Chaos fairy way

Chapter 113 Divided into 2 ways

Immediately, Long Fei took out eleven soul sticks from the storage bag, separated the eleven paths of divine sense into the eleven sticks, and rubbed the relevant information of the Five Elements Formation of Heaven and Earth inside one by one.Then, with a wave of his right hand, eleven soul wooden sticks flew towards Niu Zhong and other experts without any mistakes.

After all the masters took the soul sticks and searched with their spiritual sense, they all nodded in surprise.

Seeing this, Long Fei went on to say: "Since everyone thinks this formation is available, then we will divide our troops into two ways according to the soul king's plan. As for how to divide our troops, my idea is: sneak attack all the way, speed is the most important thing, whether it is Stealing the base camp of the young master of the other world, or turning back and using a strategy of attacking the shadow attacking army, you must pay attention to a fast word. Here, only my speed can barely keep up with the three wandering soul masters such as the soul king. Therefore, the three wandering soul masters, including the Soul King and I, were in charge of the sneak attack on the shadow base camp. The other masters from the Yuan Dynasty stayed behind in the Beast Mound Valley and quickly practiced the five-element array of heaven and earth, waiting for the shadow army to attack."

All the masters agreed upon hearing this.

At this time, Niu Zhong stood up and said slowly: "I have a suggestion for the sneak attack. Specifically, when the soul king goes to Dengxiantai to meet Youying, he needs to gather a large army in advance near Dengxian Valley, and then go alone There are two purposes for doing this: [-]. Heavy troops stationed in the vicinity of the Immortal Valley, in order to make the ghost cast a war against the mouse, not daring to be unfavorable to the soul king; "

Hearing what Niu Zhong said, the Soul King nodded with a smile and said, "En! That makes sense, and I have exactly the same intention."

"By the way, Soul King, the poison in your body has been cured and your cultivation level has also recovered. How can you cover it up this time?" Long Fei asked a little worriedly, although his appearance was calm.

"Hehe! It's okay. I've been studying 'Shen Devouring San' for several years. If I can't even do this, I won't be alive long ago." Soul King's laughter was full of confidence, but also revealed a trace of bitterness.

Next, the masters discussed some details about fighting the enemy.

The next day, the sky was dim, and although the four fields were still drowsy, the masters and the army of alien beasts were full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit, and they gathered in the Beast Grave Valley early.Afterwards, the Soul King rushed to Dengxiantai first; Long Fei concealed his aura and used the "Small Running Thunder Technique" to follow the Soul King secretly; Zi Guang and Zi Yao, two of the Soul King's subordinates, went to gather the army of wandering souls last night ; As for Niu Zhong, Iron Tower and other left-behind masters, they began to organize an army of alien beasts to practice the five-element array of heaven and earth.

The five-element array of heaven and earth consists of seven sub-arrays of heaven, earth, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.The two arrays of heaven and earth are commanded in the center as the eyes of the array, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are divided into five sub-arrays to surround and guard.The sky array is for offense, the ground array is for defense, one attack and one defense are adaptable and unpredictable.The formation of the five elements is round and complete, without any flaws, and contains the principle of the generation and restraint of the five elements.One burst reveals its own weakness, leading to the opponent's attack, and the other four immediately go up continuously, attacking the enemy's weakness.The five elements and five formations take the two formations of heaven and earth as their souls. Once the sky formation is released, it will attract the enemy into the formation and attack; One seamless, endless variety.

According to Long Fei's statement before his departure, Niu Zhong led an army of alien beasts to defend the formation, and Niu Zhong guarded the eye of the formation; Zhan Ye led an army of alien beasts to dominate the formation, and the eye of the formation was guarded by Zhan Ye The five sub-arrays of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are composed of five masters, Fang Yun, Han Ziling, Liu Rushuang, Yihu, and Tieta, each leading an army of alien beasts.

The Heaven and Earth Five Element Formation is stepping up to practice, while Long Fei and Soul King are rushing to ascend the immortal platform.

Two days later, Long Fei and the Soul King traveled day and night, running at top speed, and finally arrived thousands of miles away from Dengxiantai.At this time, there was a middle-aged man in a dark blue robe with a dark complexion and a mustache standing on a huge rock on the top of a peak.

"Soul King, you've worked hard all the way! I, Mi Ye, is the elder right under the young master's seat. By the young master's order, I'm here to wait for the soul king." The middle-aged man held his hands expressionlessly and said.

"I have seen Elder Mi, the young master called urgently, there must be something important. I rushed here, as it should be." The soul king flashed to another boulder hundreds of meters away from Mi Ye, and returned the salute with his hands, with an extremely humble expression.

Mi Ye nodded slightly, and turned sideways as a gesture of invitation.

"Oh! Elder Mi, I'm afraid I have to wait for a while! I still have two subordinates on the way, so I want to wait for them to arrive, and then meet with the young master. Please forgive me!" The soul king hurriedly respected He made a bow with his hands.

Mi Ye raised her head slightly, glanced behind the Soul King, and said calmly. "It is still uncertain when your subordinates will arrive. After thinking about it, they will naturally rush to Dengxiantai after arriving here, so it is better for us to meet the young master as soon as possible!"

"Hey! Elder Mi, you don't know. I heard that there are human monks from the Huahuang Continent colluding with strange beasts such as iron towers to harm the young master. Therefore, before I came here, I sent two subordinates to various places to gather people. , in order to do my best for the young master. My wandering soul clan and the zombie clan have never been in harmony, and these temporary gathering tribes must be unruly. When the two clans are so close, it is very likely to cause a fight between the two clans. Therefore, I must After giving them a lecture, you can go to see the young master with peace of mind." The soul king sighed and said in a rather helpless tone.

