Chaos fairy way

Chapter 110 The Battle to Save the King

I saw a teeny-headed demon suddenly looting out of a seemingly ordinary pile of mud on the ground ahead.This demon is ten feet tall, has a purple head and a black robe, so it is not necessary to guess that it is the Demon Fly King.

As soon as the Fly Demon King finished speaking, he opened his mouth, and then spewed out a poisonous arrow that was as black as ink and exuded a breath of death, and shot towards Longfei violently.

Facing the swiftly attacking venom arrow, Long Fei chuckled, and the shield shield of the Scarlet Sky Sword that protected his whole body exploded violently, regenerating [-] Scarlet Sky Flying Swords to instantly disperse the besieging fly demons and The poisonous arrows of the fly demons attack; and taking this opportunity, the "Wind and Shadow Jue" is fully activated, and the "Wind Shadow Jue" is unfolded immediately, the breath is like nothing, the body quickly changes into the wind, and the person disappears in an instant.

Although the Fly Demon King's venom arrow attack was fierce, there was an instant lag in timing, and the result was naturally emptied in one blow.At this time, the [-] Scarlet Sky Flying Swords scattered in the sky gathered in an instant, condensed suddenly, and turned into a huge Scarlet Sky Sword; this sword is one foot wide and ten feet long, with a dazzling red glow , rolling up a steaming heat wave and storming towards the Fly Demon King.

The Fly Demon King, whose cultivation has reached the late Yuan Dynasty, although his head is so small that he cannot see the expression on his face, but the solemn eyes reveal a lot of fear that has sprouted in his heart.The Fly Demon King looked at the fiercely launched Chixiao giant sword, roared violently, and his body suddenly retracted and swelled, and immediately shot out dense, hair-thin, foot-long, brown threads from his body.As soon as countless thread-shaped objects shot into the air, they immediately condensed into a brown round shield with a diameter of three feet and a fluffy surface, sealing off the attacking direction of Chi Xiao's giant sword.


The giant sword hit the round shield, and the energy surge turned into a hurricane and swept in all directions. The brown round shield burst and shattered, and the fragments blasted in all directions; after the Chixiao giant sword collided, it disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, the Fly Demon King had a look of horror in his eyes, and was about to dodge to escape when he suddenly felt a biting cold behind him.



The Fly Demon King was first pierced by a sword shadow, and then suddenly exploded, his corpse was scattered everywhere, and the maroon blood was misty.

Long Fei held the Qingshuang Sword and stepped on the Scarlet Sky Sword, flying ten feet away. His clothes were not stained with any blood, and he looked light and calm, as if he had just killed the Fly Demon King with a single breath. It's as if it never happened.

The fly demon king was dead, and all the fly demons naturally fell down and scattered, and ran away in a hurry.


At this time, in a red square small hall in the west corner of the eighth space, Green Mandrill, Elder Cloak, and two big Flying Zombies were sitting in two rows, all staring at the east wall with serious eyes.At this time, the east wall was covered with a pale yellow energy light curtain, and what was shocking was that the picture of the light curtain was actually the scene of Long Fei killing the fly-killing demon king.

"The fly demon king, even I can't do anything to it, but it was killed by that human kid in a moment. Although there are reasons why the fly demon king is too arrogant, it is more because the boy attacked too suddenly and quickly, which shows that This person's strength is extremely inconsistent with his cultivation, and his combat power is horrifying!" Although Elder Cloak's face was gloomy, there was a hint of fear in his tone.

"This person killed two flying zombies. The fly demon king mainly relied on his superb body skills and concealment secrets, and then succeeded in a sudden attack. Therefore, in order to kill him, you must first limit his movement range, and then The two of us will kill him with a single strike." Green Mandrill's eyes were extremely cold, full of killing intent.

"It can only be like this! Huo Zhuang, you go to sit in the 'Blood Ridge in the Sky' formation in the eighth space yourself. Remember, we will try our best to kill this human kid with all means." Elder Cloak raised his right finger Pointing to the image of Long Fei on the light curtain, his speech was calm and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

"Yes! I'll go right away." Huo Zhan stood up, replied respectfully, and then walked outside the hall.

