Chaos fairy way

Chapter 108 The Battle to Save the King

The eyes cannot see things, but the divine sense can detect short distances.Long Fei led the army to save the king and continued to move forward.

At this moment, a hundred feet away from the army to save the king, Green Mandrill led one person and three flying zombies suddenly and silently flashed, Zhan Ye and other other masters who had escaped metamorphosis didn't notice it, but Long Fei naturally knew their every move like the palm of his hand.Immediately, Long Fei silently informed Zhan Ye and other experts through sound transmission, continued to walk in the front of the team and deliberately widened the distance between him and the king's rescue army.

Green Mandrill and another man in a brown-purple cloak led three flying creatures to spread out in a surrounding shape, like a cloth bag with a diameter of about a hundred feet, with the mouth of the bag pointing directly at Long Fei, obviously wanting to encircle and kill Long Fei with a thunderous blow .

A distance of ninety feet;

A distance of eighty feet;

A distance of seventy feet;


Long Fei slowly entered the mouth of the bag, and after a while he reached the center of the bag, and the green mandrill and the man in the brown-purple cape immediately sealed the mouth of the bag in joy.The two of them flew together and still approached Long Fei silently.

45 feet;

35 feet;

25 feet:

At fifteen feet, Green Mandrill and other opponents suddenly rushed out of billowing energy, and the thunder siege was about to be carried out.

At the nick of time, the dragon flew, suddenly plundered, and instantly jumped within nine feet of the strong zombie in front, "Thousand Swords Piercing the Heart", "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One", and "Sword Soaring to the Sky" followed closely in one go Coming out, the high-speed spinning figure instantly transformed into a sword shadow flickering slightly yellow, and shot towards the strong zombie.



In a breath, Long Fei passed through the chest of the strong Feizhi, and the strong Feizhi exploded to death in response to the sound.

Immediately, Long Fei unfolded the "Wind Shadow Jue", and his body became an afterimage, which floated to the ground without any corpse fluid on his body, and there was an extra black storage bag in his hand.Although the "Wind Shadow Jue" can't be transformed into a shadow, nor can it be transformed into a wind, and it can't change the wind quickly, but its flying speed is higher than that of the exercise "Shadow with you".

It took Long Fei only one breath to plunder from his body until his strong flying zombie died. Green Mandrill and other enemies were naturally unable to rush to help in astonishment.When Green Mandrill and other opponents wake up, they want to attack Long Fei again, but Zhan Ye and other five masters have arrived in time.

At this time, the distance between each other is no more than six feet, so although the eyes cannot see it, the divine sense can find out everything about the other party.

Long Fei's "Wind and Shadow Jue" unfolded, he bypassed Green Mandrill and other enemies, and returned to Zhan Ye and others.Because he found that although the green mandrill and other enemies can't see things, their spiritual sense seems not to be affected by the large formation here, so he was afraid that Zhan Ye and others would have an accident, so he hurriedly joined everyone.

"The fifth dimension sneaked to kill my master, and this dimension tricked me to kill my master. His body skills are superb, his stealth skills are amazing, and his spiritual sense is strong. He is a good opponent. However, now that you know your details, and In this "Ji Shen Mie Energy Formation", the primordial energy cannot be used, and the spiritual thoughts are greatly restricted, it is time to solve you and the remaining evils behind you." Although the green mandrill spoke very slowly, the deep-set eyes But there was a biting murderous intent, and a terrifying air of death exuded from his whole body.

As soon as the green mandrill finished speaking, countless zombies crawled out of the ground behind him, and they were in a confrontation with the strange beasts in a moment.

"You should be the one who rescued Flying Zombie in the fifth dimension! You were able to avoid my decisive blow. I don't know what's going on now?" Long Fei ignored Lvdiao's words. Nian directly swept across Ludrill's body, and landed on the person next to Ludrill who was about ten feet tall in a brown-purple cloak.

"That's right, it's Elder Ben. The first two times were careless and let you get away with it. This time there is no more luck, and you will pay with your life!" The man in the brown cloak finished speaking, shook his right palm, and You Heigui's head knife flashed suddenly, and then the cat's waist swept across, and within three feet of Long Fei in an instant, the ghost head knife slashed at Long Fei's head.

Long Fei smiled lightly, and the Scarlet Sky Sword instantly merged into his body, a person is a sword, and a sword is a person, and the hot wave immediately gushed out of his body; at the same time, the Qingshuang Sword flashed in his right palm, and the "Phantom Sword Art" immediately unfolded However, spiritual power and Yuan power cannot be used, so the only way to meet the enemy is to use swordsmanship in the body training stage.

In the blink of an eye, the Ghost Head Saber was a foot away from Long Fei's face, and the biting wind from the knife made his eyebrows scatter.

Long Fei was calm and relaxed, and swung out the move "a pillar supporting the sky", pointing the tip of Qingshuang sword in his right hand to the sky, hitting the edge of the ghost head knife; at the same time, his left fist slammed into the abdomen of the cloak elder .


The sparks disappeared in a flash, the ghost head knife was thrown after being hit, and the power of the Qingshuang sword to support the sky disappeared instantly.


The air was vibrating, but there was no energy fluctuation. The elder Cloak used the momentum of his fall to punch Long Fei powerfully, and then, with the force of the rebound, he flashed to a distance of three feet.

Long Fei remained motionless like an ancient tree with intertwined roots, and immediately followed up with the move "Slanting Shadow Shooting the Sky", sweeping sideways into an afterimage, and the Qingshuang Sword obliquely pierced the elder in the cape.


Long Fei and Elder Cloak fought together, Iron Tower and Green Mandrill shouted "Kill!" almost at the same time.

