The eighth spot of light exploded directly and disappeared without a trace, which means that this spot of light did not reincarnate into a brand new existence, but died out directly during the process of reincarnation!

Ye Dong stared blankly at this world where there was no light spot anymore, and he couldn't figure out what caused the disappearance of this light spot.

Ye Dong didn't know that at this moment, there was another pair of eyes, also full of shock, watching what happened before him.

"Could it be that Vientiane was just reincarnated into eight independent beings, not the nine as everyone thought?" This was the idea that popped up in Ye Dong's mind.

"However, why is everyone, including the master who is one of the reincarnations, so sure that there are indeed nine reincarnations in Vientiane? And Dao Shen, he must also be struggling to find the remaining reincarnations. He also said that there are nine reincarnations. Nine reincarnations, could he even be wrong?"

"Or, they just sensed the nine reincarnations, but in fact, one reincarnation didn't succeed at all, and it exploded first?"

Ye Dong only felt that his head was getting more and more confused. He thought it would be a simple matter to explore the depths of Vientiane's memory, find his nine reincarnations, and then choose one of them to kill, but now it seems that it is quite troublesome. one thing.

Because this eighth spot of light, which was supposed to be reincarnated as a life, suddenly became a variable...


The appearance of these two words made Ye Dong startled suddenly, because he thought of Pan Chaoyang, who always called himself a variable, even his senior brother Xiang Tianxing thought so.

Could it be that the eighth spot of light was reincarnated as Pan Chaoyang?

"Impossible!" Ye Dong quickly denied his own idea, because he witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. The reincarnation situations of the first seven light spots were all roughly the same, which really didn't make sense. Something went wrong, and he was sure that the eighth spot of light had actually disappeared, and there was no possibility of it being re-condensed and reincarnated in the future!

What's more, in every spot of light, Ye Dong could feel a different breath, but in the eighth spot of light, he didn't feel anything. Thinking about it now, it seems that the eighth spot The light spot itself has nothing, just like an empty shell!


From a place that Ye Dong could not hear, came the unique voice of the Taoist God. Obviously, just as Sanzun and the Immortal Emperor guessed, the Taoist God did not completely fall into the stillness of time from the beginning to the end. Instead, he took this opportunity to secretly follow Ye Dong, looking at the depths of Vientiane's memory, looking for the two reincarnations that he had never discovered.

This is also the reason why Taoist God has always been kind to Ye Dong and never prevented anyone from killing him. Just in case, he wanted to save Ye Dong's life and let him help him find the other two. The whereabouts of reincarnation!

Since even the Sanzun and the Immortal Emperor know that to prevent Dao God from becoming a complete Vientiane, at least one of his reincarnations must be killed, so Dao God is naturally more aware of the powerful relationship, so he is more anxious than everyone else. Anxious to find the other two reincarnations, so that they can be completely swallowed up and completely merged into a complete Vientiane.

The seven reincarnations that Ye Dong saw earlier, even the red wolf that shocked Ye Dong greatly, were actually expected by the Taoist God, so he was not surprised at all.

But now, the eighth reincarnation that was supposed to appear unexpectedly exploded into nothingness, which naturally made it hard for him to accept.

"No, absolutely not. I can clearly feel that there are eight reincarnations besides me, and they are all living well in this world. How could there be one less?"

To be honest, Dao God's mind is a bit confused at the moment. He doesn't know, if there is one less reincarnation, including him, there will only be eight reincarnations in the end.

This question is exactly what Ye Dong is currently thinking about: "There is one less reincarnation, and there are only eight reincarnations. If these eight reincarnations are allowed to merge, will it be impossible to become a complete Vientiane again? Does that mean that , I don’t have to kill any of them anymore?”

If this is the case, it would be a relief for Ye Dong, at least he no longer needs to be so anxious and entangled as he is now.

But now Ye Dong has no extra time to think about it, because another weird thing happened!

The ninth light spot had already fallen into a bubble, but suddenly, it turned around and rushed out of this bubble, as if it had its own consciousness, unwilling to be reincarnated in this bubble. in the world.

This change made Ye Dong simply take back the heartless avatar, but his own deity, followed closely behind the ninth light spot, and chased after it.

After this chase, more than half a day has passed. This spot of light seems to know that someone is following behind it, and it seems to be very unwilling to be known about its reincarnation, and it keeps going through one world after another. , There is always no plan to stop!

Although Ye Dong was also in a hurry, he tried his best to suppress his emotions, and at the same time silently felt the aura emanating from this spot of light.

This breath is extremely complicated, like a mixture of five flavors, including ups and downs, and what makes Ye Dong even more unimaginable is that he still has a familiar feeling for such a complicated breath.

"This, what kind of aura is this, and what does this belong to Vientiane? Also, which world does it want to reincarnate into? Could it be that in this state, it really has its own consciousness and wants to find To a place suitable for reincarnation? This is unlikely, the previous seven light spots of successful reincarnation are completely unconscious!"

While Ye Dong was chasing after him, he was thinking quickly in his mind!

I really didn't expect that the last two reincarnations turned out to be a wave of ups and downs, one wave after another, one directly failed in the reincarnation, and the other seemed to be playing with Ye Dong, leading Ye Dong to the numerous people in the soul world. Constantly travel through the world.

Ye Dong was in a hurry, but Dao Shen was even more anxious than Ye Dong. Except for the eighth spot of light, the other seven spots of light were all on the road to seeking immortals, and they were all under his supervision. You can grab them to your side at any time and devour them.

After the ninth light spot has turned around almost all the worlds in the entire Soul Dao Realm, it finally entered a world and stopped!

"It's finally stopped!" Ye Dong let out a long breath, but before the breath was finished, he suddenly sucked it back, because he suddenly discovered that this world...

"This is... the Four Elephants Realm!"

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