life struggle

Chapter 331

Bai Lingyan was worried that something would happen to her mother, so she didn't dare to stay outside for a long time. After breaking up with Lu Jianmin and others, she hurried to her father's place.

Sun Huiying didn't care about the bond of flesh and blood at all, so she ruined her daughter's reputation, where did she put Bai Lingyan, if she knew she was such a person, she shouldn't have a relationship with Bai Lingyan, let alone go to this point, Wu Xiaojun regretted it too much and was disheartened. At this time, he completely gave up.Except for thinking about how to recover the agreement, my mind went blank.The ghost followed behind Bai Lingyan without saying a word.

Seeing that Sun Huiying was still angry, they came downstairs and walked towards the canteen. Bai Yijia followed closely behind with a sullen face, her heart was raised in her throat, and she hurried over a few steps, listening to her words completely.

Wu Xiaojun was furious immediately, and sneered a few times, "Okay, find someone to beat me up!" He stomped his feet angrily, turned his head and walked out of the courtyard.

Bai Lingyan didn't know what Wu Xiaojun was going to do, she grabbed his hand tightly and asked with tears in her eyes, "What are you going to do?"

Wu Xiaojun shook off Bai Lingyan's hand, stared and said, "Don't worry about it." He rushed to the store outside the hospital, picked up the phone and dialed the number of his third brother Wu Xiaosen's house more than a dozen times, but no one answered. Angrily, he threw the phone down hard, dropped ten yuan and left.

Bai Lingyan saw that he was so angry and unable to contain himself, it was very frightening, she was anxious and did not dare to speak.Following him to the post office, seeing that he asked the waiter for a telegram form, he reached out and snatched it, and said angrily, "You can't send a telegram to your home!"

Wu Xiaojun blushed anxiously, "Go away, give it to me!" As he spoke, he grabbed the form, picked up a brush and wrote, "My brother has an accident, Xiaojun!"

Bai Lingyan was terrified, stopped him vigorously and begged, "Xiaojun, don't post, don't post, what will your family think, what will your uncle and aunt think if you do this, don't go crazy, don't be impulsive, calm down Okay, please, please!"

Wu Xiaojun shouted, "Don't force me, okay, don't you want my family to come and collect my body before you are willing?"

The two came out of the post office and returned to Bai Lingyan's father's residence. The door was locked, and no one answered after knocking for a long time.Wu Xiaojun said, "They are hiding, I have to find them wherever they go, go home, go home and look for them."

Bai Lingyan couldn't hold back Wu Xiaojun, so she had to follow him back to Siyuan.

Bai Yijia failed to stop Sun Huiying from calling her third aunt. After she left, she quietly explained the situation to her third aunt on the phone and asked her not to come here. When she got home tonight, she persuaded her to go back and discuss the matter. what to do.After Bai Yijia's careful persuasion, Sun Huiying and Bai Yijia went home.

Wu Xiaojun came to the house angrily, sat down on the cold bench with a pale face and said nothing.

Sun Huiying changed her gaffe in the morning and walked around like a normal person, trying to make a fire to cook.Wu Xiaojun was struggling, and couldn't bear the resentment in his heart. He stood in front of Sun Huiying and said, "Since you insist on not agreeing to let the swallow pass, this matter will stop here, but you must give me my agreement."

Sun Huiying said angrily, "It's already torn, I can't get it out for you, you can do whatever you want."

Wu Xiaojun said, "You're going to be a rascal for me, okay!" As he spoke, he came out of the kitchen, picked up the tea and turned around.

Bai Yijia saw that she was sweating from fright, stopped Wu Xiaojun and said anxiously, "Xiaojun, what are you doing, put it down!" Turning her head and staring at the stunned Bai Lingyan, she said, "Swallow, come and stop Xiaojun."

Only then did Bai Lingyan come to her senses, and burst into tears with a "wow", "Xiaojun, can you stop making trouble? If you dare to take another step forward, I will show you to death." With the knife resting on his neck, he looked at him coldly.

Wu Xiaojun's hands softened in distress, and he threw down his penis, squatting in the corner in panic, hugging his head and crying.

The third aunt's house is not far from Bai Lingyan's house. Just as Bai Lingyan put the knife on her neck, she rushed over, grabbed the knife in her hand, and sternly scolded, "What a big deal, I don't want to live anymore No. They are all such big people, making a mess, messing around, and need a little face. Yanzi, I didn’t say you, I didn’t like you at the beginning, you just didn’t listen. You are Wu Xiaojun, right? , a young man, why don't you use your brain, don't think about whether you two have hope, whether you can succeed, just frivolously ruined the swallow, don't you feel that your conscience will be condemned. Besides, let the swallow come to you Is it a trivial matter where to go? Don’t you think it’s too hasty and frivolous to do things secretly without even discussing it? And you Huiying, how can you be as knowledgeable as children, pretending to be crazy and talking nonsense at every turn? Is it easy to make an employment agreement? How many people do you need to involve? How much trouble does it cost? Man, I really don't know what to say about you."

The third aunt is a well-known fast talker in the village, and after a while of crackling, the four of them all lowered their heads.

