Chaos fairy way

Chapter 111 The Battle to Save the King

"Are you okay!" Han Ziling and other five masters from the Yuan Dynasty all asked with worried expressions on their faces.

"It's okay! But I almost..." Long Fei smiled wryly, and just halfway through speaking, suddenly countless blood-red arrows flashed inexplicably above Long Fei's head, covering an area of ​​one mile.

"Wow!" With a sound, all the arrows suddenly shot at Long Fei.

Long Fei was startled immediately, "Wind Shadow Jue" rushed forward, narrowly dodging the arrow's attack.As soon as he hit the ground, countless blood-colored throwing knives rushed out from the ground, stabbing rapidly.

Long Fei hastily performed the "Small Running Thunder Technique" in the air, and in a flash, he appeared two thousand miles away, flying in the air with his Qingshuang sword.Just as Yu breathed a sigh of relief, countless blood-red arrows flashed in the sky above his head; at the same time, countless blood-colored flying knives burst out from the ground;

"It's too exaggerated! It's just me, is there any mistake?" Long Fei's "Little Ben Lei Shu" showed again, and in the blink of an eye, the person had already appeared two thousand miles away.

However, the arrows and throwing knives appeared in the air or on the ground at the same time, and they still came rushing densely. "Little Thunderbolt Technique" is exhibited again, avoiding the attack; reappearing two thousand miles away, flying knives and arrows are shooting again...

Long Fei fled east and west for a while, being chased by flying knives and arrows and fled all over the sky.Han Ziling and the others had no choice but to worry about such weird things, and what was even more frightening was that the hotness in their bodies became more and more difficult to suppress, and their eyes gradually turned red.

"You fly straight to the sun in the sky, the problem lies in the sun!" After many tests, Long Fei vaguely noticed the problem, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

When the five people in Hanziling heard the words, the imperial treasure flew like a rainbow to the blood-red sun shining in the sky.

The nine spaces of the Disha League are actually nine big holes, but they have been transformed into spaces that seem to be self-contained by illusions and formations.The same is true of the eighth space, the sun in the sky is actually just a scene transformed by the formation of "blood sun in the sky".The height of the eighth space is actually only tens of thousands of feet high, and masters such as Han Ziling rushed into the sun in a short time.

The result was exactly as Long Fei had deduced. With a flash in front of his eyes, Han Ziling and other experts appeared in a blood-red hall.The main hall is divided into inner and outer halls. At this time, Han Ziling and other masters are standing in the outer hall, and the entire outer hall is filled with purple zombies.Seeing Han Ziling and other five masters from the Yuan Dynasty suddenly appearing, all the zombies froze for a moment, then raised their stiff, shriveled, sharp hands and stabbed Han Ziling and other five masters from the Yuan Dynasty.

Faced with the attacks of the zombies, Han Ziling and other masters were naturally prepared and used their housekeeping techniques to kill the invading enemies.

The fire burned, the sky-opening ax slashed, the water arrow shot, and the giant claws slapped wildly... All the zombies in the outer hall were slaughtered in a short time.

Afterwards, Han Ziling and other experts rushed into the inner hall, only to see that Huo Zang was surrounded by a group of purple zombies, holding a blood-red box in both hands and aiming at the north wall of the inner hall, and pouring blood into the box. With Yuanli.On the wall was a pale yellow energy light curtain, and the image on the light curtain was the scene of Long Fei running away in embarrassment.At this time, the masters finally understood that since entering the sixth space, their every move is under the surveillance of the enemy. The reason why the earth encircled and killed Long Fei.At that time, if it wasn't for the fact that Long Fei's spiritual sense was far superior to that of ordinary monks, so that he discovered the enemy's trace in advance, he would have been in danger.

Huo Zong turned a blind eye to the arrival of Han Ziling and other masters, and still tried his best to control the "Blood Sun in the Sky" formation to kill Long Fei;To Han Ziling and other masters, Zi Jiang, whose cultivation level is only comparable to that of a master of the Consciousness stage, is just to be slaughtered.In an instant, all the purple zombies were wiped out.

