Chaos fairy way

Chapter 114 Killing the Green Drill

Elder Cloak noticed that the Soul King was far away, and immediately got up, and asked with a confused face: "Young Master, the Soul King is naturally willing to take the lead, why not let wandering souls and strange beasts kill each other, so as to achieve the purpose of using different kinds to control different kinds? "

"Hehe! Yin Yun! You still need to learn more from Mi Ye!" You Ying smiled and looked at Mi Ye without answering.

Mi Ye got up knowingly, and said with a dull expression: "Aliens can only be used and cannot be trusted, including the corpse king. The young master didn't kill the soul king before to contain the corpse king. Now that the beast king is dead, the iron tower unites with humans to create chaos, which is to weaken A great opportunity for the three forces of alien beasts, zombies, and wandering souls. The young master’s plan, if I guess right, should be to lead one, kill two, and then return to the horse to destroy one. Specifically, let the zombies and the alien beasts fight to the death first , When both sides are hurting, we will secretly kill the masters above the Yuan Dynasty on both sides, and the black bag will naturally be carried by the soul king, so as to firmly control the army of alien beasts and zombies; The army fights back against the army of wandering souls, and kills the soul king and his two subordinates; then from now on, we can sit back and relax and plan great things in the Zhongyan Continent."

Elder Yin Yun suddenly revealed his color in the cape, and bowed to You Ying with great respect: "The young master is really a genius! You deserve to be called the 'Heir of the Ancestor Emperor'!"

"Hehe! This title is exalted by the elders. I am ashamed to take it!" You Ying said modestly, but with a proud face, and then looked at Mi Ye, and said: "Mi Ye, we will leave tomorrow. Everything is entirely up to you. Remember! For the soul king and the army of wandering souls, the first plan is the main one, and if there is a chance, follow the second plan I ordered."

"Yes!" Mi Ye replied with a hand.

"Okay, you two also go down and get ready!" You Ying tilted his head and looked towards the direction of Beast Grave Valley. Although he had a smile on his face, there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing this, Mi Ye and Yin Yun were startled, and quickly replied in unison: "Yes! The old slave will leave."

The next day, the soul king got up early and wanted to leave for the exit of the black tower.

At this time, Mi Ye suddenly appeared with a smile on his face, without the indifference of yesterday, and said enthusiastically: "Soul King, come! The young master told me before leaving that I must treat you well, and you Although my brothers have known each other not long ago, I felt that it was too late to meet you, so we went to have a drink."

"This..." The Soul King looked embarrassed, and felt surprised in his heart.

"Soul King, don't tell me you can't look down on me now that the young master thinks highly of you?" Mi Ye immediately said sullenly.

"No! No! Elder Mi invites you. If I can't ask for it, why don't you go? It's just that I didn't return to the army of wandering souls the next night, so I want to go back to appease the subordinates, so as not to be unstable." The soul king quickly explained.

"Oh! That's it! Don't worry, Green Mandrill has gone to reward the army of wandering souls." As soon as Mi Ye's words fell, he pulled the floating hand of the soul king and walked deep into the black tower.

The Soul King could only smile wryly, and followed.

Thousands of miles away to the south of Xiantai, the army of wandering souls is stationed in the mountains.

In the early morning, the sky is hazy, the sun has not yet risen, and the world is dark and silent.

A big hole on the mountainside, inside the big hole is dark and dead, but dry, eight oil lamps are hung in all directions of the big hole with black metal chains, and the faint yellow light illuminates the whole big hole.At this moment, Zi Guang and Zi Yao, two of the Soul King's subordinates, gathered here, and were pacing up and down the cave full of anxiety.

"Report! The two protectors, Mr. Green Mandrill asked to see him, saying that he was here to reward the army."

A blue wandering spirit floated into the cave and bowed to report.

"Green Mandrill? Reward the three armies?" Zi Guang whispered, then looked at Zi Yao suspiciously.

