Chaos fairy way

Chapter 101 Rescue the Iron Tower

When a monk's cultivation reached the Yuan Dynasty, he possessed the innate supernatural power "distraction".Innate supernatural powers come naturally, and can be possessed when one reaches the level of cultivation, such as "spiritual consciousness driving things" and "sound transmission" in the stage of concentration, "melting treasures into the body" and "flying with imperial treasures" in the stage of concentrating knowledge. "Distraction" refers to the separation of a divine thought for use in various ways, such as marking divine thoughts, guardian divine thoughts, sealing spiritual thoughts, etc.The spiritual imprint that Long Fei and Niu Zhong left on each other when they parted is a kind of mark.These separated spiritual thoughts are like a distraction of the master of the divine thoughts, and they feel pain. If they are destroyed, they can make a scream, and the original soul of the master of the spiritual thoughts will also feel pain; God will disappear with it.There was a guardian spirit left in the storage bag of the different python, so when it was destroyed by Long Fei's spirit power, it let out a scream.

"That's right, this is the high-level treasure anti-poison armor. If the divine sense in the storage bag is destroyed, the strange python will definitely come, hurry up!" The weak sound transmission of the iron tower came again, and the god who came from the bottom of the lake Thoughts are vaguely absent, it can be seen that his physical condition is extremely bad.

Long Fei quickly integrated the poison-avoiding spirit armor into his body, and then emerged from the surface of his body, and then dived into the yin*jing lake with a diving leap.When the yin*jing* water yu flooded in from all around, the poison-avoiding spirit armor suddenly emitted a silver-white light, forming a light shield to protect Long Fei within ten feet of his body.Long Fei was pleasantly surprised, and thought: I never thought that the anti-poison spirit armor can not only avoid poison, but also avoid water, it is really a rare treasure!

The spiritual imprint planted on the iron tower was getting weaker and weaker, Long Fei quickly drifted towards the iron tower without any hesitation.The anti-poison spirit armor can avoid water, although "Wind Shadow Jue" can't treat yin*jing* water as nothing, but Long Fei's moving speed is still very fast.

Half an hour later, Long Fei had sneaked for more than forty miles at the bottom of the thousands of feet deep lake, and finally arrived at the place where the iron tower and other strange beasts were trapped. The yin*jing* water is as black as ink, so that the eyes cannot see it, but the divine mind can detect it.At this time, the iron tower, the different tiger, and the different rhinoceros were all made of unknown metals, and they were tied tightly to the blood-red chains at the bottom of the lake. Among them, the metal chain that bound the iron tower was as thick as ten feet.

Long Fei then took out three blood-red keys from the storage bag, and opened the chains of the iron tower and other three strange beasts one by one.At the same time, they handed the three great beasts a recovery pill given by the female cultivators of the Piaomiao Pavilion.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the three great beasts surfaced out of the lake, leaping over the sky and flying directly towards the entrance of the horizontal cave.The strange beasts on the ground were trembling with fright when they saw the three leaders of the strange beasts coming together, and howled endlessly.

After Long Fei and the three great beasts reached the giant gate of the horizontal cave, what was surprising was that the iron tower's body, which was a thousand feet high and five hundred feet wide, could instantly be sucked into the magical ground that was ten feet wide.Once out of the giant gate, it flew straight to the huge straight hole.

"Haha! Iron Tower, I didn't expect you to have human reinforcements, but everything is in vain!" The strange python had arrived, although it was laughter, it revealed a strong killing intent and disdain.

"So it's your enemy, we are destined! Today I happened to arrest you to be my sexual slave, oh hehe!" An extremely sensual and seductive voice followed the voice of the different python, and the red charm flashed.

Although Hong Mei's appearance fascinated all living beings, when Long Fei thought of the man-beast battle, he suddenly felt his belly churn and wanted to vomit.

"I'll deal with the slightly stronger Hong Mei, and the three of you will deal with the different pythons." Long Fei hastily said in a low voice.

Immediately, Long Fei, the three-foot-three Qingshuang sword suddenly came out of the body, and the sword turned into ten thousand handles, shooting red charms in all directions, and the sky suddenly shone white, illuminating the horizontal hole much brighter.

"Little enemy, it's too rude! Oh ha ha! But I like it." Hong Meimei smiled, her figure flashed, and she blinked to avoid the siege of Qingshuanghuajian. , As red as drops, the thorny roses rushed towards Long Fei's forehead, heart, and lower body.