"It's rare that you have such a heart, no matter! Just wait for your two subordinates!" Mi Ye nodded expressionlessly and said.

At this time, Long Fei, "All things turn into Wujue" is running at full capacity, and his breath is as if there is no breath, hiding in a mountain forest on the right side of the peak where Mi Ye stands.

Half a day later, Ziguang and Ziyao led a large army to arrive one after another, and the sky was covered with blue and black at the moment, and the army of wandering souls was actually composed of wandering souls above the fusion stage.Looking at the overwhelming wandering souls, Mi Ye couldn't help revealing a trace of solemnity.

The two subordinates led the army to arrive, and then the Soul King gave a passionate lecture to all the wandering souls, praising You Ying and showing their loyalty.Those words of invincible flattery and praise made Mi Ye nod her head again and again, and her praises continued.

Afterwards, under the watchful eyes of his two subordinates who were extremely worried, the Soul King followed Mi Ye Yiyi alone to the foot of the mountain where Dengxiantai was located.

Ascending the mountain where Xiantai is located, it is majestic and huge, not inferior to the four peaks of Beast Mound Valley.Because this peak has been set up by the young master of the other world with a limited space formation, it cannot teleport in the air or fly with the imperial treasure, and can only drift rapidly or climb the mountain with the body.At this time, the Soul King and Mi Ye are drifting and climbing.

"Soul King, your performance today seems to be different from before?" Mi Ye said with a calm expression and deep meaning.

"Hehe! Elder Mi's meaning, I understand. The attitude towards the young master is different from the past, that should have been the case long ago. Ten years ago, the young master came to the Zhongyan Continent, and he deserved to die for being an enemy of the young master. As a result, he was deeply poisoned, and he was sometimes mad and sometimes sober, and thus missed the opportunity to be reused by the young master. This time the iron tower below the tower committed a crime, which is really treasonous, and it is a great opportunity for the subordinate to perform well. In addition, I also want to pass the Be good, and see if you can get the antidote of 'Shen Devouring San' from the young master." The Soul King said straightforwardly with a sincere expression.

"Soul King, it's your blessing and the young master's luck that you can figure it out!" Mi Ye's expression changed slightly, and he sighed softly.

After a while, the King of Soul and Mi Ye had already arrived at Xiantai while they were talking.

Dengxiantai is located at the top of the mountain, and a black tower as high as a thousand feet stands in the middle of Dengxiantai.

At this time, in front of the entrance of the black tower, a young man was looking at the soul king with a smile on his face.Wearing a black robe with a blood-red skull, this person looks extremely handsome, but very evil. It is the shadow of the young master from another world.

The Soul King hurriedly strode to the shadow two feet away in fear and fear, bowed his hands respectfully and said, "Greetings to the young master! The subordinates are late, and I hope the young master will punish them."

"You don't need to be polite to the king of souls! You lead an army to help, I'm too happy to be there! How can you punish me?" You Ying said with a friendly and general demeanor, without the usual coldness and evil.

"Thank you, Young Master!" The Soul King looked flattered.

"Okay! Let's talk after entering the tower." Immediately, You Ying put his right hand on the shoulders of the soul king enthusiastically, and pulled the soul king into the black tower.

After a while, the Soul King went down to the top hall of the Black Tower under the enthusiastic guidance of Youying.At this time, Cloak and Green Mandrill were sitting on the left row of seats on the lower steps of the main hall. Seeing that the shadow had arrived, they quickly stood up to greet them.

Youying waved his hand, inviting the soul king to sit down at the first place on the right row, and then went up to the main seat on the upper stage of the main hall to sit.

"Okay! Except for the corpse king who is leading troops outside, everyone has arrived. Let's start discussing now! The iron tower colluded with human monks to murder the successor of the alien beast king, and now they are rebelling. Let's talk about it, how to deal with this matter?" You Ying's expression seemed very calm, and his tone was quite relaxed and authentic.

"I wish to lead the army of wandering souls to take the lead and wipe out the iron tower alien army." The soul king stood up and cupped his hands firmly.

"Okay! The loyalty of the soul king can be learned from the sun and the moon. I believe you have the strength and determination." You Ying looked at the soul king with eyes full of approval when he heard the words, paused for a moment, and said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "However, compared to annihilating Iron Tower and others, this deity has a more important task that I want to entrust to you, the Soul King, so I can only let the Corpse King lead his troops to take the lead. Don't worry! If you accomplish this, I will definitely Remember your first achievement, and I will definitely give you the antidote of 'Shen Devouring San'."

After hearing this, the Soul King suddenly revealed a hint of disappointment and asked: "This... I wonder if the young master has any more important things to do?"

"Oh! It's like this. I intend to go there in person this time to conquer the iron tower. Then climbing to the fairy valley must be empty, so I need a handsome person to sit here, so that I can go there with peace of mind. I see that you, including the corpse king, are also Only you can take on this important task. In addition, in order to reduce your pressure, I plan to leave Mi Ye and Lu Drill to assist you." You Ying said solemnly, but there was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes! The young master trusts his subordinates so much. This subordinate is determined to live up to his high expectations!" The Soul King bowed deeply to Youying with a look of gratitude.

"Well! Good. Soul King, you are tired from traveling all the way, go down and rest first! I will ask Mi Ye to report to you later on how to defend against the enemy's attack." You Ying looked at Soul King excitedly , nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head to look at Lu Mandrill and said: "Lv Mandrill, you are responsible for arranging the rest of the Soul King."

"Yes!" Soul King and Lu Man stood up and bowed respectfully, saying in unison.

Afterwards, the Soul King and Green Mandrill left the top hall.

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