life struggle

Chapter 332

Wu Xiaosen asked anxiously, "Father, it's already this time, don't hesitate any longer, think of a way!"

Wu Pingshun said quietly, "I'm under too much psychological pressure to go alone. I can't bear it. Talk to Sun Ran and Ma Wencheng to see if they can go."

The two called Sun Ran in a hurry, and came to Ma Wencheng's house impatiently.

Ma Wencheng was quick-tempered, and he was particularly keen on dealing with short-term matters of the parents. He said in surprise, "Second brother, we can't delay for a moment if the child has an accident. I will call Xiao Li right now and ask him to drive Santana over, and we will leave overnight. "

At 10:30 the next day, the three finally arrived at the school after running all night.

Wu Pingshun and others got out of the car and went straight to Wu Xiaojun's dormitory.

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan were very disturbed, they didn't feel the mosquito bite at all, they curled up beside the straw stack at the entrance of the village in the silent night.The whole world froze and became extremely depressed. The two quietly recalled the past, from acquaintance to love, from love to love, every bit of it was vividly remembered, as if it happened just now, it was so clear, so frenzied .However, everything seemed to be a big joke with the two of them, deliberately teasing them.The sudden wave of hesitation and sorrow broke the peace of mind between them, and suddenly found that the reality was very different from their imagination.As things continue to escalate and deteriorate, the warmth and romance and sweet love of the past are gone, and there is confusion about what will happen next.The two were afraid of tomorrow's arrival, worried about the sudden departure of their loved one, stayed together silently, reminiscing, melancholy, and didn't close their eyes all night.As soon as it was dawn, I rushed to Sanchakou to stop the car and returned to school.

Wu Xiaojun was extremely exhausted mentally and mentally. He went back to the dormitory and went to bed and soon fell asleep. In the dimness, he felt someone pushing and calling him again. He opened his eyes reluctantly, and saw that it was his father, uncle and eldest brother-in-law , Startled, sat up quickly, and asked in surprise, "Why did you come so early?"

Ma Wencheng said in a loud voice, "We arrived overnight in Santana after receiving your telegram."

Wu Pingshun saw that there were still a few students in the room, and said flatly, "Go on and talk."

When the four came to the car, Ma Wencheng asked rudely, "Son, what's going on? Do you want me to smash her house!"

Wu Xiaojun briefly recounted what happened in the past two days, "Father, uncle, brother, I was anxious yesterday and didn't know what to do. I sent a telegram in a hurry, and I regretted it after sending it. Since you came, Just meet Lingyan's parents."

Wu Pingshun said angrily, "It's come to this point, what else is there to see, now let me go home immediately."

Sun Ran said, "Father, we're here to talk about things. We can't see what will happen. Look at their attitude. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to leave."

Ma Wencheng also said, "See you and see what kind of people they are."

Wu Xiaojun went upstairs to the girls' dormitory and called Bai Lingyan down.

Bai Lingyan met Sun Ran and Ma Wencheng during the Spring Festival, and she was no stranger to them. When they met, they greeted each other and went back to call her dad.

Sun Huiying and Bai Yijia should have felt the seriousness of the matter, and they would not be able to avoid it if they didn't face it squarely, so they returned to Pingxi early in the morning according to the third aunt's instructions.

Bai Lingyan and Bai Yijia said that Wu Xiaojun's family wanted to see him, but Sun Huiying insisted on following, but Bai Yijia stopped her.

When Wu Pingshun and the others saw Bai Yijia approaching, they looked ugly and turned their heads away to smoke.

Ma Wencheng said politely with a smile on his face, "Brother Bai, my name is Ma Wencheng, Xiaojun's uncle, and this is Xiaojun's elder brother-in-law Sun Ran. It's a bit wrong to meet here for the first time, but I can only I have wronged you."

Bai Yijia smiled wryly and said, "Brother, it's nothing. It's because my Yanzi is ignorant and has caused you a lot of trouble and made you bother."

Ma Wencheng said, "Brother, let me say something that shouldn't be said. The children are not young anymore. They all have their own ideas and pursuits. What are we doing as adults who interfere so much? Besides, what kind of person is Xiaojun? It's not that you don't understand, it's not that you don't know about getting along with your family Lingyan. The situation is so good now, it's not the same everywhere, why bother to force the child."

Bai Yijia said suddenly, "My mother is worried when my son travels thousands of miles. If her mother wants to go so far, she won't be able to accept that she won't see her for many years. She doesn't want to let him go so far."

Ma Wencheng said, "That's not right. Can it be considered far away if it is less than a thousand places? It takes less than a day by car. In the future, the children will come back to see you more often. Then again, when girls grow up, they always have to go Even if you get married, you can't stay by your old couple's side all day, right. As long as they live well, it's better to let you two worry less. Don't make things difficult for the children, let Lingyan go there and it will be over."

Bai Yijia was a little tongue-tied, "This...hey, her mother has already torn up the employment agreement, it's too late to say anything now!"

Ma Wencheng said, "Brother, I don't agree with you doing this. Parents should be calm no matter how angry they are, and they can't be as sensible as children. You not only tore up an employment agreement, but more importantly, you tore up the employment agreement." The child's heart tore up the child's future and happiness. Do you understand the child's feelings? If you feel uncomfortable and unhappy in the future, crying in front of you two every three days, will your life be better for both of you? Don't feel guilty ."

