life struggle

387 Switch Roles

Over the years, Wu Xiaojun has not been around, and Qin Meixiang eats with her son most of the time looking at another empty bowl and chopsticks, without the warmth of a normal family of three, and often feels empty and uncomfortable in her heart.

Wu Xiaojun finally appeared in front of herself and her son, in a home without a masculine atmosphere. Qin Meixiang didn't go out to eat out, and brought Wu Xiaojun and Sizhen home, just for the sake of celebration and auspiciousness, and to feel what it's like to be a wife and a mother. Taste the precious warmth of the three people meeting for the first time after waiting for five years.

Qin Meixiang was busy in the kitchen in good spirits, and the happy laughter of the father and son playing with the plane kept coming from his ears, and his heart was filled with happiness. Although that feeling didn't have any passion, it was soft Yes, warm, watching the father and son form a united front, eating the meals they cooked, and working together to deal with themselves, I feel an indescribable joy in my heart, a joy that cannot be expressed in words!

Sizhen usually develops the habit of taking a nap, and he is also tired from playing. After lunch, instead of pestering Wu Xiaojun and Qin Meixiang to continue playing with him, he habitually ran into Qin Meixiang's bedroom, lay down on the bed, closed his The eyes fell asleep.

Wu Xiaojun sweated a lot while playing with Sizhen, and there was a strong smell of sweat all over his body. Seeing that Sizhen had fallen asleep, Qin Meixiang urged him to take a warm bath, change his clothes, and happily took out his clothes. In the photo album, sitting beside Sizhen, cuddling each other, appreciating with great interest the moments of the crystallization and growth of their love.

Wu Xiaojun never dreamed that everything in front of him was real. While looking at the photos of Sizhen when he was a child, he smiled and stared at his son, who was always thinking about his skin and tender flesh. , breathing softly and quietly, a ray of sunlight coming through the screen window, shining on the fine velvet on his face, there is an undeniable warmth flowing in his heart, and a sweet smile appears on the corner of his mouth inadvertently, which cannot be stopped sympathy.

Seeing Wu Xiaojun's smiling face with a happy expression on his face, Qin Meixiang looked at Sizhen very comfortably, closed the album lightly, and asked softly, "Are you very excited to see our son with your own eyes, and what do you think of him?" ?”

Wu Xiaojun couldn't hide the joy in his heart, and said with a smirk on his face, "Excellent varieties, sown in fertile land, naturally produce high-quality fruits, my wife, you are really too strong, too capable, too great, you have never dreamed of it." Thinking of you giving birth so well, raising him so well, being so cute, so sensible, and being so lovable, your son is the most precious gift you gave me." As he spoke, he couldn't help but spat on Qin Meixiang's face.

Qin Meixiang couldn't help but giggled softly and said, "You, you still have the same stinking virtues as before, nothing has changed."

Wu Xiaojun suddenly held Qin Meixiang's face in both hands, and said sincerely, "My wife, to be honest, the first time I saw Sizhen's photo, I felt very kind and envied you very much. My own son. Later, the situation gradually became clear, and you gave me a great surprise, making my dream a reality. Over the years, I only planted without reaping, and my child grew up, and I did not fulfill my responsibility , didn’t accompany him for a while, didn’t even change a diaper, I was very ashamed, and I felt sorry for you and the child! It’s really hard for you!”

Qin Meixiang watched Wu Xiaojun staring at her affectionately, the grievance, confusion, loss and despair in her heart burst out instantly, and she said tearfully, "Some time after Sizhen was born, I especially longed for a warm home. , How I wish I could feel the warmth of home as soon as I entered the house. I have thought about looking for you with Sizhen several times, and pulling you back to my side. Knowing that you and Lingyan have gone through so many hardships and bitterness , It was too late to find out that you no longer belong to me and Sizhen. At that time, my heart was about to collapse, and I felt a feeling of pain. Later, my reason told me that I have no right to have a complete family. That's it, The child has become my greatest spiritual sustenance, and I truly feel that my son is my mother's pistachio. No matter how difficult life is, how exhausted physically and mentally, I watch my son grow up day by day, become sensible day by day, and become mischievous day by day , it’s all worth it.”

Wu Xiaojun was so moved that he couldn't help but shed tears, which dripped on Qin Meixiang's cheeks, mixed with her mixed tears, and turned into a deep family affection that penetrated deep into the soul, and said sadly, "The old father is A person with strong traditional ideas always hoped that I would have a son. Later, Lingyan was in labor and gave birth to a girl, which made him very disappointed. Seeing the old father helplessly bear the cynicism of his family saying that I will never have a son, when he saw his daughter sighing I looked like I was in a lot of pain, and I really wanted to bring Sizhen to him and say, Dad, this is your grandson. However, when I thought of your evasive and cold attitude towards me, I was very troubled until Now I haven’t told the old man the truth.”

Qin Meixiang gently wiped away the tears from Wu Xiaojun's face, buried her head in Wu Xiaojun's arms, and murmured enduring the pain, "Since the old man doesn't know, don't tell him. Now, my son and I are used to the calmness now." Life, you, Xiaobai, and Yiwen have formed an inseparable and complete family, and you don’t want to be disturbed by others. If it weren’t for your serious illness some time ago, you almost left lifelong regrets, and you don’t want to torture your painful heart anymore. Only then did I change my attitude towards you, otherwise, I don’t know when your father-son dream will be fulfilled.”

