Chaos fairy way

Chapter 102 Capturing the Alien Python

The carefully coordinated attack of the three ferocious beasts of the iron tower, different tiger, and different rhinoceros was easily broken by the different python.The iron tower has suffered internal injuries and is highly poisoned, so the situation is worrying.In desperation, the iron tower, the different tiger, and the different rhinoceros changed from passive to active, replacing passive defense with swift and violent attacks, in order to seize the opportunity to fight.

At this time, Iron Tower breathed a sigh of relief and quickly mobilized the energy of the whole body. With a flash, the huge body actually flashed within a hundred feet of the python in the blink of an eye. Slap to the top of the python's head.

The different rhinoceros, with one mouth open, spewed out a jet of water ten feet thick, suddenly transformed into a three-pronged ice sword with a thickness of ten feet, the cold light captured the soul, screamed loudly, dragging a broom-like stream of cold air towards the back of the different python ; At the same time, the body followed the storm and rushed towards the different python.

Yihu, a ball of black and red flames spewed out from its mouth in an instant, and once it entered the air, it rose to a range of hundreds of feet, and rushed towards the different python; its body jumped suddenly, and followed the flames.

Looking at the full blow of the three great beasts, the different python suddenly revealed a trace of solemnity. The poisonous mist gushed out of its body, soaring to the sky, and instantly condensed into a layer of poisonous mist, covering a three-foot range around its body; at the same time, it sprayed she A ruler-long, jet-black and shiny venom sword was released. The poison sword flew into the air and rose to a height of hundreds of feet in the face of the wind. As big as it is, and as long as a hundred feet, it sweeps across the leaping alien tiger; black poisonous mist rises from both palms, and it attacks the iron tower with its claws facing each other fiercely.

"Dang! Boom!"

The ice sword and the poisonous sword collided violently, and they all exploded at the same time in response. The ice and poisonous shards were mixed together and exploded in all directions, making a "swoosh!" sound.


The different tiger's front paws slammed at the sweeping snake tail, and its body was shaken by the powerful force of the snake tail, making it back again and again, its chest felt tight, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.However, the snake tail was also scorched by the raging flames of Yihu.


The two palms of the different python slammed the two giant claws of the iron tower hard, the sound was deafening, the ground was shaken with dust, and the violent energy suddenly transformed into a gust of wind and swept all directions.The huge body of the iron tower flew hundreds of meters away in response to the sound, and fell to the ground. Its claws were as black as ink, obviously poisoned;

The rapid combined attack of the different pythons connected to the iron tower and the three different beasts consumed a lot of energy, but they were not injured.

The battle of the iron tower is becoming more and more worrying.Long Fei was also facing a life and death crisis at this time.

The red and enchanting roses have completely enveloped Long Fei. Sometimes the extremely gorgeous roses explode and attack intensively; She fell off at the same time, attacking in all directions like a flying knife; while Hong Mei never confronted Long Fei head-on, just kept dodging, this is a typical war of attrition.

Doesn't Long Fei know Hong Mei's intentions, because the real powerful enemy is the young master from another world, so he doesn't want to expose his own strength too much, so he has been fighting with Hong Mei all the time, just wanting to find a fighter and strike a thunderbolt.

The battle between the two sides continued for more than two hours. Although the surroundings were surrounded by strange beasts, none of them dared to participate in the battle.

At this time, Iron Tower, Yihu, and Yirhino have gradually fallen into desperation, and Long Fei is becoming more and more exhausted.

Seeing that the goal of consuming a large amount of Long Fei's energy had been achieved, Hong Mei shouted sharply, and the roses all over the sky suddenly spun around Long Fei, turning into cone shadows, forming a nine-layer encircling circle.Afterwards, nine layers of cone shadows covered the sky and covered the sky, layer after layer, and rushed towards Long Fei.Afterwards, Hong Mei stepped on a ten-foot red rose and stood outside the encirclement. With a smug smile, she fully controlled the nine-story rose cone shadow to attack Long Fei.

