Chaos fairy way

Chapter 107 The Battle to Save the King

At this time, Han Ziling had already fallen to the ground and hadn't stood up yet. Facing such a sharp attack, he naturally couldn't dodge it.

"Bang!" The sharp nails of the swallowing gourd were shaken back into the body, and Han Ziling wiped the ground with a "shua!" and threw it two feet away, his chest felt tight, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The hand of the green mandrill shook slightly due to the force of the shock and energy fluctuations, and then leaped vertically, soaring to the sky, turned 180 degrees suddenly, and stood upside down. The arrow, pointing to the wind like a sword, sharply pierces Han Ziling's heart. The move is simple, but decisive and effective, and it is silent, hard to defend against.

Zhan Ye let out a loud shout, and the sky-opening ax flashed a dazzling blood, and slashed at the neck of the green mandrill angrily.

The battle here is extremely difficult and dangerous, but the battle of the iron tower has also fallen into a stalemate.

The iron tower was so powerful that it dropped ten times with one force, and smashed wildly, with a huge momentum.Unexpectedly, the strength of the strong flying zombie is also extremely powerful, the "flying corpse technique" is extremely exquisite, it does not fight against the iron tower, but only fights with it with superb body skills.For a moment, the ground was pitted by the iron tower, black sand was splashed everywhere, and dust was flying, but the strong flying stiff was not hurt at all.

What is gratifying is that the two strong teams of Yihu and Yixi joined forces to fight the skinny and flying stiff.The leaders of the two great beasts attacked fiercely and cooperated skillfully.Flying Zombie is weaker than the Alien Tiger or the Alien Rhinoceros. Although the "Flying Corpse Technique" is a top-level physical skill, it is in a precarious situation when faced with the full attack of the two alien beasts.

Yihu, went straight into a berserk state, the whole body of red hair stood on end like steel needles, his eyes glowed red, his sharp teeth gleamed coldly, his bloody mouth opened wide, a ball of fiery red flame suddenly sprayed into the air, and suddenly rose three feet Square area, quickly swept towards the top of the dry and thin Feizhi's head.Immediately afterwards, the body made a vertical leap, like a red rainbow following the flames across the sky, and the two sharp claws whizzed like tearing the air, piercing the dry, thin and stiff shoulders; Once again, he opened his mouth wide and bit the thin and stiff neck.

Thin and stiff, he wanted to dodge by relying on the superb "flying corpse technique", but three feet away from him, densely packed ice arrows shot "shua shua"; Has been frozen.All this is caused by the different rhinoceros.

The combined attack of a certain kill will arrive in an instant, and you will die if you are thin and stiff.

Suddenly, a purple-black, rough big hand pulled out the dense ice arrows with a "crash! Crash!", and at the moment when Yihu's fatal blow landed on the skinny and stiff body, it buckled the skinny and stiff right shoulder. With a quick pull, the skinny and stiff body was instantly rescued.

At this time, Long Fei flashed up, and the human swords merged into a line, rotating at high speed to transform the sword shadow, and holding the yellow-glowing blue frost melting sword condensed by the thousands of swords with both hands, it was "a sword soaring to the sky", "Thousands of swords piercing the heart" and "Thousands of swords returning to one" three combo three strikes, the body is like a Changhong, sharply slashing the rescue hand.



The rescue hand dodged it, but the thin and stiff body was pierced through the heart first, and then the body exploded.

Long Fei didn't touch any trace of the liquid, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"The enemy has master assassins lurking, retreat quickly! Rely on the formation to destroy the enemy!"

An old, blunt, and cold voice came from all around, making it impossible for people to detect its location.

Hearing the sound, Green Mandrill turned around in an instant, and with a whirling slash, he forced Zhan Ye and Han Ziling, who were entangled in him, away, and disappeared in a flash.

The strong Flying Zombie used the "flying corpse technique" to entangle the iron tower with ease, one flew far away from the iron tower, and then disappeared after another dodge.