Immediately, the two armies fought hand-to-hand, and they both went forward, fearless of death, recruiting desperately, and killing each other.For a moment, there were thunderous roars everywhere, blood spattered into mist, and corpses were spread all over the ground.Although it cannot be seen by the naked eye, and the detection of divine sense is limited, the brutality of the battle can be judged from the roaring roar, piercing screams, hand-to-hand combat and other heart-pounding sounds.

The different beasts and the zombies fought bloody battles, and as the leader, the masters of the Tuoyuan Period naturally also frequently used tricks, fighting with each other with their lives.

Based on personal strength alone, the Zhanye side is naturally weaker, but the victory lies in the fact that there are more people, and there are two more masters in the Yuan Dynasty, so they also have a slight advantage.

Zhanye, who is super strong in melee combat, full of vigor and blood, and has entered the state of "Wrath of the God of War", is really like a fish in water here, so one person single-handedly has agility and sharp attacks against the green mandrill.

Han Ziling and Yihu team up to fight a fire-breathing zombie (it is Huo Zombie, one of the four subordinates of the zombie king, Feng Huo Lei Dian).Here, because they can only display the strength of the body training period, the different tigers and fire-breathing zombies can only display their natural skills, and they are both "fire-breathing".However, the gray-white fire sprayed by the fire-breathing zombie is highly corrosive, and it is better than the red fire sprayed by the different tiger. Fortunately, Han Ziling's body-training formation formed by Han Ziling's own hands restrained it, and the two sides also reached a draw.

The iron tower and the different rhinoceros fight together.This battle is a one-sided situation, although the Wind Rigid Wind Blades are many and sharp, but for the body that is thousands of feet tall, more than five hundred feet wide, and extremely tyrannical, it is just a sore itching.Therefore, Feng Zhi's situation is precarious, and he insists on struggling with the two leaders of alien beasts only with his excellent body skills.

The most exciting thing is of course the battle between the real leader of the two armies, Long Fei, and the elder of the cape. Two majestic masters of the Yuan Dynasty actually fought hand-to-hand.

At this moment, Long Fei had completely changed his tentative style of play. The Scarlet Sky Sword melted into his body, and his body was as strong as a sword. His swift fists carried a scorching heat wave while whistling, hitting directly at the vitals of the Cloak Elder; at the same time, Qingshuang The sword sometimes comes out of the body to attack quickly, and sometimes enters the body to hide, appearing like ghosts and ghosts, making it impossible to guard against.

Although Elder Cloak is a master of cultivation in the late Yuan Dynasty and his physical body is much stronger than ordinary monks of the same rank, he can only do nothing when he encounters a perverted monk like Long Fei in the early Yuan Dynasty.Because of this, he was quite dissatisfied, and at this time completely abandoned technical attacks, and fought with Long Fei, fighting swords with swords, without playing tricks, and directly head-to-head.

"Bang bang!" The sound of punches continued, and the sound of "Dangdang" sword clashes was always shocking.

After a long time, the gap between the two became apparent. After all, the physical body is the physical body, how can it resist high-level treasures?Long Fei melted the sword into his body, and his body was the high-level treasure Chixiao Sword. After a violent bombardment, he suddenly clasped his palms together and raised his head high, forming a line of people and rushing towards the sky. Spinning, using palm instead of sword, phantom sword shadow, violently shot towards the elder in cape.

Although the elder of the cape was numb and exhausted due to the hard resistance, he was still a top master in the late Yuan Dynasty, and his body quickly retreated sideways;


The dragon flies in through the sword and shadow shield;


Elder Cloak narrowly avoided the "Sword Soaring to the Sky" hit by the sword in his hand, Long Fei grazed Elder Cloak's chest clothes and passed by, revealing the silver armor under his coat.


When the two of them brushed past each other, Long Fei drew out the Qingshuang Sword with his right hand, slashed with his backhand, and the sword hit Elder Cloak on the back of his right shoulder.Although Elder Cloak was protected by his armor, he was not injured, but his armor was cut with a gash nearly a foot long.

Elder Cloak's superb body skills continued to show off, falling five feet away, his back was sweating profusely, and he was even more terrified in his heart.

At this moment, Long Fei cast his palm sword "Sword Soaring to the Sky" again, and his body shot out like a sharp arrow again.


Elder Cloak let out a loud shout, and immediately retreated violently, and after avoiding another danger and leaving a strand of hair behind, he ran away in a hurry.

After Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, he fell to the ground, it was too late to pursue, so he did not pursue it.

Green Mandrill, Huo Zhan, and Feng Zang quickly retreated after hearing the order from the elder Cloak.However, Feng Zang was able to escape after being hit hard by the iron tower, so the injury must have been serious.

"Don't chase the poor!" Long Fei uttered a sound to stop the iron tower and other three strange beasts who were chasing after him, and then took out a black storage bag from his purple storage bag, which was the storage bag of the strong zombie he killed just now. bag.

Afterwards, Long Fei opened the black storage bag, poked his right hand into it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then took out a dark ball from the black storage bag and threw it at Han Ziling, saying, "No wonder the green ball Although Mandrill and the others are also blind, they can move freely because they have extremely detailed maps of the sixth space."

Han Ziling took the ball with a single hand, and a ray of spiritual thoughts penetrated into the ball, and a message flashed in his mind, it was the map of the sixth space, and the map was detailed down to the location of every stone and tree. It's amazing to find them all.

With the detailed map of the sixth space, the army to save the king naturally marched rapidly, and arrived at the entrance of the seventh space in only half a day.Long Fei stood beside the entrance of the passage, and when he smelled the smell coming from the passage, he frowned slightly.

Thanks to the reader, Big Raven, for the reward!Today we will fight another chapter to repay your great support, and it will be updated on time at 9:[-] in the evening.

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