Long Fei let out a low cry, and the body of the Qingshuang Sword, which was flying around his body, transformed into three thousand swords, and each thousand formed a dazzling white gossip shield.The three gossip array shields instantly blocked the attack of the three roses.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Red and white rays of light flashed alternately, like fireworks, very gorgeous, three roses hit the gossip array shield and flew back, the luster was slightly dimmed; Yu handle, the other two thousand handles were scattered in all directions by the shock.

Long Fei focused on two things, and instantly gathered the more than 2000 Qingshuang flying swords that had been scattered, and condensed into a three-foot-thick cylindrical sword array that rushed towards the three roses; at the same time, quickly controlled the attacking red charm. The lost ten thousand blue frost flying swords suddenly condensed into a square sword array with a side length of hundreds of feet, and the red charm was fired into the whistling.

Seeing this, Hong Mei chuckled, her body spun around, and a thick pink mist gushed out of her body, instantly covering a distance of ten meters around her body; the three roses in the air stopped their retreat, and dragged their long afterimages to meet them in a hurry Grabbed towards the three cylindrical sword formations.

"Porphyrin!" There was a loud sound, although the hundred zhang square sword array attacked fiercely and densely, but hitting the zhang-big red mist group was like hitting cotton wool, after piercing two feet, it couldn't penetrate further.In the red mist, the vitality in Hong Mei's body suddenly exploded, and there was a loud "whoosh! Whoosh!" sound, the square sword array instantly dispersed, and tens of thousands of Qingshuang flying swords danced chaotically in the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three consecutive sounds, three roses collided violently with three cylindrical sword formations, the red lights were dazzling, and the white lights were dazzling.Afterwards, the roses shattered and scattered in all directions; the sword array exploded, faded and disappeared.

"Little bastard, don't eat the toast, and eat fine wine. Xing slave, you are determined." Hong Mei was furious when she saw that her three roses, her treasured treasure, were all destroyed. , like pig's blood; the lips are black and translucent; the wavy blond hair instantly turns into a crimson, exploding lion's head.As soon as the words fell, the red mist around him surged violently and rolled towards Long Fei; at the same time, the snake swing with his right hand violently shot out three thorny roses, shining faintly red, hidden in the thick red mist , followed by the red mist.

Seeing this, Long Fei's face became serious, and he reached into the storage bag with his left hand and took out a poison-repelling pill plug into the entrance; the Chixiao sword melted into his body immediately, and the body surface suddenly burst into heat waves; the Qingshuang sword melted into ten thousand flying swords The hilt circled around the body sharply, condensing into a dazzling yellow sword cover covering a hundred feet around.After setting up heavy defenses, with a movement of his divine sense, the Wanjian Qingshuang Flying Sword in the air, which was scattered by the red mist, turned his head in an instant and "screamed" and rushed towards Hongmei; Na Hai, breaking the sky, was completed in an instant, two dark gray palm prints tore through the air, roared out, and aimed directly at Hong Mei's head.

"Crash! Crash!"

The Baizhang sword cover made by Wanjian was violently shaken by the violent red mist.


In just a few breaths, the Baizhang sword cover exploded violently, and the heavy flying sword scattered in all directions; the violent red mist suddenly dissipated, and suddenly turned into a light mist and diffused in all directions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three explosions followed, and three roses the size of wooden basins hidden in the red mist suddenly exploded. Immediately, thousands of rose thorns were mixed in the red mist, making it extremely difficult for the naked eye to see. Distinguish, take advantage of the force of the explosion, like an arrow wins an arrow, and shoot dragons flying densely.

The distance was too close, Long Fei couldn't dodge it, he could only resist, and a raging fire burst out of his body, and the flames reached Zhang Xu.

"Beep! Beep!"

The sound of burning thorns is like the sound of "firecrackers".

"Ding! Ding!" The sound of the thorns hitting the body rang out.

Although Long Fei had flames to burn the thorns, but there were too many thorns, and countless people hit the flesh.The thorns at the end of the crossbow's strength attacking the flesh like the Scarlet Heaven Sword was equivalent to scratching an itch, but the next moment it shocked Long Fei.I saw a red spot the size of a grain of rice appeared at the point where the rose thorn hit, which was extremely painful.However, the erythema gradually shrank and disappeared after only a few moments.After Long Fei was shocked, he felt lucky, and thought to himself: fortunately, the Chixiao Sword melted into his body first, and then there was Tianyougu's Bidu Pill to detoxify, otherwise he would have to follow Hongmei's way.Then when he thought of becoming Hong Mei's sex slave, he shuddered immediately, as if cold sweat was breaking out from his back.

