Chaos fairy way

Chapter 118 Xu Lan Comes to Welcome

At noon, the orange sun hung over the head, the sky was still so gray, but all the masters, all the strange beasts, and all the wandering souls felt that the sky was much clearer.

The enemies from the other world are finally wiped out, but there is only less than one month left to practice, but there are still many things waiting to be dealt with.

All the masters of the Yuan Dynasty held a meeting in the underground palace of the iron tower, and after discussion, they decided to focus on four things next.

First, eliminate all zombies in Zhongyan Continent.

Second, search for the large formation of "gathering Yin and breaking the boundary" left by the shadow and eradicate it.

Third, since the entrance to breaking the boundary of Yin*jing Lake in Beast Tomb Valley has not been damaged or loosened, the loose seal must be the seal that used to escape the enemy from the other world.Then we must find the loose seal and find a way to strengthen it again.

Fourth, the masters of the Yuan Dynasty went to various parts of the Zhongyan Continent to find clues about the Fire Spirit, trying to find the Fire Spirit before the monks from the Huahuang Continent left the Zhongyan Continent.For the sake of confidentiality, the beasts and wandering souls with a cultivation level below the Tuoyuan period were not mobilized to look for the fire spirit.

20 days later, on the Xiantai Square, all the human masters, beasts and wandering souls above the Yuan Dynasty were standing silently, all frowning, as if they were thinking hard about something.

Within 20 days, the Zombies in Zhongyan Continent have been basically wiped out under the joint attack of alien beasts and wandering souls.Meanwhile, Long Fei buried the bones of Lan Feidie, the deputy leader of the Tiangang League, in a secluded valley in Dengxiantai, and then took time to visit the Yanyu and Wanshan League ruins respectively. Baishi still had nothing to do, he could only return with emotion.As for Huo Ling, all the masters from the Yuan Dynasty, even the Red Devils who came out of retreat participated in the search, but unfortunately they searched the entire Zhongyan Continent but still could not find any clues. It is obviously impossible to find Huo Ling before leaving Zhongyan Continent.However, seven of the "Yin Gathering and Boundary Breaking" formations left by Youying were found and destroyed, and the two destroyed by Long Fei and others earlier coincided with the number of "to nine", so " The "gathering yin and breaking the boundary" formation should all be destroyed; however, the loose seal that sealed the entrance to the foreign world has never been found, which is why all the masters stood on Dengxiantai with sad faces.

"Hey! Everyone, stop standing here and go into the black tower to discuss countermeasures!" The soul king sighed, with an anxious expression on his face, and said helplessly.

All the masters nodded silently, their hearts were so heavy that they could hardly breathe.

If the loose seal is not found, the enemy from the other world may come again at any time. This is a sharp sword hanging around the neck!

Afterwards, all the masters went to the entrance of the black tower one after another.

"Wait a minute, try to destroy this black tower!" As soon as Long Fei heard the word "black tower", he suddenly thought of something. Meaningful and authentic.

All the masters paused for a moment when they heard the words, and their eyes lit up one after another, revealing the look of expectation.

Although the black tower is ten thousand feet high and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, it is only destined to be destroyed in the face of many masters of the Yuan Dynasty, especially the super strong body of the iron tower, which is thousands of feet high and five hundred feet wide.

The black tower fell to the ground with a thunderous sound, the dust and mist billowed, and the entire mountain was shaking, which shows how powerful it was.But after the sound died away and the dust settled, I saw that Dengxiantai was not damaged at all, not even a crack appeared.

Seeing how miraculous Dengxiantai was, all the masters were overjoyed, so they quickly summoned countless strange beasts and wandering spirits to clean up the remnants of the black tower on Dengxiantai.

In less than a day, the remnants of the black tower were completely removed, revealing the entrance of a circular passageway with a diameter of hundreds of feet. The dusty air in the passageway surged and churned like steam when water is boiled, and it was filled with extremely strong yin poison.

"This cave must be the place leading to the seal, but we are not good at the sealing technique. What should we do next?" The Soul King's expression was flat, but there was helplessness in his tone.

"It doesn't matter, let's go in and investigate first to find out the specific situation. If it really can't be reinforced, you can send a heavy army to garrison here on the one hand; on the other hand, send a master to accompany us to the Huahuang Continent, Return to this place after obtaining the method of strengthening the seal, and then strengthen the seal." Long Fei thought for a while, then said, and as soon as he finished speaking, "Wind Shadow Jue" opened and drifted into the passage first.

"That's the only way to go." After the Soul King nodded, he followed closely.

Experts such as Niu Zhong and Iron Tower also filed in.Fang Yun, Han Ziling and other human masters did not enter, because they could not resist the erosion of the strong yin.

In the passage, it is dark and humid, and the light detectable distance is extremely short;

Long Fei didn't take the Ye Mingzhu for lighting, because even if he took it out, it wouldn't help much, so he used his spiritual thoughts to identify the way and walked slowly to the depths of the passage.At this time, the miraculous energy in Long Fei's body roamed all over his body, so not only was he not affected by the Yin poison, but also the "Yanyu Sword Art" was running at full capacity, quickly absorbing the Yin poison into his body, and transformed into a ball under the transformation of the miraculous energy. Daojing's pure origin power constantly strengthens his own cultivation.

The Soul King followed closely behind, and naturally knew that the yin and power around him poured into Long Fei's body like a whirlpool. Although he was extremely surprised, he didn't ask any more questions, because he had seen too many strange things happening to Long Fei. , so I don't bother to ask.

Long Fei practiced while walking, and Niu Zhong naturally did the same, but the iron towers and other masters walking behind were not as indifferent as the soul king, and all of them were dumbfounded and scanned the two perverted bodies in front like a searchlight with their spiritual thoughts .