"The last four formations of the Earth Demon League are originally one, especially the 'blood sun in the sky' in the eighth space and the 'blood fire sun' in the ninth space, which means that there is me in you, and you in me. If the four large formations were not for Jing 10 Tens of thousands of years of wear and tear have formed du li, and they cannot cooperate with each other to destroy the enemy and defend the enemy, otherwise this boundary will be difficult for anyone to break. Alas! And we don't need to rack our brains to find a way to destroy the enemy!" Feng Zhi sighed.

"No need to sigh! Concentrate all your strength to destroy the enemy now, and you also go back to the ninth dimension'Blood Fire Yang Lai' array! Remember, when you really can't hold on in the end, implement the final plan." Elder Cloak clenched his teeth and blinked. Fierce light, said in a deep voice.

"Yes! This subordinate will go now." Feng Zong got up and answered, and then left.

"Let's go! We hope to kill with one blow, so there is no need to implement the final plan." Green Mandrill said as he got up.

Afterwards, Green Mandrill and Elder Cloak walked out of the small hall.


The passageway from the seventh space to the eighth space, Long Fei, Han Ziling and other six masters of the Yuan Dynasty, Yu Baofei, hang above the edge of it, all of them staring solemnly at the blood-red streak that shot out from the passageway. se light.Although the red light was a bit dim, it exuded a murderous aura, frightening the soul.

"Still according to the original method, I'll go in and explore first, and then find a way to break the formation." Although Long Fei was a little apprehensive about the red light in the channel, he still said without hesitation.

"I feel that the formation in the eighth space is unusual, and I feel an inexplicable fear in my heart. It can be seen that going there is extremely dangerous. I am proficient in the formation, so it is relatively safer for me to go down with you." Han Ziling frowned. Locked tightly, his eyes are fearful and authentic.

"No, I will go alone. If there is danger, I can escape with my body, but you cannot escape. The matter is so decided, I will go first." Long Fei said firmly, and after that, "All Things Turn into Undecided" started , the breath is as if there is no; "Wind Shadow Jue" is unfolded, the body quickly changes into the wind, and it is submerged in the passage in an instant.

In the eighth space, the blood-red sun shines directly in the sky, the surrounding fields are covered with red, and the ground is covered with red sand. The whole space can only be described with one word, that is red.

As soon as Long Fei entered the eighth space, he suddenly felt a heat wave hit his face. The surrounding temperature was scaldingly high, and his body was inexplicably hot and unbearable.So he quickly took out a "Drug Repelling Pill" and a "Qingling Pill" from the storage bag and put them in his mouth. After swallowing, the dryness and heat in his body were slightly relieved.Afterwards, Long Fei suppressed the relieved heat, and continued to drift in the eighth space, searching for all useful situations here.

Time passed by breath by breath, Long Fei kept drifting rapidly, the heat in his heart became more and more difficult to suppress, this was secondary, what was more important was that something happened to Long Fei that he hadn't even noticed The thing is that his eyes have gradually turned blood red.

Two hours later, Long Fei had explored most of the entire eighth space, and his head became dizzy.On the one hand, Long Fei tried his best to suppress the hotness in his body; on the other hand, he clenched his teeth tightly to keep his mind clear; he also knew that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly turned around and returned to the seventh space.But halfway through the journey, there was a sudden roar in his head, and the sea of ​​thoughts was blurred immediately; the hotness in his body lost control and spread to all parts of his body in an instant, the skin all over his body suddenly turned red, and his eyes were even more blood-red.Afterwards, Long Fei lost all reason and fell into a state of rage. All the energy in his body was scattered out of his body. He clenched the Scarlet Sky Sword with both hands and slashed wildly. He kept hissing and shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Jie Jie! He's lost, and it's the best time to kill him." The green mandrill suddenly flashed and said with a grin.

