Chaos fairy way

Chapter 103 The Battle to Save the King

Next, Long Fei and others asked many things, including the five spirits and proverbs, but unfortunately they didn't ask anything of value.The different python is treacherous, cunning, and ungrateful, otherwise he would not have betrayed the king of different beasts, and would not have attracted foreign enemies to frame his own kind.Naturally, Long Fei would not subdue such a person, and finally died under the slap of the iron tower.

After executing the different python, Long Fei sent Lan Yi to Yanyu in exchange for Han Ziling. Because he interrogated the different python and learned that there were four formations and two traps in the place where the king of different beasts was trapped, so Han Ziling's superb skills were needed. Formation and trap technique.

At this time, a hazy gray mist has risen within a thousand miles of the Beast's Mound Valley, which is a sign of the opening of the Beast's Mound Valley's valley protection array.This array was continuously perfected by the ancestors of the alien beasts in the past generations. Generally, it cannot be broken by a master of the catastrophe period, so there is no need to worry about the enemy's attack.This may be the reason why, although the Alien Beast King has been trapped for so many years, the young master of the alien world, Shadow, Zombie King and other enemies have not occupied this place!

Three days later, Long Fei and Han Ziling arrived at the Iron Tower Palace.Afterwards, the three Long Fei and the three iron tower beasts went straight to Yin*jing Lake.

Yin*jing Lake stretches thousands of miles in length and breadth, with no wind or waves, the surface of the lake is as quiet as a black mirror, with a little bit of black light flickering unexpectedly.As soon as he reached the lake, Long Fei put on the anti-poison armor and jumped into the lake, sinking to the bottom of the lake.The three alien beasts followed closely, and Zhan Ye and Han Ziling could only wait quietly on the shore.

Long Fei's divine sense extended to a distance of a hundred miles, exploring everything at the bottom of the lake like a carpet.About half an hour later, I found a mysterious large formation on the left side of the lake bottom, probably it was the "Yin Gathering and Boundary Breaking" formation.With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Long Fei knew everything about the formation, and he was quite surprised, because this formation was exactly the same as the original mysterious formation in the zombie cave in the Yin Mist Mountains. He suddenly thought: Yin*jing Lake and Yin Mist Mountains are In places with extremely strong yin and poisonous gas, the shadow of the young master of the other world has set up formations in such places. From this, it can be inferred that there must be a lot of pictures, and the formation of "gathering yin and breaking the boundary" must still be set up in Zhongyan Continent.Looking at the entire formation, it is about a thousand feet in size and is divided into two parts. The middle part is a five-hundred-foot-large skull head drawn with blood; Insert into the ground.The formation was covered with black mist, and the smell of blood was pungent. It was amazing that not a single drop of lake water entered the hundred-foot-high space.Long Fei quickly threw a set of 36-foot-long, red formation flags from Han Ziling into the "Burning Yin and Boundary Breaking" formation.Within the large formation, raging red flames and surging black flames suddenly ignited, and the black and red flames converged to fight against each other. "Beep, beep!" The formation flags burned together, and the black and red one-foot-high formation flags were all on fire.Half an hour later, the formation of "burning all directions" and the formation of "gathering yin and breaking the boundary" were destroyed, and all the flags of the formation were reduced to ashes; the bloody skull statue also dried up and disappeared into dust.At this moment, the water of Yin*jing Lake suddenly poured down with a "crash!", instantly submerging the original space with a diameter of a thousand feet and a height of a hundred feet.