After an hour, the passage suddenly opened up, and then entered a large square hole.The side of the big hole was hundreds of miles long, and when all the masters stepped into the big hole, they felt that it was difficult to breathe. This was because the yin power here was so thick that it turned into water mist, and the yin and poison became liquid.Soul King, Tieta and other experts from the Zhongyan Continent held their breaths at this time, because although their physiques had changed due to the Yin poison, they could adapt to ordinary Yin poison, but they couldn't inhale such a strong Yin poison into their bodies to resist it. Of.

For Long Fei, he could know everything within a distance of a hundred miles.While Long Fei was greatly surprised that there were no creatures in the entire cave, he was even more surprised because a huge, blood-red gossip map just covered the entire ground of the big cave.The Eight Diagrams map is densely covered with slender cracks, and the strong yin power and yin poison seep out from these cracks.All the masters naturally know that the Bagua map is a seal, and the so-called loose seal should refer to these cracks.For these cracks, Long Fei probed down with his divine sense, and the depth was bottomless.

The detection distance of hundreds of miles can't reach the end, how to repair this crack?Everyone wanted to lose their heads, but they didn't think of a reason, and then they could only return to Dengxiantai depressed and helpless.

Nine days later, in Heigang City, there is a huge open-air platform.

Seventeen masters from the four major sects of the Huahuang Continent stood on the giant platform, each with extremely complicated emotions, 20 people came together, but only 18 returned; Li Zhilie has not yet woken up, and was carried on a stretcher by the monks of Tianyougu.Although everyone's cultivation base has greatly increased, they are not very happy at this time. They are more sad about the unfortunate death of their companions, and more concerned about the possibility that the Huahuang Continent will become another Zhongyan Continent. I feel extremely worried, and of course I also feel reluctant to give up to the soul king, iron tower and other comrades in arms.

Standing on the huge open-air platform are Soul King, Iron Tower, Yihu, Yirhino, Ziguang, Ziyao, and a green soul named Xiaohuihui.

"Long Fei! Everyone! This farewell should be an eternal farewell, so I won't say anything else. I wish you all the best and go straight to the fairyland." Soul King clasped his hands and said, although his voice was floaty, his emotion was unusually sincere.

"No, I think there should be a way to repair the teleportation array. I have a hunch that we will meet again!" Long Fei returned the salute with his hands clasped, his tone firm and authentic.

"That's great, take care!"

"take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Masters from the Zhongyan Continent, such as Iron Tower and Ziguang, and masters from the Huahuang Continent, such as Niu Zhong, either patted each other on the shoulder, or handed over each other, or exchanged souvenirs, etc., expressing their reluctance to part.

Afterwards, Long Fei led all the masters from the Huahuang Continent into the teleportation formation, and of course the green soul Xiao Huihui also entered together.

"Farewell!" Long Fei cupped his hands again, and as soon as he finished speaking, 99 pieces of green, cylindrical top-quality spirit stones with a diameter of one foot flew out from the storage bag at his waist, and then with a wave of his right sleeve, 99 pieces of top-quality spirit stones It flew into the 99 circular grooves around the transmission platform without any mistakes.

"Boom!" With a sound, the teleportation platform vibrated suddenly, then slowly turned, and then turned faster and faster. After a while, the figures in the teleportation platform disappeared.


"Little cousin! Big stupid cow! Hehe!"

A melodious and mischievous voice like a silver bell instantly brought Long Fei and others who were still dizzy back to their sober state.

"Xiao Lan!"

"Xiao Lan!"

"Little Junior Sister!"

Long Fei, Niu Zhong and all the female cultivators in Piaomiao Pavilion called out to the owner of the naughty voice in surprise.Afterwards, Lan Yi and other female monks were greatly surprised and turned their heads to look at Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

"Young Master Lai, Junior Sister Xu is actually your cousin!"

"Yes! I have been with you for two years, why have I never heard you mention it?"

"Junior Sister Xu, Long Fei is your cousin! Hehe! Okay!"

Niu Chong was about to go to Xu Lan to complain about his lovesickness, but together with Long Fei and Xu Lan, they were surrounded by female monks from Piaomiao Pavilion, chattering non-stop.

"Ah! Cousin, my name is Han Ziling, Han from Han Ziling, from Han Ziling... oops!" Han Ziling rushed in suddenly, squeezed between Long Fei and Niu Zhong, and waved the roll at Xu Lan The right hand with the sleeve on, the eyelids are still blinking.It's fake that this guy came to say hello, but it's true that he wanted to squeeze in among the beauties.

But before he finished his old-fashioned words of flirting with beauties, Long Fei and Niu Zhong teamed up to grab him by the shoulders and throw him out of the beauties circle.

"Cough! Well, everyone, shall we talk later, the heads are all looking at us!" Zhan Ye, standing outside the circle of beauties, coughed heavily, but his tone of voice was rare and euphemistic. face smile.

The male monks of Zhanmen and Tianyougu were blocked on the teleportation platform from the very beginning, but they couldn't be rude to fly over other people's heads, so they could only wait with embarrassed smiles.But after a long time, everyone became extremely depressed, and Zhanye's heroic character naturally became more uncomfortable, so he finally spoke.

"Oh! That's right! Let's go, let's meet the head first." Long Fei's head was so big at this time that he wanted to run away, but now he heard Zhan Ye's words and quickly agreed.

Afterwards, Long Fei quickly squeezed out of the beauties circle, and then looked towards the south of the teleportation platform, only to see Taoist Xuanshu, Zhan Aotian, Nangongyan, and Li Gang looking at them with different expressions.

Happy National Day to everyone!have fun!

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