Chaos fairy way

Chapter 117 Killing Phantom Together

The incident happened too suddenly, and the different beasts were a little short of repairing the seams. With the tyrannical insertion of the shadow, the cracks in the five-element formation of heaven and earth gradually widened, and more and more zombies poured into the formation.

"The soil array is broken, and the water array will be repaired quickly." Seeing this, Niu Zhong ordered decisively.

A green smoke of messenger instantly shot straight into the sky, and Lan Yi led an army of water formations like a continuous stream of water to instantly surround the intruding zombies, wave after wave of water swords, water arrows, and water knives blasted at the zombies .The zombies in the formation were hit and fell to the ground in pieces, and after a while, only You Ying and the other three masters of the metamorphosis period were left.At this time, the all-over energy turned into violent knives, swords, axes and other attacks to encircle and kill the three of youying.

"This formation is too strong, retreat quickly!" Seeing this, You Ying suddenly showed a deep sense of fear, shouted, grabbed Yin Yun and the corpse king with both hands, a green light flashed around his waist, and the three of them faded away and disappeared.

A hundred feet away to the west of the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Formation, the three of Youying appeared again.

"Retreat, stop attacking!" Panting heavily, with an abnormally pale complexion, You Ying ordered with lingering fear.

Following the order of the shadows, the zombies stopped attacking and camped ten miles away.

Because Youying's personal strength is too strong, Niu Zhong and others dare not attack rashly, so as not to disrupt the plan of entangling the enemy.

It was already dark, the cold wind was like a knife, and the poison ate away at the bones.

Because the Beast Mound Valley is surrounded by four peaks, the wind is not strong. The army of alien beasts has retreated to the Beast Mound Valley at this time and still maintains the formation of the five elements of heaven and earth, but it is divided into two groups to take turns to rest.All the human monks used the huge bones in the Beast Grave Valley as supports to set up tents as shelters from the wind.

Ten miles away from the Valley of the Beast's Grave, all the zombies either burrowed into the ground or hid in caves, hiding from the cold wind and the ravages of poison.

Maoshi, when dawn breaks, the world is silent, the wind has weakened, the poison of Yin has weakened, and the consciousness of the creatures is the most relaxed at this time.




In Beast Mound Valley, purple zombies suddenly broke out from the ground, and then quickly attacked the unsuspecting strange beasts beside them.

"Chip bang! Chick bang! Chick bang!" The sound kept ringing, and one by one the strange beasts were killed and fell to the ground.

"The Great Array of Protecting the Valley must have been destroyed by the shadows! The five-element formation of Jietiandi is an attacking formation." Niu Zhong's voice sounded like thunder.

A flame dragged a long tail of red smoke into the sky

"Golden formation strikes!"

Zhan Ye gave a loud shout, and pointed his Sky Ax at Zi Zhan who had killed all kinds of beasts, and Fang Yun led the golden formation to charge away.


Outside the Beast Mound Valley, the shouts of the zombies almost tore through the darkness, resounding through the night sky.The zombies followed the sound, and the zombies blew the charge horn for the second general attack.This time, the army of zombies should cooperate internally and externally, as if they are bound to win.

The army of alien beasts was attacked internally and externally for a while, and then fell into a passive situation.Although the five-element array of heaven and earth is miraculous, on the one hand, the army of alien beasts practiced the array for too short a time, so they are naturally not familiar with it; The individual strength of the zombies is stronger than most of the alien beasts facing the enemy, so the five elements of heaven and earth have lost their due power at this moment.In the end, the different beasts turned the situation around entirely by relying on their incomparable familiarity with the Beast's Grave Valley, resisting the crazy attack of the zombie army.

Although the different beasts reversed the situation, Niu Zhong and other masters of the Yuan Dynasty fell into a dangerous situation.Youying's cultivation has reached the great achievement of the Tuoyuan period, and facing the masters of the exotic beasts such as Niu Zhong and Yihu who have only cultivated in the early or middle Tuoyuan period, it can be described as a wolf into a herd.