Wu Xiaojun said with a broken heart, "I know very well that for me, you have endured unimaginable pain, how many lonely nights you have survived, and how many bitter tears you have shed. At that moment, all the sadness, remorse and sins poured out like the embankment of a broken river, and I really wanted to cry. Mei Xiang, I don't have any right to demand anything from you, don't wrong yourself anymore, you touch so What an outstanding person, if you meet the right one, marry yourself!"

Qin Meixiang raised her head in astonishment, stared at Wu Xiaojun with incredulous eyes, and then muttered for a long time, "Don't tell me these things are useless, even if I guard my son all my life, I can't tolerate any other man in my heart!"

Wu Xiaojun said tremblingly, "Mei Xiang, why are you so stubborn!"

Qin Meixiang stared at Wu Xiaojun's painful face, smiled wryly, and said softly, "You don't understand my mood, and you will never understand it! Well, let's not talk about these unhappy things about the love between children. And Tell me the truth, I firmly disagree that Mr. Feng wants to spend a lot of money on Pingxi, who has a very bad prospect, but she has made up her mind and is willing to take such a big risk. Whether it is public or private, we can't I watched her wasted money in vain. The reason why the city leaders let you come is mainly because of the relationship between us. Since you have the advantage in this aspect, and Mr. Feng treats you so well, you can't It’s only on Pingxi’s side, and we need to spend more energy thinking about what we can do for Mr. Feng and the company.”

Wu Xiaojun frowned, and said melancholy, "I'm just a little doctor. I don't have any social relations, and I don't have any experience in social interaction and dealing with society. What are you doing?"

Qin Meixiang's eyes were as charming as silk, and she exhaled like blue, "In fact, it is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say easy! The situation in the local area is very complicated. Dealing with enterprises and the government is always a headache. When the time comes, we will Put forward conditions to the city leaders who came here. Negotiations and consultations will be very difficult, including the day after tomorrow when you and Zheng Yuetong communicate with our company’s external relations department. You should not express any opinions. Once the cooperation agreement is reached and the project is officially launched, the company cannot send A large number of people are stationed in Pingxi, and eventually you need to recruit local talents related to project operation. What you have to do is to secretly use the power of the city and district governments to collect extensive information in this regard and help the company to form a strong work force. Team. Based on your relationship with Ning Pingping, Mayor Chang is Ning Pingping's uncle, and the attention and use of you by the secretary of the district party committee. With your witty mind and flexible way of doing things, it is not too difficult Therefore, you can do a lot of things for the company, and I want you to be the company's preparatory staff in Pingxi, which requires you to temporarily give up your profession, which is not promising, can you do it?"

Wu Xiaojun said with some embarrassment, "Is this Mr. Feng's idea, or is it your own idea? If you want me to do a temporary and staged job temporarily, I will try my best to complete it, but if you want me to permanently put away what I have learned through hard work for more than ten years." I really have no idea about giving up professionally, and it is difficult to do it.”

Qin Meixiang said calmly, "This is the idea shared by Mr. Feng and I. Mr. Feng originally wanted to talk to you in person, but considering that we have a closer relationship, he specially asked me to communicate with you in advance. As long as you can temporarily leave the hospital Jump out, as for what to do in the future, Mr. Feng and I respect your opinions and will not force you! The key is that you know little about unfamiliar industries now, and you need to familiarize yourself with and understand the relevant knowledge of business operations and management as soon as possible. That is to say , from now on, you have to switch roles, and in the morning of the day after tomorrow, Assistant Lei will be arranged to take you and Zheng Yuetong to visit the company headquarters, and meet with the personnel from the Inland Market Development Department and the External Relations Department, so you have to know that."

Wu Xiaojun nodded in relief and said with a light smile, "Well, I understand! However, as soon as I got here, I felt like I was kidnapped by you suddenly Feng Weiwei, and everything had to follow your baton. Tell me, tomorrow I should What are you doing? You can’t just lie down and sleep in the hotel, or else, come here to accompany you and Sizhen!”

Qin Meixiang started to act suddenly, and said with a very serious expression, "Private matters are private matters, and business matters are business matters. You and Zheng Yuetong go out to do things together, and you are her only support. Leave her alone in the hotel, and come out to enjoy yourself. You can decide what you want to do tomorrow. You have been out for a long time, and you haven't had a good rest these days, so you can go back later, lest she worry!"

Wu Xiaojun said sadly, "I've just been with you, and I haven't found home yet, so drive me away!"

Qin Meixiang saw that Wu Xiaojun's mood became depressed for a moment, her eyes blurred, and said quietly, "I also think that the three of us have been enjoying family happiness together these days, and I don't want you to go, but reality does not allow us to do this. Now your dream It has become a reality, seeing my son with my own eyes, and seeing everything we have here, I feel at ease, and don't need to care too much about the warmth for a while. Besides, there are still many days, and we have time to be together."

Wu Xiaojun said sadly, "Okay then!" Then, he kissed Qin Meixiang deeply on the forehead, and left the community very nostalgic.


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