Standing in the encirclement, Long Fei didn't panic at all. With a sneer, he prostrated himself on the ground, supported the sky, opened the mountain, accepted the sea, and broke the sky. The two dark gray palm prints were pushed out, aiming at the place where Hongmei Yukong , rushing away in a howl.At the same time, the Qingshuang sword in Long Fei's hand flew into the air and instantly transformed [-] Qingshuang swords, and suddenly condensed into a tornado-shaped sword formation, and then condensed again into a dazzling white light sword of Qingshuang , "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, turned into the wind, and grasped the blue frost lightsaber tightly with both hands;

"Bang! Boom! Boom! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The Potian Seal broke through the encirclement of nine layers of rose cone shadows, and then disappeared.


Long Fei silently appeared within ten feet of Hong Mei, "Shooting a Sword to the Sky" instantly, his body spun rapidly, the human sword merged into a sword shadow, piercing through Hong Mei's heart in the blink of an eye.


Hong Mei's body exploded in response to the sound, the corpse was smashed and shot, and the blood mist filled the air.When Long Fei rushed out about two feet, the "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, and drifted thousands of feet away, without any blood on his body.

"Damn human being, in the near future, I will destroy you physically and mentally." A red primordial spirit shot into the distance like a startling rainbow, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Long Fei sighed, felt a pity, and thought: It seems that it is quite difficult to kill after the cultivation base has reached the late stage of the Yuan Dynasty.In the future, to kill such masters, it is better to directly use "One Strike to Break the Sky" or white fists.

On the other side of the battle group, the different pythons are ravaging the Iron Tower, the different tigers, and the different rhinos.The different python swung its body, and the black-scaled snake's tail swept away the different tiger in the air.The different tiger shouted loudly, swung its big and colorful tiger tail obliquely and struck the snake's tail.

"Bang! Shah!"

The two tails hit each other, and the strange tiger couldn't resist it, and was swept away by the remaining force of the snake's tail, and fell more than ten feet away. The violent impact shocked the vitality in the body, and the vitality and blood were churning, spurting blood.

But at this time, the different python raised its head and opened its mouth, and a poisonous sword spewed out in a flash, reaching a length of ten feet, the black light captivated the soul, and rushed to chop the different rhino's neck.

The different rhinoceros was already seriously injured, but in desperation, he tilted his head, and the silver horn on his lips suddenly fell off and flew into the air. It grew ten feet long and one foot thick, and rushed towards the black poison sword.


The poisonous sword cuts the horn.The silver unicorn broke with a sound, and blood spurted out, and then flew back to the lips of the different rhinoceros.The black poisonous sword flew, but it didn't destroy half of it.

At this time, the iron tower was seriously injured and stunned, and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, the different python sees that Hong Mei's body has been destroyed, leaving only the primordial spirit to escape, he immediately retreats, and his body wants to escape.

However, Long Fei had silently flashed within ten feet of the different python, and the three unique moves of "Thousands of Swords Piercing the Heart", "Thousands of Swords Returning to One", and "One Sword Soaring to the Sky" were three in one, rotating at high speed into a sword shadow with one breath Pierce through the left hand of the different python.


The left hand of the different python exploded and shattered, red and black blood gushing from the cut.With a roar, the python wanted to attack Longfei in anger, and fell to the ground with a "boom", his whole body was convulsed, foaming at the mouth, with a ferocious face.

Long Fei twitched the left corner of his mouth, the bad arc reappeared, he smiled slightly, thinking: the Edu pill is really good, now the young master of the other world can discover many secrets.

Afterwards, with a movement of Long Fei's consciousness, an anti-poison pill flew out of the storage bag in an instant, and slowly flew into the mouth of the iron tower hundreds of meters away.

Half an hour later, Iron Tower's blackened body returned to its normal brown color, his eyes opened, he exhaled a foul breath, and sat up slowly.At this time, Yihu and Yixi also woke up from the healing process.