Bai Yijia had already communicated with the third aunt in advance. She knew that Wu Xiaojun was very angry about the agreement, so she couldn't be tough with him. Only the persuasion with a moderate tone and a combination of firmness and softness would be effective.So he stood in front of him, bent down and said softly, "Xiaojun, Sanyi also knows that you and Yanzi are very good, and she can't bear to let you two be separated. But you also need to understand Huiying and Yijia's mood and difficulties. Hui It is wrong for Ying to tear up the agreement, but you can also feel sorry for Yanzi. When things happen, you have to calm down and think about it. If you say something that is not pleasant, if the matter becomes serious, even if you go to court, she will not be convicted of tearing up the agreement. In the end Swallow is still on the side of Huiying and Yijia, and tells you that rape is enough for you to drink a pot. It hurts both sides, and it is not good for anyone. Now that things have come to this point, think about it, if you and Swallow really If you have love and righteousness, you can let Yanzi stay here for the time being, so as to leave Huiying and Yijia with affection and a step down, so that others will not point and poke their backs, saying that her daughter eloped with others .Then after a year, it will be half a year, either you come here, or you can transfer her there."

Wu Xiaojun kept his head down and said nothing.

The third aunt stood up and said to Sun Huiying and Bai Yijia, "It's Huiying's irritable temper that can't be tolerated. If you have a little room for negotiation in your words and actions, the two children won't do things in secret without saying hello to you. See how embarrassing the two children are. Don't say anything, just do it."

Although Wu Xiaojun was not reconciled, what could he do, he got up and left without saying anything.

It was getting late, and there was no car back to the city in the remote village.The third aunt was worried that Wu Xiaojun's spirit would be greatly stimulated. In case of an accident here, she would not be able to explain to his family, so she hurriedly signaled Bai Lingyan to stop him from letting him go.

Bai Lingyan said anxiously, "Third aunt, when Xiaojun heard that my mother wanted you to bring someone to clean him up, he immediately sent a telegram to his family. What do you say when his family comes tomorrow!"

The third aunt said in amazement, "You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. I will ask your parents to go back early tomorrow morning. When they see them, they should speak clearly and resolve this matter as soon as possible. Please persuade Xiaojun well, Don't make him impulsive."

Wu Xiaojun went out and came to a wheat field at the entrance of the village. After walking for three or four miles, the road was full of ditches, ridges and ridges. It was pitch black, and there was no one. He was not particularly familiar with this place.People don't know what to do. Looking at the serious look of the third aunt, who knows what she is thinking.If she walks on her front foot, will she find a group of people from the village to come over on her back foot, and without anyone noticing, at least they will maim her, and at worst, she will kill her, making every day unresponsive and ineffective, and she will lose herself. The family has nowhere to look.No, I can't go any further. Right here, if she dares to do something unreasonable, she will have to pay a heavy price.Thinking of this, Wu Xiaojun sat down beside the wheat pile and looked at the starry sky.

Not long after, Bai Lingyan followed and told him to go back.Wu Xiaojun's heart has already spit, and she doesn't want to see her family anymore, and she refuses to go back no matter what.Bai Lingyan couldn't bear to let him squat here all night, so she could only say, "Since you don't want to go back, I won't go back either."

Wu Xiaojun didn't say anything.

Seeing that Bai Lingyan hadn't come back after walking for more than an hour, Bai Yijia couldn't help feeling a little worried. She turned around a few times and saw no sign of the two of them. When she came back dejectedly, the third aunt said anxiously, "Yijia, young man It's hard to say, but based on what you know about Wu Xiaojun, what kind of person is he? If Yanzi hasn't come back so late, nothing will happen!"

Bai Yijia said worriedly, "Xiaojun is really a good person. He usually has a very flexible mind, so he probably wouldn't do anything to hurt Yanzi. But there are so many people in the dark, and the land is so big. I don't know where they are, so I can't find them!"

The third aunt said worriedly, "I just ask God to bless the two children. Nothing will happen to the two children. Xiaojun's family will come over tomorrow. You two should go back early and explain clearly to them. If they insist on chasing the school for an agreement, The school will definitely find out about you, so don't let your child suffer a disadvantage and then take yourself in. Especially Huiying, please don't do anything radical again."

When Wu Xiaosen received the telegram, he was stunned when he saw the very blunt words "brother has an accident".What happened to Xiaojun, where he is now, and whether his life is in danger, a series of questions echoed in his mind.His whole body felt like an electric shock and he didn't dare to stop for a moment. He pushed the bicycle with all his strength and stared at the bicycle to his hometown.

Wu Pingshun and Xiaojun's mother saw Wu Xiaosen coming back so late, tired and sweating profusely, and asked eagerly, "What's the matter, did you quarrel with Chunyan again?"

Wu Xiaosen said with a pale face, "Father, mother, no, it's Xiaojun..."

Wu Pingshun asked in surprise, "What's the matter with Xiaojun, tell me quickly!"

Wu Xiaosen lowered his voice and said, "Something happened to him..."

Wu Pingshun passed out when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to wake up.

Xiaojun's mother said, "His father, I don't know what's going on with Xiaojun now, so hurry up and find a way to go there and find out!"

Wu Pingshun had already experienced such a thing when Xiaosen was in school. Although it was a false alarm in the past so many years, it still chills when he thinks about it.This kind of thing happened again today, it was not as serious as before, he was extremely worried and frightened, and he didn't want to see what he didn't want to see.Said bitterly, "I won't go, you go!"

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