Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2332 The 8th Disappeared

At this moment, Ye Dong had already forgotten where he was, everything around him, and the ease with which he was complacent before. All his mind was concentrated in the spot of light that was about to finally take shape in front of him. superior.

In fact, although the light spot has not yet formed, it already has a rough outline, which is not the appearance of a human being.

Two pointed ears, a protruding mouth, and a pair of blood-colored eyes full of bloodthirsty meaning, this is clearly the shape of a wolf!

Ye Dong never judges people by their appearance, let alone the idea that people who are not of our race will have different hearts. Apart from humans, his friends and brothers naturally also have monsters, and among them he has the closest relationship with him. Knowing Banruo earlier than meeting Mo Linglong, the first real friend and real brother he made in his life was a wolf!

A red wolf with a proud self-esteem and an unyielding will, a spirit beast and a monster of two bloodlines!

Ye Dong would not believe it no matter what, representing the evil side of Vientiane, he would be reincarnated as a red wolf!

Although the red wolf is indeed bloodthirsty, tyrannical, and even deeply hostile to human beings, in the eyes of countless monks, the red wolf can be regarded as a vicious existence, but in Ye Dong's heart, it is more powerful than anyone else. Everyone should understand the red wolf.

The red wolf will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, and will never do heinous things, which has nothing to do with "evil" at all!

"Impossible!" As the shape of the wolf gradually became clear, Ye Dong seemed to have lost his mind, and only chanted these three words over and over in his mouth: "Impossible, impossible, impossible!"


Finally, the light spots stopped agglomerating, and it could be seen that it was a huge wolf head, and those eyes full of bloodthirsty and tyranny all fit the image of a red wolf.


When the wolf's head disappeared, Ye Dong raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar. Even though the facts were right in front of him, he still couldn't believe it, and still refused to admit that the evil side of Wanxiang was reincarnated as a red wolf!

Facing the deity's anger and loss of composure, Ye Dong of Blood Prison just glanced at him calmly, and then slowly walked back to his side, because the three light spots he was looking for have been completed, and the rest is heartless Ye Dong thing.

Seeing Ye Dong, who looked calm and didn't even change his eyes, slowly walked towards him. Under the influence of his ruthless way, Ye Dong's mood gradually calmed down.

Taking a deep breath, he said to himself: "Even if the red wolf is a reincarnation of Vientiane, so what, not to mention that he never did evil at all, even if he really did all the evil things, it is absolutely impossible for me to Kill him, don't worry, there are the last three reincarnations, maybe among them, there is a more suitable target for me to kill, yes, no matter who they are, I will choose one of them to kill! "

With these words, Ye Dong seemed to be comforting himself, and also seemed to be reassuring himself. In short, his head is a little dizzy now. I have to say that the appearance of that wolf head really gave him too much. shocked.

The breath in the seventh light spot made Ye Dong feel warm, like being bathed in sunlight, full of vitality, and this naturally made him have to sigh. It seems that this reincarnation, no matter whether he becomes If anyone is killed, he cannot kill him.

Because, this seventh light spot represents the good side of Vientiane!

No living beings are born purely evil, and even Ye Dong firmly believes that human beings are inherently good, and all living beings are born kind, but they are affected by the environment in which they grew up, the relatives around them, and other factors Only then will they gradually lose their original goodness and be slowly replaced by evil.

But even so, in the hearts of these creatures, their good side is still deeply hidden, just like the Myriad Immortal King!

Ye Dong has just experienced Vientiane's ambition and Vientiane's evil, not to mention all the things he has done as a Taoist god. If there is a hell, Ye Dong is sure that the crimes committed by the Taoist god are enough to be thrown into hell. Among the 180 layers of hell.

However, the kindness that belongs to Vientiane that is presented in front of Ye Dong now is so real and warm, which makes people feel warm in their hearts.

Naturally, the reincarnation of the good side must also have a kind character and a good heart, so Ye Dong would not kill the other party no matter who the other party would be.

Therefore, he just wants to see who this reincarnation will be.

The light spots exploded and began to slowly condense.

A smile gradually appeared on Ye Dong's face. Although it had not yet formed, he already knew who this reincarnation was.

"Although it's surprising that she is also the reincarnation of Vientiane, her character and everything she does are indeed in line with the good side!"

It was the figure of a woman who, even if she didn't show a clear face, made people feel that the other party must have the beauty of a city and a country.

Snow song!

Nine-tailed Snow Fox!

"It turns out that Qingge was not a fox at the beginning, but a person like me. It's just that in countless reincarnations, I don't know how to become a nine-tailed snow fox. However, no matter what she is Life, her kindness, has never changed!"

As for the world Xue Qingge is in, just like Xue Qingge's name, it is called the Snow Realm. Looking around, there is endless white, which symbolizes purity and kindness.

Ye Dong suddenly remembered that he hadn't paid attention to the world where the evil side of Wanxiang was reincarnated.

"However, it doesn't matter anymore."

Ye Dong shook his head, followed by the soulless avatar, and continued to look at the eighth spot of light.

Now, his mood became tense again, because so far, of the seven reincarnations of Vientiane, except for Dao God, six of them have extremely deep relationships with him, making it impossible for him to kill them die.

In other words, he had to choose one of the last two reincarnations to kill, and he couldn't find any reason to refuse!

The eighth spot of light rushed into a bubble, but at this moment Ye Dong frowned, because he didn't feel any breath in this spot of light.

If it wasn't for the eyes to see this light spot, then Ye Dong felt that this light spot didn't exist at all.

Just when Ye Dong's thought just came up, suddenly, with a "boom", the eighth spot of light exploded directly!

It is not like the light spots that exploded before, there will be countless small light spots condensed into a certain shape, but it really exploded directly, like fireworks, all the light spots, after the final light burst out , completely returned to the darkness, disappeared without a trace!

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