"Let's meet with him first, I think we will be able to know the situation of the Soul King, but we need to be very careful when meeting him, he is a monk in the late Yuan Dynasty, and we only have a mid-Yuan cultivation base." Zi Yao thought for a while, then said.

Ziguang nodded, and then Ziyao and Ziguang followed the blue wandering soul out of the cave and floated towards the front of the army.

After a while, Ziguang and Ziyao had arrived at the front of the army, and saw the green mandrill and a green flying jelly standing on the crown of a towering tree in front of them.

Seeing that Ziguang and Ziyao arrived, Green Mandrill was completely different from the former Yin and Leng, and then bowed his hands with a smile on his face and said: "The two elders came to greet them in person, it's a shame!"

"Brother Lu moved to the barracks. It's a great honor for us. The Soul King is not here, so we should come to greet you. I hope you can forgive me for the inconvenience!" feel.

"You are polite! We are here today for only two things. The first is to announce the good news. The Soul King has been reused by the young master and has now been appointed by the young master as the general manager of the remaining troops. The second thing is to follow the young master's departure. Please come and reward the army of wandering souls." Green Mandrill said as he took a black storage bag from his waist with his right hand, then slowly raised his right hand and opened it, and the storage bag slowly flew towards Ziguang.

"The young master has treated us wandering souls so kindly, and I will swear allegiance to the young master to the death." Zi Guang took the storage bag with both hands very respectfully, and said solemnly.

"Two elders, now that the young master's order has been done, I still have important things to do, so don't bother me. Next time, I'll ask you two for a glass of 'Yin Lingyu' given by the young master." I apologize, but my eyes are fixed on the black storage bag in Ziguang's hand, as if looking forward to it.

"'Yin spirit jade snake'! This is the holy liquid for improving cultivation! I heard that drinking one drop can be worth ten years of hard work. The young master has treated us with great kindness." Zi Guang was startled when he heard the words, and then suddenly revealed Surprised, after seeing the expectant eyes of Lu Mandrill, he quickly smiled and said: "Brother Lu, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. The next time is not as good as this time. What important things are more important than receiving the favor of the young master? You can follow us into the cave." Share the grace of the young master! Please!"

"This..." Green Mandrill hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily, and said as if he had made a major decision: "Okay! The two brothers invite you so sincerely, if I am too hypocritical, it will be too contrived!"

Afterwards, Green Mandrill and Flying Zombie flew towards the command hole led by the two wandering souls of Ziguang.

In a short while, the four masters such as Ziguang and Ludrill entered the command hole and sat on the lower seats in the hall. The main seat was the soul king's seat, so naturally no one sat there.

"You two elders, I am quite yearning for the 'Yin Lingyu' bestowed by the young master. Why don't we try it first and then talk about other things?" It's that can't wait mood.

At this time, Green Mandrill and Zi Yao also looked at the storage bag on Zi Guang's waist with fiery eyes.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean too." Before Zi Guang could finish his sentence, he took off the black storage bag at his waist with his right hand, and held the storage bag in front of his eyes like holding a fairy treasure. The mouth of the bag opened with a sound of "Boom!" like a bottle cork, and a puff of black smoke suddenly spewed out from the storage bag, instantly enveloping the entire hole.


"Porphyrin! Porphyrin"

Ziguang pointed his right hand at Ludrill, and before he could finish speaking, he and Ziyao went limp and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Haha! The alien is..." Lvdrill laughed triumphantly, but half-spoken, "Chi!", "Boom!", his body was pierced first and then exploded.

A yellow sword shadow pierced through Green Mandrill's chest, and transformed into a man in white clothes holding a three-foot-three dazzling Yuanli sword.This person suddenly stagnated in the air, and then disappeared in an instant. When he flashed again, he was already at the entrance of the big cave, just in time to intercept Fei Zhan who was about to escape.This white-clothed person is exactly Long Fei who uses white fists and casts "Sword Soaring to the Sky".