"That's right! In order to prevent mistakes, we first trapped him with a formation, and then killed him with a thunderous strike. Hehe! I didn't expect him to come here alone. If he hadn't lost himself and fell into a frenzy, we wouldn't be able to find out his whereabouts!" The cloak flashed about ten feet away from Long Fei with the sound, and then he threw his right hand at Long Fei, and the 72 green and gray long array flags flew in a patchwork pattern and quickly inserted into the ground three feet away from Long Fei's body.

A black * chain about three inches thick burst out of the ground in an instant, trapping the berserk Long Fei tightly, with only the neck above exposed, no matter how frantically Long Fei struggled, it would be of no avail.

"Do it!" Elder Cloak finished his sentence, and with a wave of his right hand, the high-level treasure ghost head knife pierced the sky and slashed towards Long Fei's throat.

At the same time, the Green Mandrill darted towards Long Fei, his hands straightened out, and the ten ruler-long fingernails pierced straight into the back of Long Fei's head like sharp knives.


With a loud noise, the Ghost Head Saber slashed to an inch of Long Fei's throat, and the Qingshuang Sword instantly came out of his body to attack the Ghost Head Sword. Sparks flickered and energy surged. The knife was blown away; Qingshuang's sword retreated back to the body.


There was another loud bang, and the Scarlet Sky Sword was detached from Long Fei's right hand, blocking Lu Qi's killing blow.Long Fei's body was restrained, and then he was shocked by the berserk energy, shaking with the iron chain.

"It's unbelievable that the treasure on this person can automatically protect it! How many secret techniques has this bastard cultivated?" After the green mandrill hit, he was extremely shocked and couldn't help but angrily said.

"The stronger you are, the more you must kill him. Don't use other methods, just burn him with the 'Nine Yin Power Fire'." The elder cloak suppressed the shock in his heart, and the murderous aura in his body suddenly surged into the sky, and said sharply.

Afterwards, Elder Cloak and Green Mandrill opened their mouths at the same time, spewing out a cloud of dark gray flame with a hint of black, flying into the air and expanding to half a foot in size.The flames did not emit a steaming heat wave, but revealed a biting cold air.Two balls of nine-yin power fire flew over the sky above Long Fei's head in an instant, suspended up and down, suddenly fell into the top of Long Fei's head with a sudden whistling sound, and fell into Long Fei's mind in an instant.


After Long Fei let out a lung-piercing scream, the skin, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow of his whole body burst out with majestic energy, rushing into his brain instantly.

"Huh! Huh!" Two sounds, and the two groups of "Nine Yin Mihuo" were forced out of the body.

Long Fei was suddenly stimulated by the icy cold of the "Nine Yin Power Fire". Although his eyes were still bloodshot, they returned to normal color. He immediately woke up, and with a loud shout, thousands of pale yellow Yuanli swords were shot out of his body.

"Crack! Crack!" The iron chain binding Long Fei's body was cut off by the Yuanli Sword in an instant, and Long Fei rushed out of the trap set up by Elder Cloak in a flash.

Everything was completed in a blink of an eye, and when the two elders in the cape woke up from the shock, Long Fei had already escaped from the trap.

"The matter has come to this, I can only kill him with my life, and eliminate a great harm for the young master." Elder Cloak's complexion was ashen, and his tone was fierce and authentic.

"That's right! Let's take this opportunity to annihilate you two." An angry shout came from the passage from the seventh space to the eighth space, and five masters from the Yuan Dynasty, including Han Ziling and Zhan Ye, appeared in the eighth space following the sound. Within the space, Imperial Treasure flew towards him rapidly.The person who spoke was naturally Han Ziling.

"Withdraw! Start the final plan." As soon as the elder cloak finished speaking, a black round jade block suddenly appeared in his hand, which shattered with a pinch, and then disappeared in a flash.

After hearing the words, Green Mandrill also disappeared in a flash.

Long Fei let out a long breath, cold sweat broke out on his back, he was terrified in his heart, and thought to himself: If the third chapter of "Yanyu Sword Art" "Melting the Sword into the Body" hadn't been cultivated to great success, the Qingshuang Sword, Chixiao Sword, Baise Sword, etc. The glove has completely integrated into the body, and has become one with the body, so that it can automatically protect the master unconsciously, otherwise it will undoubtedly die this time.

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