life struggle

Chapter 273

Wu Pingshun was made a big fuss by Wu Xiaofu for helping the villagers harvest the autumn. The physical and mental torture made him miserable. Fortunately, he had already adapted to it, and the incident passed within a few days.It was Wu Xiaosen, the third son, who hit him hard mentally and was unacceptable.

Wu Xiaosen's general feeling about the conflicts and tensions in the family is "chaotic". As for why it is like this, he has never been able to figure out why it is like this.

Wu Xiaofu always felt that his father had gone too far, and he made it clear that he wanted to make himself ugly, so that he could not stand up in front of others, and he couldn't tell the difference.If you don't give him some color and let it continue, you won't be able to stand up to Wu Pingchun, a shit-stirring stick, and Wu Xiaojun, the most difficult bad boy, who will interfere with it, and maybe something will happen if your brain gets hot.After thinking about it, I can't stop here. You might as well ask Xiao Qi to put pressure on him, let him know that it's not that he can do whatever he wants regardless of the consequences, and it's as simple as making someone bad if he wants to.

Wu Xiaofu first talked to Wu Xiaoqi about his father. Wu Xiaoqi was at odds with him and guarded against him at first, so he couldn't listen to what he said. It's okay" was blocked back.

Wu Xiaofu touched his nose, and cursed, "Pig brain, you are shameless, I want more." Then he went to talk to Wu Xiaosen, who added fuel and vinegar, "Xiaosen, for a country bumpkin like me, it's embarrassing for the old man to do this." One touch, nothing in the past. It’s different for you. You are a public official with a reputation. Where to put your face. I was thinking for you, and I can’t let his temper go. It’s time to remind him. Besides, he has no ability to do it himself. The poor crops grow poorly, and the harvest is poor, so good All the land was ruined, and it hurts to see them unable to eat, sleep, or get up tired. It’s not that I don’t help him with work. Think about it. He's worried that if he gets tired, we will be the ones who will be in trouble. I really don't know why he keeps holding on to the death in his hands! If things go on like this, we will have no choice but to say nothing Already!"

Before Wu Xiaofu finished speaking, Wu Xiaosen's face turned pale with anger, his teeth were clenched, his fists were clenched tightly, and he said angrily, "Stop talking, it's too shameful, how can there be such a thing in the world?" His parents don't consider the feelings of the people below at all, I have to talk to him when I go back."

Wu Xiaofu saw that he had been bluffed and deceived, and he used the provocative method to arouse the anger in Wu Xiaosen's heart, and achieved his goal.

Wu Xiaosen was very angry and annoyed this time. He was restless all morning and rode his bicycle back home immediately after work.As soon as he saw his parents, he said angrily, "Look at what you have done, why don't you let us go out, everyone's face is completely humiliated by you."

Seeing his furious look, Mrs. Xiaojun put down the corn she was peeling, looked up for a moment, looked at him and asked, "Xiaosen, what's the matter with you today, what happened to you when you got so angry?" gone?"

At this moment, Wu Xiaoyun and Wu Xiaomei came over from the outside and looked at the third brother with his hands on his waist, his face was full of anger, and he spoke harshly at his parents like interrogating a prisoner. His father's face was ugly, he squatted on the ground with his head bowed without saying a word, and smoked vigorously , the mother stared at the third brother with surprised eyes, the atmosphere was quite tense, she hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "The third brother is back, you are..."

Wu Xiaosen didn't wait for Wu Xiaoyun to finish speaking, and said angrily, "I think they are confused, and they have nothing to do all day to make the children ashamed of others. If you don't have the ability to plant so much land, don't insist on it. Give it to whoever should." Who, let the villagers do it for you, don't you feel ashamed!"

Wu Xiaofu has said this kind of words many times in the whole village. With Wu Xiaosen's character and attitude, even if he is beaten to death, he can't remember and say such words. It must be Xiaofu's instigation behind his back. Wu Xiaomei couldn't help but think of this. The anger suddenly welled up in my heart, and I couldn't help scolding, "It's a good thing you are a college student, an upright national cadre, why don't you even have a brain, and you are no different from a stupid pig. I don't know what's going on. After listening to a few words of nonsense from a shameless person who is hated to death, and then vowing to come back and show off to your parents, do you still have any sense of humanity?"