After a while, Yi Xi was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and then Fang Yun was seriously injured, "Bang! Bang!" Wang Lei, Yan Yu and other masters of the Convergence Stage Dacheng joined forces and smashed to the ground with only one blow, and they were as angry as gossamer.

The situation of the strange beasts is getting more and more worrisome. If the masters who are the backbone of the Yuan Dynasty are defeated, then the leaderless different beasts will also be defeated or even wiped out.


At the time of the crisis, floating but sharp voices came from outside the Beast Mound Valley, and an army of wandering souls attacked.

You Ying, Yin Yun, and Corpse King were suddenly surprised, but when they saw that Zi Guang was leading the team, they all immediately showed a hint of joy.

The army of wandering souls infiltrated into the army of zombies in no time, and when the wandering souls were about to attack the strange beasts, they suddenly counterattacked the zombies.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There was a sound of falling to the ground, and countless zombies were killed and fell to the ground in shock.

"Damn grasshopper! How dare you betray me. Soul King, come out, and I'll beat you to pieces." You Ying jumped into a rage, tearing his voice and yelling.

"You are the great enemy of my Zhongyan Continent. Anyone can kill you. How can there be a word of betrayal." The Soul King suddenly appeared in front of You Ying, with a floating voice, but the words were heartfelt.After a few days of traveling and healing, the soul king has fully recovered.

"Dead grasshopper! Take your life!" You Ying yelled fiercely, his body like a thunderbolt, and the black sword in his hand stabbed at the soul king's throat.

Faced with that lightning-like swift attack, the Soul King quickly developed his "Flickering Technique", narrowly dodging this fatal blow.

At this time, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling have come flying their royal treasures, and they want to join forces with the Soul King to fight against the shadow.Iron Tower, Yihu, and Ziguang, who were seriously injured, confronted the corpse king.Zhan Ye and Lan Yi naturally resisted Yin Yun.

The masters of the Yuan Dynasty have fought desperately, and the battle between wandering souls and alien beasts and zombies is overwhelming.The number of zombies is already at an absolute disadvantage, and at this time they are facing internal and external attacks. Its tragic fate can be imagined, and the two words are "abuse".

Zombies are being abused, but their boss, Shadow, is abusing others.

You Ying, as the young master of a strange beast, has amazing fighting power, ghostly body, fast attack, and tricky and vicious moves.At this moment, he opened his mouth, and a cloud of dark gray "Nine Yin Power Fire" suddenly spewed out, and the flames burst into the air and scattered in all directions.Sparks flew all over the sky, and for a moment the sparks exploded into clusters of flames. For a while, dark gray flames covered the sky, and then fell down, trapping Niu Zhong, Soul King, and Han Ziling in an instant.Fortunately, Niu Zhong had activated the "Yuan Shield" at this time, and the Soul King and Han Ziling also jumped into the light yellow hemispherical energy shield of the "Yuan Shield", and the three of them were not burned. suffering.

The "Nine Yin Fire" unscrupulously burns everything, no matter if it is a living thing such as a beast, a zombie, a wandering spirit, or a dead thing such as a skeleton or a stone, it will only be turned into ashes instantly when encountering it.However, the "Shield of Yuan" was not damaged in the slightest, at most there were ripples.

"The metamorphosis energy shield can resist the burning of the Nine Yin Power Fire. Let's see how long you can last." Youying's handsome and evil face has become ferocious and terrifying, and his body violently shot towards the "Shield of Yuan" while speaking, The black sword in his hand shone with black light, stabbing at the soul king in the "Shield of Yuan".


The black sword hit the "Shield of Yuan" in an instant, and the violent energy fluctuations in the sky suddenly transformed into a hurricane and swept across the four directions. The wandering souls, zombies, and strange beasts in the surrounding battles were immediately impacted into a large ring like a push bone fell to the ground.

The dust and mist filled the air, the flames scattered, and the shadow was blown away a foot away, and the "Yuan Zhishield" also brought Niu Zhong and the others several feet away.