The formation of "Gathering Yin and Breaking the Boundary" was broken, Long Fei did not leave just then, but continued to search the entire bottom of the lake in order to find out more useful clues.Half a day later, when he reached the center of the lake bottom, Long Fei was shocked. He saw a huge circular stone platform with a diameter of more than two miles at the bottom of the lake.The stone platform is three feet high, and the surface is very smooth. On it is engraved a blood-red gossip diagram two miles in diameter.The gossip map is red and faint, but it is rare to feel at ease. The key is that this gossip map is almost exactly the same as the blood-red gossip map in the ant cave near the Twin Cities.Long Fei was shocked, and thought for a moment: What the different python said, the shadow of the young master of the alien beast entered the Zhongyan Continent to break the seal, and the eight diagrams here are very similar to the eight diagrams in the ant cave. Could it be that this kind of eight diagrams is To seal something?And is it the seal that the young master of the other world wants to break?

After that, Long Fei suppressed his doubts and continued to explore, but unfortunately, after exploring the entire bottom of the lake, he found nothing else.Afterwards, Long Fei and the three great beasts surfaced, reunited with Han Ziling and Zhan Ye, and then returned to the Iron Tower and Underground Palace.

On the western edge of the core area of ​​the Zhongyan Continent, there is a plain about 250 miles in size at a distance of [-] million miles from south to north.This plain is flat and flat, with no peaks and no dangers, but the temperature is much higher than the surrounding area. It is like midsummer all year round. Although it is not like an open fire in a burning area, the ground fire is very strong.The headquarters of Dishatang is located in the underground palace on this plain. The underground palace has nine floors from top to bottom, and the fire prison is located on the ninth floor.

At night, the wind is cold and the poison is rampant.

Long Fei, Han Ziling, and Zhanye, together with the three leaders of Iron Tower, Yihu, and Yirhino, led thousands of alien beasts whose cultivation had reached the level of Consciousness Consciousness, and countless other beasts whose cultivation had reached the level of Consensus Consciousness. Ordinary beasts have lurked to the edge of the plain at the headquarters of Dishatang.In order to be unprepared to attack the enemy during the decisive battle, it is necessary to hide their strength. The Soul King and his two subordinates who were trained in the Yuan Dynasty secretly assisted in the battle. The leader wandering soul and ordinary wandering souls did not participate in this operation.

On the plain, it was steaming hot and full of smog. Not only did the poisonous poison not weaken due to the high temperature, but it seemed to become stronger like a fish in water; and it was no longer cold, but hot, choking people's tongue dry and mouth dry, and their throats smoked .

Long Fei and Han Ziling naturally stood in front, and as soon as they stepped into the plain, the smoke from the surrounding fields suddenly rushed in.The smoke actually contained extremely overbearing fire essence poison, and the Yin poison was more than ten times thicker than that outside the plain. Long Fei and Han Ziling swallowed several poison-repelling pills and purification pills in a hurry.Although both of them possess the mysterious energy that can transform yin and poison, it is wise to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and to be prepared.

"This formation should be better than the Great Mountain Protecting Formation in the Heavenly Valley, 'Destroy the Heaven and Destroy the Earth'. Fortunately, it has been damaged for a long time, otherwise I would not be able to break it. Do you see the thick smoke more than ten miles to the left? Right there, if you go to cover the eye of the formation with this shielding formation "covering the sky and sun", the formation will be broken. By the way, the fire poison and yin poison there are ten times less rampant than this one. Remember to wear the shield Poison Spirit Armor!" Han Ziling lost his usual sloppy manner, and said solemnly.

Hearing Long Fei's words, the Poison Repelling Spirit Armor instantly appeared on the surface of his body, and the silver-white mask immediately enveloped Long Fei's body for a foot. When "Wind and Shadow Jue" is unfolded, the wind changes quickly, and the distance of ten miles can be reached in the blink of an eye.As soon as he entered the thick smoke, he immediately found that the fire essence poison and Yin poison here had become thick into water mist. Fortunately, he had the anti-poison spirit armor, otherwise he would suffer a great loss. The 24 black-foot long array flags quickly shot into the thick smoke of hundreds of feet.A white mist rose from the thick smoke and gradually neutralized with the thick smoke. After a quarter of an hour, both the thick smoke and the white mist dissipated.As soon as the eyes were covered, the smoke in the [-]-mile plain was sucked into the ground in an instant, and the surrounding fields were suddenly empty.