Seeing that the green mandrill was killed in an instant, Fei Zang saw that his way was blocked, and his eyes suddenly revealed a look of fear; but after only a moment, his pupils froze suddenly, he raised his head to the sky and let out a scream, and then spit out a mouthful of thick, strange smell The blue-gray corpse poison suddenly turned into a size of one foot in the air, and surged towards Long Fei; immediately after the "Flying Corpse Art" was unfolded, the nails on both hands were as long as one foot, and they were black and shiny like ten soul-repelling blades , forming a line with Baoshe's body and stabbing towards Long Fei's chest.

Long Fei smiled slightly, and the Poison Repelling Spirit Armor immediately appeared on the surface of his body, and the Yuanli Sword fell into his palm in an instant, and then "One Strike Breaks the Sky" was displayed immediately, his palms together, his arms close to his ears and his head turned to the sky, like a straight line, Both feet kicked off the ground suddenly, the whole body flashed dazzling golden lights, a fish leaped into the air and drew a beautiful parabola like a sharp arrow off the string, heading towards Feizhi.


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and there was a loud buzzing, the ground of the cave was splashed with dust, and large pieces of fragments fell off the walls; the energy surged, setting off a hurricane and sweeping the cave, the dust and fog were so dense that it was difficult to see people in the fog; The smell filled the big hole, making it disgusting.

After a while, the wind stopped, the dust and mist slowly dissipated, and a white shadow gradually became clear. It was naturally Long Fei who hadn't got any liquid on his body.There were two purple-red wandering souls lying on the ground, and there were also two pools of broken corpses, which were naturally left by the explosive bodies of the green mandrill and flying corpses.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Suddenly, an overwhelming number of blue or black wandering spirits rushed from outside the cave, screaming loudly, almost piercing people's eardrums, disturbing people's irritability.

Long Fei then took out a piece of dark green round millennium soul jade given by the soul king and moved forward.The wandering souls gradually quieted down, but none of them wanted to leave.

Long Fei didn't intend to drive him away, and then took out a black storage bag from the purple storage bag at his waist. This black storage bag was just obtained by killing the green mandrill.With a thought, Long Fei put his right hand into the black storage bag and took out two brown and black pills the size of a thumb, put them in front of his nose and smelled them, his face showed a hint of joy; after that, One wandering soul and one, put the pill into the mouths of Ziguang and Ziyao, then use Yuanli to break up the pill and rush into the belly of the two wandering souls.

After a while, Ziguang and Ziyao gradually woke up, and slowly opened their eyes one after another.

"Young Master Lai! Why are you here?" Zi Guang looked surprised, then suddenly thought of something, hurriedly drifted up, looked left and right, and after seeing the two pulverized corpses on the ground, he immediately looked at Long Fei deeply with surprise. He bowed deeply and said, "Thank you, Young Master Lai, for saving your life."

Ziyao also quickly floated up and bowed gratefully.

Seeing this, Long Fei quickly waved his hands and said: "You two are welcome! The Soul King and I have already predicted that the enemy will plot plots when they see an opportunity, so I have been hiding near you all the time, ready to strike and kill the plotting enemy at any time. Because the matter is of great importance and I am afraid of revealing the news, I have not shown up to see you, I hope you will forgive me!"

"Young Master Lai saved our lives and treated us both with such humility and courtesy. It is a blessing for us to have met Young Master Lai! Please accept our worship!" Zi Guang was extremely excited at once. Kneeling on one foot with Zi Zhan, bowed deeply to Long Fei.

"Don't! Don't! Please stand up, both of you. The Soul King has helped me many times, and it is only right for me to save you. What kind of gift you two are doing, it really breaks my heart." Long Fei quickly raised Ziguang and Ziyao with both hands, feeling Feeling moved, he continued, "Now that the Green Mandrill is dead, we should discuss how to proceed next!"

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