"Come again!" You Ying shouted coldly, black air gushed out of his body suddenly, and the black sword that was clenched in both hands suddenly surged nine feet nine long, and at the same time burst out nine feet nine long Yin evil air.Afterwards, You Ying kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, his body was like an arrow flying from the string, and he shot towards the "Yuan Zhishield" with the whistling sound of the wind, and the tip of the black sword pointed directly at Niu Zhong.


The sound of the sword and shield colliding shook the sky, and the four giant peaks around the Beast Grave Valley seemed to be trembling.It was another hurricane, another performance of pushing the bone promise, and another shadow being blown away ten feet away.But this time the "Yuan Zhishield" was different from the past. After resisting the powerful blow of the black sword, it was suddenly absorbed into Niu Zhong's body.At the same time, Hanziling's 72-pole white-foot-long array flag instantly flew a foot away from Youying and spun rapidly. A large net with a diameter of one foot and shining white light suddenly flashed, and was bound to death in an instant. live shadow.At this moment, a large black net with a diameter of two feet suddenly flashed from the sky, fell down quickly, and quickly enveloped the shadow. The large black net was naturally formed by the power of the soul king's god.

Youying's face is extremely ferocious and frightening, with a loud shout, the black energy gushing out of his body suddenly converges into his body, after a short pause, he suddenly disperses out of his body, "Boom!" "Boom!" The net and the white light net burst in response.But in the end, the shadow is still trapped for a breath of time, and a breath of time can do many things.

The moment the shadow's black air exploded and shattered the net, a blinding golden light suddenly flashed, shooting toward the shadow like a startled rainbow.



You Ying, who was trying his best to break through the shackles of the big net, was pierced by a golden glow in the chest in horror, and then exploded to death.The corpse was smashed into pieces, and the blood mist filled the air.

Jinmang is naturally holding the white fist with both hands tightly to launch the Yuanli sword, and performs the strongest move of "Shen Jian Sword Art" "One Strike Breaks the Sky" in the fourth chapter of "Yanyu Sword Art", "The Body Is My Sword" Long Fei.

Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was displayed, and he drifted about ten feet away. The tip of the sword in his right hand was pointing obliquely at the ground, and his left hand was holding a black storage bag obtained by killing the shadow on the back. Bloodstains, showing elegant and free and easy demeanor.At this time, the soul king rushed towards the corpse king, hoping to kill this old enemy with his own hands.

"Young Master!" Yin Yun shouted with great grief and grief welling up in his heart.

The enemy is the enemy, Long Fei flashed within a zhang, and the "sword soaring to the sky" was displayed immediately, the human sword merged into a line, spinning at high speed into a sword shadow, and violent sheying clouds.

Yin Yun suppressed the pain in his heart, quickly dodged, and escaped the catastrophe at the cost of Long Fei's sword on his shoulder.

At this time, Han Ziling and Niu Zhong had also arrived, and then five masters from the four major sects of cultivation besieged Yin Yun. Although Yin Yun's cultivation has reached the late Tuoyuan period, he is hard to beat with two fists, not to mention two super perverts in it. Yin Yun only insisted on three moves, and was first trapped by Han Ziling's "Opening the World" formation, then pierced by Long Fei's "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One", and then split in half by Zhan Ye's Sky-Opening Axe.

The battle here has just ended, and the battle over there has also entered its final stage.The strength of the soul king and the corpse king were originally equal, and now with the assistance of Iron Tower, Yihu, and Ziguang, it is reasonable to defeat the corpse king.Long Fei and the others had no interest in watching the corpse king struggling to death, and then rushed forward, and the nine masters of the Yuan Dynasty beheaded the corpse king to pieces in just two moves.

The leaders of the enemy army were all dead, and the zombie army fell into chaos immediately, which was definitely a good thing for the wandering souls and strange beasts who besieged and killed them.Two hours later, the battle was completely over, and the zombie army was wiped out.

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