Chaos fairy way

Chapter 120 The Second Coming of the Twins

In Lai Feng's conference hall, after the eight people from Long Fei asked each other about their health and well-being with a lot of smiles, Zhang Shanfeng first introduced to Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling the situation of recruiting disciples in the dojo in the past two years, and then thanked Fang He also gave you a detailed introduction to the operation of the Twin Hall.The more Long Fei listened, the more delighted he was, and he finally figured out why all the disciples in the dojo called him Hallmaster Long instead of Young Master Lai;

It turned out that within two years, under the unique management of "jian merchant" Xie Fang, and with the continuous support of gold and silver from Feng Xiaotian and Duan De, the twin halls operated surprisingly smoothly and developed extremely rapidly.Now the charity work of the Twins Hall has covered the entire Central Region, so naturally more manpower is needed.As a result, all the original disciples from Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Han Ziling, Xie Fang, Zhang Shanfeng, and Zheng Pu's dojo have been assigned to various places, but it is still not enough.Later, more than 100 people were recruited from the Seven Star Sect, but they still couldn't keep up with the development pace of the Twin Hall.In the end, Zhang Shanfeng came up with a way, which is to support war with war and use local materials.Specifically speaking, wherever the Twins Hall has developed, it will recruit management talents from there. However, these people have to go through multiple assessments and have to go to the Twin Peaks of the Seven Stars to receive a period of teaching before they can take up positions.Batches of people were sent to Twin Peaks by Han Jie and Yan Feng to receive teaching, and those who presided over the teaching were "Jian Shang" Xie Fang and "Naughty Boy" Zhang Shanfeng. As for the honest and honest Zheng Pu, he was recommended as the logistics manager. , so one can imagine what these disciples who came to be taught will be taught?Naturally, these disciples are cunning besides making trouble, but Zhang Shanfeng euphemistically called it: act rashly.But there is one thing, Xie Fang and Zhang Shanfeng are very strict, that is, all the disciples who join the twin hall must be pure in nature and dedicated to good.

In addition, the scope of the good deeds of the Twins Hall is so wide that it is ubiquitous, such as fighting diseases and disasters, saving lives and wounds, building roads and building bridges, and even helping couples to marry each other. Xie Fang, who was in charge, couldn't figure out how many projects there were.The wider the field of good deeds done by the Twins Hall, the more good deeds they do, the status of Long Fei and Niu Zhong, the two main hall masters of the Twins Hall, is naturally getting higher and higher in the hearts of all mortals, and now they can almost be compared with Compared with the gods.

After Long Fei and Niu Zhong learned about the development of the Twin Hall, the next step was to set the direction for the future development of the Twin Hall.Afterwards, after everyone discussed together, Long Fei finally made a decision and formulated the long-term development goal of Twins Hall, which is to cover the entire Huahuang Continent with charity; The direction of development is the eastern region, northern region, and southern region of Huahuang Continent.

At the meeting, Han Ziling, Zhang Shanfeng, and Zheng Pu were naturally determined to be the deacons and elders of the Shuangzi Hall.The little witch Xu Lan is also very interested in this, so her joining is also a matter of course. In addition to being named a deacon elder, she is also emphatically recommended by everyone as the head of the Eastern Branch of the Twins Hall.

The whole meeting lasted for more than three hours. Finally, when everyone's stomachs were complaining, Lai Shaolongfei ended the meeting with a short and concluding speech.

The next thing is naturally a feast of eating in the dark and drinking in full swing!It was late at night, and everyone finally headed to their respective ashram imperial treasures reeking of alcohol.But our little witch, Xu Lan, had nowhere to go for a while, and she was already drunk.However, Long Fei had a lot of happy events today, and he was in a very good mood, so he didn't use his energy or spiritual thoughts to suppress his alcoholism at all, so his drunkenness was worse than Xu Lan's.In a moment of drunkenness, Long Fei kept pushing Xu Lan and Niu Zhong to the outside of Lai Feng's conference hall.Although Niu Zhong also drank a lot, fortunately he was able to distinguish between east, west, north and south, so he brought Xu Lan back to Niufeng helplessly and with some thoughts in his heart.

The next day the sun was high and it was evident that it was nearing noon.

In Lai Feng's meeting room, Long Fei slowly opened his sleepy eyes, punched his head with his right fist, and suddenly felt that his left calf was pressed by something, causing it to be abnormally numb, and then his eyes flicked to his left foot. scan.

"Ah! You stupid cow, why are you here? Where's Xu Lan?" Long Fei screamed, and kicked his right foot away from the cow lying on his left calf.

Niu Zhong woke up immediately and heard Long Fei ask about Xu Lan in a daze, then rubbed his eyes with his left hand, and sighed with distress and grievance: "Oh! Don't mention it, when I helped Xu Lan go to bed last night I kindly went to help her take off her shoes, but she suddenly woke up and kicked me flying, and then I was kicked out of the bedroom by her punches and kicks in a daze. After that, I was afraid of being laughed at by the dojo disciples, so I came to you. "

"Really? It's just like that? You tell me the truth, otherwise I will never let you down as a big brother. Humph!" Long Fei jumped up, his eyes widened, his face sank, and his fist hit Niu Zhong's ass With a wave, he said viciously.

Long Fei saw that Niu Zhong's eyes flickered when he spoke, so he concluded that Niu Zhongding had something to hide, so he suddenly showed a fierce look, in order to force him to ask.

Niu Zhong seemed to have a guilty conscience, he lowered his head, hesitantly and honestly said: "Isn't it just that Xu Lan's drunken appearance last night was so...pretty, and I couldn't help kissing him a few times..., but he was shot out."

"Ha ha!"

"Stupid cow, where are you? I want you to look good!"

