life struggle

376 Talking About the Past

Zheng Yuetong quietly showed a quiet and elegant smile in the corners of her mouth and eyes with her personality, and said sincerely, "We worked together in the funeral home last year. You helped me a lot and left a deep impression on me. Later, Although we have little contact at ordinary times, your name is always lingering in my heart, and I hear your joys and sorrows from time to time, and I am very pleased and grateful to be able to work with you again."

Wu Xiaojun looked at the mature beauty in front of him, with a calm, relaxed and natural appearance, and said with a smile, "I never thought that I would be able to go on this trip to the deep sea with the well-known beauty host in the district again. There will be elegance, fashion, talent and intelligence along the way." , with an easy-going, capable and open-minded beauty, talking and laughing is a very pleasant thing, there is a pleasing feeling, and the boring schedule is no longer lonely!"

Zheng Yuetong's face was slightly flushed upon hearing this, and she lowered her voice a little embarrassed, "It's rare to come out to relax, and I feel the same way, but don't expect too much from me, thank God for not causing you trouble along the way. "

Wu Xiaojun smiled evilly and said, "It's my honor to be able to serve such a beautiful, generous, and elegant lady like you. Even if it's a little troublesome, it will create conditions and opportunities for me. I'm happy to accept it!"

Zheng Yuetong smiled happily, and joked, "No wonder people say you are very feminine, you are not bad at all, your mouth is sweet, and you are very good at pleasing women, and you feel comfortable listening to it!"

Wu Xiaojun said with a guilty conscience, "Sister, please don't praise people like this, really, I feel scared when I see women, especially beautiful women!"

Zheng Yuetong looked at Wu Xiaojun a little nervously, couldn't help but giggled softly, "That's because you have a ghost in your heart! Everyone has a love of beauty, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. Needless to say, Xiao Ning, I witnessed it with my own eyes. Can you tell me the story of you, Feng Dong, Manager Qin and your lover?"


Wu Xiaojun looked at Zheng Yuetong's curious expression, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's getting colder and colder sitting underneath, lie on the berth, I'll talk to you about my past experience!"

Zheng Yuetong raised her hand to look at the Bulgari watch on her wrist, pursed her lips and smiled, "Time flies so fast, it's almost twelve o'clock at night in the blink of an eye!" He said as he took off his down jacket and high-waisted long sleeves. Wearing high boots and a light purple crew-neck sweater, he got up and climbed onto the middle bunk, pulled the quilt over his body, rested his head on the down jacket, and looked sideways at Wu Xiaojun opposite him with longing and curious eyes.

Although the two don't have much contact with each other in normal times, Wu Xiaojun and Zheng Yuetong are no strangers, they are quite familiar with and understand her, away from all the troubles and pressures, this is the first time they travel together, and they will spend more than ten days together next time, Since she was interested, there was nothing she couldn't hide.

It was late at night, and with the rhythmic click of the train wheels, the carriage had already quieted down, and the surroundings gradually began to snore.

Wu Xiaojun went to the bathroom to observe the situation in the carriage. Seeing that most of the people in the carriage had fallen asleep, there was nothing abnormal, so he lay down on the bunk with peace of mind, and looked sideways at Zheng Yuetong, who was still full of energy and smiling at him. The voice I heard talked about it, and I was very interested in how I met and fell in love with Qin Meixiang, how I worked as a tutor during a work-study program and became attached to the Feng family sisters, and how I have maintained a relationship with them that is better than relatives over the years, etc. again.

Zheng Yuetong could tell that Wu Xiaojun was full of enthusiasm and trust in him. In front of him, he didn't have any pressure, talked freely, and told his past stories without any scruples. One by one, the memories were still fresh and vivid, as if Just like what happened yesterday, I freely released the suppressed emotions in my heart, and when I talked about the emotional part, I was very emotional and shed tears of deep guilt.

She listened intently, as if she was listening to a love story with twists and turns and strange joys and sorrows. She was fascinated by it, sobbing, tears streaming down her face, extremely moved, and fell into a sea of ​​contemplation.

With the ups and downs of Wu Xiaojun's emotions, the ups and downs of his heart fluctuated accordingly, and there were waves of ripples. He raised his head and whispered with some heartache, "I didn't expect that these years have been spent in such an environment, and there are so many legends hidden behind it." A colorful life story! You and Manager Qin, Xiaobai’s emotional journey is too tortuous, too bumpy, beyond what anyone can imagine. Your love is so pure, so persistent, so life-or-death, I am very shocked. It is a pity that your first love died in such an ending, it is really regrettable."

Wu Xiaojun poked his probe forward, and said tremblingly, "Sometimes people's thoughts are very simple, but the reality is very complicated and cruel. A sudden event, an unexpected change, can turn an unforgettable love into clouds , turned into permanent heartache, and when I wake up, I realize how naive and frivolous I was before!"

