytelling, talking about the past and the present.How many times have I had this habitual and periodic feeling caused by natural homesickness.Suddenly remembering that I haven't seen my parents for a long time, I can't help feeling restless and thinking about them.

Along the way, the two talked enthusiastically about the situation at Director Jiang's house, joked with each other, and came to the school unknowingly.

Wu Xiaojun happily hummed a ditty and returned to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the door, his father's thin back came into view. He was surprised and happy at once, and asked happily, "Father, when did you arrive?"

Wu Pingshun was talking with Zhao Xiaozhou and Yan Gaofeng while smoking a cigarette. Hearing his son's question, he immediately turned around, stretched his brows and said with a smile, "Just arrived, you came back before you finished smoking a cigarette."

Wu Xiaojun asked with concern, "Father, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Wu Pingshun lightly flicked the cigarette ash in his hand, and said calmly, "I've never been hungry in the car, and I don't eat anything. It's good to eat something outside."

The two came to a stewed noodle restaurant outside the campus. It was already past the time for customers to eat. The owner of the shop was sitting idle, seeing the two coming, he greeted them with a smile, "Both, do you want some noodles?"

Wu Xiaojun stopped to take a look, and said to Wu Pingshun, "Father, this noodle tastes good, so here it is."

Wu Pingshun said with his hands behind his back, "It doesn't matter, any place will do!"

Seeing that his father had agreed, Wu Xiaojun said, "Boss, have a big bowl of braised noodles."

Wu Pingshun hurriedly stopped him, "Xiaojun, the small bowl is fine, but I can't finish the big bowl, so it's a pity to throw it away."

Wu Xiaojun changed his words and said, "Boss, Xiao Wan."

The shop owner replied, "Okay, please sit down and wait a moment."

The two found a seat at random and sat down. Wu Xiaojun took a closer look at his father. His skin was dark, he was very thin and tired, his face covered with deep wrinkles was obviously haggard and aged, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes had no brilliance. Many wrinkles have been added to the forehead, the temples have become a little pale, and even the beard has turned white.The sudden arrival of my father seemed to be enduring great pain, and I couldn't help feeling sad for a while, without feeling any joy or excitement.He was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth, "Father, you've obviously lost a lot of weight than before, and you don't have any energy. Did something happen at home?"

Wu Pingshun was stunned for a while, then sighed and said, "Hey, the family is unlucky, there is something evil, there is no way, it can't be clean, if it is not for you who have always made me feel at ease and supported my heart, I would not be alive today! "

My father came suddenly with something to do, and I guessed it right.Worried that his father would be more tired from the car ride on an empty stomach, which would affect his mood for eating, he immediately covered up his dull mood, turned his face to the window, and changed the subject, "Father, the bus arrived on time, so the road went smoothly!"

Wu Pingshun smoked a cigarette and said, "Shun, there are not many people on the bus at 04:30 in the morning, and we will arrive at the station before three o'clock."

Just as Wu Xiaojun was about to speak, the owner of the store brought over the stewed noodles with a smile on his face, put it gently in front of Wu Pingshun, and said politely, "Master, please use it slowly!"

Wu Pingshun looked up at a bowl full of steaming braised noodles. Although it was a small bowl, it was bigger than the ones used at home, and he couldn't finish it.He casually took a small bowl from the side, gently copied some with chopsticks and put it inside, looked at Wu Xiaojun and said, "Xiaojun, I can't eat so much, you can eat these!"

"Father, I just ate and I'm not hungry at all."

"During this period of time, my appetite is very small. It's good to eat some. You are young and eat a lot. It's okay to eat more." He bowed his head and ate noodles.

Wu Xiaojun looked at his father's expression of eating slowly, and suddenly felt a pang of sadness in his heart.Compared with the other brothers and sisters, the two are also the most able to talk, and the father can be said to be caring and caring for him.For their own food, clothing, schooling and future, not only did their parents put in more effort and sweat than their peers, but they also endured mental torture and pressure, and they were always restless.But now I am in a difficult predicament. I can neither reduce the burden on their shoulders nor give them spiritual comfort. I hate that time passes too slowly, I hate that I can’t be independent as soon as possible, and I hate that I can’t give my parents physical and mental happiness. Easy and happy life.Thinking of this, the chopsticks in his hand kept tossing the noodles in the bowl back and forth, still refusing to take a bite.

Wu Pingshun knew that Wu Xiaojun had a problem with eating fast. Seeing that he didn't eat, he said in a low voice, "I feel like I'm getting old, and nothing is as good as before. No matter how good the meal is, I don't have much appetite. Don't wait for me, I can't finish it. Stop dawdling and eat!"

Wu Xiaojun forced a smile on his face and said, "Father, you are about to suffer from stomach problems again. I'll take you to the attached hospital tomorrow morning for experts to check carefully to see if there is any problem."

"I know what's wrong with me. It's all because of being angry. As long as I don't get angry, there's nothing wrong with me. Let's not spend that wronged money!"

Wu Xiaojun didn't want to say anything more at the moment, Wu Pingshun finished his noodles, and sighed, "Although the food here is more expensive than in our county, but it's affordable enough, I'll finish it by force." He lit a cigarette, slowly and powerlessly stood up.

The two walked around near the Juhua Department Store, and Wu Pingshun couldn't take it anymore, so he sat down on the curb by the side of the road to rest his feet.

Then Wu Xiaojun asked worriedly, "After I came back from dealing with Luo Xiao's matter last time, I have been busy practicing in the department, and I haven't been able to go back for the autumn harvest and autumn planting. I don't know how our crops are growing or how they were harvested. , my heart has been very worried, I am always afraid that you and my mother will suffer from exhaustion."

Wu Xiaojun seemed to have mentioned the pain in Wu Pingshun's heart, and said helplessly, "Don't mention it, it's hard to say!"

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