Afterwards, Han Ziling and other five masters of the Yuan Dynasty either destroyed the array, chopped with an axe, slapped with claws, burned with fire, or shot with ice arrows.

Huo Zhuang turned a blind eye to all this and ignored it, only wanting to kill Long Fei.At the moment before he died, he was still staring at Long Fei on the light screen, pouring his energy into the blood-red box.

Huo Zang was killed by all the masters, leaving only a mass of ashes, and naturally the throwing knives and arrows that chased and killed Long Fei also disappeared.After Long Fei exhibited "Little Thunderbolt Technique", he entered the Blood Sun Hall in an instant, and found the safe entrance to the ninth floor space with all the masters in a short while, that is the passage in the left corner of the inner hall in the sun.

Long Fei led the army to save the king and marched along the passage only ten feet wide and five feet high.The passage is too small, and some super-large beasts that cannot shrink their bodies can only stay in the eighth floor space, and the eighth floor space can no longer cause the organisms that enter it to feel dry and hot for no reason, so they stay On the contrary, the strange beast is safe.

As soon as Long Fei led the army to rescue the king out of the passage, he was surprised to find that he had entered the control hall of the large formation in the ninth space, and Feng Zang was naturally in the hall.Facing the attack of six masters from the Yuan Dynasty and many strange beasts, all the ordinary zombies in the hall were killed in a short while.Feng Zhuang resisted three moves with only speed, and was cut by Long Fei's sword.Before Feng Zhuang died, he suddenly crushed a black round jade, which was exactly the same as the one crushed by Elder Cloak.

"Not good! Yixi, you take all the different beasts out of the Disha League's underground palace quickly. The other masters of the Yuan Dynasty and I will quickly rescue the King of Different Beasts." Seeing this, Long Fei suddenly remembered what Elder Cloak said when he crushed the jade block "Start the final plan!", startled suddenly, suddenly had a guess in his heart, and quickly shouted, then rushed out of the ninth space control room and rushed into the ninth space.

The ground of the Ninth Space was full of raging fires. Long Fei exhibited "Little Thunderbolt Technique" continuously, and in a short while he found a charred black hall in the north of the Ninth Space. No need to guess, it must be the Fire Prison.At this time, the ninth space shook violently, and stones and soil flakes fell one after another from the sky above the space; the ground quickly split into criss-cross cracks, and the raging fire was actually divided into pieces of fire with different shapes. heap.

Long Fei flashed into the scorched black hall in an instant, followed by masters such as Han Ziling and Iron Tower.

As soon as the masters entered the scorched black hall, they saw black cages made of unknown metal. The cage in the middle was several times larger than the surrounding cages, and the ground in the entire hall was covered with raging fire. fire.All the masters swept away their spiritual thoughts, and they knew that the surrounding cages were empty, and no living things were imprisoned, only the big cage in the middle contained living things.Long Fei and other masters went straight to the very big cage in the middle without stopping for a moment.In the blink of an eye, he had reached the side of the super-large cage, and there was lying in the cage a [-]-foot-long, human body with a lion's head, locked with a black metal chain, and the dying lion was the King of Different Beasts.

"You are finally here! Iron tower, come here and put your claws into the cage." The beast king's eyes were dull, his breath was intermittent, he struggled to stand up, his voice was extremely soft.

"Your Majesty!" Iron Tower hurriedly walked to the edge of the cage, knelt on the ground with his lower and right limbs, and stretched his right paw into the cage.At this time, the iron tower has shrunk to a height of ten feet and a width of five feet.

