Chaos fairy way

Chapter 112: Ancient Secrets

The narration of the iron tower is intermittent. After Long Fei and others summarized the general situation of the disaster ten thousand years ago:

10 years ago, in the Zhongyan Continent, the cultivation world was extremely prosperous, surpassing the Huahuang Continent.At that time, there were two super sects in Zhongyan Continent, Tiangang League and Dishatang, and there was also Yaozu who was not inferior to the two super sects.The three major forces stand on each other's feet, with little difference in strength, but the situation is like fire and water, with constant disputes and bloody murders.

The catastrophe suddenly fell, the enemy from the other world broke through and invaded, the Yin poison pervaded the entire Zhongyan Continent overnight, most of the creatures in the Zhongyan Continent were suddenly poisoned and died, and the underground palace of the headquarters of the Disha League survived because of the protection of a large array of guards The headquarters of the Tiangang League was attacked by a surprise attack on Xiantai, and then fell, and the entire defense personnel were wiped out. The Earth Beast's Grave Valley was suddenly attacked by an elite enemy from another world. All the troops defending the ancestral land were killed on the spot, and the demon king escaped by patrolling the Beast Field.

Tiangang League, Dishatang, and Yaozu form a three-party alliance to fight against the enemy, temporarily throwing away their hatred.The three major forces fought against the enemy with all their strength and gradually reversed the situation. With the assistance of the Tiangang League, the Yaozu recovered the Beast Mound Valley and sealed the entrance to the other world.

But when the situation was very good, there was an accident. Qin Wanqing, the wife of Shatian, the master of the Disha Hall, was attacking a stronghold of the enemy from another world. The gods are scattered."At that time, no one could understand "Bithen Dian San", and no one knew what kind of poison it was.In desperation, in order to save his beloved wife, Shatian gave Qin Wanqing the Dishatang Town Hall detoxification pill, the "Ju Shen Sha Pill", which has the ability to miraculously relieve the poison in the Yuanshen.Unexpectedly, "God's Biting Dian San" is originally made with Yin poison as the basic material, and "Shen Gathering Sha Dan" is made from the accumulation of evil energy. As a result, although the poison of "God's Biting Dian San" was cured, the powerful Yin poison and strong evil spirit fused into Yin evil poison in Qin Wanqing's body. The poison of Yin Sha is extremely domineering, and there is no cure for it. Once this poison is formed, it will quickly poison Qin Wanqing's primordial spirit.Qin Wanqing immediately became crazy, brutal, and bloodthirsty, killing the masters of the three major forces everywhere and sucking their blood.The number of masters who died at Qin Wanqing's mouth reached dozens in a few days.

For a while, the three major factions allied themselves with fear, but due to the overwhelming coercion of the beloved wife Shengming, they didn't dare to shake Qin Wanqing with their hands.One day, Yan Zhen accidentally killed Qin Wanqing in order to save his son Yan Cangsheng who was captured by Qin Wanqing.Shatian is a violent person. Seeing his beloved wife die tragically, he tore up the covenant of the three major forces in a fit of rage, cast himself under the command of the enemy from another world, and obtained the taboo law "Devouring God and Magic Sky" from the other world.Shatian lost his mind because of the death of his beloved wife, so he used the whole hall of Disha Hall, the captives of Tiangang League and Yaozu, and all the beings who had taken refuge in the underground palace of Disha League to practice "God Devouring Magic Sky", and everyone Or the spiritual power or consciousness of the monster, and the primordial spirit are forcibly sucked away, thus forming the fantasy world of the second layer of the Disha League.The many corpses left by the murdered humans or demons gradually turned into zombies in the underground palace with the passage of time.

Lan Feidie, the deputy leader of the Tiangang League, sneaked into the first floor of the Disha League in order to save the captured people, but was noticed by Shatian and severely injured by Shatian.

The evil heaven rebelled, and the Tiangang League and the Yaozu allied forces were attacked by the enemy. They could not resist the attack of the enemies. In order to preserve the fire and continue the inheritance, they selected a group of young elite masters and sent them to the Huahuang Continent.The fire team of the Tiangang League is led by the young leader Yan Cangsheng to join the Tianxin Pavilion, the only super cultivation sect in the Huahuang Continent.