Hong Mei, on the other hand, turned a blind eye to the overwhelming Wan Jian rushing attack, allowing Wan Jian to plunge into the red mist all over her body, and watched that "pow pow!" in the blink of an eye. With ten thousand flying swords, Hong Mei sneered and swung her palm to forcefully receive the "Breaking Heaven Seal" attack.But at this moment, the ten thousand green frost flying swords exploded, instantly freezing Hong Mei in a glowing red ice ball.

Hong Mei was shocked immediately, and the berserk red mist rushed out of her body again, squeezing the ice puck. "Boom!" There was a loud bang, the ice ball exploded, and red ice shards flew all over the sky.Hong Mei rushed away, but it took a while.

One breath was enough time, and the "Breaking Heaven Seal" attacked swiftly.In a hurry, Hong Mei hard-pressed two dark gray palm prints with her palms.


The air exploded, energy surged, and Hong Mei's body fell straight down like a kite with a broken string.


With another sound, Hong Mei fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, causing serious injuries.

"You lowly human being! You are doomed." Hong Mei yelled angrily with a grim face.Afterwards, he opened his hands outwards, and the sky suddenly filled with roses, red, blue, white, etc. were extremely spectacular, but they revealed a strong killing intent.

The battle group here has entered the final life-and-death showdown, and the battle with the iron tower and other alien beasts over there is also quite fierce.

The three ferocious beasts of iron tower, alien tiger, and alien rhinoceros are weak bodies, with insufficient vitality and spiritual power. Although they get the recovery pill, they only recover a little vitality and spiritual power;Therefore, although there are three enemies and one, they are all at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, the different pythons, whose cultivation base reached the late Yuan period, and fought at their peak state, naturally became more and more courageous as they fought, gaining the upper hand.

During the battle, the venom of the different pythons sprayed out and spread in the air, reaching a range of thousands of feet, dripping like arrows, attacking the three different beasts at the same time densely.

The iron tower, the energy in the body surged out of the body, forming a deep yellow energy layer, protecting the whole body; at the same time, the body swept sideways, facing the poisonous arrow, and the right claw, which was nearly fifty feet wide, slammed at the python.

Yihu raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black and red flames, which expanded to a size of thousands of feet in an instant, and rushed towards the poisonous arrows that were shot from the sky.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The sound was loud and the stench was suffocating, and the poisonous arrows slammed into the flames all over the sky. Although a lot of them were burned and blocked for a moment, many poisonous arrows still rushed out of the flames and shot straight at the iron tower and other three beasts.

The different rhinoceros didn't participate in the attack just now, but now when the different python's attention was focused on the battle with the iron tower and the different tiger, Baizhangkuan's body suddenly dodged, dodging the poisonous arrow attack, and dodged to a hundred feet behind the different python, and immediately Spray a five-foot-thick water column, which melts into an icicle when it enters the air, like a white lightning, stabbing at the python's back angrily.

At this time, the iron tower had rushed out of the encirclement of poisonous arrows all over the sky. Although it was hit in many places on its body, so that it was not lightly poisoned, its huge right palm, which was nearly [-] feet wide, whizzed and slapped it to a height of one foot above the python's head.Yi Python snorted coldly, raised his right palm to the sky, and hard-wired the giant right palm of the iron tower.


The air wave was churning, and the violent and rushing Yuanli fluctuations swept all directions, shaking the entire horizontal hole to "buzz!", and chunks of rocks and dust on the cave wall fell straight down.

The huge body of the iron tower retreated a hundred zhang in response to the sound, and spurted out a mouthful of blood; the feet of the strange python sank into the ground one foot deep, but its expression did not change, and its breath did not hold back.

When the different python and the iron tower faced each other, the icicles of the different rhinoceros attacked within three feet of the different python.The different python didn't panic at all, a one-foot-thick black-scaled snake tail rushed out from behind buttocks, and hit the center of the five-foot-thick icicle cross-section.


The icicles receded violently and were densely cracked.The tail of the snake was not damaged, and it was retracted into the body.

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