Just as Long Fei couldn't help laughing, Xu Lan cursed angrily from outside.

Hearing the sound, Niu Zhong cast his begging eyes on Long Fei and quickly approached Long Fei's back.

"Hey! Settle your own affairs by yourself, and you will be blessed!" Long Fei left such a sentence, and disappeared without a trace.


In the afternoon, the sky was getting dark. As soon as Long Fei returned from Ou Qingxue's Qingling Valley with a smile on his face, he flashed to Niufeng with a strange smile on his face. Stepping into Niu Zhong's courtyard quietly, he was stunned when he looked around.Long Fei shook his head, it was hard to believe the warm and romantic scene in front of him.

In the small courtyard pavilion, Xu Lan, with her back to Long Fei, was feeding oranges to Niu Zhong like a little daughter-in-law.Niu Zhong's eyes that were red and swollen like panda eyes cast a provocative and proud look at Long Fei.

Naturally, Long Fei wouldn't be a light bulb here, he shook his head speechlessly, and disappeared in a flash.

Three days later, in the early morning, Long Fei and Niu Zhong gathered in Long Fei's study, while Xu Lan was forcefully dragged by Xu Zixuan to visit the various palaces of the Seven Star Sect, saying that it was for Xu Lan to learn a lot.

During the three days, Niu Zhong, while professing his love with Xu Lanyue, did not forget to spend two nights in the Buddhist scripture pavilion at the headquarters of the Seven Star Sect. With more than [-] times the spiritual power, he finally learned the movement method "Void Floating" and the teleportation technique "Star Shadow Technique", which made up for his lack of movement skills and teleportation skills.Long Fei, his eyes were shining brightly and his face was flushed in the past three days, no need to guess that it must be Ou Qingxue's work.

At this time, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were sitting opposite each other, sipping Qingling tea, and discussing the next step.

Now that the ancient experience has been successfully completed, and some things such as the operation of the Twin Hall have been dealt with, so it is time for the two of them to decide on the next step.

After some deliberation, the two decided: Now that both of them have reached the Tuoyuan stage, they can join hands to fight against the masters of the Tuoyuan stage, so it is time to solve the mysteries in their hearts.As for the matter of finding the Heaven of the Demon Realm, the Five Spirits, and proverbs, the Zongmen will naturally handle it, and the Zongmen also lacks the two of them.They also temporarily denied the use of green gold to upgrade the grade of the treasures they used, because on the one hand, they already had white boxing gloves and gossip shields, so there was a demand for top-grade treasures It's not urgent; on the other hand, it takes too long to upgrade the treasure with power green gold, at least three months.

Once the matter was decided, Long Fei and Niu Zhong went straight to the suzerain Taoist Xuanshu's residence, reported their thoughts to Taoist Xuanshu, and asked Taoist Xuanshu to support the operation of the twin halls.

Taoist Xuanshu didn't say much after hearing Long Fei's report, he just said "Let everything take its course, it's good to go outside to practice!".As for supporting the operation of Twin Sons Sect, Taoist Xuanshu stated on the spot that he would fully support the expansion of Twin Sons Church's charitable undertakings.

When Long Fei and Taoist Xuanshu parted ways, Taoist Xuanshu handed Long Fei a soul wooden sign, saying that it recorded the investigation of the killing of Long Sihai and Niu Dingsheng by the Qixingzong for more than 20 years.

Immediately, Long Fei penetrated into Soul Wood Soul with his spiritual thoughts, and learned that Long Sihai and Niu Dingsheng should be killed by a mysterious assassination organization. The spells and skills used by the killers of this organization are extremely strange and obviously different from the orthodox schools in Huahuang Continent.The Seven Star Sect has conducted a thorough investigation for more than 20 years, dispatched several groups of disciples, and even killed many investigation disciples, but did not find out the specific location of this assassination organization and their motives for assassinating Long Sihai, Niu Dingsheng and others.The only thing that came out of the investigation was that the organization's home base should be in the Western Regions.In addition, through analysis, it can be concluded that the killer who killed Long Sihai and Niu Dingsheng should be from the same organization as the killer who assassinated Long Fei, Niu Zhong and others a few years ago.

After returning from Taoist Xuanshu's residence, Long Fei and Niu Zhong discussed and decided: investigate the mystery of resurrection after death and the sword pattern, as well as the murder of Long Sihai and the two at the same time, and the first stop of the investigation is the Twin Cities.

Long Fei and the others were going to the Twin Cities, so they naturally had to drag Xu Lan along.

At three o'clock in the morning the next day, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Xu Zixuan went straight to the Twin Cities of Peak Forest in the Northern Territory.Since teleportation techniques such as the "flicker technique" cannot be rotated continuously for many times, and consume too much energy, and the four of Long Fei are not in a hurry, the four of them chose the imperial treasure to fly to the Twin Cities.

Eight days later, Long Fei and the others flew to the Twin Cities.

Looking at the familiar streets and the shops that had left their footprints, Long Fei felt deeply moved in his heart.Seven years ago, he walked out of the Twin Cities with Niu Zhong and others. At that time, he was just an ignorant young cultivator in the concentration stage. Seeing Xu Zixuan performing the "flash technique", he jumped left and right in envy to find the answer.Today, seven years later, he and Niu Zhong returned to the Twin Cities. At this time, the two had grown into a metaphysical monk who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Xu Zixuan, and their teleportation skills were even better than each other.It’s true that times have changed, things have changed and people have changed, the environment has not changed, but people have changed!

Naturally, Xu Lan is not as sentimental as Long Fei. She feels emotional when she sees things. When she decides to go back to the Twin Cities, her heart has already flown to Xu's parents. Flash forward to a falsely concealed door in Xu Mansion.

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