life struggle

375 I'm Not Here

Wu Xiaojun saw Zheng Yuetong walking back and forth at the entrance from a distance, hurriedly stepped up with Ning Pingping, stepped on the thick snow, walked across the square in front of the station, came to Zheng Yuetong, and said repeatedly, out of breath, "Sister Yuetong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went to Xiao Ning's place to get the file, this cold weather made you wait outside for so long!"

Zheng Yuetong turned around and pulled up the trolley of the suitcase, smiled at the two of them, and took the cardboard box from Ning Pingping, "It's okay, I just arrived too, go in quickly, the ticket check has already begun!"

Ning Pingping watched the two of them standing together in a blink of an eye, feeling an unspeakable sadness in her heart, she couldn't help but stepped forward and spat on Wu Xiaojun's face, and said to Zheng Yuetong unabashedly, "Sister Yuetong, I can I entrust Xiaojun to you, and you can take good care of him along the way!"

Zheng Yuetong smiled slightly in embarrassment, "Xiao Ning, you hand over Xiaojun to me, put your heart in your stomach, and make sure to bring him back to you intact!"

Wu Xiaojun didn't expect that Ning Pingping would suddenly bite him in front of Zheng Yuetong, blushed, frowned and said, "It's too cold outside, hurry back, be careful on the road, don't fall!" Zheng Yuetong pulled the suitcase and walked towards the station.

Since it was the departure train, the ticket inspection time was generally earlier and there was plenty of time, so the two of them were not very nervous. There were relatively few people in the sleeper car, which seemed particularly sparse.

The berths of the two are both middle berths, which happen to be facing each other. Ning Pingping specially asked the ticket buyer to buy them for them.

The two of them worked for a while and put their luggage away. Wu Xiaojun clapped his hands lightly, "Finally settled down!" He said and sat down on the bunk on the first floor.

Zheng Yuetong took the water glasses for the two of them, went to the junction of the car to fill two glasses of water, put them on the small table in front of him, sat down opposite, and said with a relaxed face, "Finally out of the sea of ​​suffering, no need to go to work, no need to think about it What a mess in the office!"

Wu Xiaojun joked with a chuckle, "What can the office do? The common people say that you are engaged in family planning, charge management fees, do nothing all day long, stay in the office drinking water and chatting, playing chess and poker to dawdle, and from time to time eat, drink, and have some fun!"

Zheng Yuetong was full of grievances when he heard the words, "You are all hearsay, and you don't know the difficulties of which line of work you don't do! Besides, our office is different from the Kangning office. The traditional business district of Kyushu in the city has a lot of traffic, and there are all kinds of people from all over the world, and unexpected things happen at any time. There are also officials, large and small, in the city who, if they don't like it, will shout at random and ask for trouble in the office. There are less than [-] people in our office and the community, but we are very busy with these things all day long. The most troublesome thing is not only these, it is very difficult to get a fine for family planning now, and we have been working hard to build a sanitary city in the past two years. The appearance of the city has been improved, the real estate and stores that used to belong to the office have been demolished, and the economic income has been greatly reduced, and it is extremely difficult to even pay wages!"

Wu Xiaojun smiled softly, "It is difficult for the office to pay wages. Xiao Ning once said that this is a common problem for everyone. According to common sense, government departments are different from enterprises. They will not produce direct economic benefits, but rely on fiscal and tax support and cooperation. To protect pure consumers, the finances must at least ensure that employees have food and normal office funds, so that everyone can be in the mood to do a good job! Outsiders really can’t understand such a situation!”

Zheng Yuetong said with deep understanding, "Because the staff salaries and office funds for financial guarantees are extremely limited, most of the expenditure depends on the office and employees to find their own way, and they have to do things that go against the wishes of the people. This is the office. The direct reason for the poor image in the hearts of the common people! We are also very helpless about this! After the new city leader came to power, the funds did not increase, and the work tasks were increased layer by layer. If any item is not done well, we will be criticized! We are under great pressure. Great! Now that I think about it, I feel a little bit regretful, it’s better to be in the agency, I really shouldn’t be at the grassroots level, and suffer this thankless foreign crime!”

Wu Xiaojun laughed and said, "Grandpa Mao once said that educated young people should go to the most difficult places, take root in the grassroots, and accept reform and training. You were ordered in the face of danger, and you can be said to be an outstanding leader in the district. It is normal to be under pressure. Without motivation, without motivation, you won’t be able to make real achievements, and if you can’t make real achievements, you will waste more than ten years of study and knowledge. For you, the difficulties are only temporary, and the future is bright!”

Zheng Yuetong let out a breath and said, "What's the future? I just want to have a few days of rest without being disturbed!"

"It seems that no matter what you do these days, it's not easy! By the way, how is Brother Sun doing now? Is the business going well?"

"It should be said that it is a good time now, and the business is doing well! How is your lover Xiaobai?"

"The situation in her unit is not very good. Last year, the company implemented a buyout and large-scale layoffs. Nearly two-thirds of the hospital left at once. Considering the short working hours, it was not worthwhile, so she didn't buy out. She took maternity leave at home to take care of her children and waited for two years. When the child is older, let’s talk about the situation!”