Wu Xiaosen was taken aback by Wu Xiaomei's few words, and didn't know what to say for a moment. He pointed at Wu Xiaomei's nose tremblingly, blushed and said thickly, "Xiaomei, you, you, you, how can you talk to me like this? Which point is not brainy? Am I wrong? Could it be that what I said is not true, our parents let the villagers harvest the autumn, don’t you feel that you are embarrassing us? "

Wu Xiaoyun also said anxiously, "If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts calling the door. As long as you are worthy of your parents and your own conscience, no one will be able to put shit on your head. On the contrary, if you have a guilty conscience, you can take it off if you want." Don’t fall. Don’t stand and talk without back pain. A full man doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry, and don’t drink in front of your parents. Ask yourself, sit comfortably in the office today, eat delicious and spicy food, and don’t suffer as much as your parents If the troubled one confesses you, can you be where you are today? How do you treat your parents? It’s only a dozen or so miles from the county town to here. Let’s take a look! This year’s autumn harvest has encountered such great difficulties, and we have paid attention from top to bottom to support and help farmers harvest the autumn. How about you, do you still have parents in your heart, and do you have this family? You don’t even ask. Do you wait until your parents are tired and carried in front of you to see them? You feel ashamed now, why did you go early, and have the face to complain in front of your parents? I think this is still light. Said, father and mother should have sued you all to the county a long time ago, let the TV broadcast, and the newspapers published how filial you are. Xiaomei said that you have no brains, and I said that you are not as good as pigs and dogs, and you are also a beast! "

Wu Xiaosen was scolded by Wu Xiaoyun like a cannonball. Hearing what she said, he also felt that he had not done enough and was wronged. The arrogance just now was suppressed at once, and he turned around and walked to the front of the main room, picked up a small stool and put it under his buttocks , just about to bend down and sit down, unexpectedly Wu Pingshun stood up abruptly, and scolded sharply with a livid face, "Get up, there is no place for you to sit here, I will raise a dog that I am not familiar with, without your son , never want to see you again, get off, get off, get off, get far away, never want to see you again!"

Wu Pingshun got angry and jumped into a rage, which was very frightening. Wu Xiaosen was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he took half a step back.Wu Pingshun was getting angry, so he didn't even look at it.Xiaojun's mother looked astonished, she felt sorry for her son, and complained to Wu Pingshun, "Father, Xiaosen was bewitched by that bastard Xiaofu, don't you know what's going on? How could you say such heavy words and throw him down?" What should I do if I catch it!" He stood up and went to pull Wu Xiaosen.

"Stop, I'll pay him to heal him when he falls, don't worry about it, if you dare to take a step forward, I'll break your leg!" Wu Pingshun stared at Xiaojun fiercely like a bull's eye. mother.

Xiaojun's wife hurriedly stopped her right leg, and said angrily, "Xiaosen doesn't have any malice, so what can you do if you say a few words, why are you angry with him? Xiaosen, ignore him, get up!" "

Wu Xiaoyun and Wu Xiaomei also disliked Wu Xiaosen, they had long complained about him not going home to see his parents for a long time, and often nagged in front of Wu Pingshun, Wu Pingshun was very disapproving, and patiently explained to them that Xiaosen was busy with work, If you can't come back, your mother and I are in good health, it doesn't matter if you look at it or not, your mother and I don't mind, so don't talk about him anymore.

Once or twice is okay, but after a long time, Wu Pingshun felt uncomfortable, and kept discussing this matter with Mrs. Xiao Jun, and Xiao Sen was the same, no matter what he did, he had to get along so that he could explain to everyone that he didn't If we don't come back, it's not good for us to tell him that a twisted melon is not sweet, and it's better not to do it if you pinch your nose, which makes people feel even more uneasy.

The two sisters watched Wu Xiaosen fall to the ground without feeling any distress at all. They stood aside and turned their faces away to look elsewhere without making a sound.

Wu Xiaosen fell on the concrete floor, it was really hard to fall, grinning his teeth, he hurriedly got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and squatted quietly on the door frame, thinking of the criminal who was just caught The same mournful face bowed his head, waiting for the police interrogation.

Xiaojun's mother walked up to Wu Xiaosen timidly, "Xiaosen, did you fall hard? Don't be as knowledgeable as your father, he is just like that. Xiaosen, I don't want to talk about you, but it's okay not to say something. Both Xiaomei and Xiaoyun said that they were right. You didn’t come back for a long time, and you were blocked once, twice, or three times. After a long time, some good people in the village kept asking me and your father. Talk to others. Even if you find time to come back and walk around, you can block other people's eyes. You don't know much about Xiaofu, and when you hear him cheating, you come back to blame me and your father without asking questions. Why don't you think about it!"

Xiaomei sarcastically sarcastically said, "What does he think? He is very capable. He supports himself for schooling. He doesn't need parents to support him at all, and he doesn't know what it's like to have parents. Now he has a good future, no worries about food and clothing, and is at ease. How can he care about the life and death of his parents. He has a problem with his parents' schooling for Xiaojun, and he can't wait to let Xiaojun drink the northwest wind in other places, hiding aside and laughing secretly!"

Wu Xiaosen's face was bruised and purple by Wu Xiaomei's words that were neither painful nor itchy. He couldn't stand this kind of ridicule, so he stood up suddenly and stared at Wu Xiaomei.

Wu Xiaomei was used to neighbors who were at war with their neighbors because of their parents' infidelity and petty matters. Seeing Wu Xiaosen's angry expression, how could he follow his example? He took half a step forward and shouted loudly, "What do you want? Can you beat me?"

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