Chaos fairy way

Chapter 104 The Battle to Save the King

Outside the main hall, the sun rises in the east, the blue sky and white clouds, the mountains are emerald, the vegetation is lush, the lake is clear, and the fish and shrimp are playing.On the banks of the small lake, there are three small white halls built in the shape of finished characters.Among the flowers among the three halls, a group of young women with beautiful faces and graceful figures in white clothes are chasing the wind and catching butterflies, singing and singing; a middle-aged woman who is graceful and luxurious, with a kind face and doting eyes Standing in front of the small white hall in the middle, smiling and looking at the beauties, it is a peaceful, comfortable and happy scene.

Long Fei pressed his temple hard with his right palm in disbelief, and then rubbed his eyes, but the scene in front of him remained the same.Then he closed the door of the main hall full of doubts, thinking: This is weird, maybe there is a phantom formation outside the main hall.So he took out the sound transmission treasure Qianlitong from the storage bag, and called Han Ziling to come in.

After a while, Han Ziling entered the main hall.After Long Fei introduced the relevant situation to him, he immediately opened the door of the palace, only to see that the scene outside was the same, without any abnormalities.

Han Ziling was surprised and confused and said: "Although I like those beauties very much. But I have an intuition that those beauties are not real, but they are not illusions."

"Instinct?" Although Long Fei was surprised when he heard this, he turned to Han Ziling unreservedly with suspicious eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't dare to say anything else, but my intuition has never been wrong when it comes to beautiful women!" Han Ziling habitually pulled his open collar with both hands, his tone Very sure, paused, and then said: "Whether it is a phantom array, I still have a way to test it."

Afterwards, with a wave of Han Ziling's hand, the [-]-inch long blue formation flag quickly passed through the crack of the door, inserted into the stone steps in front of the hall, and arranged in a circle, enclosing a circular ground with a diameter of half a foot. .

"Did you see that! There is no change in the scene in the formation. This formation is called 'Blue Sky Breaking Illusion' formation, and it is the number one sixteen-bar formation in Tianxuan Palace. So far, I have never missed a breaking illusion formation." Han Ziling was a little proud typical.

"Since it's not a phantom formation, what exactly is it? Zombie guards inside the hall, but the outside of the hall is like a fairyland. It would be unbelievable if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes." Long Fei frowned, puzzled, and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know what the reason is? If you want to find out the reason, I'm afraid you have to go deep into it." Han Ziling said helplessly.

"Okay, you observe here, I'll go in and have a try." Long Fei said decisively.

Afterwards, Long Fei concealed his whole body's breath, quickly turned into the wind, passed through the crack of the door, and drifted cautiously towards the small white hall.

The small white hall is about [-] miles away from the main hall, the ground is flat, all grassland, small flowers bloom in the grass, bees and butterflies are flying.While Long Fei was drifting, he suddenly found that he was blowing past the flowers and plants like the wind, but the flowers and plants did not move a single bit.Long Fei was both surprised and confused, thinking: This is obviously the appearance of a phantom formation, but why is it not a phantom formation in Han Ziling's test?

Afterwards, Long Fei saw that he was not in the slightest danger in the midst of the wonderland, and he became more curious and wanted to solve the mystery, so he accelerated his drifting speed and drifted straight towards the beauties.For a moment, Long Fei was within three feet of all the beauties, and then his face turned solemn and he quickly passed among the beauties. He was shocked in his heart, because the hair and clothes of all the beauties did not flutter in the wind.

Afterwards, Long Fei kept drifting among the beauties. Although there was no danger or vision, he gradually discovered a problem, that is, what the beauties said, what they did, and the route of the butterfly leaping, etc. Waiting is repeated in a cycle, just like a heavy movie.Long Fei was shocked, and a big question mark suddenly hung in his mind: What's going on?

"This is the shadow of divine thoughts! My dead parents passed on knowledge to me by leaving behind this shadow of spiritual thoughts." A soft, nasty girl's voice transmission came into Long Fei's ears, and the sound transmission The person is the Sky Crystal Spirit Beast Little Spirit.

"Spiritual Mind Shadow Realm? What is it?" Long Fei asked doubtfully through sound transmission.

"Spiritual Sense Shadow Realm is the moment before the death of a master above the catastrophe period, the image condensed with his own divine sense; it is a strange scene between the illusion and the real world. The master left this kind of divine sense Shadowlands are usually for the inheritance or to leave the best memory in life." Xiao Ling's nai-nai voice actually contained a hint of sadness.

"Then how to break it?" Long Fei quickly asked through sound transmission.

"This is the best memory in my life. Why do I need to break it? However, I have a secret method. After casting it, people or spirit beasts within three feet will not be affected by it. Hehe!" After all, Xiaoling was a child. It was quite a proud tone of voice transmission.

"What secret method? It can't be a lie!" Long Fei's voice was as sweet as honey, and his expression was extremely kind.If Han Ziling is here, he will definitely say that this is a prelude to playing helpless, and he must have a plan in mind.

"Hmph! Master Lai, I'm afraid I've disappointed you this time. This secret technique is the inheritance of the Sky Crystal Spirit Beast's race. It is an innate spell that cannot be learned by outsiders." Xiaoling's voice transmission tone With a deep smile, he seemed to be very happy that Long Fei's conspiracy failed.

"Little brat, there's so much nonsense! Since you don't want to break it, quickly apply the secret method to see if you can find a way to bypass this place?" Long Fei pretended to be angry and said through voice transmission.

"Hmph! Little brat? I'm older than you! It's just that I'm growing up slowly. It's alright, let me out first." Xiao Ling seemed very displeased at Long Fei scolding her brat. Convincedly transmitted the voice.

