Chaos fairy way

The power of the great formation

In the blink of an eye, the Soul King was completely submerged in the "Nine Yin Power Fire".Before the soul king's screams came out, Mi Ye proudly said "haha!" and laughed.

But extreme joy must beget sorrow!The door of the living room burst open with a "boom!", and a Yuanli sword with a dazzling yellow glow broke in, and passed through Mi Ye's heart with a "chick".

"Boom!" With a sound, Mi Ye exploded and died, his body was smashed into pieces, and blood mist filled the air, but he was completely burned by the violent "Nine Yin Mi Fire" in an instant.

No one controlled the "Nine Yin Power Fire", and then it scattered and gradually disappeared.The Soul King quickly rushed out of the encirclement, floated out of the room, and then collapsed on the ground, extremely weak.

The loud noise naturally attracted the attention of all the zombies in the black tower, and countless black and purple zombies rushed in.

In order to protect the soul king, Long Fei naturally no longer hides, the Qingshuang sword rushes out of the body, instantly transforms [-] flying swords, and instantly blasts all directions, "chi chi" sounds, and all the zombies fall down in rows .

Long Fei raised the soul king with his left hand, and cut the enemy with [-] green frost flying swords to open the way; [-] green frost flying swords formed a hemispherical shield, covering a range of one foot around the body, firmly protecting the body.All the way to kill, the corpses are piled up, the corpse fluid is full, and the stench is suffocating.An hour later, Long Fei finally broke out of the black tower, rushed to Dengxiantai, and then took out a message firework from the storage bag and threw it into the air.


The message fireworks dragged a long black smoke tail into the sky.


The sound of shouting and killing was like thunder, resounding through the sky.Ziguang and Ziyao rushed to the foot of the mountain where Dengxiantai was located with countless wandering souls in an instant.Without the defense of the masters of the Tuoyuan period, it would be extremely fragile. The army of wandering souls rushed to Dengxiantai in one charge, and then entered the black tower.The battle was fought in darkness for a while, it was extremely tragic, and the whole black tower was trembling.A whole day passed, and all the fighting sounds such as shouts of killing, weapons clashing, screams, etc. gradually disappeared, and the battle gradually ended.

Long Fei and Soul King took over the shadow's old lair, and the wealth they gained is naturally indescribable. Anyway, Long Fei not only filled the purple storage bag with a space of one mile to the top, but also filled it with other things. I bought several storage bags with a space of more than ten feet.Surprisingly, in the process of searching for property, Li Zhilie was found unconscious in a secret room.In order to prevent accidents, Long Fei and Soul King planned to deal with Li Zhilie's affairs after the shadow was eliminated, so they set up more than ten formations to seal the secret room tightly.

In the main hall on the top floor of the black pagoda, Long Fei, Soul King, Ziguang, and Ziyao, the four masters of the Yuan Dynasty, sat on the lower-level black seats, and their joy was palpable.

"Young Master Lai! The shadow's lair has been successfully captured, shall we follow the shadow army immediately? Or wait a few days?" The soul king actually imitated the names of all the human monks and called Long Fei , this is enough to see that he has recognized Long Fei's strength in his heart.

"Senior Soul King! I understand what you mean. We lead the army of wandering souls to follow immediately. Although we can reinforce Niu Zhong and them in time, it is easy to expose that the black tower of Dengxiantai has been captured by us. Therefore, I think the army of wandering souls should Wait a few days before going to Beast Mound Valley. It is best to seize the time and try to arrive at the time when the battle between the shadow army and the alien beast army is the most intense. In case, the Soul King and I should follow immediately." Long Fei blurted out with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, which shows that he has already considered this matter.

"Okay! It's exactly what I want. Now the shadow army has set off for two days, and it is expected to arrive at the Valley of Beast Burrows in eight days. Since the wandering souls are naturally faster than zombies, it only takes five days for the army of wandering souls to reach the Valley of Beast Burrows." , then the departure time of the army of wandering souls is set in three days. Three days later, Ziguang will lead the army to the Beast Mound Valley, and Ziyao will take some of the wandering souls to stay behind and go to Xiantai." The soul king nodded immediately after hearing this, and ordered decisively.

"Yes!" Ziguang and Ziyao hurriedly got up and respectfully received the order in unison.

"Senior Soul King, how is Youying's strength?" Long Fei asked casually with a calm expression.

"Ten years ago, the cultivation bases of me, the Alien Beast King, and You Ying were all in the late Yuan Dynasty. At that time, I joined hands with the Alien Beast King and barely fought with You Ying. Now You Ying's cultivation has reached the Yuan Yuan Dacheng stage, so It must be very difficult to kill him, besides, he can run away in the worst case." Soul King suddenly showed fear and authenticity.

"Oh! That's it!" Long Fei whispered, then his eyes flashed coldly, and he said firmly: "We want to solve the danger of the Zhongyan Continent and even the Huahuang Continent, Youying must be killed. Since Youying is so powerful, Then we can only use a thunderbolt attack. I see it this way: At that time, you, the soul king, will be responsible for uniting all the masters to entangle the shadow; while I will hide in the dark, find the best time to strike the thunderbolt, and strive to kill the enemy with one blow."

"Okay! In case things change, it's not too late. Let's start now." Soul King's eyes darkened, and he replied in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Soul King chased after the shadow army.

Two days later, in the morning, in the Valley of the Beast's Mound, the roar shook the sky, and the sound of footsteps shook the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of alien beasts gathered in the outer plains of the Beast Grave Valley, practicing the Five Elements Formation of Heaven and Earth in full swing and fighting spirit.

