Chaos fairy way

Chapter 106 The Battle to Save the King

In a fit of anger, Long Fei slashed at the stele with his fists and swords, but unfortunately he couldn't destroy half of the stele with all his might.Later, I went to break the ancient tomb, but still failed.

"Handsome boss, I think that if we want to destroy this ancient tomb, we must first break through the Illusory Heaven Realm. However, this Illusory Heaven Realm is far from reaching the level of 'All living beings will lose their minds and one world will enter the Illusion Realm' after the "God Devouring Illusory Sky" is fully exerted." ' is extremely domineering, but it also forms a self-contained illusion. And with our current cultivation base, it cannot be broken, so it is impossible to destroy all the objects in this territory. I think we should go!" Xiao Ling felt unwilling said softly.

Long Fei nodded silently, sighed, and then drifted through the entire second floor with an extremely depressed and heavy heart, looking for a passage to enter the third floor.However, the entire second floor area has been searched, and the passage leading to the third floor has not been found.

Afterwards, Long Fei could only return to the first floor entrance unhappily.

"What's going on? Could it be that there is no result for the beauty?" Han Ziling teased when he saw Long Fei's gloomy expression.

"Meeting you, a bloody ghost, thinking about picking up girls all day long, you have no humanity, just hit your head and die." As soon as Long Fei heard the word "Yumei", he immediately remembered the poem on the stone tablet, and suddenly burst into anger In his heart, he cursed loudly.

Afterwards, Long Fei ignored Han Ziling any more, held his right hand, and a low-level treasure heavy hammer (obtained when he exterminated the bandits at Luoyun Temple before entering the Seven Star Sect) appeared in a flash, and then he raised the heavy bell and disappeared. He kept knocking on the entrance wall and the red stone steps step by step.

"Where does this come from? What does picking up girls have to do with human nature?" Han Ziling felt puzzled and thought: This kid took the wrong medicine?This is the first time he has fired at me so recklessly.

Afterwards, Han Ziling looked at Xiao Ling who had jumped to the ground in bewilderment.

Xiaoling smiled wryly, and then explained the whole process of entering the second floor to Han Ziling in detail.

The more Han Ziling listened to it, the more dignified his expression became, and when he finally heard the poem, he blurted out angrily: "Pervert!".Seeing that Long Fei was still knocking on the stone steps, he was startled, and quickly asked Xiao Ling: "Could this guy become stupid because of stimulation?"

"You are so stupid!" Long Fei said angrily, paused, and then said in doubt: "There is no passage to the third floor in the second floor, so I suspect that the underground palace of Dishatang is nine spaces, not The nine-story space. Spaces are not connected in series one by one, they should be connected in series and parallel. Therefore, the third space is very likely to be parallel to the second space underground."

"Really? Okay, let me do it!" Han Ziling swung his right hand towards the sky as soon as he finished speaking, and the 60-inch evergreen formation flag flew out, and were inserted in the ground around the entrance in eight directions.The surrounding pink mist actually lightened slightly, and then Han Ziling walked up to the No. [-] nine stone steps, smiled, and said, "That's the problem, seeing that the stone steps on this floor are close to Is there that pink dot on the left wall?"

Long Fei followed the sound, and saw that the big pink spot on the 69th floor of the stone steps next to the left wall was slightly darker than the surrounding pink spots, and it couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

Afterwards, Han Ziling's right index finger pointed towards the suspicious spot, and a trace of light yellow energy shot into it.


The left wall of the entrance suddenly cracked a gap from the 69 stone steps, and then the stone walls on both sides of the gap automatically shrunk to the two sides, making the gap wider and wider, and finally revealed a strip about [-] feet wide and [-] feet high. channel.

"As usual, I'll go first!" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he immediately put the little spirit into the spirit beast bracelet, as if he had no breath, his body quickly changed into the wind, and drifted away.

Half a day later, Long Fei returned to the entrance of the first floor.

"What's the matter?" Han Ziling asked hastily.

Long Fei frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I have checked the third, fourth, and fifth underground spaces. The three spaces are full of densely packed zombies. It is estimated that these zombies should be cast by evil spirits." It was caused by the forbidden method of "Eating Gods and Illusionary Sky". As for the sixth space, I haven't found a way to enter it in the fifth space, so you can only use the formation method to find it. Look. And you don't know the teleportation technique, so we can only attack by force. I hope to clear the zombies in the first, third, fourth, and fifth spaces in one go, and then carefully look for the entrance to the sixth space. "

"Okay, I'm going to tell Zhanye to come down now. You are here to block the enemies who come to help in the third space. After you eliminate the zombies in the first space, you go into the third space, and then close the door and beat the dog. Let's wipe out all the zombies one by one like this." As soon as Han Ziling finished speaking, he drove the Sky Swallowing Gourd and flew towards the main hall of the teleportation formation.

An hour later, roars, screams, and weapon impacts erupted instantly in the first space. The violent energy fluctuations shook the ground, and the general attack to rescue the Alien Beast King finally kicked off.

Zhan Ye, holding the three-foot-three sky-opening ax tightly with both hands, plunged straight into the crowd of zombies, slashing horizontally and vertically, one slice at a time, one line at a time, the corpses were smashed into pieces, and the corpse liquid splashed.

Hanziling, once the "burning all directions" was launched, the flames blazed within three feet of his body. As he moved, large and large pieces of zombies were burned, making "beep, beep, beep, beep" non-stop, and the stench Smoked, scorching people's mouthpiece.

The iron tower was nearly a thousand feet tall and five hundred feet wide. Its huge claws kept shooting, and the zombie meatloaf on the ground was a huge mass.