Long Fei smiled slightly, and with a movement of his divine sense, the little spirit immediately leaped away from the spirit beast bracelet, still stagnant in the air, turned over and jumped, quickly jumped to Long Fei's left shoulder, and rubbed his head favorably on Long Fei's neck.Afterwards, the little spirit stood on Long Fei's left shoulder, looking up to the sky, and sprayed out a light blue energy circle.The energy circle flew up above Long Fei's head, slowly expanded to a size of three feet, and then fell down.When the energy circle landed on Long Fei's waist, the scene within three feet around him suddenly changed. The original beauties and flowers disappeared, replaced by soaring red lights, steaming heat, and red sand all over the place.

"The image of the divine sense is estimated to be a hundred miles in size, and the remains of the person who condensed the image of the divine sense should be about thirty miles to the right after all. Let's walk to the right!" Xiao Ling tilted his head and looked to the right Fang, said in an old-fashioned tone.

Seeing that expression, Long Fei shook his head speechlessly, but the eyes he glanced at Xiao Ling were full of doting.Afterwards, Long Fei took the little spirit and drifted to the right, and the light blue energy circle moved along with Long Fei, and the surrounding scene also quickly changed into red awns and scarlet sand ground in groups, and then changed again. Back to the flowers and grass.

Thirty miles away, I arrived in an instant, and there was a deep pit in front of me.Long Fei walked around the deep pit "Wind and Shadow Judgment" and exhibited continuously, and he had a general understanding of the situation in the deep pit in a short while.The pit is about a thousand feet wide and a hundred feet deep; the edges are incomplete, and there are radial cracks; the bottom of the pit is in the shape of a pot, deep in the center and shallow around; it can be inferred that it was most likely hit by a heavy weapon made.

At this time, Long Fei stood at the center of the pit, because he found a skeleton here.The skeleton was lying on the ground in a supine position, the color was black, and the ribs were all shattered. It is estimated that the body was poisoned and died by being hit in the chest by a heavy weapon.Afterwards, Long Fei bowed three times to the skeleton with great respect.At this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew across the bones, sweeping away a layer of gravel.

"Oh! Rogue master, look there is a storage bag." Little Ling pointed his right paw at the red bag next to the skeleton's waist and spine, and exclaimed in surprise.

Long Fei smiled and nodded, then suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows, and said in a vicious manner: "Little guy, what did you call me just now?"

"Ah! Oh! Hee hee! My name is Handsome Guy Boss." Xiao Ling stuck out his sable tongue, looking very cute and authentic.

"Oh! Really? Handsome guy boss! That's a good name, you'll call me that from now on." Long Fei twitched the left corner of his mouth, showing a bad look, with a smug look on his face.Afterwards, with a movement of Long Fei's divine sense, the red storage bag flew into his left hand in a flash, and his divine sense immediately penetrated into the storage bag, with joy appearing on his face.

After seeing the joy on Long Fei's face with his dark eyes, Xiao Ling stared straight at Long Fei's right hand, and quickly asked in surprise: "Handsome boss, do you have any good things? "

"Of course!" Long Fei said while taking out a palm-sized, trapezoidal, blue token from the red storage bag.

Afterwards, Long Fei held up the blue token with his right hand, placed it in front of his eyes, and examined it carefully.I saw ancient characters engraved on the front and back of the token. Long Fei learned this kind of ancient writing under the stick of his grandfather Long Qingsong when he was a child, so he knows it well.There are six characters engraved on the front of the token: "Vice Leader of the Tiangang League"; three characters engraved on the reverse: "Yan Feidie".Obviously, the owner of the skeleton must be Yan Feidie, the deputy leader of the Tiangang League.

Then Long Fei took out a golden, foot-sized metal piece from the red storage bag, and a ray of divine thought penetrated into the golden metal piece, and he was overjoyed at once, and couldn't help saying to himself: "It's really a broken iron shoe!" There is no place to find it, and it takes no effort to get it. Hehe! The Seal of Destroying the Heavens is actually the Seal of Destroying the Heavens in "The Three Absolute Seals of Tiangang"!"

"Handsome boss! Look at your smiling face, that metal piece must be a treasure!" Xiao Ling asked curiously.

"It's just so-so, 'Destroying the Heaven Seal'." Long Fei said casually with a twitch of his mouth.

"Handsome boss, are you playing tricks again? 'Destroying the Sky Seal', I heard you say it when you chatted with the Soul King, that is the strongest seal in "Tian Gang San Jue Seal." Xiao Ling tilted his head, with a look of disdain , and then said expectantly: "Take out all the other treasures in the storage bag and have a look!"

"Oh! Due to the long time, the other things in the bag have turned into piles of powder, what a pity!" Long Fei sighed, feeling helpless and regretful in his heart, and then his expression turned solemn and he said: "Okay, since you have the master's relic, you should choose a good place to let the master rest in peace."

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he put the metal piece and the token into his purple storage bag, then carefully picked up Yan Feidie's remains one by one, and put them into the red storage bag.When the last piece of skeleton was put into the red storage bag, the phantom array around it disappeared instantly.I saw endless fields, red lights shining in the sky, everything hazy, and the distance of about fifty miles around the deep pit was full of black and purple zombies, it was horrifying to see.

Long Fei put away the red storage bag, unfolded "Wind Shadow Jue", and drifted out of the deep pit in an instant. Just in case the drifting speed has not slowed down, his body quickly changed into wind, and his breath was like nothing, drifting straight towards the depths of the zombie group and go.

All the zombies were stupefied when they saw the shadow of their spiritual thoughts disappearing suddenly. After that, the black zombies leapt forward, and the purple zombies jumped vertically, rushing in swarms.Of course, the zombies did not discover Long Fei, but started a turf war.

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