Zheng Yuetong said in a somewhat excited voice, "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, gains and losses complement each other! What belongs to you is the most suitable for you, what doesn't belong to you can't be forced. Without the misfortune of Manager Qin's family, maybe you have already lived a normal life." Ordinary, simple and happy life, without her tenacious struggle against fate, and without the brilliance of today's career. Without the loyal love between you and Xiaobai who has gone through the cruel test of wind, frost, snow and rain, it is impossible to survive from adversity, The happy result of walking into the palace of marriage."

Wu Xiaojun said with deep emotion, "It's rare to see a rainbow without going through the wind and rain. Although Mr. Feng, Manager Qin, and Bai Lingyan and I have different backgrounds and family backgrounds, we all have life experiences that have experienced the ups and downs of the world. Struggling hard in the middle of the day, breaking through the heavy fog, and seeing the joy of the bright spring day again. Looking back now, it is a rare and precious wealth, and it will definitely be used for a lifetime!"

Zheng Yuetong said enviously, "Because you are calm when you encounter difficulties, you have the courage and tenacity to face the problems directly, and you use your wisdom, sincerity and unremitting efforts to bring a girl who is in despair and extreme pain to a new life. , pulled back from the death line, rekindled hope for life, yearning for a better life in the future, and in just a few years, became the boss of a well-known multinational company at home and abroad. Because you gave her the first The second life has achieved the brilliance of life. She always has gratitude and gratitude to you, and does not change with changes in her reputation, status, career, and wealth, so that the flowers of your friendship will bloom, and the love of friendship will bloom. The tree is evergreen!"

Wu Xiaojun said frankly, "I am very happy for them to see them have such great achievements today, and I have been silently blessing them. Today in front of you, I open my heart and tell you everything that happened in the past without reservation, including some The details are usually not told to outsiders, even my wife Bai Lingyan doesn't know a lot, the purpose is to let you really understand Feng Dong and Manager Qin, so that you can know what to do when interacting with them."

Zheng Yuetong thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I've been thinking for the past two days. Although we are going to the deep sea to complete a task together, we are in a different state of mind after all. I shoulder the important task of getting the other party to invest in Pingxi in advance. If the work is done properly, the urban leaders can inspect smoothly and return with pleasure. You will play the role of threading the needle, without any title on your head, and meeting old friends and acquaintances without pressure. The responsibility and pressure are much lighter than mine! How can it be possible? Passing this test without any regrets made me feel uneasy for two days.”

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "You think too much. From the moment you hold the train ticket, we are already on the same boat. We can either swim together or drown together. There is no room for turning back. We must be thinking about the same thing." , to move to one place. Let me tell you the truth. The key to Feng Dong’s willingness to let the city investigation team go is that both parties have done a lot of work in the early stage, and the general direction has basically been set. The city leaders go there, It mainly expresses their sincerity and attitude. The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. If there are no accidents, everything will be logical. Don’t be so nervous in your heart, let alone put too much pressure on yourself, just think it’s a vacation trip.”

Zheng Yuetong smiled relaxedly, "After hearing what you said, I feel more at ease."

Wu Xiaojun said with a serious face, "You also need to be mentally prepared. I usually have very little contact with the outside world. I don't know anything about official etiquette, negotiation, and reception arrangements. This time, my role and identity are at best just following you. How to negotiate with them is entirely up to you, I can't help you at all!"

Zheng Yuetong said in a soft voice, "Don't worry about that, I'm more familiar with the situation in the district than you, when the time comes we will have a clear division of labor, remind each other, adapt to the situation, there shouldn't be any problem!"

Wu Xiaojun saw that Zheng Yuetong wasn't tired at all, and his face was still full of excitement. He thought to himself, it's going to be a long time, so he can't keep whispering and chatting like this until dawn. At that time, she will sleep with her head on one side all day, and even I don't even have time to take a nap, so let her rest for a while to get a little more energy. During the day, I will refresh myself while browsing the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Thinking of this, he reminded in a low voice, "We'll talk about the rest at that time. In a few hours, it will be dawn. We can't talk anymore. You should lie down and sleep for a while!"

Zheng Yuetong also felt that the time passed too fast, and before she knew it, it was almost four o'clock in the morning, and she would have no time if she didn't take a rest, so she looked at Wu Xiaojun with some distress and said, "I don't really doze off, you are running around in a hurry, busy For the whole day, you should sleep!"

Wu Xiaojun looked up at the boxes on the luggage rack, leaned forward again, blinked heavily at Zheng Yuetong, and said in a hoarse voice, "I have a habit of not sleeping in the car at night, even if I close my eyes, I don't feel at ease." , When there are many people at dawn, I can squint for a while at any time!"

There are more than 2 yuan in cash and important documents in it, and there must be no mistakes, especially in the dead of night, let alone be careless. He is a very serious and vigilant person, and he will definitely do what he says. I was chatting with him, my brain was in a state of excitement, and I was not sure that he would fall down as soon as he made a sound, so let him be on duty.

Zheng Yuetong understood what Wu Xiaojun meant, nodded leisurely, and sighed softly, "Alright then!"

After finishing speaking, he turned over gently, facing inward, and breathed evenly without much effort.


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