"That's good too. She can take care of the child at home with peace of mind. You can focus on your work without any worries and delays in anything. You can get through this difficult period now. In the future, Xiaobai's work will not be interrupted by the child's problems. Everything It is indeed a very good choice to proceed step by step. It is a pity that I missed the good time, and now I can only put down the matter of having children and do my own work desperately!"

"You gave up for your career and now have a child. Xiao Ning is devoted to work and never thinks about personal matters. She hasn't had a boyfriend yet. I feel that you are all tired. Compared to this, I feel relaxed. If there are more, life will be more monotonous!"

"I'm different from Xiao Ning. It's not that Xiao Ning doesn't want to have a boyfriend, but that she already has a boyfriend. It's just that this boyfriend is a bit special!"

"Look at what you said, the relationship between male and female friends is not ordinary. If you have it, you have it, and if you don't, you don't have it. There is no ambiguous special boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"I've figured it out a long time ago. It's not that Xiao Ning doesn't want to find a boyfriend, because she regards you as the boyfriend in her heart, and she doesn't want to marry someone else!"

"Sister Yuetong, you really know how to joke. I already have a wife and children. How could she, a big girl, regard me as her boyfriend? Wouldn't it be a big joke!"

Zheng Yuetong said with great interest, "Sister is a person who has gone through the stage of being in love. How can you and Xiao Ning not see it. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, seeing the two of you intimately together is not like simple friends at all. It's so simple, I have some doubts in my heart, for the matter of attracting investment, if you have no special relationship, no one will spare no effort to help her. Last night, Xiao Ning was calm and normal on the surface, but from time to time she asked me Sister Jingwei hinted at the relationship between the two of you. Before leaving, she presumptuously determined the time for us to meet tonight. I lied especially when I was with Xiao Ning. It is conceivable that this was the agreement between the two of you last night. Today's dinner was prepared by Xiao Ning for you. As for whether there is anything else, it is inconvenient for me to go on. Yes! Do you think I'm right!"

"Sister Yuetong, you really have a lot of imagination, and what you say is too exaggerated!"

Zheng Yutong smiled secretly, "I don't care about exaggeration or not, just because of her reluctant nostalgia for you before the station entrance, I looked like a little sister sending her love brother to the front line to fight, and she said something to me, I can leave Xiaojun to you. If it is not a relationship like a couple, no matter how good the relationship is, she will not follow you to the station to see you off in this icy and snowy world, let alone say that kind of discord. I am not afraid You are joking, Wei Guo and I have been married for nearly three years, he sent me here, and after not staying for 3 minutes, he turned and left impatiently, as if he wanted me to leave, so, I envy you two very much!"

Wu Xiaojun said with a frank smile, "Xiao Ning has been wild since she was a child, and she has always been used to grinning, and she doesn't care about anything. She called me a few times in the afternoon and asked me to abduct her, saying that she wanted to find someone at the station. How does it feel, I will get along with my boyfriend in the future!"

Zheng Yuetong pursed her lips, and said with a light smile, "Xiaojun, I don't agree with what you said. Xiaoning looks sweet, easy-going, and careful in doing things. It's not the one you said who is careless and can't find a boyfriend!"

Wu Xiaojun drew a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Sister Yuetong, you only know Xiaoning's present, not necessarily her past. The reason why she doesn't have a boyfriend now is because of her wild personality, no one dares to talk to her." Getting along with each other, I transformed her, that's why she adores and relies on me so much!" Then, Wu Xiaojun introduced Ning Pingping's past as if telling a story, only to hear Zheng Yuetong dumbfounded, and muttered to himself: , "I didn't expect Xiao Ning to have so many stories!"

Wu Xiaojun saw that Zheng Yuetong was beginning to be persuaded by himself, and further said, "As the saying goes, a good man does not fight with a woman. I am not a careless person, and I don't want to have any entanglements with her, a young and beautiful unmarried nurse. However, she I have no scruples in front of Wang Yuhong and I don’t know how to say anything shy, and dare to say anything that is difficult to say. As a girl, why don’t I feel shy at all? If this continues, I will destroy myself. I really think If she couldn’t go on, she wanted to try to use poison to fight poison, to see if she could correct her bad habits, and simply had a wild confrontation with her. As a result, the feminine and gentle part of her was really stimulated From then on, I want her to do everything according to my requirements, otherwise, she will be mercilessly spanked! Just like this, little by little, let her become what she is now!"

Zheng Yuetong looked at Wu Xiaojun with relieved eyes, and said in admiration, "No wonder she has such deep affection for you. You let her end the unrestrained disposition in the past, return to the track of a normal woman, and encourage her to step into the department The ranks of cadres, as always, silently supported her, allowing her to make real achievements in the new environment and new jobs, and stand out among the young people in the whole district. I am amazed by what you have done, and I have to look at you differently , I am greatly appreciated and moved by the sincere friendship and affection that you two have established in this way!"

Wu Xiaojun smiled modestly, "I'm not as noble as you said, I just fulfilled my duty as a colleague!"


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