Bai Yijia Weiwei said, "It's because we are not calm. Brother, I have no objection to letting Yanzi here for the time being, and transferring him or Xiaojun here later."

Wu Pingshun said angrily, "You have no objection, I have objection, since if I don't go now, I won't have any chance in the future, and I won't agree to let Xiaojun transfer here."

Bai Yijia said with a cold face, "The agreement has been torn up, and we can't make it through now."

Wu Pingshun snorted, "It's not up to you if I tear it apart. You can coax a three-year-old child, but you can't fool me at all. It's immoral for you to use dirty methods. Stop hiding it and take it out."

Ma Wencheng said, "Brother, as long as you and your sister-in-law agree to let Lingyan go, it doesn't matter if you tear it up, we can make another copy, it's no big deal. You go back and discuss it with your sister-in-law, and forcefully put the two children together." Breaking up is not good for anyone, letting the children go is the best choice."

Bai Yijia thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go back and talk about it, and I'll call you back in an hour."

After Bai Yijia left, Ma Wencheng asked Bai Lingyan, "Son, tell uncle the truth, would you like to follow Xiaojun to our side?"

Bai Lingyan said with certainty, "Yes."

Ma Wencheng said, "With your words, I feel relieved."

In less than an hour, Bai Yijia came back, and said with a cold face, "Mother Yanzi firmly disagrees with letting Yanzi pass, let's call it a day." After speaking, she turned to leave.

Ma Wencheng grabbed his hand and said, "Brother, is there no room for negotiation?"

Bai Yijia shook her head and said seriously, "No!"

Wu Pingshun couldn't help but said in a muffled voice, "I don't have any objections if you don't let the children go there. Give me my agreement. If you don't hand it over, I'll go directly to the school. I don't believe in this evil anymore."

Ma Wencheng said, "Second Brother, Brother Bai is also a real person. Let's discuss it with my sister-in-law in the past. There may be room for maneuver."

The five people followed Bai Yijia to the residence. Ma Wencheng and Sun Huiying said, "Sister-in-law, the child's ignorance has made you both angry a lot, and it really hurt your brains. But when you get angry, things have to be resolved, right?" , the second brother is also here, you can speak out any concerns and ideas, and if we can solve it, we can solve it, isn't everyone happy?"

Sun Huiying said sadly, "I don't object to Yanzi's association with Xiaojun. I have told them a long time ago that the premise must be that Yanzi is in Pingxi or Beimeng, and any other place is considered. Today's situation is caused by themselves. ,I have no way."

Ma Wencheng said with a smile, "Actually, it's the same wherever the child is, so there's nothing to worry about."

Sun Huiying said worriedly, "I know that neither of them can live without the other. Because of this, I will not hand over my daughter to someone who is frivolous and worried. You have so many families and so many sisters-in-law. When Yanzi gets there, they will laugh at her and can't hold her head up, let alone let her go."

Ma Wencheng said bluntly, "Sister-in-law, you just need to rest assured that this matter is on my shoulders, and no one will discriminate against children."

Sun Huiying said calmly, "Now the swallows can't go there. I don't care what happens to them in the future. Even if they are transferred after three months, it doesn't matter to me."

Ma Wencheng said reproachfully, "Sister-in-law, how can you be so stubborn, you have to think about your child."

Sun Huiying gave the order to chase away the guests, "I've finished talking, there's nothing more to say, you go."

Wu Pingshun said angrily, "Stop talking if you have nothing to say, and hand over the agreement to me."

Sun Huiying said with a sullen face, "If you and I don't have any agreement, we should go to whomever we should."

Wu Pingshun said, "Okay, serve the army, let's go, go to school." After speaking, he got up and left.

As soon as Wu Pingshun and others left the gate of the family courtyard, Bai Yijia chased after her and said to Wu Pingshun, "Brother, Yanzi's mother is just like that. Don't be as knowledgeable as her. There is something I shouldn't have said, if it wasn't for being bullied by the army. We won't be so angry if we don't have Swallow."

Wu Xiaojun sat down on the ground in a fit of anger, trembling all over, his lips were purple and trembling, within 5 minutes his hands and fingers were frozen there, Bai Lingyan squatted beside him, pinching someone and yelling softly , but I didn't see him responding a little bit.

Wu Pingshun looked at Bai Lingyan's anxious face sweating, and said distressedly, "Don't pay attention to him, I had this problem before, and it will be fine after a while. Lingyan, in this situation, it is possible for the two of you to get married. The sex is almost gone, you and Xiaojun should break up, and we will go our separate ways in the future, so that everyone will have a clean heart."

Bai Lingyan insisted with a sullen face, "I won't."

Bai Yijia went on to say, "We were also forced to do nothing. It's shameful to serve the army. I was going to beat Yanzi's mother at school yesterday. Fortunately, I was stopped by my teacher and classmates. Now I am a little scared. How can young people do such things? Put it on you Will you rest assured?"

After about ten minutes, Wu Xiaojun slowly regained his strength, choked up and said, "Look at her yesterday, she didn't care about my face and Lingyan's face at all, she talked nonsense, and threatened to sue me and find someone to clean up her. I, am I still a human being! Swallow, I’ve had enough, let’s stop here.” After speaking, she got up and walked towards the school.

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