The pity is that those black and purple zombies are small in number and weak in strength. They are abused in the face of many boss monsters and ordinary monsters.Now there are six masters from the Yuan Dynasty who have joined, so there are only three words "slaughtered".In less than an hour, the zombies in the fifth space were slaughtered cleanly, filled with corpse fluid and suffocated by the stench of corpses.

"The enemy retreats temporarily! Now look for the passage to enter the sixth space." Han Ziling let out a long breath, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his right sleeve, and his voice trembled slightly, showing that the injury was serious.

"Interrogating the different pythons, I learned that there are two traps and four formations on the ninth floor of Disha Hall. Why have we captured four spaces but haven't found them yet?" Zhan Ye asked suspiciously.

"The two big traps may refer to the two illusion-like things in the first and second spaces, both of which have been deciphered by Long Fei. Because the second space and the third space are juxtaposed and have no enemies, they did not take you there. "Han Ziling pulled his slouching neckline, as if he still didn't forget to show off his chest muscles at this time.

Seeing this, Zhan Ye shook his head speechlessly.

Afterwards, Zhanye, Hanziling, Iron Tower, Yihu, and Yirhino, the five masters of the Yuan Dynasty, dispersed and carefully searched for the entrance of the sixth space.

Naturally, Long Fei's body changed quickly, his breath was as if he had no breath, and he lurked in the dark, doing strange tactics to prevent the enemy from sneaking into Zhan Ye and other five masters.

The five masters scattered in the fifth space, searched the fifth space several times, and they were only within three feet of the ground, but they still found nothing.

"Han Dapi, try to set up a formation on the ten-meter-wide convex ground in the center of the fifth space! When I drifted there just now, I felt that the speed was slightly affected. After trying a few times, nothing happened. That's right." Long Fei said via voice transmission.

Hearing the sound, Han Ziling flew the sky-swallowing gourd to the sky over the target convex land, and the sixteen-inch evergreen formation flags were planted in all directions around the Zhang Da convex land. As soon as the formation of 'Blue Sky Breaks the Illusion' came out, the phantom formation was broken immediately, revealing the real appearance. It turned out to be a round black stone with a diameter of ten feet long. On the black stone was engraved a crimson head of a skull about ten feet wide. The evil spirit of blood.

"This should be a key to open the door! If I want to open it, if I'm right, I should inject a strong evil spirit into it." Han Ziling bent down to check carefully, frowned and stretched, and tilted his head with a smile Looking towards the battlefield.

"Okay! I'll do it!" Zhan Ye finished his words, clenched his fists with both hands, and suddenly opened his arms, "Wrath of God of War" immediately burst into flames, his beard straightened, and his evil spirit surged wildly.Immediately, he punched Heishi with a punch.

With a sound of "Bang!", a majestic evil spirit rushed into the center of the crimson skull head on the black stone in an instant, and the black stone suddenly shook violently, and then with a loud "Wow!", it fled to the depths of the ground.When the black stone sank to a depth of about ten feet, there was a "boom!" on the ground, and a gap of a hundred feet long was suddenly split from the middle line of the hole formed by the sinking black stone.Immediately afterwards, the fissure suddenly expanded to a width of a hundred feet with a "crack!", and then a dark passage was revealed.

Inside the passage, the steps are black, the walls are black, and the space is naturally black. This kind of black is not ordinary black, but a black that swallows light.No matter how the red light from the outside poured into the inside, it was instantly swallowed up like a stone sinking into the sea.

At this time, Han Ziling and other five masters of the Yuan Dynasty all had their imperial treasures flying above the passage.

"This channel is weird. It can swallow light. I wonder if other things can swallow it?" Han Ziling said while pointing the channel below with his right index finger, and a light yellow elemental force shot into the channel.

The result was astonishing, as soon as the pale yellow elemental force entered the passage, it was instantly swallowed up like light.

"What a strange thing! I'm coming." Yixi opened his mouth wide as soon as he finished speaking, and then spewed out a column of thick water, which instantly condensed into an icicle and shot straight into the passage.The result remained the same, and the icicle disappeared without a trace as soon as it entered the passage.