The remaining masters resisted desperately under the leadership of Yan Zhen and Lion King.Yan Zhenzhan died in the branch of the Wanshan League, and all the troops left by the Tiangang League were wiped out.The lion king led all the monsters to retreat to the Valley of Beasts, but all the monsters were deeply poisoned; most of the monsters died, and the lion king and a small number of monsters survived by virtue of their tyrannical strength, but their offspring were all dead. Alienated into a strange beast.The remains of most of the living beings who died overnight due to poisonous poisons have gone through a long period of time. Their physical corpses have become zombies, and their spiritual consciousness or spiritual power have coincidentally transformed into wandering spirits.

Later, Huang Xuan, the owner of the Tianxin Pavilion in the Huahuang Continent, and the Demon King Tiger King of the Huahuang Continent led an army into the Zhongyan Continent to help them fight against the Lord of Other Worlds and Shatian. The enemy who invaded from the other world was forced to flee back to the other world in a panic, but the Tianxin Pavilion and the allied forces of monsters also suffered heavy losses. The owner of the Tianxin Pavilion died of injuries on the way home, and the Tiger King was also seriously injured.Since the Tianxin Pavilion and Yaozu coalition forces have been unable to cross the boundary to hunt down the enemies from other worlds, and the Zhongyan Continent has been completely poisoned by Yin poison, they can only seal the escape channels of the enemies from other worlds and return to the Huahuang Continent.

As for the name of the other world and the lord of the other world?How could the Zhongyan Continent be poisoned by Yin poison overnight?Where is the seal on the escape channel of the enemy from the other world?There is no answer in the remaining memory of the Iron Tower.As for the missing parts behind "Ant Beasts come out, the world cries; Nine babies come, natural disasters come; Five Spirits come together, Qiankun comes out..." I have no memory at all.However, there is memory content about the "five spirits", that is, the "five spirits" refer to the five spirits of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth that are co-born with the heaven and the earth. Among them, the "fire spirit" is in the Zhongyan Continent, but the other four spirits do not know tracked.Youying, the young master of the alien world, has been imprisoning the alien beast king without killing it, because he wants to know about the "five spirits".As for why You Ying kept asking about the "Five Spirits", the experts guessed that he must be looking for something too.

Long Fei also asked Iron Tower about Fenggu and Gemini Sect, but there was no record in Iron Tower's inheritance memory.

Ten days later, Long Fei led the army to save the king and joined Niu Zhong and other hidden human masters in the iron tower and underground palace.

All the hidden human masters were very excited about the successful reunion, but when they learned the ancient secrets, they all looked solemn and worried; everyone worried that the past of the Zhongyan Continent would become the future of the Huahuang Continent.

On the night of the meeting, Long Fei gathered all the masters of the Yuan Dynasty to discuss the next action plan.Yanyu broke through the pass, Han Ziling, Zhan Ye, Lan Yi, and Fang Yun all successfully broke through the pass and successfully reached the Yuan Dynasty, plus Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Tieta, Yihu, Yirhino, and Soul King and two of them Under his command, there are a total of twelve Tuoyuan period masters.

In the meeting hall of the iron tower underground palace, the iron tower still sits on the huge main seat on the upper level, and Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Hun Wang and other masters from the Yuan Dynasty sit on the left and right rows of stone chairs on the lower level.

At this time, Long Fei saw that all the masters had arrived, and immediately stood up and said: "Everyone, the previous Alien Beast King Lion King was unfortunately killed by the severe "God's Biting and Disintegration" poison that was injected by Lu Qi and other enemies before they fled. We are in grief and indignation Extremely strong. Now the strength of the soul king has recovered, and many masters in the Huahuang Continent have reached the metamorphosis stage, so we have the strength to fight decisively with the enemies from other worlds. The purpose of gathering everyone today is to discuss our next step Go, if you have any good ideas, please speak up!"

"Although the strength of the enemy and us is almost the same, and our side has more masters in the Yuan Dynasty than the enemy, the enemy's high-end combat power is much stronger than ours. Judging from the current situation, the enemy has There are as many as five masters who have cultivated above the Yuan Dynasty in the late Yuan Dynasty, and Youying, the young master of the other world, has reached the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty; and although we have twelve masters in the Yuan Dynasty, in terms of cultivation alone, there is only the Soul King One person has reached the late stage of the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, we should still focus on defense at present, and wait for the opportunity to kill the five masters above the late Yuan Dynasty who have been singled out by the enemy." Fang Yun thought for a while, and then said.

