Chaos fairy way

Chapter 115 Soul King Trapped

After a while, Long Fei discussed with Ziguang and Ziyao and decided: send a black soul to bring the pass token in the storage bag left by the green mandrill to ask to see the soul king.And Long Fei followed the black soul into Dengxiantai and even the black tower, reunited with the soul king, and took away the shadow's lair in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, a black soul flew to the foot of the mountain where Dengxiantai was located, and was about to drift away towards Dengxiantai.

"Stop, idlers are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be killed."

A blunt and cold voice came from a big tree on the left side of the mountain road ahead.As soon as the sound fell, the two purple zombies jumped from the sound transmission tree and a tree opposite to about three feet away from the black soul. He stared at Black Soul maliciously.

"Under the order of Master Lu Mandrill, I come to fetch something from the Soul King, so please let me go." The black soul quickly took out the token that Green Mandrill had left, and cupped his hands and said.

When the two purple zombies saw the token, they immediately put away their vicious eyes, quickly bowed and saluted, and then jumped back to the original hiding tree.

The black soul immediately floated along the mountain road to Dengxiantai, and encountered no obstacles along the way. Obviously, the enemy guarding the mountain must have seen the scene before entering the mountain.

There is no doubt about the speed of the wandering soul. In a moment, the black soul drifted to the stone platform on the edge of Dengxiantai, and was about to drift inward. The scenery in Sendai was covered in black mist and could not be observed.

"Who is here? What's the matter?" A blunt, cold voice came from the thick fog, and it was obvious that the speaker must also be a zombie.But judging from his tone, the aura of this zombie is much stronger than that of the black zombie he encountered before entering the mountain, so his cultivation should be above the Yuan Dynasty.

"I'm a messenger soldier under the soul king's command. This morning, under the order of the young master, Lord Lvdiao went to our barracks to reward the army of wandering souls. As a result, we met two elders so late that we had a long talk over wine. Due to mutual understanding When talking about destroying alien beasts, I need to get something from the Soul King, so I am specially sent to come here with a token to ask for it." Heihun bowed respectfully, and then threw the token in his right hand into the thick fog.

"The token is true, you can enter the tower." As soon as the blunt and icy voice fell, the dense fog subsided into the ground in an instant, and then a green flying zombie appeared, and the flying zombie said again: "Follow me! "

As soon as Fei Zhan finished speaking, he flew over to the gate of the Black Tower at low altitude.

After saluting with both hands, the black soul followed closely.

After a while, the black soul, led by Fei Zhan, entered a room on the first floor of the black tower that looked like a living room.

"You wait here for a while, I will report to the Soul King." Fei Zang said with a stiff expression.


The lingering sound of Hei Hun's words was still there, when suddenly the door of the room was closed with a "bang!", and Fei Zang's two shriveled, stiff, green-haired hands swiftly thrust towards the unsuspecting Hei Hun's head.

At the moment when Feizhi's chi-long, blade-like nails were about to pierce Heihun's head, there were two sounds of "Chi!" Zi Feizhi passed through his chest.Flying Zombie exploded to death in response to the sound, fragmented corpses and corpse liquid blasted in all directions, and a black storage bag swept away from the explosion point into the distance.

Long Fei suddenly appeared, turned his wrist with his left hand, and grabbed the black storage bag; with a wave of his right sleeve, all the broken corpses and meat left by Fei Zombie's explosive body were put into a gray storage bag.

"Young Master Lai, why did it kill me? What should we do next?" After a moment of horror, the black soul asked two questions in succession.

"This flying zombie should know that Green Mandrill went to the Wandering Soul Army to kill the two elders, Zi Guang and Zi Yao, so seeing you coming with a Green Mandrill token, he must have guessed that Green Mandrill's mission failed and was in trouble. As for your arrival, Fei Zhuang should think that you came to report a secret letter to the Soul King. Therefore, in order to prevent you from escaping or attracting the attention of the Soul King, I specially lead you to this secret room to kill you." Long Fei thought for a while. , then replied, and then opened the storage bag left by Fei Zang, took out three black jade slips from it, looked at it, raised the corner of his mouth, smiled, and then said: "This room should have a soundproof formation, That's why there was so much movement when killing Fei Zong, but no enemy came to investigate. You just stay in this room and don't do anything else. I'll go look for the Soul King. I'll pick you up after the matter is settled."

"Yes!" Heihun respectfully replied, his gratitude and respect were beyond words.

Afterwards, Long Fei's "Wind and Shadow Jue" was running at full capacity, as if there was no breath, and then gently opened the door of the room with a gap of a person's width. With the "Wind Shadow Jue", his body quickly changed into the wind and drifted away.

The entire black tower has eighteen floors in total, and there are formations and checkpoints on each floor. Long Fei has mastered two miraculous exercises, "Wind Shadow Jue" and "Wind Shadow Jue" and "All things turn into Wujue". As for the powerful formations and checkpoints, a piece of black jade slip obtained from the storage bag left by Flying Zombie was thrown into it, and it passed through without any hindrance.

In a living room on the No. 16th floor of the Black Tower, the Soul King and Mi Ye sit opposite each other, chatting over wine.The alcohol was strong, and when the conversation was in full swing, Mi Ye suddenly sneered, slammed the wine glass in his hand, and jumped up.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Two flying zombies suddenly leaped from outside the door, and formed a triangle with Mi Ye to surround the Soul King.

"Elder Mi, what do you mean by this?" The Soul King said calmly, his voice was still floating and smooth, without the slightest hint of panic.

"Jie Jie! Soul King, everyone knows what is in their hearts, and the young master understands it better, so I don't want to talk nonsense. You must die today!" Mi Ye said with a grin.

"Hey! Mi Ye, you are too confident." The Soul King sneered, and as soon as he floated up, the breath from his whole body burst out suddenly, and he looked at Mi Ye coldly.