"Zhanye, try injecting a suffocating energy into it!" Long Fei said to Zhanye via voice transmission.

Hearing the sound, Zhan Ye let out a low shout, and punched his fierce right fist directly into the passage through the air, and a gust of crimson blood and evil spirit rushed into the passage.What is amazing is that the evil spirit of blood did not swallow it, but roared into the depths of the tunnel with a red glow.

"I'll go in and try again!" Zhan Ye burst into "Wrath of the God of War" again, and the churning bloody aura enveloped his whole body, walking down step by step cautiously.He stopped when he reached the tenth step, and then said: "This place is extremely weird. The deeper you go, the narrower and narrower the detection range of the spiritual sense."

"Oh! Really? If you try again, will it have any effect on the attack?" Han Ziling touched the back of his head with his right hand, frowning and frowning.

Hearing this, Zhanye clasped his hands towards his chest, and the sky-opening ax suddenly flashed in his palms, and he slashed obliquely towards the void. Able to swing the Sky-Splitting Ax with its own strength."

"The sixth space should be equipped with a peerless formation that restricts elemental power, spiritual power, divine sense attacks, and attacks of various attributes such as ice, fire, and light. From this, it can be inferred that the Earth Demon League should be the same as Zhanmen. The school mainly focuses on melee combat, so when we enter the sixth floor space, we must fight the enemy with our bodies." Han Ziling said solemnly.

"It is imperative to rescue the Alien Beast King. Now that the mystery of the sixth space has been discovered, we must enter the cave! After entering the cave, everyone must remember to fight together and not disperse, so as not to fall into the enemy group. Iron tower, alien tiger, Yixi, your three chiefs must organize the attack of the alien beast army well, and don't let the zombies break up the formation. Alright! Go into the hole!" Hearing what Han Ziling said, Long Fei immediately appeared, with a wave of his right hand, his body With a sweep, he took the lead in sweeping into the passage.Unable to use Yuanli and Divine Sense, "Wind Shadow Jue" and "Wanwuhua Wujue" will definitely be greatly affected, so the possibility of sneak attacking the enemy will also be lost, so it is better to show up to the enemy.

In the sixth space, as expected, all light is sucked in, the surrounding fields are dark, and the eyes cannot see; Yuanli cannot leave the body at all, but fortunately, the weapons that have been integrated into the body can still leave the body; A cultivator of the same rank who is more than [-] times as powerful as his primordial spirit and spiritual power can only detect a range of one mile. You must know that Long Fei can detect a range of a hundred miles outside the cave.Then it is conceivable how narrow the detection range of the spiritual sense of Zhan Ye and other masters of the metamorphosis period is, and it can only detect a range of about six feet. Yizhang.However, what is a little reassuring is that the sound has not been affected, so when fighting, although the divine sense cannot detect it, it can still be located by the sound.

"Everyone, be careful! Advance closely." Long Fei finished speaking loudly, and immediately explored the way ahead, followed by Zhan Ye and other masters and an army of king-savior beasts in a ring formation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Crash! Crash! Crash!"

After walking for several miles, zombies rushed out of the ground under the army's feet, and most of them were purple stiff.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The panicked beasts were instantly pierced through the chest, legs, head, etc. by the sharp blade-like hands of the numerous zombies, bleeding profusely, causing many casualties.


The iron tower roared violently, and the giant claws shot continuously, killing dozens of purple zombies at once; Long Fei and other masters of the Yuan Dynasty also slashed the enemy forcefully, each hitting a zombie, killing them in succession.The anger of the iron tower and the instant killing of the masters of the Yuan Dynasty finally shocked the army's morale, stopped the panic of the strange beasts, and stabilized their positions.Afterwards, the alien beasts cooperated with each other, using their numerical advantages to kill the enemy together, and finally eliminated the zombies in the alien beast herd.At this time, the surrounding zombies quickly disappeared, and the strange beasts did not chase after them without receiving the order from the iron tower.

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