Overlooking from a high altitude, the different beasts are divided into seven parts, with two in the middle and five around.Niu Chong was dressed in black, with his left hand holding the Heavenly Spirit Shield tightly, standing in the eyes of the ground formations, with his hands and feet, the defense of the whole army was in order, the seven formations were integrated, and there was no flaw to be found.Zhan Ye was dressed in a red robe that was blown harshly by the strong wind. He pointed a black axe in his hand, and the army in front of him pierced towards the target like sharp arrows.Fang Yun dominates the golden formation, and once the golden formation is out, it will be an attacking arrow; Hanziling leads the wooden formation, trapping the enemy in the mud; Lanyi's water formation, the attack is continuous, and the gap is quickly and timely; The fire is good, and the formation of the fire is more complementary, and the result is twice the result with half the effort; the iron tower is a thousand feet high, the body is five hundred feet wide, and the body is extremely abnormal, and the earth formation is the backbone of the defense.

The practice of different beasts is in full swing, and the spirit of all the masters is concentrated on the coordination of offense and defense.Suddenly in the sky, a black shadow streaked across a long rainbow and shot towards the iron tower like a sharp arrow.



The black shadow pierced through from the upper part of the iron tower's heart, and then disappeared in a flash.The iron tower immediately fell to the ground, and blood flowed from the wound like a column; fortunately, the five-element array of heaven and earth was in the open state, which dissipated part of the attack power of the shadow and slightly moved the position of the eye of the earth array, so although the iron tower pierced through the body, the heart It was unscathed, but badly injured.

"The enemy has arrived, form a defensive formation, and quickly fill the eyes of the iron tower's earth formation." Niu Zheng shouted loudly after being startled.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, a trail of black messenger smoke soared into the sky with its long tail.The formation of the five elements of heaven and earth suddenly changed, and a strong, thick-skinned beast quickly moved to the forefront of the formation, like a wall of iron and steel.At this time, the iron tower is being healed by Han Yu, Jiang Yu and other Piaomiao Pavilion female monks.

Suddenly, the black shadow reappeared and rushed towards the battlefield.But this time, as soon as he entered the Five Elements Formation, the tide-like energy surged from all directions in an instant, and evolved into a series of gleaming knives, swords, and axes that quickly surrounded and killed the black shadow.The black shadow's body was suddenly suspended in the air, and a green light flashed around his waist, which quickly faded and disappeared before the many attacks approached him.

When the black shadow reappeared, it was hundreds of feet away from the five elements of heaven and earth, and its true face was revealed immediately. It was the shadow of the young master from another world.

"Young Master, this formation is no small matter. The old slave suggests that it is better to gather heavy troops to break through the formation after the Corpse King leads the army to arrive." A purple figure suddenly appeared beside You Ying, with a respectful expression on his face, bowing his hands respectfully. .It was Yin Yun who came.

"This formation is weird, that's all it can do!" You Ying said with a pale face, panting heavily.Although he escaped from the siege of the Five Elements Formation by relying on the secret treasure just now, the energy consumption in his body is extremely huge, and now he is only strong on the outside and in the middle.

Niu Zhong, Zhan Ye and others in the Five Elements Formation also saw You Ying's swift attack just now, and their task was to drag the enemy, so they did not attack the two of You Ying.As a result, both sides could only be on guard and stalemate on the spot.

A day later, the shadow still hadn't retreated, and Niu Zhong immediately commanded the army of alien beasts to move towards the entrance of the Beast Grave Valley.Seeing this, Youying didn't stop it, and was powerless to stop it.

Five days later, there was an earth-shattering "bang bang" sound from a distance, and the zombie army had arrived.When Youying heard the sound, a gleam of joy suddenly appeared in the evil eyes.Niu Zhong and the others in the five-element formation of the Heavenly Formation all had dignified expressions. Although they believed in the power of the five-element formation of heaven and earth, they had never tried it and because of the sudden arrival of the shadow, they had never practiced within six days, so everyone thought There is really no bottom.

"Young master! The army of zombies has come to report, please send down the decree of the young master!" The corpse king flew in front of Youying, bowing respectfully.

Afterwards, zombies flooded all over the mountains and plains, and the ground instantly turned black and purple.

"Well! Let the army rest in place for an hour, and after an hour, we will make a general attack and wipe out the rebels in one go." You Ying turned his head and glanced at the endless zombie army behind him, nodded in satisfaction, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The corpse king ordered to fly away into the army of zombies.

For a cultivator, an hour is the blink of an eye.


Youying drew out a Youhei sword from his right hand, pointed at the Heaven, Earth and Five Elements Formation, and shouted loudly.


The blunt and icy sound exploded like thunder, and the army of zombies rushed towards the army of alien beasts like a flood.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In the five-element array of heaven and earth, fireballs, water swords, ice arrows, wind blades, etc. rushed towards the army of zombies rushing like rain.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The zombies that were pulled out were either burned by fire, stabbed by swords, or shot by arrows, and fell to the ground one after another to die.

After an entire hour, the corpses of the army of zombies were scattered all over the field, and the liquid flowed into rivers, but they did not tear open half a hole in the Five Elements Formation of Heaven and Earth.

Seeing this, Youying was furious and furious, gnashing his teeth and sternly said: "King of Corpse, Yinyun, follow me to attack."

As soon as Youying's words fell, the Youhei sword in his hand suddenly expanded to a length of nine feet and a width of one foot, with a soul-stirring black awn, and he slashed towards the five-element formation of heaven and earth.


A sharp, dark sword energy was eight feet long, cutting the air and slashing at the strange beast hundreds of feet away.


More than a dozen alien beasts with physical bodies as strong as copper walls and iron walls formed a line, and were split in half in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, a small opening was opened in the five-element formation of heaven and earth, and the ghost shot in violently, followed by dozens of purple zombies led by the corpse king and Yin Yun.

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