After receiving Long Fei's sound transmission, experts such as Zhan Ye and Iron Tower led the strange beasts to sneak towards the middle of the plain quickly and silently.

Long Fei's "Wu Wu Jue of All Things Transformation" was running, and there was no breath; "Wind Shadow Jue" spread continuously, drifting rapidly, and reached the middle of the plain in less than an hour.Under the gray moonlight, one could see a cuboid stone tablet nearly three hundred feet high and one hundred feet wide standing a hundred feet away.On the stone tablet are engraved three large characters red and stained with time: Dishatang.These three characters are more than twenty feet wide, vigorous and powerful, full of blood and evil spirit.Behind the stone tablet is a square purple-black stone platform with a side length of thousands of feet.The stone platform is ten feet high, and there is a slight red glow on the surface of the platform, giving people a bloodthirsty feeling.There is a Zizomb standing on each of the four corners of the stone platform. Zizhu stands with his back to the stone platform, with a stiff expression.Long Fei, the Qingshuang sword suddenly transformed into eight flying swords, two by two, and quickly shot four purple zombies.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Boom!"

There was a triple ring, and the four purple zombies were hit on the head by a green frost melting sword at the same time and died, and then another blue frost melting sword flew to an inch of the body, exploded and quickly froze into an ice sculpture.

Afterwards, Long Fei drifted to the side of the stone platform, and saw that the surface of the stone platform was engraved with dense, blood-red, fist-sized strange symbols, or strange characters one by one.The red glow on the stone platform is the result of these words.Long Fei felt very familiar with these words, as if he had seen them before, but he couldn't figure out why.

After a while, Han Ziling also arrived, looked at the stone platform, thought for a while, and said in a low voice with worry on his face: "This stone platform should be a short-distance teleportation array, and the location of the transmission is unpredictable. So you have to be extremely careful when sneaking in first."

"Don't worry, I'm sure! You wait outside for my news." Long Feiyang raised a black utensil that was a foot long in his hand, with a casual expression, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.Afterwards, the Scarlet Sky Sword melted into the body, and the "Wind and Shadow Jue" was launched, and it instantly drifted to the middle of the stone platform.The red characters on the stone platform suddenly shone brightly, and with a "boom", Long Fei fell into the stone platform and disappeared instantly.

Han Ziling quickly took out a ruler-long, black utensil that was exactly the same as Long Fei's from the storage bag, and fixed his eyes on the utensil.This artifact is called Qianlitong, which can communicate within a thousand miles. It is one of the four rare treasures of the Qixingzong Kaiyang Palace. There are only three pieces that can be sold. Han Ziling got one each.

Following a sway, Long Fei appeared in a black and red hall that was hundreds of feet high and about a thousand feet wide.Although Long Fei was in a daze, "Wind and Shadow Jue" and "Wind Shadow Jue" had been running all the time, so they had drifted silently to a corner of the hall at this time.

"Hey! The teleportation array was flickering red just now, it should be turned on, why didn't the four bastards come down?"

As soon as a blunt, dry voice came out, "Whoo! Whoosh! Boom!" Three times, in the hall, beside the teleportation array, four purple zombies were hit by white flying swords in the blink of an eye, and their bodies were frozen into ice sculptures .The zombie killer is naturally Long Fei,

Standing in a corner of the hall, Long Fei waved his right sleeve, and the four zombies were put into the storage bag in an instant.

Long Fei scanned the surroundings of the main hall, and saw a black stone pillar with a height of one foot and a size of half a foot standing on each of the four corners of the main hall. On it was an oil lamp the size of a wooden basin, dimly illuminating the whole hall.The door of the main hall is located in the south of the main hall. It is a blood-red hinged door ten feet wide and ten feet high.

Long Fei drifted to the side of the palace door in an instant, opened a thin slit lightly, looked out, and was stunned.

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