"Although Fang Yun's words are reasonable, but our two-year training period is approaching and the plan to unblock the young master of the other world has been stepping up, so if we keep our guard against the enemy, things may change later, and we will not be able to control it at that time. Therefore, we should find a way to destroy the enemy as soon as possible." When Lan Yi mentioned the young master of the other world, grief and indignation arose spontaneously, and her tone became firm and heavy.

"The enemy is strong and we are weak, the facts are in front of us, so what can we do? Boom, boom!" Iron Tower said helplessly, with a sound like a drum.

"There is no way, but it is too dangerous and there is a huge flaw that cannot be repaired." The soul king's voice is still floating, but with a hint of sadness, obviously still immersed in the grief of the death of his old opponent or old friend Lion King .

"What method?" All the masters hurriedly asked each other.

The Soul King paused, and then said: "Before I came here yesterday to meet up here, I received an urgent order from the young master of the other world, calling me to go to Xiantai to discuss urgent matters. According to my analysis, the young master of the other world, You Ying, urgently called I should not be negotiating with me on urgent matters, but dismissing me. His purpose for doing this, if I deduce it correctly, should be two points. First, he is afraid that I will unite with you and it will be disadvantageous to him; second, he intends to send heavy troops. Siege and kill everyone. Lu Qi and the others have already seen Long Fei's strength, so if You Yingyu wants to come to besiege and kill everyone, he will definitely lead a heavy army to attack everyone. My strategy is: we divide our troops into two groups, one way Stay at the Beast's Mound Valley, entangle the shadow's key attack; the other way, taking my return to Dengxiantai as an opportunity, sneak into the enemy's base camp in Dengxiantai, take it while the base camp is empty, and then quickly return to the Beast's Mound Valley for a surprise attack The plan is to attack the shadow army from inside and outside with the first army. If this plan is to succeed, the prerequisite is that the remaining army must be able to withstand the long-term attack of the shadow army. If we cannot resist the attack, our army will be flanked instead , the consequences would be disastrous."

"Hey! Although the Beast Grave Valley Shougu Great Formation is magical and difficult to break, but I heard that Youying has a magic weapon that can lead people in and out of the peerless Great Formation at will. The four formations and two traps of the Disha Hall are famous throughout the Zhongyan Continent, and they are definitely not in the Beast Grave Valley. Under the large formation of guarding the valley, the result was not broken by the shadows for their own use? Therefore, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible for Yu to entangle the army of the shadows for a long time. Boom!" Iron tower sighed, his tone was quite low.

"That may not be the case! For the death formation, Youying can enter and exit freely and can break it. But what about the living formation? I think it will be difficult for him to break it." Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, and said confidently: "I There is an ancient formation, if Yucao is done properly, it will definitely be able to withstand the long-term attack of the shadow army without breaking through."

"What formation?" All the masters looked at Long Fei and asked one after another.

"Five Elements Formation of Heaven and Earth!" Long Fei said every word, his voice resounding, he paused, and then said: "I bought this formation from Tianjing City in Huahuang Continent back then. I have studied it for nearly three years, and it is true. It is an extremely powerful combined attack formation. My idea is that instead of defending the enemy with the large array of guarding the valley of the beast, it is better to use offense as defense, and set up a large array of five elements of heaven and earth to attack the enemy."

The iron tower was overjoyed when he heard the words, but after a while, he said worriedly: "The enemy is about to attack, and it will take us a lot of time to practice the formation. I'm afraid we won't have enough time? Boom!"

Long Fei smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Don't worry when the time is up! This place is more than one million miles away from Dengxiantai. If You Yingyu wants to lead an army to attack Beast Mound Valley, Imperial Treasure must fly here, so at least Ten days. And yesterday, the Soul King received an urgent order. In order to be foolproof and avoid surprises, Youying will not attack the Beast Grave Valley before the Soul King arrives at the Immortal Terrace. It takes three days to send to Sendai, and if one day is deducted today, it can be deduced that the time for the shadow army to arrive here should be twelve days later. And for Cao to practice the five elements of the world, ten days should be enough."

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