The different tiger breathes fire, and the different rhinoceros ice sword strikes in a wide range, no matter whether it is black or purple, they are helpless to fight back, and they are reaping large areas like wheat.

The zombies that slipped through the net were immediately surrounded and killed by countless leader alien beasts and ordinary alien beasts who had nothing to do.

The violent vibration in the first space will naturally cause the zombies in the third space to come to the rescue.Dense black stiffness and purple stiffness poured straight from the passage into the third space.Long Fei guards the gate with one man, and no one can open it. The Qingshuang sword turns into a sword with [-] handles, and kills the zombies pouring out of the passage one by one.The passage, about twenty feet wide and thirty feet high, was blocked by dead bodies in no time.

The corpse liquid has become a river, the broken corpses have overflowed, and the battle in the first space has also ended.

At this time, the iron tower has shrunk its body to a height of three feet, and a claw blasted through the passage that was tightly blocked by dead bodies.

Immediately, Long Fei's "Wind and Shadow Jue" was fully activated, and "Wind Shadow Jue" was displayed, and drifted in first.

The third space is about two thousand miles in size, Long Fei has no breath, and the wind changes quickly, drifting to the entrance passage of the fourth space without anyone noticing.

Immediately, the tragedy of the first space was repeated again, the difference was that the battle took a little longer, this time it took three hours.

As soon as the battle in the third space was over, the battle in the fourth space was ignited as the iron tower's claw blasted through the entrance passage.

There is no suspense in the battle, and the time is different. The zombies in the fourth space were completely eliminated in only two and a half hours.

The army to rescue the Alien Beast King rushed to the fifth space. As soon as they entered the space, they saw zombies all over the mountains and plains ten miles away waiting in an orderly formation. One person and two flying in the center were staring coldly at the battlefield that had just entered the space. , Han Ziling and other leaders.

"Iron Tower, you have finally taken this step! Jie Jie! Just relying on these two people to help you, then you will all die!" The expression of the person in the middle was extremely cold, and the laughter was extremely cruel.

This man is exactly Green Mandrill, with green clothes and blue hair, as thin as a stick, with dead gray complexion, deep-set eyes, hooked nose, and a terrifying breath of death exuding from his whole body.

"Iron Tower, you three chiefs are fighting dead, you must fight quickly; I will deal with the Green Mandrill and Han Ziling." Zhan Ye said immediately with a serious face.

"Okay! Boom! You two be careful." The sound of the iron tower was like a drum, buzzing the eardrums.

As soon as the iron tower finished speaking, its body suddenly soared to a height of [-] feet, [-] feet in size, and its giant claws slammed the strong one on the left side of the green mandrill, which flew stiff.

Yihu and Yixi teamed up to besiege another thinner flying zombie, trying to kill this zombie quickly, so as to free up their hands as soon as possible to help the two in the field.

In the battlefield, "God of War's Wrath" immediately burst into flames, bursting into the crown with fierce rage, his vigor and vitality tripled, and the three-foot-three sky-opening ax slashed at the green mandrill head-on with three-foot-three red evil spirit.

Han Ziling waved his right hand to his chest, and immediately threw a 72-foot-long white formation flag, and rushed towards the green mandrill, intending to trap the green mandrill with the "opening up the world" formation.

Green Mandrill let out a laugh, jumped up, and casually slapped the back of the Sky Axe with his brown and black withered right hand. With a sound of "Bah!", the Sky Ax flew backwards; People were missing, and easily avoided the "opening up the world" formation.

Han Ziling and Zhanye joined forces to strike powerfully, but was easily broken by Ludrill. The two were shocked, and quickly stood back to back.Han Ziling then threw out a 36-foot-long red formation flag and swirled around the two of them at a distance of three feet. It was the formation of "burning all directions", and used raging fire to prevent the green mandrill's surprise attack.

Green Mandrill sneered, and suddenly appeared at a height of three feet above the heads of Hanziling and Zhanye. The fingernails of the five fingers of his right hand suddenly swelled to a length of one foot, shining a chilling light, better than five small swords, and the target of the attack was directed at Zhanye Baihui acupoint on the top of the head, its attack is silent.

Fortunately, Zhanye was in the state of "Wrath of God", and his ability to capture and respond to danger was nearly three times higher than usual. He instantly noticed the green mandrill that had attacked a height of one foot, and was shocked. Ten feet away, he narrowly escaped the fatal blow.The sky-opening ax in his hand immediately slashed at the head of the green mandrill.

Green Mandrill turned a blind eye to Zhan Ye's axe, and the nails of his right hand sharply slashed at Han Ziling's left neck with a sharp finger wind.

Everything is done instantly.

It was too late for Han Ziling to dodge, and in desperation, the sky-swallowing gourd flashed out from his neck.


The green mandrill's nails collided violently with the sky-swallowing gourd, and the powerful counter-shock caused Han Ziling to fall off the ground ten feet away, and the sky-swallowing gourd was also hit with a deep scratch; the green mandrill did not retreat half a point. Fly to the ground.

At this time, Zhan Ye's ax had already reached three feet above Green Mandrill's head, Green Mandrill's face showed a trace of disdain, and he slapped his left hand sideways in the air, his movements were clean and neat.


The Sky-Opening Ax swung away in response to the sound, Zhan Ye's hands went numb, and the Sky-Opening Ax almost wanted to let go.

For Green Mandrill, the strong anti-shock force is just shaking its body a little bit.

Green Mandrill took advantage of Zhanye's sky-opening ax that was about to drop from his hand, and suddenly spewed out a ball of black flames from his mouth, which exploded into the air and rushed towards Zhanye.At the same time, his body jumped sideways, his hands were stiff and juxtaposed over his head, the line of his body was like a sharp arrow, and the sharp brown nails pierced Han Ziling's forehead.

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