"Okay! You should be fine. I'm going to bring two friends over now, and then we'll discuss what to do next. The different snakes have already been poisoned by my elixir. When I poisoned, the dose was not large. So you won't be able to die for a while, take him back to the ground, and watch him carefully. We still have a lot to learn from him." Seeing that the iron tower had woken up, Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and said immediately.

"Yes!" Iron Tower, Yihu, and Yixi all clapped their hands in salute, and replied in unison.

Iron Tower has informed Yihu and Yirhino about saving the King of Beasts, and now that Long Fei has taken a risk to save them and has seen Long Fei's powerful combat power, so Yihu and Yirhino are extremely grateful and admire Long Fei.

Afterwards, Long Fei exhibited the "Little Thunderbolt Technique" and ran straight to the ground.

Thousands of miles south of Beast Tomb Valley, there is a huge underground cave palace, which is more than four thousand feet high and two thousand feet wide. The cave is dry and cool.At the center of the cave is a meeting hall, which is as wide as ten thousand feet. Hundreds of oil lamps the size of wooden basins are hung from various parts of the hall by iron chains as thick as arms, illuminating the whole hall like daytime.This is where the iron tower lives.

A day later, the iron tower sat on the main seat of the meeting hall which was five hundred feet wide.The different tigers and different rhinoceros sit on the stone chairs with a width of hundreds of feet on the left side of the lower steps.Long Fei, Lan Yi, and Zhan Ye sitting on the right are quite awkward, because their small bodies sitting on stone chairs hundreds of feet wide are quite funny.

In the middle of the hall, between the seats on the lower steps, there was a python lying on the ground, groaning continuously.

"Lan Yi, use Guessing Heart Seal!" Long Fei looked at Lan Yi and said immediately.

Lan Yi smiled sweetly, nodded slightly, and then tapped the void with her right hand, a torn palm-sized blue heart imprint was condensed out, hanging in the air.Then the blue heart print lightly flew to the "Baihui Point" on the top of the different python's head, and slowly penetrated into the different python's brain.

The different python infiltrated with the blue heart seal, and after a burst of heart-piercing screams, he immediately looked confused and demented.

"Okay! It's time to ask." Lan Yi said with a coquettish smile.

Long Fei nodded lightly, then asked in a low voice: "Where did the young master of the other world come from? What's his name?"

The different python was still lying on the ground, intermittently speaking; "The young master of is called You...ying, where...from? I don't...know."

"Why did he come to Zhongyan Continent?" Long Fei quickly asked again.

"Not too...clear, but I heard Hong...Mei unintentionally revealed that they...entered...the Zhongyan Continent because of a...seal that was loose. "The different python's answer is still intermittent.

"What seal? Where is the seal? How do they plan to break the seal?" Long Fei's heart tightened when he heard this, and he asked three questions in succession.

"What is the...seal? Where is it? I don't...know. I know the way to untie the...seal. It is to use the 'gathering...yin to break the boundary' formation to gather the heavens and the earth...the yin power to impact the seal, and the yin...jing There is one at the bottom of the lake and lake." Yi Python replied.

"Why did they imprison the king of different beasts and not kill them?" Yihu asked hastily.

"A secret, what exactly is it? I don't know..." Yi Python replied.

"Ying Ying, the young master of the alien world, besides Hei Ying, Zi Sha, Hong Mei, and Green Mandrill, are there any capable generals?" Long Fei thought for a while and asked again.

"I heard that there are two methods. What...names are they? I don't know." The different python replied.

"What danger is there in the Dishatang Fire Prison, where the King of Beasts is imprisoned?" Iron Tower asked with a sound like a drum.

"It is said that there are four... big formations, two big... traps, and the green...drill and the corpse king who are at the peak of the late Yuan Dynasty. They are two powerful men... flying stiff, and fire flying stiff." Yi Python replied.

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