"This king is poisonous and is about to die. I have inherited the legacy of my ancestors and passed on the throne to Tieta. From now on, Tieta will be the 790th Beastmaster in Zhongyan Continent. Tieta, I will now pass on the position of Beastmaster to you! You will lead all clansmen to restore the prestige of our clan." As soon as the King of Beasts finished speaking, his right hand tightly grasped the right claw that had been inserted into the iron tower, and then his right hand suddenly shone with a dazzling brown light.The brown light rushed into the right claw of the iron tower, and once it was absorbed into the claw of the iron tower, a brown, unknown animal pattern flashed on the forehead of the iron tower.Afterwards, the alien beast king "Pu Tong" lay down on the ground, the pupils of his eyes gradually dilated, and his eyelids slowly closed.Since the protection of Yuanli was gone, the body of the Alien Beast King was instantly burned to ashes by the raging fire, leaving only the palm caught by the iron tower.

"Your Majesty!" Tieta's right paw tightly grasped the only remaining palm of the Alien Beast King, kneeling on the ground with both paws on his lower limbs, tearing and shouting, two lines of tears flowed from those lantern-like eyes.Yihu also knelt down on one foot, weeping sadly.

At this time, the entire Huotang hall began to vibrate, and the walls of the hall gradually cracked, with gaps criss-crossing like cobwebs; in a moment, building materials such as stones and metal strips on the top of the hall fell off one after another, and fell straight down. ; The ground is either collapsed, or cracked, and dilapidated, and everything reveals the coming of destruction.

"Hey! Let the dead go! The vengeance of the alien beast king is determined, the ninth dimension is about to collapse, we should leave this place as soon as possible!" Long Fei sighed and said in a low voice.

Tieta nodded silently, then put away the palm of the alien beast king, stood up and stood up.

Afterwards, Long Fei and other masters, Yubao, avoided the falling stones and metal bars, and rushed out of the fire prison.


The fire hall collapsed immediately, the dust billowed, and the debris exploded.

The flying Long Fei and other experts turned their heads and glanced at the fire prison behind them, then accelerated as much as possible, and rushed towards the eighth space.




At this time, in the entire Ninth Space, a large part of the cave roof collapsed, and a large part of the ground collapsed. The fire on the ground became more and more intense, the smoke billowed, and the sparks scattered violently.

Suddenly, a three-foot-large boulder smashed straight at Long Fei from the top of the cave. Long Fei shouted loudly, and punched the boulder with his right fist.


The huge boulder shattered at the sound, and at this moment, Longfei's Chixiao sword was integrated into his body, his body was as strong as the Chixiao sword, and punching a boulder was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Long Fei and other five masters of the Yuan Dynasty, faced with the boulders or treasures that were smashed one after another to resist, or punched and clawed, rushed into the control hall of the ninth space without any speed, and finally broke down before the ninth space collapsed. In an instant, he rushed into the eighth floor space.

As soon as the masters entered the eighth space, they rushed straight to the ground without stopping.

Along the way and even out of the underground palace of Dishatang, Long Fei and other experts did not find any traces of Green Mandrill and Elder Cloak. Later, he learned from the Soul King who had already flown out of Dishatang Underground Palace that Elder Cloak and Green Mandrill collapsed in the ninth dimension He had escaped from the Dishatang Palace before.Since the Soul King did not have any confidence in killing Elder Cloak and Green Mandrill, and was afraid of exposing his identity and strength, he did not show up to destroy the enemy.

Afterwards, Long Fei and other experts led the army of alien beasts to the Valley of the Beasts, because on the one hand, the army had to rest, and on the other hand, the meeting place agreed with Niu Zhong and others was also in the Valley of the Beasts.

On the way back to Beast Mound Valley, Iron Tower told the masters about the catastrophe 10 years ago.The iron tower got the inheritance of the beast king of the different beast king and the different lion, and inherited the position of the different beast king, and the memory of the inheritance of the different beast kings of the past generations naturally also got it.However, because the alien beast is a monster that was mutated by Yin poison, the inheritance memory of the alien beast king has been severely damaged, so the inheritance memory obtained by the iron tower is also incomplete, and it is natural for the catastrophe 10 years ago It is also incomplete.

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