"In the late Yuan Dynasty, I didn't expect you to have removed the poison of 'Shen Devouring San' and recovered your cultivation, Jie Jie! But this shows that you must have evil intentions when you come here." Surprised by his strength, but he still looks like he has the chance to win.

As soon as Mi Ye finished speaking, the door of the living room closed with a "bang".

At this time, the two flying zombies raised their heads at the same time, aiming at the soul king and spraying out a mouthful of pitch-black sticky matter.As soon as the two balls of sticky matter entered the air, they immediately expanded to a size of three feet, and instantly rushed to a height of three feet above the head of the soul king, and then fell straight down.

The speed of the wandering soul is the best in the Zhongyan Continent, and the soul king is naturally the champion among the champions. He can easily avoid the sudden attack of the sticky object with just a "flickering technique".

But the flying zombie's "Flying Corpse Technique" is not inferior, two flying zombies rushed towards the soul king's neck, one on the left and one on the right, in a pincer attack.

The Soul King smiled faintly, put his hands together in front of his chest, and suddenly opened them, catching two palms thrusting straight in.


A loud noise shook the entire living room, and the violent energy surged in all directions like a wave, impacting the tables and chairs in the hall and smashing against the walls of the living room. "Bang bang!" The sound of tables and chairs smashing against the wall was one sound. Fortunately, the tables and chairs were made of unknown metals so they were not smashed, but they were broken or distorted.

After the soul king forcibly received the two flying stiff and fierce pincers, he still stood firmly on the spot like Mount Tai.The two flew stiffly but flew away, and took a few steps back to stabilize their bodies when they landed.

"Jie Jie! The soul king is not easy, so try my 'Nine Yin Power Fire' to see."

As soon as Mi Ye finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mass of one-foot-sized, dark gray flames on his chest, while his palms suddenly pushed towards the flames from the inside out.The flames then exploded into little sparks and blasted to all parts of the room.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

A little bit of spark instantly exploded into balls of flames, and the entire living room was filled with flames in no time.

When the Soul King saw this, his spiritual power rushed out of his body suddenly, and instantly condensed into a set of purple-black armor on the body surface, allowing the 'Nine Yin Power Fire' to burn without any damage, but it consumed his spiritual power extremely.

At this time, the two flying zombies quickly stuffed a red elixir into their mouths to withstand the burning of the flames; then they opened their mouths and spewed out two-foot-sized, extremely smelly, blue-gray corpse poison. The group of corpse poison then plundered from left to right to within a foot of the soul king, and suddenly exploded like a thick black mist that instantly enveloped the soul king.

"See how long you can last." Mi Ye showed a fierce look, with vicious eyes, and said viciously.After that, he opened his mouth to the sky and sprayed two balls of "Nine Power Yin Huo".The two groups of "Nine Power Yinhuo" swelled by three feet as soon as they entered the air, and rushed to a height of one foot above the head of the soul king, and then exploded, turning into countless sparks and surrounding the soul king tightly.For a moment, the sparks exploded into balls of flames one by one, trapping the soul king tightly and burning the soul king violently.

The soul king has to resist the burning of the "nine power Yin fire", and also defends against the poisonous poison of the corpse, which consumes a huge amount of spiritual power, and the situation is getting more and more worrying.At this time, the Soul King suddenly let out a soft drink, and the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" immediately unfolded, and the whole body's energy burst out of the body and was quickly magnetized into streaks of needle-thick, light yellow magnetized energy, penetrating through a layer of corpses. The encirclement of the poison and the three layers of "Nine Yin Powers of Fire" radiates in all directions like dense rays of light.Mi Ye and Fei Zong are naturally within the attack range.

The two flying zombies immediately released thick, light gray corpse aura, which quickly condensed into armor and covered their bodies, intending to protect their bodies from being attacked by "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave".But the corpse energy is also a kind of energy produced in the body of the cultivator, so the armor condensed by the corpse energy is useless to the attack of "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave".

"Chi Chi!" With two sounds, the two frozen bodies were instantly riddled with holes by a burst of Dao Yuan magnetic force, and brown and black corpse fluid gushed out from the densely packed holes.The pair of pupils in Liang Fei's eyes full of shock were gradually dilated.In the end, the two flying zombies fell to the ground with a "bang", both dead.

"Extremely hateful! The dying man still dragged my two subordinates to the back, I will not kill you and swear you will not live in this world." Mi Ye was furious, gritted his teeth, and sprayed ten mouthfuls of "Nine Yin Mi Huo" and quickly rushed to him One foot above the soul king's head, it suddenly exploded into dense sparks.The sparks in the sky skyrocketed again, and the sudden burst of flames sprinkled the sky and covered the soul king.

In an instant, the Soul King was completely submerged in the sea of ​​flames, and he could no longer be seen from the outside.The soul king uses the armor of spiritual thoughts to resist poison and fire, which naturally consumes a huge amount of spiritual power; so as time goes by, his spiritual power becomes more and more difficult to sustain, so that the purple-black armor on his body gradually becomes thinner , the luster is getting darker and darker.

However, Mi Ye's situation is also quite worrying. Although holding a black shield in his hand to withstand the magnetic attack of the soul king Yuan, it still consumes Yuan power!But just now he spouted ten mouthfuls of "Nine Yin Power Fire", and the energy in his body was almost exhausted.At this time, facing the constant attack of the soul king's magnetized force, it is naturally more difficult to resist.The matter has come to this point, the two are now competing to see who can persevere until the end, then whoever will win the final victory.

An hour later, the purple-black armor condensed by the power of divine thoughts suddenly shattered and scattered on the Soul King's body, and the "Nine Yin Power Fire" instantly spread towards his body.

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